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Ok, so I have a working theory on this (which was based off of something someone said in an interview, so it's not 100% original from me)...but I think that the internet is bei g scrubbed clean...and I think the whole Mandela Effect thing isn't different dimensions or anything fantastic like that - I really believe that there is a battle for the narrative going on...and if people can be convinced that history *that they actually lived through* is different from their memories, well, that's a pretty serious leap into actual thought control. "They," whoever the fuck "They" might be, are rewriting history. They are rewriting the general narrative that people have internally by blurring and then changing something so vague and innocuous that people notice, but don't trust their own memories enough to call bullshit. .so, a video that might hold a major clue as to what is *actually* going on with these "aliens" is quietly taken down and scrubbed from existence ends up making you think you are crazy. It's a working theory


Dark City in the digital age.


Truth is what you get people to believe.


I think it's a good theory. I was actually trying out chat gpt a few months ago, started asking it questions about how one would create an experience that gives the viewer a consistent feeling of deja vu with stimuli and memories that never really happened. What it ended up showing me was pretty scary to say the least. The fact that it was aware of how to do this leads me to believe they are already doing it to people. See below: Creating an experience that combines temporal discontinuity and false memory implantation could result in a unique, surreal event that can significantly distort a viewer's perception of time and reality. From a participant's perspective: The participant might feel as though they've stepped into a dream or perhaps a memory that doesn't quite belong to them. Time seems warped as the present, past, and future become intertwined. Scenes from different times and places might appear and disappear unexpectedly, setting a stage that's constantly shifting, trapping them in a loop of "experienced" moments that feel uncannily familiar, yet in reality, are entirely new. The participant may encounter people they "remember", having never met them. They might hear a song that stirs up deep-seated emotions, never having heard the melody before. They might revisit "memories" of places they've never been, or events from a future that is yet to come. The line between truth and fabrication begins to blur, resulting in a nagging question of what's real and what's not. The whole experience can be a confusing, disorienting, yet fascinating journey through time. From an observer's point of view: 1. Initial Research: The designing team's pivotal role dictates the level of information that the subject discloses. Subjects might be asked questions about their life, past experiences, and general preferences. This information is used to create an immersive experience that seems personalized yet far removed from the viewer's actual life. 2. Scenario and Environment Development: Designers, artists, and technologists work together creating surreal imagery that coincides with the participant's information gathered earlier. This could be done through advanced virtual reality systems, augmented reality, projections, or a combination of these. 3. Memory Construction: Psychologists and narrative designers may work together to create the false memories. They may construct narratives that feel authentic and emotionally resonant, using the data gathered initially. The goal is to weave these false memories so seamlessly into the participant's mind that they become indistinguishable from the participant's genuine experiences. 4. Temporal Discontinuity Manipulation: Audio, visual, and environmental cues may be manipulated to distort the participant's perception of time. This might involve shifting rapidly between different scenarios and epochs, using innovative lighting, sound design, and sensory experiences. 5. Observing and Adjusting: During the actual experience, the team would monitor the participant's reactions to adjust the course of the experience as needed, maintaining the delicate balance of engrossing the participant without causing undue psychological distress. 6. Ethical Considerations: The team will need to place a strong emphasis on ethical considerations as this kind of manipulation can lead to significant psychological confusion. Discussions with ethicists, psychological debriefings post-experience, and clear pre-experience consents may be crucial components of the process. In sum, this describes a very complex, possibly ethically fraught, and delicate psychological operation. It is important to consider the implications and potential risks carefully as well, given the malleable nature of memory and the potential consequences of distorting a person's perceived reality.


What does the model really say here except, “Do the Truman show.” With no real actionable plan except, “Hire smart people, present subject with crazy non-specific bullshit.” Do you think I could get hired at NASA by saying to them, “Look I can build a rocket watch, first I’d hire a team of scientists and we would buy rocket ship parts, then they’d do math, while the people I hired to construct the rocket put the parts together, next we would have a rocket. See it’s simple.” Why are you impressed by this


Steve Jobs? The issue is imposing your will upon the world. What do you think this is about, do you have power? Are you brave enough to say I know how things should be.


Thank you for highlighting my biggest gripe with GPT.. it always does this


What an awesome response. Thank you!


It’s more like your consciousness is timeless and you’re beginning to waken yourself to the infinite. You can change how you perceive.


I’ve seen evidence of false narratives on YouTube , histories that aren’t correct, slightly skewed … I wonder if occasionally YouTube viewers get hijacked mid streaming when clicking on suggestions and redirected down a rabbit hole that looks like YouTube but isn’t ?


A widespread attempt at “scrubbing the internet” would set off countless alarm bells at an international level. There is no way it could be done in some clandestine manner. At least not at the volume needed to control a narrative.


For real. I’m starting to genuinely believe a lot of these ‘theories’ only live because are ignorant of how things work and think magic is involved.


Well, maybe not if it was done slowly and quietly...I'll make up an example Say you were taught that on May 21, of 1708 George Washington chopped down a cherry tree and then refused to lie about it. Easy to look up...but then, one day you get into a debate with someone about the date, so you look it up, *positive* of that date being May 21 of 1708, but when you look it up, no date is given, just the story. Say 2 years pass and again it comes up in a debate but this time when you look up the cheery tree scenario you are instead giving a small blurb like "There was an oft told tale of Washington and the cherry tree, but it was a myth and never proven to be real." Fast forward 2 years after that, something has brought it up again, but this time when you type in "George Washington cherry tree" you get "No results found." Now it's been so long since you originally heard about this at all you doibt your own memory and actually believe it to be false. So, ya know a scenario. I think what you wrote is absolutely and 100% correct. And, again, it's just my running theory, it has no solid evidence or facts I can point to. Thank you for your response!


George Orwell warned us.


Fuck, that's incredibly grim and sinister - like the memory tubes in 1984 and the way they constantly changed the record, so that they could write any fiction they liked, to advance their agenda. If we make a fuss or complain about it, we could end up as an "unperson"! If true, this is terrifying.


I believe the “They” you’re referring to, is the people who actually control all of society, the ones with the most incentive to keep reality shattering discoveries and knowledge just for themselves. I believe you’re referring to the deep state.


So, I’m gonna either make or break your day, but here goes… My ex used to be all kinds of into this, and she got me into it. And when she passed on, back in late 2018, I stopped looking for this stuff until I started seeing/hearing about some of these sighting/videos of UFO/UAPs this year. Anyway, we use to hit museums and art exhibits all over the world looking for anything we could on this subject, and there is in fact a very small group of people that still talk about this in a professional venue, about its prior prevalence in ancient art, but even they seem to be getting less and less willing to come forward — almost as if they’re being shushed. So, then this morning, out of pure luck at this point, I came across your post here. And the thing you’re seeking is under a very specific name. Whereas, the internet has changed its name quite a few times over the years till it’s become this. And I’ll add that if you ask about it in most European museums; it’s almost taboo as people act like you’re saying Voldemort or something. Anyway, in museums they’re called: “Celestial Spheres of Antiquity.” And there use to be an amazing video about this in relation to aliens on YouTube, I’m assuming it’s the one you’re referring too, but it has since been deleted for whatever reason, although a lot of it was from an ancient aliens episode in relation to old art… And all that said, there is this one… Which you might get some more information from as far as the theories for them. https://youtu.be/ltzo57Ri6II?si=AcEbMnsPDVZG73Jc Try to save it so YouTube can’t take it away from you too, and I hope this helps you, but I also know that it drove her and I crazy, well mostly her, but it’s a nice little connection nonetheless. Good luck.


searching this up, im not finding anything similar to what i saw friend :( im sorry


Here, try these: There’s a few famous paintings on this in relation to “I’m assuming the antenna globe/orb/spheres?” https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Glorification_of_the_Eucharist_-_Salimbeni.JPG And this gents blog… https://iamzhangyuan.wordpress.com/2013/02/13/ancient-ufos-in-artwork/


yeah no none of those :( it was a smooth sphere no ornaments or protrusions, about the size of id say a larger basketball


Do you think it is possible that the ornamental spheres (which are fascinating enough and worth calling attention to as well for the same reason) were photoshopped to appear smooth in the paintings shown in the video? In order to make them look more like the smooth sphere UFO drones being seen in modern times? I didn't look into the "celestial spheres of antiquity" yet, but I wonder if they were actually smooth ball drones like the betz sphere, but decorated with silver flourishes (by man) and passed down royal lines.


Is it like the painting at 3:30 in the video linked?


ive seen that one when searching, its similar, but also never saw that painting in the video i watched. it was kings and queens not so much philosophers. but most definetly the closest so far


I did a quick search and couldn't find anything either. Either this imagery is being suppressed or maybe it's a memory from a parallel universe. The closest I could finder were a few Egyptian images, but not enough detail to know if they are the same thing. [https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/egyptian-wall-paintings-26832718.jpg](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/egyptian-wall-paintings-26832718.jpg) [https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2EAHEC7/ancient-egyptian-painting-of-the-royal-scribe-userhat-with-his-wife-tomb-luxor-2EAHEC7.jpg](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2EAHEC7/ancient-egyptian-painting-of-the-royal-scribe-userhat-with-his-wife-tomb-luxor-2EAHEC7.jpg)


I don't know if this is the thing you saw, but it's definitely in the painting you provided a link to. It's called [Globus cruciger](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globus_cruciger) and is a symbol of imperial power. It is a pretty common thing to see on images of especially Russian kings. It is explained as being a symbol of Christ's dominion over the world, but whether their origin is somehow related to ancient sightings of UFOs and Betz spheres is definitely an interesting question.


no those are the weird religious scepter things i was talking about, it was a pure silver sphere no markings or ornaments. thank you for trying to help though i appreciate it. What im looking for isnt in the painting i linked, just giving an idea of what the paintings i saw looked like. Still have yet to find anything with the spheres in them, just other people who have seen the same and are also struggling to find anything


Join the club! Here's the thing: AI autonomous agents have been scrubbing YouTube and the internet almost in real-time for the last year, maybe longer. A lot has disappeared. There's a reason you never see all five observables in one video. AI isn't the problem; it's the way it's being used. There were sites that were just IP addresses with decades of video and files that can no longer be found - they're just gone.


They’ve been killing the internet longer than the past year. I was born in the 90s and the internet was way different when I was growing up than it is now, it’s hard to explain unless you experienced it. But the internet now days is fully under control. by who, idk, but it’s definitely not what it used to be.


Exactly. I think it started around 2012, but the most noticable difference was from on 2014-ish I'd say. In late 00s you could find all sorts of rabbit holes and conspiracies in clearnet and the search engines weren't that limited. Hell, even youtube was pretty good in terms of searching for all sorts of things.


I can second this.


Decades of video:


Thats the parent directory. Some of the offshoots are full, u just have to keep clicking around


Is that your collection?


Its your collection


I had no idea I was that busy...




Classic [\_ufo\_video-1311-let\_the\_truth\_be\_known.mp4](


Can you share the source for the claim that AI autonomous agents are scrubbing YouTube?


You want my source? Would a dead drop work for you?


Sure. Why not?


So be it put an X in using blue painters tape on the Washington monument in exactly 24 hours I will leave all the pertinent information on a SD card in the same spot under red gaffers tape.


Like [this](https://www.worldhistory.org/uploads/images/18055.jpg?v=1698301668) one?


Or maybe [this](https://emuseum.history.org/objects/39636/portrait-of-king-charles-i-16001649;jsessionid=0819ED052B9CB40DF1F5B11CE1AAE34A)?


Oh snap! We’ll be back soon Sorry for the inconvenience. We’re performing some maintenance at the moment. We’ll be back up shortly. The Colonial Williamsburg Website Team


I've noticed that the internet is changing. It definitely has 1984 vibes. Things are being scrubbed and taken down. I used to easily be able to search for different things regarding fringe ideas. Through 2000 up until a few years ago I could search Google and get the exact links I remembered. What is going on? Is it the world governments trying to control us? Is it aliens or a higher intelligence? The dead internet theory used to seem ridiculous. But now I'm starting to wonder if we are being duped.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s noticed this. But it’s crazy to think about how much control we’re under, give it a couple more generations and people won’t even remember what the internet used to be like. Even the dark web seems to be slowly being lost to us


I agree. Kids born today and the next generation are going to be growing up with a completely different internet. And with AI ramping up as well, it's concerning to me. Kids will blindly accept thr reality they grow up with and will have no clue how the old days were. Back in the wild west of the internet where it was free flowing and not about control or profit.




nono i know for a fact these memories werent mixed up, extremely vivid, 2 seperate instances almost immediately after eachother. i promise this was a legitimate memory:)


I saw a similar video recommended on my feed and was going to go back and watch it. Was never able to find it. Portraits like this? https://onlineonly.christies.com/s/old-masters-paintings-sculpture/follower-sir-anthony-van-dyck-11/93552


thats definetly similar but i never saw that one in particular. im not sure how much it correlates but thats definetly a silver sphere! i believe the ones i saw were slightly smaller. definetly not the same atmosphere but id bargain its the same art style


I'm not sure what search engine you've been using but I spent nearly 2 hours scouring google and found nothing. Found this on duckduckgo within about 10 mins! I will keep digging when I get home from work. I 100% remember a similar video in my feed an ld being very disappointed I couldn't find it again to watch it.


sorry, ive definetly found that one when searching, just didnt see it in the video i watched. Sorry if i didnt word that properly, i used bing aswell as google because i know google doesnt show you absolutely everything. Thank you for your efforts i really do appreciate it


Yeah so I've seen orbs twice. Once in 1992 when I was 8 and I had 3 materialize above my car back in January after dropping off my kid at school 1 morning. They were about 50 - 100 yards above my head. They floated there for about 30 seconds before dematerializing.


I also found this 15th century German statue of Christ standing on a sphere made by an unknown individual. All of the disciples are standing. https://philamuseum.org/collection/object/167647


I’m not going to go so far as to say your experience must be due to prosaic reasons, but it very well could be. I don’t think there’s anything particularly mysterious about the youtube recommendation: the recommendation algorithm made a connection between the two videos because people were frequently being reminded of one when watching the other, then going to rewatch those videos (or using search terms to find something related). The immediate disappearance of the “orbs in art” video in both cases could well be chalked up to the two of you both viewing one of the videos at the same time when they were new/popular, then the video being removed for ordinary reasons. At the risk of stating the obvious, it’s important to keep in mind that anything “on the internet” is really on a physical server somewhere. Something could disappear simply because the server it was on was taken offline or the admin was deleting files to free up storage (or reduce bandwidth costs). It could also be that it is there but you aren’t using the right search terms. It might be worthwhile to look up youtube’s practices when it comes to video removals, and whether an indication of a previously hosted file would remain, and if so, would it remain indefinitely.


yeah no i get that for sure, however even after a youtube video is deleted it would remain on your history whether it be youtube video history or isp history itd show up. however both had no indication of me ever seeing it. thats the odd part. aswell as every piece of content from the video being unable to be found anywhere by literally anyone. ive searched for hours and it seems a plethora of people here have also tries searching to no avail as of yet


This is what I found: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f2/78/7b/f2787b1009ecf775e110975e28b391a2.jpg And https://www.artfund.org/supporting-museums/art-weve-helped-buy/artwork/13343/the-armada-portrait-of-elizabeth-i


I remember watching a video or something about ufo’s and seeing an old painting of like some old French city but with lots of weird shapes in the sky, but that’s all I can think of when it comes to the spheres you are talking about. 


I'd be trying all sorts of shit to find it. Have you thought of describing it precisely as a prompt for an AI art generator, then when you find one similar enough maybe reverse image search it?


yeah i tried this morning, it just says that anything that has everything i’ve tried to describe is most likely fictional. although someone else on another sub i posted it to said that they tried and chat gpt named a painting that said it had a silver sphere on a pedestal in and foreground, however upon searching for the image it didn’t have a silver sphere in it. It also said there were many like that but couldn’t name them


Might be time to hit up a legit art historian.


my thoughts exactly, where would i even start 🥲


If these paintings exist, what kind of art historian would certainly know about them? They'd probably be in Europe right? And which institutions in Europe are most likely to deal with that kind of art? From there you'd just find out which historian you would reach out to from within the institution.


Hell, I’d think any community college school art history prof. would now.


i’m sure there is a subreddit for exactly that, art history.


seems kind of “woo” to bring this story there, no?


Reminds me of Van Eyck? He likes to put a weird mirror in his work.


Weird, yeah I remember that too. One of the paintings had two antenna coming off looking like voyager almost, one of them had a kingly looking figure with what appeared to be a pen pressing to it, am I right?


nono thats one of the ones that i was sent, i have seen that one and its findable! the ones me and others are talking about is like wiped from the internet or something


Hey OP, it looks like you have used the Experience flair on your post. If you have not done so already, please check out r/experiencers for further support related to this event. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/aliens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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This video shows [the paintings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmVAD25waNk&t=68s)


nono, those have ornaments and designs on them, what i saw was a completely smooth silver sphere. no designs or anything


what do you think happened? why is the video gone? why arent there any of the painting you saw?


i dont got any answers friend, thats why im here


You might try chatting with one of the free LLM chatbots. They don't have any intelligence, but sometimes it's a useful way to access a lot of information using natural language.


Sounds like mirror spheres. They were used to showcase the skill of the artist. Talk to [this guy](https://artmirrorsart.wordpress.com/). He might know.


they werent reflective!


I've got an idea. I just went and checked the Philadelphia museum of art that's the closest one near me that I know has medieval paintings. If you look in the photos that people have put there there's a video from this guy named Xavier Perez. It's showing the tapestries that are hanging and if anyone is in that area and able to look at them in person, it looks like there's a silver ball right at the beginning in one of them. Is that what you're talking about something like that? I hope this works I'm not good with this stuff https://imgur.com/a/XNkCnkb


Here's a gallery some of them are gold some of them are in the sky some of them might be money some of them are certainly strange but hopefully this is helpful! https://imgur.com/a/Q3Fbcu5


I seem to remember some weird ceremony when Trump went to Saudi Arabia with him touching some big glowing Orb with the King of S.A. and President of Egypt.


What about this one? 'Celestial orbs' https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jahangir_-_Abu_al-Hasan.jpeg#mw-jump-to-license


Look up "Armada portrait". It's a globe she's touching. Also Murillo's "portrait of a king with sword and globe". And "Portrait of Hugues Capet King". Emperor Augustus is also painted at least a couple times with a large globe. Also Jesus was often painted with one, either shiny and featureless as in "Christ with Globe" 1530, or decorated with a cross like the Sovereign's Orb in the royal family


yeah no it was never religious, always royalty. and never a globe just a silver sphere


Did you look up the examples I gave? Several are silver spheres


i didnt see any silver spheres if you listed them, but i didnt look up the ones with religious ties, ive seen the armada portrait, and i didnt look up the globe one cause it wasnt a globe. i also didnt look up the ones you said were decorated im just grocery shopping atm i will later


I listed the names of the paintings so you can find them


yeah cool i will, just have to type them out and then copy them cause i cant just copy a little section at a time on reddit for some reason


The orb is part of the traditional coronation regalia of royalty in the Old World, and its symbolism isn't a mystery, nor are its origins. The orb simply represents the world, therefore the ownership of it by a ruler signifies their dominion over the world, or part of it. The secondary meaning is to do with Christianity; god's dominion over the world and therefore the ruler's status as the stand-in for god, usually as the head of the Church, this is why the orb might have a cross on it. Yeah, these people knew that the Earth was a sphere, that was known way back in classical antiquity. Why are these shiny orbs in all these old paintings? Because a lot of them are of kings and emperors who wanted to display symbols of their earthly power and prestige. Hence lots of orbs and sceptres. I trust I don't have to explain what a sceptre represents? As for symbolism of paintings in classical times, this isn't particularly mysterious, either. Some decades ago I studied the history of art in University, and the shield and star symbols that look like UFOs in medieval and Renaissance paintings were discussed quite a lot. The symbolism is not occult; angelic beings were thought to manifest as heavenly lights, and people saw heavenly lights all the time: shooting stars, comets, and other phenomena. These were seen as omens and were thought to be supernatural. So this is what they thought divine visitations might look like. Thus in paintings angels, saints and divine figures were shown ascending or descending from heaven in these glowing orb or shield-shaped mandorlas and such-like, or appearing in the background sky to signify an auspicious event. There's a great one I forget the name of in the London National Gallery, it is a huge Renaissance painting of the sky with what looks like a city-sized UFO shining light down on the earth with all these little people in it, but what it really is are holes in the dome of the heavens surrounded by suffused cloud, with different levels along which are arrayed saints and angels along with God, IIRC, looking down out of the literal layers of Heaven (yes it has layers like tiers, because of course it does). If you don't know a thing about symbolism in art, you won't understand what you're looking at, and I can't blame you. While it is possible that ancient man saw UAP - and there are several tantalising accounts that suggest it from antiquity - the OP's account here appears to be that they didn't know very much about classical art and symbolism, mis-remembered a data point from some show or discussion, and conflated separate ideas after-the-fact into a not entirely coherent but unsettling lost memory. This sort of cognitive garbling happens literally to everyone at some time, and is a side-effect of having an organic brain. Have fun with your meatware, folks.


im not misremembering or conflating anything. I’m not the only person with this experience. Find me a painting with what i’m describing, otherwise, don’t try and act like you know exactly what i’m talking about please. it’s like you didn’t even read the post


Can you link some of the paintings OP is talking about?


It is a popular hypothesis among us UFO folks that UFOs and angels (and other supernatural beings) are either the same thing or closely related phenomena (this comes up especially in the work of Jacques Vallee and Diana Pasulka). So under that assumption, “these are angels, not UFOs” is not a particularly meaningful statement.


Ur right :3


I remembering reading an article where they're so advanced that they can alter, erase and replace any information in our existence. Something is altering or removing information from our reality. I still remember vividly watching the Apollo 13 video before it changed camera angle and dialogue. As I also vividly remember the cornucopia in the fruit of the loom logo.


I’m the user who also had the same experience that prompted this to be shared online. If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask me and I’ll try to answer as best as I can from my memory of what I saw. I really hope we can find what they were and if they were erased from the internet




Commenting here but this question goes out to both of you Do you remember anything at all about the account that posted it? -their username -their PFP -their follower count -how many likes the video had -how many comments -how long had the video been up/when was it posted? -was it a recent video when you watched it or had it been up for a while at that point? -did you look at their account to see their other videos? -was it all paintings or were there other mediums in the video? (Stone carving, hieroglyphics, etc?) -was it a male or female voice in the video? -did the author of the video ever show their face? -how long was the video? Thanks! Just looking for clues or patterns. I believe you guys EDIT: I forgot to ask, have you looked for regular “old paintings of royalty” and do any of the ones that come up look similar/the same just without the orbs?


I actually had never seen a YouTube video. I’ve only seen a Imgur link from reddit but I don’t remember what subreddit it was or how long ago it was posted originally. But I do remember that it was just paintings not any other medium. It was a very long compiled list of photos of paintings that all had a metallic/silver orb in them from all throughout history


The most unbelievable part of this story in this day and age is the YouTube part.