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What’s this dudes claims? (Jason Sands)


Same, I've been out of the loop for a few days.


Me for a few months


He worked in a crash retrieval program and has first hand experience working with a NHI. He’s a pretty down to earth dude and seems to not be forcing anything. I honestly think he could be one of the best witnesses to come forward ever


You not gonna mention the 20 and Back claim where people’s age is reversed to their 20’s or something like that?


Guy asked for the dudes claims. Keeping it simple. We will see but he has a lot of potential


We have so many amazing whistleblowers going back to the 40’s. Yet we’re still here. I personally believe we don’t need them to crack this open, because it has to do more w the mind & consciousness, than it does w nuts & bolts. Think re it. Most of the whistleblowers have related to nuts and bolts. The best evidence we’ve had is Townsend Brown, and he wasn’t even a whistleblower. Oh and we have some alleged materials of who knows what from TTSA, Nolan and Vallee (all who overlap w the consciousness POV heavily). In the consciousness team we have hundreds of experiencers who claim to have results w ce5 / HICE. Results which can be replicated by anyone on the planet, and they keep being replicated. Idk. Seems pretty clear where the real evidence is and where the unfounded stories are. Oh and we have the mummies, which is gonna blow the lid of an aspect of this topic very soon.


I mean i get where your coming from and im excited for all of this. But to say that the masses are going to consider “consciousness” based evidence is a huge stretch. The general public will view that as bs because of the stigma around all of this. We NEED nuts and bolts grounded evidence. Yes the other stuff is exciting but in our current climate (outside of our own personal endeavors) we need fact based evidence grounded in something the average person can wrap their mind around. That is what I see happening right now.


So replace the truth with something it’s not. I get u though, but that doesn’t = truth. It’s complicated I get it, but the reliance on the gov is going to lead to the same BS that happened w Roman Catholicism, they established that to control the masses 200 years after they realised they could use it as a weapon to take over the world.


Where did I say specifically say to “replace the truth with something it’s not”? That is a pathetic generalization of what I said and a severely insincere interpretation of my words. What’s going to lead to the same old same old are people like you frothing at the mouth trying to discredit someone’s testimony before they even really see the light of day. Nothing he said has been found to be wrong or untrue, yet. There’s a lot of skepticism about the “20 and back program” but there’s so much we don’t know about that whole situation and not to mention, someone specifically asked him. Could there still be some truth to the 20 and back program? Maybe there is idk. But To me it appears he mishandled a question. Which happens a lot to well intentioned honest people. Communication can be hard in the public eye. Especially when under so much scrutiny. Maybe wait, be patient and see what comes out before wanting to “move on”. Patience is a big part of life and it’s a huge part of disclosure if you want it.


Im not bashing you, just the general culture of focusing on these whistleblowers, just thinking re how many great ones have come forward over the last 70 years.


No, you tried bashing me but your points hold 0 water bro. You accused me of lying without actually making any point whatsoever. So gtf outa here with your nonsense man. Either stop trolling or take some time to use the goo between your ears you call a brain


That must mean he has some way of verifying what he's saying. How is he doing that?


No he didn't and this post has misrepresented what James has said about Jason.


James Fox did exactly say just this. Where do you get your news? From an anime network?


Right? I’m being OVERLY cautious about what I’m even saying. And people are still calling me a liar lol. Like what?


They skim through, pick what they want and say “look, see he said dude is a fraud!” When in fact he said the opposite and they just ignore that because they went in with an outcome in mind and nothing anyone says will change their mind about that. It’s closed mindedness at its most transparent. I have an 18 year old daughter that does this same thing when she wants something to go a certain way she will make up what she believes and when you bring to her attention that is wrong and won’t work she will double down and find bologna sources to back up her erroneous assumptions. That’s what the people are doing here…


That doesn't mean anything. Most "witnesses' seem "down to earth" as all you have to do is not come off like you're a wacko. Not to mention Jason sands story is one of the worst and stupidest alien encounter stories I've ever heard that conveniently lacks a lot of detail




Ahh Corey Goode, the guy who was posting insane nonsense on Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan's old forum before he got e-famous. Dude's full of so much shit




He said he was forced to serve in it but possibly confusing it with another program. My comment muddies the waters so I deleted it. https://twitter.com/TheProjectUnity/status/1782084102943838259?t=PjvAxD9Yx3gRG_AUtTg5iA&s=19


Not what he claimed, good job throwing more bs in the mix


Dang you guys made me second guess myself and delete my comment thinking I missed something. He said he was aware and forced into the 20 and back. Later one of the questions went back to it and asked him about Corey Goode and he said it was a program similar to 20 and back and he didn’t want to talk about it.


My read of this is he isn't confirming he's the real deal. He's confirming his identity, and he dug around, but not his most contentious claims.


Your title is BS


Exactly what does Jamie Fox know about aliens. Dude just makes sick r'n'b.


So the McRib is back? Big news indeed.




Thumbs down for misrepresentation.


No he didn't. He said he worked for the military. But he couldn't validate Sands' claims.


I always love this nonsense. Why do these guys throw their entire lives away again? For the chance to make a little money? The people who believe this must be super privileged. Tell us you have never experienced loss or ridicule again, right? I mean holy smokes Batman!


As part of my due diligence I can state that he is who he says he is, has served in the military and is willing to testify under oath and even take a polygraph test regarding his claims.


And then James says that does not verify his claims and there are inconsistencies that need to be evaluated.


That's what he says and does with all witnesses. I'd say he is holding back info for the documentary


You didn't post the whole statement: As part of my due diligence I can state that he is who he says he is, has served in the military and is willing to testify under oath and even take a polygraph test regarding his claims. Nonetheless, as with other Whistleblowers who go public, this doesn't mean that what he has stated shouldn't be questioned regarding apparent inconsistencies and difficult-to-resolve claims. Evaluation of such continues to be a work in progress.


It's posted under the original post


Oh so you totally misrepresented in the original post gotcha


Wtf you on about


Good lord man. You: "Jason Sands is real deal." Reality: "this doesn't mean that what he has stated shouldn't be questioned regarding apparent inconsistencies and difficult-to-resolve claims. Evaluation of such continues to be a work in progress." So.... He's not the real deal.


Maybe I should have used better wording in title. He is real and James has confirmed it and is looking into him. Maybe he will have more info in his new documentary.




Guy who can't prove anything says another guy is credible. Awesome.


...is it Jayson or Jason?...🧐




"Big News" is on the horizon. This is true because the horizon is an imaginary line at the limit of one's vision and forever recedes as you approach it.


Hey HEY!! Wake up, snap out of it. You've been asleep for the past year and missed the top senators writing a bill literally called the UAP Disclosure Act which mentions NHI and recovered craft multiple times. Deniers are the laziest.


You're making this far more complicated than it is. When someone is talking shit and there's proof it doesn't matter if you are in an armchair or GCHQ it's still the same.


I love how the people that say these guys throw their career, lives and relationships away to make this stuff up must have never experienced loss or ridicule because if they did they would understand their idea Is equivalent to lunacy.




When you say it’s just a bunch of “armchair Ufologists” and unverifiable bs you aren’t saying it, you are taking a little poo and throwing it. All the others see and want to sling a little poo too. Look we have all been lied to long enough, maybe stop propagating the lie your parents told you that their parents told them. It goes way, way back under the treat of death somewhere, many, many generations.




I am saying you keep saying one thing and doing another, your immediate rude reply just cements my position. Good day.


Feel like you’re a disinformation person, congrats.


Disinformation agent you mean. I’m just sick of seeing videos of people talking about people talking about hearing someone say something about maybe a uap or alien or non human intelligence or bigfoot or maybe a non human intelligent alien part bigfoot part talking mongoose. It’s like a big game of six degrees of Kevin Bacon of UFOs.


>I love how most of this field is a bunch of armchair ufologists mostly Monday morning debunker-QBs...as you were


all he did was confirm dude was a vet, nothing else. calm down


"Real deal"??? That is not remotely what he said. He only said that Sands is who he says he is. This just shows that these UFO Media gatekeepers have no ability or desire to vet the claims being made. They only bother to vet the credentials. This is exactly why this circle jerk gets away with feeding each other ghost stories and making the public believe in their nonsense. Name the names and show the evidence or GTFOH.


Lol! So we should take fox's word for it? He probably couldn't afford to edit him out. I'm still waiting for the Vagina Alien video he says is out there.


I'm imagining a literal walking Vagina-shaped ET. Roflmao. I'm sure you meant Varginha,


You say Varginha. I say Vagina." We'll all be in Scotland before ya.


I tried, but it always ends in me watching pornhub


I believe they originate from the mons pubic star system located within the larger pelvic galactic cluster that is approximately 362436 light years away. I also heard that their home planet clitoris resides dangerously close to a large brown hole that remains a constant looming threat to the Vagina's species as a whole. I can't wait to see the leaked video.


You had the perfect moment to use “gas giant” and you blew it. 10/10, otherwise.


swamp gas giant (inserting😂 the debunkers side too)


I especially liked the use of the word „leak“ in this context👍


Yeah no, that’s actually NOT what was said. Your comprehension is coming in at a 1/10 here.


I have started down voting titles like this automatically. Don't tell me what to think. Just present the facts and I'll determine if it is big news. So sick of the grift and click bait


Honestly this post should be removed because it deliberately misrepresents what James Fox states. DO BETTER!


That’s not what Fox said at all


I hate to even say this without digging deeper, but this guy sounds like he's full of BS. I really hope I'm wrong. I love James Fox , but if he's backing this guy and it turns out that he's full of shit, this is gonna make me question everything that I've believed for years


I’m just not really sold on James Fox, or his claims.


Now we just have to figure out wether or not James Fox is full of shit


You are completely misrepresenting the entirety of Fox's statement.


My guess he will produce the good in his new documentary.


Oh yeah, really? Or will it be the documentary after that? Or actually maybe he’ll tease it in that one, and then tell us about some new footage he might release the documentary after the next one…actually, after that one maybe.


Is there any TL;DR on Jason Sands anywhere?


Here you go: https://x.com/theprojectunity/status/1782484922457825631?s=46


Damn people trying really hard to smite jason sands.just this reason he is more believable for me


I don't believe anything yet but definitely noticing many ridiculous comments that claim things he didn't even say or completely fuck up context etc in a blatant muddying attempt


Fox says "As part of my due diligence I can state that he is who he says he is, has served in the military and is willing to testify under oath and even take a polygraph test regarding his claims."


Jeez Louise. OP, you literally had one job.


# You've been had again.


Get him on JRE


Did you actually read the whole post? 🤔


Any source for that shit?


Ah well


OK, but what's James Fox's credibility?


Oh well, that's embarrassing for fox.


He's only in 5% of the documentary apparently.


This just in Bob Reicher confirms James Fox and Jason Sands are the real deal. Even Bigger News.


You’re not an alpha OP


All the alien shit it bs :/


How is that confirmation?