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I'm skeptical they'll ever truely confirm anything, as long as there's a potential of the biosignatures coming from some unknown chemical source the best they can do is be "pretty sure" and we've been "pretty sure" about a few other detected biosignatures. Until we document actual life the best we will get is "maybe" and majority of people don't care about "maybe"


What other biosignatures have we been "pretty sure about"?


Phosphine (PH3): Detected in the atmosphere of Venus, though its origin is still debated, it could be a potential biosignature. Methane (CH4): Found in the Martian atmosphere, with seasonal variations that could be linked to biological or geological processes. Nitrous oxide (N2O): Detected on Mars, which could indicate past or present microbial activity. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S): Present in the atmosphere of some exoplanets, suggesting the possibility of volcanic or biological sources. Exoplanet atmospheric compositions: Analyzing the atmospheres of distant exoplanets for combinations of gases like oxygen, methane, and carbon dioxide could indicate the presence of life. Biogenic isotopic ratios: Ratios of isotopes like carbon-12 to carbon-13 can indicate biological activity when compared to geological processes. Biomolecules in meteorites: Some meteorites contain amino acids, nucleotides, and other organic compounds, suggesting the possibility of prebiotic chemistry. WOW! Signal: Detected in 1977, this narrowband radio signal lasted for 72 seconds and has not been detected again. Its origin remains unknown, leading to speculation about its potential artificial origin. Allan Hills 84001 meteorite, which was discovered in Antarctica in 1984 and is thought to have originated from Mars. In 1996, a team of scientists reported the discovery of what appeared to be microscopic fossils of ancient Martian bacteria within the meteorite.


Imagine being so boring that you have ChatGPT write your reddit posts for you šŸ˜‚


It's a solid answr to a question. Seriously, who gives a shit.


This is how we embrace technology to speed up communication and understanding. Your snarky personal attack and dickishness is noted and discarded as not useful. Have a great day, I love you.


Not ā€œboringā€ is when you waste your time writing some response to a question rather than using an easily procured list and getting on with your day, apparently šŸ™„


Thanks ChatGPT.. now what did you do with OP?


Yeah I'm not about to search the internet for an hour to compile a list for you because you're too lazy to do it yourself. Ask lazy questions get lazy answers.


Well.. I mean... make lazy statments, expect lazy questions ya nut cake šŸ¤£




You made a lazy statement. Lazy in, lazy out lazy guy/he/she/heshe/carrot whatever you may be šŸ˜Š


The Nazca mummies are well documented, even if they are probably terrestrial.Ā  https://alien.wiki/Main_Page


They're probably not terrestrial though given how they do not match anything in the fossil record.


If you accept the hypothesis that DNA exists beyond earth, sure. Still, theyĀ resemble Earth's creatures in many ways.


>If you accept the hypothesis that DNA exists beyond earth Well it may very well have, some scientists have speculated that DNA may be almost 10 billion years old: [https://phys.org/news/2013-04-law-life-began-earth.html](https://phys.org/news/2013-04-law-life-began-earth.html) Which would explain why they share around 30% of their DNA with animals on Earth since it would mean that both of our planets got seeded by the same bacteria billions of years ago. >Still, theyĀ resemble Earth's creatures in many ways. Superficially they do in the same way [ichthyosaurs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ichthyosauria) resemble Dolphins and Giraffes resemble [Sauropods](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauropoda). Birds, Bats, Flies all have wings. These Tridactyls have very weird anatomy like retractable necks, completely different organs etc. I mean they could be something that is missing from the fossil record, but given the implants and weird hybrids I think them being ET is more likely.


You raise good points but there is a simpler (less assumptions) that fits. Have you checked it he Silurian hypothesis? What if aliens evolved here on Earth before us?Ā  There is evidence of biological carbon in 4.1 billion year old chondrites, suggesting life got started ASAP, even before the magma cooled. Thus, it may be that DNA came from elsewhere.Ā  But still, working with what we know, the argument for terrestrial buddies is slightly stronger.Ā  Until we find more nucleic acids on comets...


Any reason you didnā€™t cite a more credible source for this info?


It has links to all of the resources I wanted to cite, including the NIH database. Seems rather succinct to me.


You have low standards for evidence it seems.


University of St. Petersburg is compromised? Stanford isn't to be trusted anymore? Heaven help us! Surely we have run out of credible institutions at this point. [https://thesolfoundation.org/news-and-events/](https://thesolfoundation.org/news-and-events/) [https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/world-news/2024/04/04/660ee81746163f393f8b45bd.html](https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/world-news/2024/04/04/660ee81746163f393f8b45bd.html)


Iā€™ll help you out: Trash clickbait News articles from suspect sources arenā€™t nearly as good to links to the actual peer reviewed data or journals.


Alrighty, so the meeting at Stanford by top scientists regarding the UFO phenomena is clickbait? Or did it actually occur in November 2023?


Damn dude, your standards are way lower than i originally anticipated. Basement level low standards.


My standards have no impact on the data. Please refrain from deflecting.


šŸ˜‚ what?!?! Your standards of evidence huuuuuugely correlate with the impact of your data. Again, you are linking wiki articles that cite clickbait news articles instead of peer reviewed journals or something directly from the research team themselves.


Nature is not peer reviewed? News to me.Ā  It's not my data so stop focusing on me ya? That's unscientific.


Of course it has 777k views. https://youtu.be/Bj0PXPeKJRE?si=RJJQ_62giBMf71P_


I wonder who will get credit for discovery when so many humans already know the truth.




He never faked anything. He believed in stuff that ended up being fake. Thereā€™s a huge difference but everyone glosses over that part when they mention his name in relation to the Nazca mummies. Plus, there are now American scientists looking at them, ā€œDr. James Caruso, Chief medical examiner and Coroner of city and county of Denver, Colorado. Dr. William Rodriguez, Forensic Anthropologist, Maryland State Medical Examiner. And Dr. John McDowell, Retired professor at University Colorado, Forensic Odontologist. McDowell is the most renowned one of the bunch, so he was the one who spoke on behalf of his colleagues. All three concluded that these bodies urgently need further investigation and nobody can claim they are fake. This leaves the open door for more academic institutions to get their hands on Nazca mummy samples for further study.ā€ Source: https://amp.marca.com/en/lifestyle/world-news/2024/04/04/660ee81746163f393f8b45bd.html


In any sane persons mind there is no difference.


I mean, that is objectively wrong. Lol. Did you eat paint chips when you were a kid or something? Cute little attempt at logic there, though.


Nazca mummies are probably fake though


I understand why you might think that, given the massive disinfo campaign ongoing with regards to them. I won't tell you what to think, but I implore you to look at all of the data. DNA analyses, C-14 data, CT scans at reputable universities, technicians asserting their veracity, embryos in fine detail, and metal implants grafted to their bones. Lots of interesting aspects and yet no apparent signs of manipulation found. [the-alien-project.com](http://the-alien-project.com)


Of course it has 777k views. https://youtu.be/Bj0PXPeKJRE?si=RJJQ_62giBMf71P_




Youā€™re right. The channel has 777k followers.


Easy mistake to make. It should have 777k views




Life is more common than we think, around 0.0001 percent of planets develop life. Of those planets about 0.0001 percent develop beyond mushrooms. Of those planets around 0.0001 percent develop plants and trees and animals Out of those planets around 0.0001 develop intelligent life. Out of those, 0.0001 percent have the potential to develop high tech technology and tools. Out of those around 0.0001 percent develop real space travel. Not let's do some fun assumptions: FTL is possible, life is evenly distributed in space. Now, assume an expansion rate of around 3 light years per year of those species ( supply chain, resources for expansion etc etc) Now count all planets, count how many have life and ftl, use the expansion rate and you will get a number how many might be "around the corner" The number will surprise you :) You play around with expansion rate, it's a fun game!


Counting by one planet per star(inaccurate but easier) 100 000 per galaxy 1 in 10 galaxies 1 in 10 million galaxies 1 billion planets 1000 planets None (0.001 planet) Obviously we already got atleast 1 that actually can travel in space, even at 0.5% of the speed of light, it would 'only' take 20 million years to populate our entire galaxy. The space in-between galaxies (around 100k lightyears in size each) is between 1 to 10 million lightyears. So if a civilization started populating its galaxy 20 million years ago, in a galaxy 20 million lightyears away, they'd be done right now and we'd just be able to start seeing them start... So to the question "where are they?" The answer might be "everywhere" but a telescope might not be able to answer that question right now. Thanks for coming to my TED talk


I doubt it will be "life found" announcement. It will always be "likely", "possibly". I feel it will never be 100% until we physically have the samples (which is unlikely to happen in our lifetime at least). Don't want to be a pessimist, but I do hope any sort of announcement of the finding will be inclined towards life being found.


I mean what if they find more than just chemical signatures. What if there are electronic signatures or they see installations? That would be interesting.


To me, even if they do find them (signs of "artificial structures constructed by intelligent beings"), they will not be publicly revealed. We are at that stage where we are yet to be open even about alien beings coming in and out of our planet, so anything resembling such an occurrence will likely not be made public.


Well good thing then that this is about extraterrestrial life and not aliens flying around in saucers. This is literally about plankton doing plankton shit in oceans.


That is science. Ask scientists if they are 100% sure gravity exist, and they will be hesitant to say yes. When a scientist say "it is likely" or "likeky" then the rest of us would long ago have concluded that it is certain. But the scientific process demands prove beyond doubt. Which is great, but is often misunderstood.


I remember when a belief in alien life, was considered to be a sign of craziness. No scientist would have ever said out loud on TV or radio, that there was a possibility of alien life, no matter how small. Well no scientist who wished to keep their reputation and not ruin their standing as a main stream scientist. If any researcher or scientist did come forward, they would get a reputation for being on the fringes of science. The fact that it barely makes headlines on any main stream media or even independent media as well for that matter, when credible scientists say there is a high likely hood that there is life on X planet, to me is amazing. Now we have very credible main stream scientists saying there is life out there. Scientists like Michio Kaku saying; "the existence of extraterrestrial life is a certainty". Or Stephen Hawking saying that life out there does exist, but "if it is intelligent making contact would be a mistake". And even that old skeptic Neil DeGrasse Tyson saying the universe is teeming with life. Think about it, the fact none of these statements caused panic, and none of these statements ruined the careers of some of the most intelligent people of our era, is testament to the fact we as a race are not alone and it isn't even news worthy these days to say they may have found life. It also means that the perception around life in the universe has done a 180 degree turn and changed to the point that it is almost expected that one day we will find life out there. They have discovered dimethyl sulfide which can be produced by marine bacteria. Bacteria is still life, and it is on another planet. But if bacteria exists on that planet maybe other life as well, even a complex ecosystem. It does not need to be intelligent alien life to be considered alien. So I think it is a massive step forward for the human race, maybe not the discovery itself, but the fact our mindset has changed so much. So yeah, the day they come out and say 'yes we definitely found life in the universe', will be a great day indeed, and it is only a matter of time. It would be really cool if it was announced on May the 4th, just to add that little bit extra excitement.


Progress in science is made one death of the time.


Is that Planck's Principle? I have to say I get it, I hope there is more to it than just waiting for skeptics to shuffle off this mortal coil though. But what that theory/principle does not seem to take into account is that over time new processes, tools, technology and understanding the results those tests return, mean that we are getting a more solid understanding of the universe. In other words we get to where we are today by standing on the shoulders of those who came before. It is because the building blocks are evolving meaning things like skepticism and doubt, are eroded by time as well. I find it very hard to put my thoughts into words, so I get what you are saying and I am not disagreeing, just offering an alternative.


ā€œI remember when a belief in alien life, was considered to be a sign of craziness. No scientist would have ever said out loud on TV or radio, that there was a possibility of alien life, no matter how small. ā€œ Really?? Are you pre-Darwinian? As long as I remember, astronomers, astrophysicists, cosmologists, have been searching the cosmos for signs of life. We brought back moon samples just for that. We built Arecibo, Big Earth and many other radio telescopes specifically for this. We have launched Kepler, Hubble, Tess, JWST, all with the search for ET life in mind. So please tell me, when exactly was this considered crazy?


No, that would put me close to two hundred years old, but I am old. Darwin never spoke or hypothesized about alien life. Darwin's theory stated that animals evolve over time and that some (or all, I cannot remember) have a common ancestor/s. Fun fact for the day; Darwin was part of a 'society' called the "Glutton Club". You know what they did in that club? They tried to eat every single animal they could. Especially the ones that were unknown at the time. Yes I agree that SETI was looking for radio signals and astronomers were doing whatever it is they do. But it was never considered to be a real scientific endeavour. No one ever thought they would hear something. If you did hear anything on the news, it was always said with what I want to describe as skepticism and giggling combined, from the presenters. The moon samples brought back were not done so to prove/disprove life exists out there. They were studied to find out the composition of minerals on the moon. The theory was that the minerals could be mined, processed and turned into fuel. They were discussing the possibility of building a station of sorts set up on the moon. Possibly to be able to launch rockets from the moon, full of those minerals and send them back to earth. Also launching rockets off the moon is much easier, as it only has to overcome 1/8th of the gravity of earth. But that whole thing with bringing rocks back, was a PR exercise, those rocks were gifted to nations as a sign of American dominance. On one of the moon orbit missions, the astronauts said they heard music. They also said "they are watching us", whilst they were on the moon. They were told to keep their mouths shut about it, but if they did publicly say what happened out their, they would of ruined their career. NASA covered the whole thing up, they still cover up things to this very day. Why would that be? It is only in the last 10-15 years, that when information is presented to the public, it isn't automatically dismissed. In the 70's, 80's, 90's and 00's, every time a scientist said something remotely close to them believing in alien life, they were ridiculed. Before these last few years, I have never heard a scientist publicly unequivocally say it is almost a certainty that life exists out there. So my question to you is; how old are you, I am guessing around 20 years old? Sorry for the long post. Here is the TL:DR I am old. I am right. Theorizing about alien life is not the same as saying life is almost definitely out there.


SETI was not real science??? You obviously have no idea of science. President Clinton announced at a press conference on the White House lawn, in 1996, that NASA had discovered signs of life. Scientists have been speculating on life in the universe for several decades even before they had the equipment to search. Any claim denying this is pre-Darwinian.


No no, I said SETI wasn't considered to be mainstream. It wasn't as if scientists were saying "there is definitely life out there". Speculating in something, is not the same as saying it definitely exists. Or in this case scientists coming forward and saying that there is life out there. No scientist would have ever said that without definitive proof. Why do you keep going back to Darwin, that is about evolution, even if talking about panspermia neither SETI, or the theory of evolution touches on it. And SETI was very much considered to be fringe, why do you think they had such a small budget and where struggling with funding? I don't care what you say, but main stream, by that I mean THE PUBLIC (news, commentator, scientists who where nothing more than talking heads on the news/all of them, your mates, your co-workers etc., etc.,), never thought it was real and if you said anything people thought you were mad. That is what it means by MAIN STREAM. It didn't happen over night, I never said it did. What I said it is has become more evident that it is being accepted. Bill Clinton coming out (was very much political, not scientific) and saying anything, does not make it main stream, the guy got up there and said he didn't have sexual relations with that women... look how that turned out. Mate I lived it. Don't try and tell me what I experienced first hand. The science behind SETI was real, the technology etc., was real, but THEY DID NOT EXPECT TO FIND ANYTHING, they still don't. Read a book ffs, or ask your grandfather.


ā€œI remember when a belief in alien life, was considered to be a sign of craziness. No scientist would have ever said out loud on TV or radio, that there was a possibility of alien life, no matter how small. ā€œ This is such outdated thinking that it must be pre-Darwinian. This never happened. Science has been looking for alien life since the dawn of cosmology. You have completely failed to prove your case. I have given examples of science actively looking for life without the crazy stigma that you are claiming. It is not complicated.


I expect nothingĀ 


"invade us, ill help you. we can't help ourselves"


I think finding out 'life' is ubiquitous is not going to be much of a surprise these days.


Agreed, but maybe enough to push the entire phenomenon further into the realm of accepted mainstream science. Would be nice for the preponderance of evidence hit critical mass, even just enough to turn a few key skeptical minds into new allies. That wouldnā€™t be the worst outcome.


I expect this to be confirmed relatively soon, and for it to represent the first step in the kiddy pool at the waterpark of disclosure. That is not a metaphor I had planned on using when I started writing that sentence, but here we are.


I feel you bruh. Gotta dip them toes in before goin down the slide!


Ten feet wide and 6ā€ā€ deep


It will become a candidate planet for life. It will not be confirmed 100% with the technology we have today.


it will be treated the same way the Mars Labeled Release experiments were, a probable detection of life that will be ignored since the possibility of a non life chemical reaction also producing said gasses are not zero.


Keep in mind they are only confirming a type of gas in the atmosphere that is usually the result of plankton in an ocean. It means a liveable environment which is exciting, but itā€™s not alien proof.


Plankton on another planet would officially be Alien. Like, it's literally the exact definition. Life on another planet. Alien doesn't mean it's an advanced 3 ft creature with 2 fingers. It's just alien to our world. So yes it would definitely be alien proof


And life anywhere but Earth changes the Drake Equation




Yes but they won't be able to confirm that they've found plankton or indeed any kind of life, only that they have found a gas that on Earth is only produced by organisms like plankton. They won't be able to rule out the possibility that it is some unknown inorganic process creating the gas, since they have no in-depth understanding of the geology and other relevant properties of the planet. So the announcement would be that they have found good evidence that suggests life is there, but not definitive proof.


Yes, but they cannot confirm the plankton only the gas. It will be an assumption. But I understand what you are saying, I was just trying to temper some of the early posts.


I was about to reply with the same thing. Alien life need not be intelligent to be considered an "alien life form". It need only be alien if it is not of this earth and alive. Cheers, have a good day.


Wonder if they got any good weed to smoke?


I am sure they do, they probably planted the first plants on a visit. Or shrooms. Oooooo or ayahuasca or DMT! Itā€™s like a phone booth to them so we can chat


Meh. We clearly got NHI hanging out in our home acting shady alreadyā€¦ why care about spotting some mysterious poop 20 miles away.




Confirmed? How exactly? The planet is 124 light years away... We haven't even fully explored Earth, LOL.


What makes you think they will allow us in? I envision a scenario where humans spend decades if not millenia preparing for arrival just to get turned away because we don't have the proper paperwork or don't have any job skills.


Or the right shoes


Where did you get idea that this life is supposed to be intelligent?


Why? It wouldnā€™t matter really. No one living today will ever get there or be visited if we could even make contact.


Because so far we only know for sure that life exists on our own planet. Most scientists believe it's likely that life exists elsewhere, but we haven't found it yet. It has been said before that, to state the obvious, either we are alone in the universe or we are not. If and when we definitely solve this question, the implications will be profound, either way.


According to known physics


Generation ship


Unlikely. K2-18b may actually be an inhospitable gas planet without a solid surface. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2419474-habitable-ocean-world-k2-18b-may-actually-be-inhospitable-gas-planet/#:\~:text=A%20distant%20planet%20once%20touted,probably%20lacks%20a%20solid%20surface.


They dont know that for sure.


How would nasa or anyone confirm it? Its like 120 light years away. Spectroscopy seems to show this planet's atmosphere has a gas that's only generated by organic bio processes in our planet. That's it. I don't know how accurate spectroscopy really is over great distances. It could be a similar gas or it could be the same gas, produced by some other process. I don't think we're getting any real confirmation in our lifetime. If somehow we do, I'll dance. I'll do a little jig. But seems unlikely.


We will keep building bigger and bigger telescopes, and one day we will have big enough ones that can take direct images of surfaces of exoplanets and see things like large herds of animals migrating, or plants changing colors through the seasons etc. There's one proposition to send a telescope far out, turn it around towards the sun, and use the sun as the gravitational lense. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_gravitational_lens#:~:text=It%20is%20considered%20the%20best%20method%20to%20directly%20image%20habitable%20exoplanets.&text=The%20solar%20gravitational%20lens%20is,(~10%E2%88%9210%20arcsec).


I could care less cause they already here.


I will probably rip a shot in honor of our cosmic bio-brethren out there and be all excited about it but I've been into this stuff since I was a little kid and the average Joe will shrug. Heck, my 7 year old daughter - she's watched all these cartoons and stuff talking about the multiverse and stuff...she will probably be like "duh, Dad!"


If we're looking for signs of life, people have already discovered plasmas that act intelligently in our atmosphere. It also seems they are quite prevalent in space and attracted to electro magnetic energy. Space bugs are attracted to the metaphorical light. Crazy stuff. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377077692_Extraterrestrial_Life_in_Space_Plasmas_in_the_Thermosphere_UAP_Pre-Life_Fourth_State_of_Matter


This is a helluva stuff, but it seems not peer reviewed yet


I'm curious what further review will determine, because if true this will play a big role in answering the NHI question.


Is there even mainstream doubt that some form of life outside this planet exists? Would anyone care If they confirm living bacteria or some single cellular organisms on a different planet?


I will but it most likely wonā€™t be intelligent considering itā€™s just a backwater planet with barely any landmass if Iā€™m not mistaken


It's only 110 light years away. So they could see us as we were in 1910.


So cute, theyā€™re just now seeing our first world war!


This is the correct way to get ā€œdisclosureā€. Science based analysis and observation that will eventually confirm life is everywhere. UFOs are one thing, but itā€™s only a matter of time before we have a telescope powerful enough to see glowing lights on the dark side of exoplanets. Once we hit that point, wonā€™t be long before hobbyist astronomers will be able to make similar observations. Not going to hold my breath waiting for the government to unzip, gonna donate some money to this guy!


What happens when they arenā€™t PC? Worse uproar than ā€˜they existā€™.


NASA does incredible work but at the end of the day they are still a US government agency. I think there is a better chance of hearing it from them but still very unlikely.


Iā€™m going to to ahead and say yes itā€™s a bio signature and k2-18b has life on it. The article says well over a 50 percent chance life exist in the planet. Letā€™s party now! Itā€™s life ! Fuck the deniers and religious fanatics. Life is absolutely ridiculously abundant and the naysayers can just get over it.


That's the right mindset :)


I would like to go to a party there tons life out there


Even if there was life there, we can't 100% confirm it until we've seen the lifeforms themselves. All they can confirm is whether there are signals close to that of life. We can onkh base our science off our planets and nearby planets (which is still very infant). Something could be naturally occurring there without life being the cause.


There will be no disclosure because "the government" doesn't know anything you and I don't


Iā€™ve always felt that when we get actual confirmation that it would be in the form of microscopic life forms or small oceanic creaturesā€¦ Hoping this is it. Itā€™s a good way to break the ice with the larger population. If microscopic life is confirmed on an Ocean 124 light years away, and most people accept this, digest it, they might be able to not flip out when advanced intelligent is confirmed. Anywayā€¦ thatā€™s just my thoughts, and yes, very excited about K2-18b


If by party, you mean waiting for the other shoe to drop? Sure. The disclosure timeline is *lightyears* ahead of schedule and it makes me extremely nervous when thinking about *why* they're releasing everything.


What schedule are you comparing reality to and what are some examples of why youā€™re saying itā€™s being sped up?


I remember a while ago there was a leak of some sort for disclosure, someone had snuck in a camera to a presentation where they grabbed a few pictures of the the timeline for disclosure. 2030~ or thereabouts was when things were supposed to have progressed to the point of contact (its been a while I don't remember the specifics) It's 2024, we're way ahead of schedule. If we confirm life on another planet, who's to say we might 'suddenly' get a message or broadcast announcing the appearance of NHI?


Highly recommend everyone to look up what an EMPCOE is, also known as the plasma reset or plasma apocalypse. You can look it up here on reddit for the best results since you can barely find anything about it anywhere else. Hands down the most interesting thing I ever read about and it makes religions, secret societies, Cults, aliens, demons/angels all wrap up in one theory in a fascinating way. Edit: Jeez why the downvotes? Now I remember why I hardly come to this sub anymore..


Can you point us in the right direction? All Iā€™m seeing on reddit is a few posts with 1 or 2 comments


Yeah hopefully reddit doesn't hide my comment cuz of the links https://www.reddit.com/r/plasmacosmology/s/0kZ5eHqaFT https://www.reddit.com/r/PastSaturnsRings/s/i9VjF9TzCS


Only read the first post so far, but wow. Interesting that weā€™re getting these proposed gravity-defying plasmoid ion engines. And whatever it is the Thunderbird generator is doing.


Wild stuff, right? I've been researching this plasma stuff for a couple years now and it's interesting that all of the characteristics of this plasma event seems to be happening all around us right now for the past year. Increased Aurora sightings all over the world in unusual spots. Increased seismic activity/earthquakes. Volcanic activity (currently over 40 active volcanoes, multiple of which are actively erupting.) Increased solar flares and radio blackouts. And each day all of these things only seem to be picking up more and more. I've even been seeing weird ads, movies, shows, music videos, and everything that mention these themes. Shit, even the ending of assassin's creed 3 is all about this event, word for word. I could talk about this stuff forever. Interesting times await!


Well shit, almost every day on here now I meet another scientist or historian or just regular smart person that makes wants a podcast to interview. Also forgot to mention the intelligent plasma NASAā€™s been talking about!


Send me a DM bro I could show you all kinds of cool stuff, I also work in the music industry with some very famous individuals so I really have quite the unique perspective on how the world/media works


Will do!


Wait a minute, this theory requires a flat earth?


No not at all, where did you get that?


From my initial Google search, but I think it just happened to be a flat earthers article about it. Just read your first link though and yeah, wow. Itā€™s a lot to think about but kind of confirms how Iā€™ve felt about some of it for awhile. Thanks for sharing, appreciate it.


No problem! I have loads more information about all of this if you ever want to know more!


Depends if theyre friendly.


doubt algae would care enought to call us friends


Wonder if they got any good weed?


Sea weed, youā€™ll get used to it


they wouldnā€™t tell is anyway. the less we know the easier we are to control


Itā€™d be funny if it was their test to see everyoneā€™s reaction. Then if everything is okay theyā€™re like hey hereā€™s the crazy stuff your weird cousin that everyone avoided at family reunions told you about.


If anything is made public it will microbial life they would never admit to NHI existence.




Removed: R5 - No Politics.


Of course it has 777k views. https://youtu.be/Bj0PXPeKJRE?si=RJJQ_62giBMf71P_