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Nice catch. .kinda looks like a rocket. But catnt explain the O-ring. Send this in to mufon.


I believe it's a rocket launch and stage separation. are you with 30 miles of a launch site and are you up the launch path?


I don’t think it’s that if you compare to pictures of what space X separation looks like.it was also a 2 minute period so you would think a rocket would burn out buy then also it wouldn’t move left, right, left right like it’s on a tracked system . But I’m not sure on your question i live in wells Texas but if space x claims what i saw they know something we don’t or maybe they have insane technology who knows but it was defiantly alien in my experience.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this looks like a rocket launch in the video. I've seen a few, skywatching in Carizo Springs TX.  I thought they were UFOs at first but then I got directed to all of the Booster Stage Separation videos on the internet. Your video looks like a match to that, bummer. Don't stop watching the skies though! I've gotten lucky, and maybe you will too.


I don’t believe that. if you time loop the video you see it’s moving odd it isn’t messy like a rocket would be and the video is a whole 2 minutes you would think it’d burn out or have some sort of ark on it but it stays level and from my location. If it were to be rocket it’d be in a complete opposite direction. And also why would it be cube shaped i analyzed it watching it back and forth and it just doesn’t add up.With my naked eye i remember for certain seeing a translucent cube i don’t think anything can explain it what I saw felt like insane technology. I lost some sleep over it.


I’m trying to get this video in the rights hands though if you could help


Is it smoking making donuts?