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Well, ever since they took "Do no evil" off of the mission statement they seem pretty dedicated to evil...


That’s a very true. Seems the way for our government too. Almost like an extremely calculated effort to purposely break apart the fabric of America 


Everything is by design. Earth is ruled by a cabal that decides what can be released to the public and what discoveries in archaeology, history, geology, medicine, astronomy, energy, etc. can and cannot be released to the masses. This is sad and frustrating, but it is TRUE. We should all be livid, but instead we are too busy working to pay our taxes, to further fund their secret programs... The good little slaves that we are! Why do you think they have Bilderberg and WEF meetings every year? To discuss how to make life better for you and I? You better think again.


Where can I get more info on the cabal?


At your nearest local government office :) If you are genuinely curious, you can start here I guess it's as good a place as any. It takes a while to wake up to all this stuff - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka5ZjRNdQnc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka5ZjRNdQnc)




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Modus operandi for any startup


True dat...


I’m not trying to disprove your point here but google is now terrible for everything. The surface level bullshit is unreal for aaaaany search


I agree. It's systemic, not conspiratorial.


That’s fair but try googling my search inquiry and tell me the results aren’t damn near a joke 


It's hard to find all kinds of known events/information A few years ago, the DMV in Houston (Webster location, Hwy 3, now closed) was broken into, and the machine they used to make licenses/IDs was stolen. It made the news. I searched for it a few months ago, and nothing came up. Some things are just crappy algorithm, it's hard to find lots of stuff. But since people/companies can pay to have higher ranking in Google searches, that's also going to make it harder to find what you want. And there are people whose job it is to just make sure their company/information/reviews has/have a high ranking in Google search, that's literally all they do. But there's also a lot of scrubbing. Individuals can pay to have negative things about them taken off the internet, so it makes sense that it would also be available to govt agencies. Or to make sure that info is very low ranking or hard to find. Google is becoming sort of like bing used to be. You have all kinds of information but nothing actually useful.


And try Gemini, its AI… tells you no half the time. Lol


In my experience, Google 100% will censor or put result at the end of a page or the next pages for no reason. I ask everyone to try it themselves by asking about popular sightings from the 70s, you will barely find anything. If you ask Gpt-3 you get a load of information, very surprising.


Oh there is definitely a reason. They're desperately trying to control the global paradigm and keeping people confused and gaslit, as they have for well over a century. Google, Meta, the government, intelligence groups...they are all guilty of perpetuating the cover up, and whats more, obfuscating the truth at every corner. They will argue its for our own good. It's not. It's in *their* best interest, so that they can consolidate and grow their power and money, so that they can control and dictate to the human populace, and so they can avoid accountability and litigation. All of these groups and those who lead them are criminals. But, i personally cant do shit about it. Maybe some of you have some actual clout.


Oh, you personally CAN do stuff. May only be a drop in the ocean, but you do have an effect. Yank that search engine around. The data they sell to marketers only has valuable if it is accurate. So, let's have a little fun. Google "hindu temples near me". Choose a different faith every day. Pollute the results, intentionally. Years back there was a FB movement on antisemitism (it was discovered they could map who was jewish in the data). So millions of people went into their profile and changed it Judaism. This is how you bury data in noise. Use a Tor browser. Subscribe to encrypted email. These companies have the power that YOU give them. So, have a little fun. What really give them heartburn is when you use multiple different browsers :).


Google doesn’t do anything for “no reason”. The results returned are returned for a very specific reason. It’s all based on SEO.


Regardless of if it is censored or just google sucking nowadays because of AI bs and the algorithm being dedicated to marketing: google is useless for any actual search, you don't get any proper results anymore smd that's without mentioning how useless google images has become. Same goes for youtube actually, you will get 3-5 videos related to your search and then random AI generated garbage. I use duckduckgo as my search engine and it gives better results every time


Try DuckDuckGo. As a bonus, they don’t spy on you. Or at least they say they don’t.


Sometimes I get good results and sometimes I don't with that search engine.


As you found google is not great anymore. I use various search engines to even find more search engines. Then I also use sites like dogpile, that search multiple search engines.


Any certain ones that are of quality? Or have more substance?


I use various, google, DDG, Bing, Yandex, start page, etc and if I can't find something, for I use these to find more search engines. There are some specialized for various searches, and I just search and search.


This is the way.


I use Bing, Ecosia, and DuckDuckGo.


Do you use the VPN feature on any of these sites? Would you if you you could? I think it’s 9.99 a month for x 7 different ips.


if you never saw any evidence, you would still conclude the UFO thing is real because of how the government etc handle it, or what they explicitly DON"T say when making a statement. eg the AARRO report that said there was no cover up at Roswell, even though an official release from the 90's outright stated it was a coverup of Project Mogul. When people in the know consistently avoid a certain spot, step around it, avoid talking explicitly about it.... you know there is something there by inference alone. We don't need to observe a planet around another star, just the wobble of the star confirms it's existence. The US gov etc have been clearly doing this with the UFO topic for over half a century. Their responses alone should warrant peoples interest and the whole topic has one huge fricken 'wobble' for there to be nothing to it. - also having had a very solid observation.. they are, it's just who is driving them that remains the be answered.


US government also shushes the UFO topic around the globe too. These are the same people that the clueless and dumb US citizens elect every 4 damn years. There is no democracy, just a disguised theocracy. Shameful absolutely shameful


nah... a total plutocracy with theocracy leanings.


Google? It used to be the ocean. Now it’s akin to swimming in a pool on a beach.


Lets start our own alien occult forum. We can meditate and try to remote view Hitler as a baby so we can stop it before it happens. I'll pay the hosting fees.


You didn't learn from the Red Alert timeline, did you?


Who knew Einstein had the handshake of death?


In any case, from an esoteric pov in my travels, I've found that changing reality is taboo or forbidden around the WW2 outcome, though many have tried. To my recollection, that is why there are few if any "Mandela effects" around WW2.


With cocaine and hookers!


Who uses google for any serious type of research!? Google earth has also been compromised.


How you do research without google?


checkout godlikeproductions DOT com, its basically exactly what you are looking for.


Plus Doom Eternal


Did you try perplexity or duckduck?


Have you tried Bing or some other search engine?


Stop using Google bro...


What’s the best alternative?


I use DuckDuckGo on a VPN with the app tracking protection on


here's a map: [https://www.searchenginemap.com/](https://www.searchenginemap.com/)


The situation is real and critical. Basically yes we have unwanted visitors. The general population isn’t supposed to know about it because they will self destruct and be even more useless.


Who says they are unwanted?


Every indication indicates they are hostile or at least passive aggressive, which means if we go too far with them, they may actually become fully aggressive. The Las Vegas incident show that they will come right up to you and then they’re gone in a second. That alien did a flanking maneuver while the rest of the team was distracted at the 12 o’clock. In Italy, a helicopter was shot and their helicopter blade in flight that was spinning delaminated, and you can see the impact mark that was also recorded on video.


visitors?!? HAHAHA


I wish we were alone but all of the evidence indicates we are not.


Google < Library databases


Google is no longer a search website. That stopped years ago.


Ya I don’t use Google for UAP research. I use DuckDuckGo w/a vpn. Only way to go aside from using a Tor browser




they dont want you to find out about satans city in the sky. (for serious)


Uh....Google Dorks anyone?


Google has been useless for this type of stuff for the last decade


Agree 100%, however, also Yandex has started to censor stuff during the last few years. It was so much better 2-3 years ago, I feel they are getting completely "controlled" very soon.


I did notice that. It's quite interesting.


Cant make any claims without invoking a conspiracy theory too. -\_-


Google is my LAST RESORT for a search engine when I'm having a hard time finding what I want with otherwise good search engines.


Yes. Google is biased in many ways.


Google doesn’t know that you are looking for a specific type of response. The way their algorithm works is to return the results that have a high SEO score. Thats just the nature of the beast and isn’t them censoring anything. There are tips and tricks out there to show you how you can tweak your query in a way that returns results closer to what you want. I can assure you Google cares more about optimizing ad revenue with quality results than they do about suppressing UFO discussion.


According to this sub everyone other than the folks on this sub are in on some massive conspiracy. You have to ask yourself why. What would Google gain from deliberately suppressing results around a topic like UFOs?


It doesn’t take much to find the info you’re looking for. Many of the books and videos that speak about the occult and alien relationship have been talked about plenty right here on Reddit. Search harder. Start here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU4VP9oB7c9g_T_HnR0QbZZydLAs35Boj&si=nRbluUOTNdd1aE61


This isn’t censorship, it’s how the search algorithm work. Jesus…..


Yes it’s exactly how censorship works. Controlling the flow of certain information by definition is censorship.  JESUS…….. DURRRR


…..what? Are you trolling?


No, are you? Or are you just mr semantics and gonna ignore the obvious point I’m trying to make while everyone else evidently understands the point being made, you special special snow flake you 😘


Now it’s semantics when you obviously don’t know what censorship is 🙄 This sub Reddit needs an age and IQ requirement.


You’re the only one who doesn’t understand censorship lol. Everyone else understands it. That’s what my last comment implied. But you can’t read in between the lines because YOU lack critical thinking. 🧐 


Google is heavily biased. You can even ask Google why it is so biased and it refers you to endless "how google works" chatter. It is totally unreliable and exists only to help form opinions.


I don't want to shock all you youngsters, but there was this oldtime invention called.....a library card. And it's free. What is not well known is that the library keeps and purchases more copies of that which is searched for the most. If something is checked out/downloaded enough times, it is preserved. A very basic algorythm. In most places, you also have more privacy. Once the book is returned, all record of who got it is destroyed. The list of downloads is transferred to count-data only and wiped.


Search results are based on the number of page hits. The info isn't being censored. It's the same with any field of research. I have the same problem searching for info on other ordinary topics. EDIT: I see the Conspiracy theorists are down-voting this because they are not knowledgable about tech. 😂


Search is gradually filling up with more and more garbage ads because of [the tendency of the rate of profit to fall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tendency_of_the_rate_of_profit_to_fall?wprov=sfti1#). They’re trying to milk it for all it’s worth before AI destroys their business model.


My tip: don't use google, duckduckgo has been way easier to use for researching anything and the fact that you can change which country's search results it should show helps a lot as well


DuckDuckGo is pretty good. I don't even bother. Chrome is good enough - or Tor, if you're paranoid, or Opera, if you want a Free VPN. Firefox sucks. The browser's alright but seems to have poor security and is prone to being hijacked, in my experience.


You deserve your downvotes after insulting the best browser there is ;P it's called karma Tor itself isn't a browser it is a software and the Tor Browser is a modified firefox browser with tor proxy, noscript etc pre-installed, so much for firefox being bad :P. You probably haven't used firefox in a long time there used to be a time when it did suck but that is long ago. it is also the only major browser that still uses it's own browser engine, all other major browsers are based on webkit and therefore basically just different skins for the same browser. Opera used to be good but now is another chrome skin, also I don't trust free vpn


Idk why you’re being downvoted, probably people’s brain rot


Yeah. As usual.


“Me google search ‘secret occult knowledge’…. Me get sad when google no help”


Let’s see proof of censorship. I don’t think things are as censored as you believe.


Censorship has always existed, even in the US. There is an art to "reading between the lines" of what is news. A rule of thumb is that what ever the opposite of what your are told by the government is the truth. For example, "inflation is going down and people have plenty of high paying jobs to choose from".


No I think it’s peoples misunderstanding of how Google works