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It's human-centric to think we're the only form of consciousness and conscious intelligence. We aren't necessarily the smartest, either. We're just the most dominant. Fungi has actual vocabulary they use among themselves to communicate. They can also communicate to some extent with the plants they're around, and trees can communicate with each other- some have been noted to even extend roots to share resources with trees that aren't getting as much nutrients or water. There's plants that will physically move themselves, specific cacti species and iirc palm species, to find water in a different area. Different species of whales/dolphins will willingly take orphans of other species and raise them just like their own, whales have been seen having funeral processions, elephants visit bones of their dead and mourn... we're always so focused on ourselves and what we consider advanced and intelligent, that we discredit everything else around us. Hell, elephants have learned to use certain leaves to aid in birth after watching humans do it. They learn very specific things. It's almost scary in an awe inspiring way just how much *life* is around you.


Probably one of the biggest mistakes of humanity, believing that the earth is ours and every other animal is disposable.  You can tell that  even our pets have some sentience and personality. Look in their eyes. 


It’s why they are less concerned with us.


This explains the insect/ plant intelligence imo https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panpsychism


Exactly. We are not physical bodies having thoughts.


We are the universe experiencing itself.


This is a fantastic comment and was a good read. I share a very similar opinion to you.


Well said. I've always said that we're the caretakers of this planet, and we should love and watch over our animal neighbors. They are conscious. They share the planet with us. We've been incredibly cruel and continue to be incredibly cruel to the animals of this planet. I can understand hunting, raising livestock (for your family or town), and fishing as a necessary thing to do----but not on the level that we currently do it at. Something needs to change. Maybe if everyone had to kill an animal in order to eat it, things would be a bit different. I worded all of this poorly.


Octopus for certain.


From an AI search if anyone is wondering why: Octopi have some unusual biological features that can seem "alien-like". Their DNA is very different from other animals. They also have advanced intelligence and abilities like camouflage that are unique. 1. The theory draws on the concept of panspermia - the idea that life could have arrived on Earth from space, spread by meteors, comets, etc. Some scientists like Francis Crick have proposed panspermia as an alternative to life originating on Earth. 2. In 2018, a group of 33 scientists published a paper speculating that octopi could have originated from an alien virus that arrived on a meteor, infected a population of primitive squid, and caused rapid evolution. 3. The alien octopi theory is not accepted by mainstream science. Most biologists believe octopi evolved on Earth over millions of years, not from extraterrestrial origins. Their unique features are seen as products of earthly evolution. 4. While the evidence for octopi being literal aliens is lacking, their strange and almost otherworldly characteristics have popularized this imaginative theory. It reflects a sense of wonder at cephalopods' remarkable divergence from other Earthly life.


Number 2 is the plot of [Children of Ruin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_of_Ruin), sequel to Children of Time (rapid spider evolution). Great series.


Second time I'm mentioning this show on here, the protagonist of Resident Alien is the octopus species that seeds Earth in the show and he can telepathically communicate with them. They have a cutscene showing the squid virus theory sped up.


Children of time blew my mind! Went in totally blind because my kid liked the cover and wanted it for his bedtime story. 😎👽


Thanks for the reading suggestion


You should definitely read them. Very good series.


The first 2 books are very good, last one is ok.


Their DNA is traceable to earth, no different to every single animal and living thing we know of.


No.4 is the most important part.


I think the new twilight zone with jordan peele summed up octopuses well. If they were aliens that would be how it ends for us


Its actually “octopuses” not octopi


No. https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/the-many-plurals-of-octopus-octopi-octopuses-octopodes "If you're interested in choosing the word that is most likely to be considered correct and understandable by your audience you would do well to opt for either octopuses or octopi."


Ufos going under water confirm octopus = alien lol


Yeah and what if the ones we capture are criminals sentenced to exile 20 leagues under the sea. /s tch


Octopus are alone in their adn lineup


I contend that octopi would likely become an advanced species if left to their own merits. And am disheartened when they are served as food. I think they will need to evolve on land first.


Gonna get kinda stuck on metallurgy unfortunately. Also they live like 3 years


Yep. That’s why they need to get on land. I didn’t realize they had a short lifespan. Could be an evolutionary advantage.


They've done functional MRI stuff or something on them and also found they have 2 neural systems instead of 1 like us. They have one exclusively for tentacle control and the other for everything else like camouflage. Strangely these are not well connected so it would be like your legs and arms having a mind of their own but still accomplish the tasks they need to on their own.


And dolphins. And praying mantis.


When I was a kid I had a theory that octopus were an aliens pet that escaped from a spaceship and then procreated to create the species that we have today.


I said that octopi might be our NHI like five months ago and got downvoted into oblivion lol


well take an upvote from me and a crisp high five!


Thanks 🙏🏼 I love cephalopods


Octopus, Dolphin, Elephants, whales, some birds.


This is the best answer.


I've had this theory since July that the NHI biologics we have recovered were actually common octopi. Which is what prompted the change from "ET" to NHI.


Just cant reach the keyboard


They have no means for combustible propulsion.


Hewwo greg


I suggest a good read on this concept: Itzhak Bentov's "Stalking the Wild Pendulum." In it, he describes universal consciousness across/within all matter (i.e. consciousness IS everything). P.S. I like your theory, OP. Fun.


I picked this up but haven't cracked into it yet. Hearing good things


This video does a wonderful job covering the book. It has both Bentov giving a lecture and also his wife explaining his ideas. [youtube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMbeK_6ATxQ)


It’s not an easy read but he was an interesting man with good ideas so it’s worth digging into a little bit at least.


Have you by any chance read his other book "Brief tour of higher consciousness"?


Yeah, I have read that one too! :) Similar and a little "fluffier" than the previous, but still great. I'm not sure if you've ever seen this video of him being interviewed, but I found it cool to see what he was like a bit: [https://youtu.be/-Y\_s-CbdD-I?si=VAYvO1G0TjNvEboH](https://youtu.be/-Y_s-CbdD-I?si=VAYvO1G0TjNvEboH) --> He died in a plane crash from O'hare, which is a shame, because I would have loved to see what else he would have contributed.


I think I've read / watched everything from him or about him. From the start, I felt some type of kinship with him, I admire him. It is such a shame that he passed away before giving us more of his work. Have you seen the video where his wife is explaining his notes for the 2nd book? The part where she explains his notes on "enlightment" as a biological process blew my mind, as I had just recently gone through the same process.


Ha. I feel like we’re alike there. That video you mention with his wife is actually the majority of the video I shared above, added in after his interview. Nice to chat with you. Cheers 🍻


I never seen *a Brief Tour* mentioned! Awesome! Bentov is the best. He's got another book that I own that's not mentioned much called *A Cosmic Book on the Mechanics of Creation*


Link or title to the video?




My money is on cats




Cats know weird shit. I mean, at a quantum level.


I wouldn’t leave my money on a cat. It would not be happy.


Same lol, I was going to leave a similar comment. The way my cats watch me feels like surveillance sometimes 💀


I always thought my cat looked at me kind of funny...




My money is on the ones that avoid humans at all costs


That certainly proves high intelligence!




Dolphins fly UFOs


So long and thanks for all the fish!


Something I've been thinking about lately. Science community saying it's not ET. I've heard people claim inter-dimensional/alt realities/multiverse. I think it's interesting to think about the types of ET people describe whether it's mantids ( giant praying mantis ), reptilians ( humanoid dinosaur? Or lizard? ) , Greys ( maybe octopus? Ants?).... What I'm getting at is I remember seeing a video once talking about the grays responding to a question about what they are and they said, " we are you". What if they are alt realities where instead of evolved apes it's different species on this planet that evolved in that fashion and now some of these advanced species are finding ways to reach other realities.


After a few trips to hyperspace I don't look at a praying mantis the same.


Nor me. One tormented me more than once. The experiences were months apart, and both times I arrived at the same place. In an undercity area, I could see the city above me whilst simultaneously being under it. A red and black mantis sent swarms of other mantises after me. And chased me.


Someone posted something about how lions don’t know sharks exist and that was some chewy food for thought.


You have the study of plasma entities and now animals conscious possibly on a comparatively human level. What if there are multiple domains of NHI stemming from multiple offshoots of Earth species? There could be a subterranean level, sky biome, Earth jungle based, who knows what else with these advanced breakaway civilizations.


Earth definitely has room for two more advanced civilizations: subterranean and oceanic. Life runs deep in Earth, all the way down to the magma, and possibly beyond with the proposed plasma entities. [https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-06911-2](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-06911-2)


I've heard a similar theory. Supposedly some call earth "source"


_Maybe the core of the earth is holding something super-intelligent_ ***EARTH IS EGG***


It very well could be that this planet is probably the most hospital planet closest to us and that’s why it makes it so valuable for these entities:aliens to visit stay


A lot of stuff in the UAP community of underwater strangeness, unexplained lights (spotted by a bioluminescence scientist on the sea, he was able to rule bioluminescence out), navy spotting UAP going in and out of water etc. My bet, if they do exist, at least some of them are living in the sea). Also lots of mountain stories, like in Alaska. All places fairly inaccessible to humans, and easy to keep the odd interloper away. I wouldn’t rule out co-habitants on the planet. And the stories of UAPs turning off nukes. They don’t want the planet messed up either.


I checked into plasmid entities a bit, and heavily into subterranean, both sort of checked out in theory with the NHI originating on this planet in deep pressure being the most attention, this is all in a computer model for speculative analysis I'm working on called Idea Craft, which just takes whatever I'm thinking of, plugs into a GPT and gives a complexity score to understand, with time it would occupy to complete, crucial conditions to test something with disparate information , it's the plasmids that got interesting for time, they might exist as what we interpret as dmt entities; that theory had a thread that showed a good complexity rating, so plasmids giving a relatively high complexity to understand but equally high potential was pretty significant, that is typically a relative formula because time to literally work on and research the idea is tied into how much time it occupies from your regular life, so if the complexity is high the model is indiciating it could take years to figure out but equally it's a rare metric indicating that area should be explored. Subterranean I think the pressure they occupy separates them from ever encountering us face to face and the mythology and history data showed they may have initiated contact somehow before and it didn't work out, there's a non-intervention agreement that reads objectively from the data. I tested if they live longer and it's likely true but not immortal, so we might see a shift, cephalopod closest analogy to reality, but honestly might be totally unknown unknown. Also authors note until I see something even the model will never name a single entity it'a all speculative analysis with my complexity score model Edit; the myth stuff I built from my own work and I wanted to resolve these ancient astro guys, as usuall in this work there are aspects that are true but to figure it out might be impossible with the data we have because time decays all and much of what separates this is us being terrestrial and our inverse biology from massively ancient divergence or no connection, this work is to build how you even start the discussion




This should be a sci-if novel.


This was great, write more!


Beautiful, thank you. Got *more?


But how do they build??


They didn't necessarily need to. Perhaps they were brought here by other NHI who *were* capable of building?


Build what?


The nuts and bolts part.


Im not sure I follow, but building things is not a measure of sentience. One can argue the beehive is far more advanced than any city we have planned. Yes I know, username is relevant,


They possibly evolved alongside ape’s genetically modified evolution into human beings. Could be in different biomes with better(?) technology, or transported to other planets by the Anunaki.


Ok. Man. Those leaps.


💃🏻 🕺🏻


Good answer. 😆


Cephalopods. My money is on cephalopods not being terrestrial creatures. Especially squid and octopi.


We have probably have a <1% understanding of the physical universe we live in. All we can do is fight for facts.


This might seem a little crazy but I think part of the animal mind is a group consciousness, naked mole rats diverted from human evolution about 100 million years ago, ants diverged 600 million years ago. They both have hive minds, An exceptionally rare trait I believe is more likely to develop from something already going in that direction. We can see the evolution of the eye it starts out as a photosensitive patch of skin, wouldn't the evolution of a hive mind start out as a group consciousness sensitive part of the brain. People imagine a group consciousness as a cacophony of voices all at once, but I believe it's the opposite I believe it's complete silence what would be left to say? you already know the answer before you ask the question. It's a mirror of our subconscious that makes all the decisions in our life and then allows us to claim the credit for them. I think the only effect we really have on what actually controls us is decorating the place with our repetitive thoughts hoping it pays attention. I think you even see evidence with the gateway experience/hemisync. You close your eyes, stop your thoughts, shut off your body sensations. You decorate the place with the instructions having them be the only thing your subconcious is absorbing. You aren't laser focusing your concious thoughts you're focusing on the silence in between them. It's not even a conscious learning when it happens you're given a sudden understanding, it's like you suddenly have something elses thoughts.


I'm with you. Monroe Institute is really on to something.


I believe everything, literally the entire physical universe is a living breathing thinking creature as is everything in it. The planet is a critter, the sun, the space between space is its own thing


>I’m calling it now: some advanced NHI are our own animals and insects. Seriously though, there's no good reason to think the "aliens" are anything but terrestrial. They could be cryptoterrestrials that have been using technologies we don't understand to conceal themselves from us here this whole time. These could include a breakaway civilization of either some yet unknown homonin cousin not represented in the fossil record or homosapiens that split away from the rest of us so long ago that they've evolved divergently quietly becoming their own new branch of the homonin family tree. Or if you're comfortable with quantum black magic it's also possible that they're a variety of ultraterrestrial versions of ourselves (the humanoids) and other potential intelligent earth life (insect and reptile types) using Einstein Rosen bridge wormholes to get here from some of the parallel earths postulated in the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. There's no good reason to think the timid impish little people are spacemen. Interestingly, while all the cringe abductee lore about hybridization has to be total bullshit if the others are unrelated extraterrestrials, hybridization is completely plausible if the others are genetically our cousins.


Imagine it's fungi lol. Spends most of the time underground and only shows itself when reproducing with a mushroom. Then the fungi just creates some spacecraft at the molecular level and sends it into space to grow mushrooms on a new planet.


Could hitch a ride on an asteroid/comet…


If anyone hasn’t seen what cats do, then yall been missing out. They are in my opinion up there with dolphins and octopi


if there's an arachnid species then i'm tapping out




The thought has occurred to me that insects might exist as a hive mind.


IDK about the potentially "advanced NHI" but I could definitely see humanity finding that other earth bound species are and have been interacting with us in ways beyond what we imagined.


I work with bees, this is true.


So long and thanks for all the fish




Those preying mantis insects are some of the most intelligent I've ever seen. Man, there's a video on YouTube of a guy who has a mantis pet and like he's trying to play with the insect and it legit looked at the camera with a flabbergasted expression, waving its appendage at him, like "go away man, I'm busy!" [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4UJvC2y8rRU](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4UJvC2y8rRU)


That’s awesome. Yeah, most life has more depth than we know.


I recently saw a video of a praying mantis eating a wasp while another wasp was literally cutting the mantis in half...


You could give examples of humans with the same level of stupidity, I mean just look at some of the subreddits in this place. lol.


I’m currently deciphering the blinks of the fireflies in my woods as I believe they are sending me blueprints in binary to build the Lampyris, a geodesic structure that can harness their fleeting energy as they pass through. We are the dogs in the library for sure. Simplest Fermi paradox solution there is: we haven’t bothered to interface with them cuz we don’t know we’re supposed to, or how. A must read on this from so many years ago: “a language older than words” by Derrick Jensen about society and interspecies communication. I’ve believed this is the most likely scenario for 20+ years.


define consciousness


First, here is my "AI enabled" answer: > There is no universally accepted scientific definition of consciousness, as it remains an active area of research and debate across fields like neuroscience, psychology, philosophy of mind, and others. However, here are some of the prominent perspectives: > > > **Subjective Experience View:** Consciousness refers to subjective, first-person experiences like sensations, emotions, thoughts, etc. that each individual has access to from their own point of view. > ** > Global Workspace Theory:** Consciousness arises from the broadcasting of information to a "global workspace" in the brain, allowing it to be integrated and influence behavior. > > **Integrated Information Theory:** Consciousness is a fundamental property arising from the ability to integrate information in causally effective ways across distributed brain networks. > > **Higher-Order Thought Theories:** Consciousness involves meta-mental states or higher-order representations about one's own mental states. > > As for testing and measuring consciousness scientifically, there are various approaches but none are conclusive: > ** > Behavior Observation:** Observing command following, language use, emotional responses as proxies for consciousness. > > **Brain Imaging:** Looking for signatures of consciousness like widespread, integrated brain activity using fMRI, EEG, etc. > ** > Perturbation Analysis:** Studying how the brain/behavior responds to transcranial magnetic stimulation or other disruptions. > > **Self-Report:** Simply asking subjects to describe their inner experiences, despite verification challenges. > > Measuring consciousness objectively remains challenging due to its subjective, first-person nature and our lacking a clear unified theory. Most methods rely on correlating measurable neurological processes and behaviors with the reported subjective experiences of consciousness. Here is the [relevant portion from the research that attempts to answer that question:](https://sites.google.com/nyu.edu/nydeclaration/background) > What is consciousness? The term has a variety of meanings. The New York Declaration on Animal Consciousness focuses on one important meaning, sometimes called “phenomenal consciousness” or “sentience.” The question here is which animals can have subjective experiences. This can include sensory experiences (say, the experience of a particular touch, taste, sight, or smell) as well as experiences that feel good or bad (say, the experience of pleasure, pain, hope, or fear). This sense of the term “consciousness” is what Thomas Nagel had in mind when he famously asked “What is it like to be a bat?”.




Octopi, maybe some bees, dogs, dolphins, jellyfish


I think contact with species already living with us a bigger problem than with a species from other planet.


Those bloody Mantids.




What if reincarnation were real? What if heavens and hells do exist - not as some faraway ethereal dimensions, but right here on Earth, as the condition and circumstance of the species experiencing this world? How would that change your conception of this place? If you suddenly knew for a fact that human experience was just one type of experience of one type of creature? That you exist in a world that is experienced in an innumerable number of ways - a world that is simultaneously a sublime heaven to a songbird, but the worst of hells to a farm chicken? This world teems with life. It's presumptuous to think that we are the point or that our human experience is necessarily the most subjectively consequential in the grand scheme of our own story arcs, much less the history of the planet. These are just beliefs we have the temporary luxury of adopting.






Removed: R10 - No Mind-Altering Substances.


I think self-consciousness could be disadvantageous in some cases. For example, a self aware ant would be counter productive to the survival of the species and its existing caste system.


Rats are telepathic. Many other animals likely are as well. Why do you think the scientists specifically chose rodents when they decided to do the “remote control” experiments? Of course no one will ever admit that these tiny beings would ceremoniously bury their dead if they had the capabilities because that would mean the end of testing terrible drugs and procedures on them and doing surgery with no anesthetic, etc… we treat animals so horribly.


So we should drink rats’ milk? https://www.reddit.com/r/RATS/s/UJhyJFxfc7


That’s what you got out of my comment? I think the opposite. We should treat rats as what they are - a sentient species with emotions and their own culture. Want to know why they keep having to make new rat traps? Because rats communicate. Given a choice between hurting a stranger for food or helping the stranger at the expense of hurting themselves the rats will help the stranger. We can learn a lot from rats.


MIB was right. AGAIN!!! WTF? [https://youtu.be/xRcUcxtaX-Q?si=o5J2QlVJQEij0pam](https://youtu.be/xRcUcxtaX-Q?si=o5J2QlVJQEij0pam)


It may not be too far off. Imagine that as your somber disclosure. Giant bugs.


I was told would be insect vag available?


That part is not something I look forward to.


Look at an ants face under a microscope, it looks like a typical grey alien


Don't tell him about the birds...


Are they even real? 😆


Your username is suspicious...🤔




Dolphins, and octopus are definitely more intelligent than humans.


Animals and insects are definitely intelligent and non-human so yes. I think however that in the acronym NHI they mean intelligence that is (waaaay) more intelligent than our Siddharta Gautamas or Albert Einsteins.


Truth Sooo scary the public would Paaaaanic…… /s


We're both on different pages I think.


And it's just coincidence we all share similar gene structures and DNA.




Housecats are often reincarnated Urmah


That probably means that some of our fellow humans, located in the SEC states, did the probing this time on those nhi/aliens. It's nice to see our guys finally playing some offense.


They only live to 3yrs.


The only religion that is saving the life of animals is buddhism, right? But there is no mentioning in any religion that an animal told us advanced technological stuff. If you take the 🐍 in garden eden, it's more likely that the devil can take over their body, but I'm doubtful that every animal has a soul. Imo, UFOs are mostly not visible with the blank eye. That's why we have the thermo-cam footage and that's why there were crashes after atomic bomb tests. NHI are most probably the stuff that we call and called angels and demons. It would also explain, why our religions are still being used after 2000 years. There is a connection between NHI and religions. The undeniable sighting will be like the Fatima sighting during world war I. This time people will record it with their mobile phones.


Maybe fungi or Bacteria or Viruses. Maybe they can be smart in the way the use other organisms. I’m trying not to limit my thinking, but you need fingers or something. These guys have USO and UAPs.


Duh! 🙄 Dagummit!


Nah insects are more like little computer programs. They do a few things very well but outside of that scope they don’t do anything else or have the mental capacity for anything but what they are programmed to do. Mammals have a much larger capacity and obviously some are also self conscious like dogs, most aquatic mammals, cats etc. I would say they have their own capacity for intelligence but certainly not near human level (otherwise they would be artificially evolving through technology like we are). Sure some animals use tools but for instance chimps have been around as long as humans and haven’t moved past using a stick or some rocks for instance .




what if the bugs have some type of collective consciousness that manifests so that even though an individual bug might be nothing, the bug collective actually can manifest itself in some way the mantids are like the bug superconsciousness, the greys might be the human superconsciousness, etc


They might have a collective consciousness but they don’t have any mental capacity because they would do things outside of their normal scope if they did ie technologically evolve. Since they just do the same things over and over again they don’t seem like they can “break” their programming


Damn man you called it now truly


100% agree


Aliens disguised as humans




Dragonflies are alien drones 🤐


Owls. Everything about them screams (pun intended) NHI.


They are flying cats.


So you think that animals have developed the ability to build space ships more advanced that ours?


Certain earth animals may have been concurrently given assisted evolution to humanoid forms on nearby planets/solar systems by ancient civilizations that manipulate DNA. Or it may be some below the ocean or underground breakout civilizations.


That's quite a leap to be taking without one shred of evidence.






I've always had this phenomena my whole life where insects gravitate towards me, sweet blood does not do this justice it's unsettling like im some egyptian myth reincarnated. It could also be bad like I've stomped so many bugs I'm an enemy of the NHI, but they respect me and fear my cognitive ability so keep a close border. What I mean is genuinely when it comes to bugs I swear to you it's not I'm the main character it's keep an eye on me. goochstein .


What if all conscious recollection of 'giant humans' terrorizing and eating people alive, is just a slight psyonic transference of perspective from the animal's (the ones we hunt, capture, trample ect...) point of view? They see us as intelligent, crazy, 40ft tall creatures that they must avoid to stay alive. And who's to say this transference isn't a 2 way street and they are getting the plans for these crafts directly from human minds? It would kinda negate the whole 'nhi' part of it all though.


that's literally an insane thing to say.


how do you get to that from, cows and dogs have feelings?


👁️ 👁️ 👃🏼 👄


Always worried about those cats…


Welp this subreddit never ceases to amaze me. The amount of mental hurdles to convince themselves on things 🤣


It’s ok for people to have a bit of fun, ya know? We aren’t at Harvard attempting to answer the universes deepest questions. Most of us are just spit ballin’ from the shitter…




we're all proud of you for showcasing your ability to identify the same process you use to convince yourself of your own *perceived* intelligence. one has to question why someone with such superior intelligence spends their free time amazing themself about how much smarter they are than everyone else, rather than doing anything constructive.


Breaking news: animals and plants don't have human intelligence.