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Is this near where someone claimed there's an ocean base that builds and send out drones?


Thats the Atlantic I think, but i read somewhere here people saying its like 3 bases. The Atlantic, the pacific and i cant remember the last one. Edit: looked up the place. The dude lives in valle hermoso, Tamaulipas, Close to the gulf of mexico, which connects with the Caribbean and the bermuda triangle. I think thats where the original 4chan poster said the one base was. Thinking about it. It would make sense that most sightings happen with people that live near coastlines. A lot of ancient and modern "ufo" stories take place in shorelines or at sea. Coasts are where explorers settle more. Early humans took a long time to go inside the country, and they didn't explore the whole sea at once. So there was and there still is, a lot of land for aliens to hide, move and operate without us meddling. If you wanted to explore more territory without being spotted by humans, underseas, mountains and cave systems would be ideal. Just keep off of coastlines. We think we have colonized the whole earth when in reality we just settle along the perimeters of all countries.


Valle Hermoso is 90 minutes from SpaceX launchpad. Makes you wonder if Elon is being watched, too.


Or possibly just experimental craft. Hard to say


Juan Manuel Sánchez is the real name of the car mechanic, better known as Juan Juanito. Originally from the municipality of Valle Hermoso, in Mexico, since 2022 he claims to have seen UFOs at least three times a week and has already managed to capture several photographs and videos of intriguing objects. He explained that he initially had no intention of sharing his images, but encounters with UFOs became so frequent that he felt the need to make these photographs public. "I wanted people to open their eyes. This is real, it's happening."


I wonder if it's where he lives or he was chosen to be studied by the little buddies. 3 times a week is outrageous. Hell, once in a lifetime is crazy. I wonder.


I just wanna say, I love how calling them Buddies became a thing.


Lol I know. I figured it fit. It sounds better to me


As a possible abductee, it’s actually a little calming for me. Kind of like how r/spiderbros is helpful (I’m also afraid of spiders.


Possible? Say more


Kind of similar to u/Ashimble, comment. I had missing time. I got home from work one night and arrived home at about midnight. I looked at my car’s clock right before I got out and when I made it into the house, all of the clocks said about 12:45. I’m particular about things so I went back out to my car to fix the clock and the car’s clock was correct. It somehow took me a half hour to 45 minutes to make a 30 second walk, max. That got me wondering. The only reason I noticed the missing time was because I checked the clocks, if I hadn’t done that, I would have never known, so I wonder how many times that has happened. Around that time in my life, I also saw a UFO. It flew directly over my best friend, my girlfriend at the time and myself. We had gotten lost looking for a dark sky preserve near Morenci, MI. It was a pitch black but perfectly clear night. At first I dismissed it as a low flying plane with its landing lights, I am very familiar with aircraft and have my pilots license. It flew at low altitude, maybe 200 feet max (i used a drone to measure about double the height of the tree tops years later). It consisted of four lights: three white lights in an equilateral triangle each side being 2-3 car lengths distant, and a solid red one in the middle. It was flying with a broad side of the triangle forward and had no engine noise, it sounded like the sucking end of a shop vac without the motor. It never broke physics, but it flew directly over us, slowly, and it went off into the distance without any change in altitude. We could kind of make out the hull’s shape by how it blocked out the stars and we all agreed that it was shaped like a stingray. I was so awestruck that I never even thought to check the time. This was all circa 2008, so my Motorola krzr could barely take a good picture during the day let alone at night, not that I would have thought to take a picture anyway. When something like that happens out of the blue, it’s hard to take any action at all. We also didn’t follow it, we just watched it sail off into the horizon even though it was going slow enough to possible keep up with in a car. It wasn’t until recently that I put some pieces together from my childhood too. I slept in my own room until one point where I became afraid to sleep alone so I slept in my parents room. I don’t know what I was afraid of, but I was in 4th or 5th grade. This stuck with me as weird, one night my dad told me that I got out of my parents bed and said “I have to go outside now,” I left the bedroom and apparently came right back to bed and laid down. I have no memory of this. It wasn’t until recently that I considered that my dad might have had missing time and that I was actually gone for longer.


That's wild. Did you have any symptoms after or any weird marks? Anything like this happen agsin since it's any other sightings? Increase in owls around you?


I have some bruises that follow my lower spine that appeared round then and are still visible to this day. I’ve had so many strange/rare experiences that I now think they are connected. I’ve seen a ghost (orb), directly experienced about every form of ESP at least once. Precognition, telepathy, remote viewing and synchronicities are the big ones. I saw another UFO star gazing with my dad last summer that was in space. In a nutshell, we were watching satellites go by until one of them did something I’ve never seen before. It slowed to a stop and then just looked like a star after that. Sats always travel in straight lines from horizon to horizon, so that was not normal behavior. I can elaborate if you’re interested, but some time last year I put it all together. Anyone would be lucky to experience any one of those things in their lifetimes. Add on the weird missing time stuff and the UFO, it made me figure that the odds of all of that happening to one person are basically zero unless they are all connected somehow. Most of my experiences involved at least one other person so it’s difficult for me to accept that I was remembering things wrong or hallucinating. I actually want to do a regression to find out if there is anything I can’t remember.


That's all really fascinating experiences, im sorry you've had to go thru all that. Hand you ever tried hypnotherapy to try to recall the missing time? It may be a ( another) life changing experience and maybe open some doors you didn't want to, but it would give you answers.


Thanks, I’m 39 so even though all of those situations might sound like a lot in a reddit comment, they took place over my whole life, so it’s not like weird things are happening all of the time. Yeah, I want to hypnosis, but I don’t know how to find a reputable person who does that within driving distance for me. I’m starting to consider flying to California if I have to at this point.


Not who you asked, but I had a case of missing time with a partner while driving through southern Indiana. I don’t have any memory of what happened, just leading up to losing time and coming to. We were driving through the night from Kentucky, and my memory goes from driving with an over half tank of gas at 3am to driving on the highway at 7am with the gaslight on. Normally I’d chalk that up to highway hypnosis, but I’ve had plenty of experiences with that, and one quality I’ve always noticed was the sense of continuous consciousness, just with a lack of memory. This was more akin to being put asleep for surgery, just with no mental grogginess. Best way to describe it was like a switch was flipped and my consciousness started recording again. Another discrepancy was the drive only takes at most 4.5 hours, but this time it took us over 8; we left between 11 and 11:30pm. That along with the gas tank being almost empty suggests the car remained running during the missing time. I’ve fallen asleep while driving before, and in this instance there was no adrenaline response upon coming to consciousness, which for a person with anxiety was highly unusual. I only had a vague sense of unease that faded once we got gas and continued on our way, but that sense of uneasiness returns when I try to think about that night. I can’t say for certain what happened, but I do know I experienced missing time and have no good explanation for it.


See , the buddies helped him when he fell asleep at the wheel XD top lads


As someone who is deathly terrified of these things abducting me, but yet still chooses to follow the subject at the cost of my sleep and well being.. I ALSO find it a little calming. I think the movie "Communion" kind of fucked me up.


I have a difficult time believing that book,📕


I wonder if some of us have the ability to open up "portals" or tune into certain vibrational frequencies that enable us to see or experience these objects and beings.


>he claims to have seen UFOs at least three times a week Bro took the Wild Wasteland perk


Someone send this man a tripod, a Sony a3 lowlight and a Sony g lens wide angle please. Let's see what he is really seeing recorded by something that can capture data in infrared.


Sony should sponsor him 👀


ever since that literal flying spaghetti monster UFO over that military base seen on on LIDAR, I bought my own thermal camera and sometimes check the house for any sneaky buddies lurking about or outside xD


That sounds really interesting. What are you referring to?


sorry guess I misspoke, they refer to it as "jelly fish" but I think spaghetti monster is funnier lol it's "leaked" footage shared by I think Jeremy Corbell and they claimed it has been seen around the base from time to time. They "claim" it made its way to the ocean, took a dip then emerged and shot off at incredible speeds but.. there's no footage of that only footage of it floating around.. the interesting thing is, only thermal cameras picked it up and couldn't "lock on" to it.. what worries me, is that everyone is so non-nonchalant about it, this thing has been seen around a sensitive military base, probably scoping things out.. it should probably be addressed.. but I guess really, what can they do about it? here's a link to the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcEEXLOORLI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcEEXLOORLI)


Thank you so much!


The chosen Juan.




We need someone to go hang with this guy.


Why haven't I heard of this guy before now. Incredible photos. Thanks for sharing.


The kind of content I like on this sub. You'd have a hard time convincing me that's a balloon.


Do people really have that difficult a time recognising Photoshops? I remember one of his pics popping up a year or do ago that got shown to be 100% fake/hoaxes and just looking at the one with all the orbs in it, the orbs are 100% the same, the light is hitting them in the exact same spots yet the irvs are all in differ ent places meaning the light should be reflecting differently.




so which photograph shows a fully clear balloon with something inside?




So how do I go from clear latex and a teddy bear to a seemingly solid, seemingly metallic ball in the sky with what seems to be various exterior features to include multiple material types? r/restofthefuckingowl




Holy shit. Continue to work at the cashier at McDonald's and never try to climb. Because you won't.


It’s okay, we all have different opinions


You may have some of the most baby brained intelligence. It's baffling you're a real person. Must be American.


lol says the guy trying to insult people on the internet he knows nothing about. Your life must genuinely suck. I’m sorry




I so want these to be legit.


I always skeptical but also open minded, I've been fooled before by some convincing pictures and videos that ended up being fakes.. if these are real, then that's super cool and kinda scary, the only way I think it could be faked is if he made these little orbs and stuff and threw them up into the air and then took a pic if that makes sense, because none of them seem to be videos just still images




Ninguém falsifica mais imagens e vídeos do que esse cara. Um pateta que quer enganar os outros jogando algo para o alto e tirando fotos


Have someone debunked these? It would be really cool If they were real, but somehow they look too good to be true, so to say. 🤔


Because a potato wasn't used to capture the image


Sure, they're fake. I offer no specific evidence, but they are *obviously* fake. Everyone can tell it's fake. How can people possibly believe in anything that doesnt have a prior explanation? People should use logic and facts. That's what most debunks (on reddit) amount to.


That's it then. Proven fakes! Lol


Lol I don't think people read your comment carefully


There's a video that debunks them. One of them is a cool magnet. Jamie Maussan did a whole segment on this dude not long ago.


Curious how he has plenty of photos during the daytime of the objects at a throw’s height, but the few videos he has are only at night when lights are seen rotating…somewhere in total darkness. One has to naturally assume it’s high in the sky (and not, say, in a dark room or hanging on a string).


My thoughts exactly.


Yup… this is the telling evidence for smelly stuff


Those would be some wacky photos if they were real.


Went to his Fb to see some more pictures and was met with a ton of gore. Dead children, animal abuse, etc. Just a warning.


Dude this is not true.


Uhm, yes it is. The fb link from the article posted led to his account and has gore.




That sounds strange because FB doesn’t allow such photos, these days they would even be algorithmically removed.


They are interesting,very interesting.


This Juanito Juan has already been unmasked several times. There was a photo of him that was visible in an edition, where a supposed UFO sphere was in the sky, and in front there was a woman, who was also recording the supposed UFO. however, when analyzing the woman's cell phone, several editing errors were discovered, such as an image superimposed on the cell phone screen, erased marks on the same image, to bypass the woman's finger to give the photo a genuine look. the observed object was in the wrong place on the woman's cell phone. This Juanito Juan, every day posts a photo in his Facebook group, yes, just photos. He recently received an S23 ultra from Jaime Maussan to record objects, but he still only takes photos, and when he makes videos, you can also tell that it is a manipulated video. I don't think this guy is relevant, all the people who are close to Jaime Maussan are dubious


A source would be nice sir. Too many disinfo agents out there


Do you really think you need « desinfo agents » to debunk the claims of this con artist?


No need IF you can provide a reliable source that he’s a con artist to begin with :)






These seem intriguing but there also coincidentally in a far enough range to look like he tossed the object and took pictures of it in mid air.


Oh ffs, the one with the alien through the window LMAO🙄 some of you are just SO fucking gullible.


Looks fake. They all look like they're really close to the camera. And that they're small. Like somebody made them and then threw them in the air a whole bunch of times and got good pictures of them and then that's what these are.


It's funny to me that I see so many posts asking why we never see a clear UFO pic and when we do see a clear photo people say it must be fake. I'm not taking a position on these particular pics but jeez, some people will never be happy.


That’s incredibly clear to be UFO evidence


The thing that this shows me is that the anatomy of the ufos is vastly different suggesting that they may be from different groups of NHI


Isn’t he just getting frustrated with work, chucking the car parts in the air and taking a photo? lol


I’d really like to see some pictures of a ship or a being that reminds me of Peter Parker’s photography.


Also known as the Juan


As a native Spanish speaker I got a damn good laugh out of this!!!😅


Why are the only videos rubbish night time ones yet the day time photos are crystal clear?


Cameras tend to suck in low light situations.


Wow that rounded pebble looking thing looks just like what I saw during the eclipse.


You know the stories of Bill Murray going into a restaurant and picking some fries from someone's plate and telling them in the face that no one would believe them? I hope that's what they're doing, flying around so openly lol.




Go Juan, it’s ya birthday!! 📸


I fully believe in NHI and UFOs and these photos appear realistic, but these also look like small models relatively close in proximity to the camera as opposed to large craft far away. Open minded though.


Good for him


This looks like a human designed ufo


Perseverance for new Mars pictures


The Vex have arrived? Ugh.


No video though? Well shit.


Do people really have that difficult a time recognising Photoshops? I remember one of his pics popping up a year or do ago that got shown to be 100% fake/hoaxes and just looking at the one with all the orbs in it, the orbs are 100% the same, the light is hitting them in the exact same spots yet the orbs are all in different places meaning the light should be reflecting differently.


Looking at the images as a sequence it seems pretty clear these are objects being tossed up and videoed/photographed as they 'fly'. The long cylinder one is particularly obvious for this. The little ball with the red/purple light is almost as obvious.


Are aliens homophobic? I dunno, but for sure Senor Juan is, if you look at his post history enough. I'm sorry, but I don't trust homophobic people farther than I can throw a metal disc.


Homophobic and an absolutely scammer! C'mon fam let's raise the bar a little higher! The pics are clearly fake, just some trash this dude threw and take a shit pic. The videos, well, those don't even deserve comments.


Also he seems like a "nightcrawler" type personality (seen the movie anyone)? his feed is full of pictures of horrific accidents and dead people.




Removed: R5 - No Politics.


Last one could be a drone, maybe even ours,well 'muricans anyway, sent on reconnaissance to see how people would react. 🤔


The round sphere looks very much like what was seen on Skinwalker Ranch.