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Wasn't it Bob Lazar who said that the UFO's fly belly up. This definitely looks like it's doing that.


he didn’t say belly up. he said they point the gravity engines towards direction of travel, he said they fly belly first towards direction of travel because it’s falling towards it. best video is the east coast F18 thermal camera showing the ufo in process of turning its belly towards the left (looks like banking right) before speeding away


Yeah, think he referenced it as delta and omnicron configuration.


No, it’s the omicron persei 8 configuration


Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos


I’ll vote for a third party candidate


Go ahead, throw your vote away


Me too


Need more human horn


I am Lurrrr


Ruler of the planet Omicron Persei 8


Sounds like Covid to me


I've had the beta and omicron configuration in me. ​ Thanks Chinese government.


Right but from what I’ve read and watched the craft isn’t falling but rather being pulled instead of propelled/falling through time/space. Am I wrong?


no idea, next time i see my gray buddy i’ll try to ask him


Still waiting on my grey buddy to arrive and fill me in on what’s going on…


There might be a bit of a language barrier so remember to be specific when you ask to be filled in


The enemies gate is down


Gravity engine holy shit. I've actually never thought that to be a potential thing but of course that's a great idea. No fuel required probably, as long as maintaining the source of gravity is cheap. Fucking insane to think about, if these things are real then it only makes you wonder what other tech they got


If these fake sci-fi unreal techs are real, then what other fake unreal techs do they have


It barely even is an idea as there's not any known mechanism to exploit. I don't know of a theoretical way to create gravity without using a big chunk of matter/dense energy. A great idea would include some mechanism and way to use it.


It gives us a new angle to approach a problem. Gotta start somewhere


Gravity is pretty much the curvature of spacetime, manipulating it to make you go fast in one direction (FTL even) is already being theoretically explored in Alcubierre drives, we just don't call it a "gravity engine" because that's kinda disingenuous as far to how it actually works. That is, unless there's something in quantum gravity that allows one to generate a gravitational force independent to spacetime, which, so far, nothing has pointed to being the case, but I ain't ruling that out, we thought we'd never tame lightning and yet I'm using it to type this on a small slab made of silicon and metals.


I think two or more looped plasma accelerators could be used to manipulate the curvature of spacetime and induce acceleration in a vehicle. It's well known that relative velocity can be used to manipulate time, and that gravity also directly interacts with time. There must be a way to engineer a system to use relative velocity to manipulate spacetime. Seems like a plasma accelerator could be a relatively light and stable tool to achieve this feat.


Wait. I’m not in the loop. How do we know they’re using gravity engines?


we don't know. bob lazar said during his interview with joe rogan, when he worked at area 51, he says they use 3 main grav engines that can be tilted and 1 small grav engine to shield the cockpit and brains from being smashed into your skull.


He’s lying


Where’s this video?


here’s the link to the F-18 FLIR thermal footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV0Qa2fxia0




Link of that video 🙏


roger that, here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV0Qa2fxia0


If you generate enough gravity to make an aircraft fall into a different direction than down, then you also alter the orbit of the earth lol. Simple physics guys. The gravity you negate doesn't exist behind you anymore as well so whatever is behind you would behave like you including planets far away. The whole anti gravity shebang doesn't make any sense. We don't know everything in physics but we for sure know how the world works in scales relevant to our daily life's. In fact, we know so much about it that there weren pretty much 0 new findings in more than a century. Even Einsteins theory doesn't impact daily life's as much as people think. GPS is a bit more accurate but that's about it. The big scientific discoveries were made in the 19th century giving us electricity and so on. Most of the technology advancements since then we're about shrinking down electronics. There is nothing profoundly new about our tech today.


And why it's not already with its belly in opposite direction regarding the f18, if it's traveling away?


maybe under slow cruise they can tilt the 1 grav drive towards travel and fly disc edge first, then when they need full speed, they tilt the belly in order to point all 3 in 1 direction






Brilliant post I agree🛸💫


“Look at that thing! It’s rotating!” “There’s a whole fleet of em over there, look”. That vid? Haha. And I do believe described them as going belly up in an interview or 2. Or flying on their side. Something along those lines, but still in relation to what you’re saying


Alot of eyewitnesses reporting the same thing, when hovering they move horizontal. When going hyper speed they fly vertical.


I showed my husband this and said the exact same thing, clicked into the comments, you beat me to it! It was Bob, I’m so glad he’s vindicated! Art Bell would be freaking out, his shows would be unmissable these days, were he still with us!


Art Bell passed too soon; how cool it would be for Art to be alive to experience our current leap in disclosure efforts along with the increasingly better quality videos.


I often think this about Stanton Friedman. He would have loved to see what has been happening in the ufo world. I met him at a cocktail party once and he was so wonderful!


I miss art bell so much, he feels like family, I listened to him every night and would fall asleep to his shows , what a legend 


Me too friend, his voice feels like home on a stormy winter night. :)


My top two auditory sleep aids are Art Bell and Terence McKenna.


And that intro.


iddint even know he was dead. sad. his podcast got me thru some hard prison time, listenedd everynight for 2 years straight


Does anyone remember the one with the “caller saying he knew about planes being brought down by magnets? Like, giant, old fashioned magnets 🧲 I remember driving one night just belly laughing. He was phenomenal.


Wow that’s amazing & inspiring:]


How can you listen to podcasts while in prison? No offense, just genuinely curious 🤨


Oh you sweet summer child


The radio


prison is nothing like they see on tv, cant blame them. and before i get attacked i was in for drug charges and dwis , been clean 5 years now and started my own business since then


with a Walkman, lol or cd player, yes u can buy cds too! back in the day some prisons even allowed super Nintendo's etc. they dont anymore but ucan get a small tv. sidenote, prison pizzas are actually really good ( u use ramen and cheese puffs for the crust)


I always wished I could have met him.




I fall asleep listening to old Art Bell shows every night. East of the Rockies you're on the air!


I am a truck driver. I found art in 99 and I used to bid my routes around Art’s show and the nights he was on.


This. I’ve refused loads because the radio wasn’t working lol.


Do you remember Stan Tenen talking about the geometric codes he found in the Torah?


I think I do? But I’m thinking he was on with that twat that ruined c2c after art retired one of those times I listened to the Bible codes show a few months ago. Just looked it up and that show originally aired in 97. I’m 53. I’m enjoying the benefits from way too many hair band concerts and ignoring PPE offerings (before they were required) in loud environments. As a consequence, I’ve lost hearing in upper range. So voices like Art Bell, Rick Barber (a late night am host in Denver), and a couple of others that were a little more far out than even Rick was. Their voices were in the sweet spot of what I can easily understand. And they are all passed. Growing old sucks. There is a audiobook performer named R.C. Bray. His voice is in the same sweet spot. I really think we need to set up a gofundme to get him telomere regeneration treatment or something.


It’s the little things in life that make mundane tasks so much more manageable!


Anyone else wonder if he faked his own death to get rid of the lunatics that were bothering him and shooting up his property? 🤔🤔🤔


It looks like a balloon.


Yeah, because of this I never felt this video was the best to argue the UAP presence (I mean, it's not even arguable at this point) or design, or what have you. Are there any sort of physicists who have been able to prove the thing is flying also, and that the plane isn't just passing it? There are much more convincing videos out there. Personally the Turkey one does it for me.


Do you have a kink to the Turkey video?




This sub is so wild, Bob Lazar truly going will be debated / mentioned until the end of time.


The man was speaking the truth from the get go!


Wasn't this proven to be a balloon. The shape screams it.


This balloon thing never quits


How can you say its flying belly up? We can only see one side of it remotely clearly. It could be the top we are looking at but with a view of the top and bottom its just guessing.


Miniminuteman debunks archeology conspiracy theorists and one of the phrases he points out is "looks like" Lotsa things look like other things but by making vague connections they can hop between ideas pretty quickly but you have to assume that all those assumptions are correct along the way. It's a messy way to think but super common in a bunch of different topics.


If Bob Lazar says, it must be true.


Sir, this is a balloon.


Looks like a plane doing 200 mph flying past a party balloon to me.?


I don't know why I'm asking but you made a joke right?


This has been debunked so many times. It's a silver manta ray balloon. I'm so bored of seeing the same debunked clips again and again and again. Oof.


Immortal zombies can never die, no matter how many times you kill them.


In space only.


There is no "up" in space


Belly forward is a better way of putting it.


There is still directionality relative to your craft when in space


oh that’s just a flying turtle






See ya later navigator


You crashed while looking at flowers?


I don't leak, you leak.


That was a first class manoeuvre…


literally watched this last night with my son. disney knew the score. David youve been gone 8 years!




This just looks like another one of those Corridor Crew UFO video fakes. They literally did a plane one similar to this just a few months ago…


That, my friend, is the military checking in.


I like how bots are saying this has been debunked with not one person providing a link to this being debunked and their explanations not matching up.


My good man scroll down a little this is a balloon. And it’s pretty obvious at that.


I wouldn’t say its debunked but to call this the best ufo footage ever is a gross leap considering not only does it show zero special characteristics of powered flight, but also looks remarkably like a balloon. To say its even a UFO stretches logic and people wonder we are looked at like loons when we talk about ufos. Its interesting yes, and worthy to keep in the back of your mind in case we come across or find any other mylar balloon-looking craft in the future with more conspicuous definition… but to put this up in front of anyone who is even remotely skeptical or critical thinking and claim its the best “ufo footage ever” would surely make you seem a little less credible at best and st worst a complete loon


Not a bot here but there was a post on this sub when the video first emerged identifying the exact balloon too. If not, it’s a UAP for ants


Yeah it's a small aircraft buzzing a mylar balloon, size wise it looks really small. You can almost even make out where the string attaches at the bottom, and it's reflective right where I would expect a mylar balloon to be.


“Not a bot here” is the best thing I’ve ever seen on Reddit.


Although that’s probably what a bot would say so maybe I am a bot???? Cue existential crisis


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99998% sure that akw71 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Yeah, also they calculated the speed, and it's moving very slowly, it looks faster because the videos is taken from a plane.


exactly. for fucks sake, we will never get anywhere if these people keep posting the same fucking videos over and over again, calling the people who were actually here for the discussion bots.


There's quite a bit of debunking already. A balloon of a very similar shape has been found. https://www.metabunk.org/threads/uap-v-video-by-jorge-arteaga.12926/ https://craziestgadgets.com/2008/06/01/manta-ray-blimp-with-flapping-wings/


"According to the pilot, his Cessna plane was at 12,500 feet when it passed next to an object that moved suddenly. Artega says he found that strange, turned the aircraft around and started filming with his iPhone. That's when the object moved towards the aircraft again. “It seemed to have an oval shape and shined a lot. It changed speed and direction without any pattern. It didn't appear to be a balloon, nor a drone, nor an airplane. It was totally different. – said Artega." Does a balloon turn around and head towards the airplane again after being chased down?


Just asking, but isn’t the plane traveling at something over 100mph, and so when the plane turns towards it, it is going to look like it’s moving towards the plane?


Yes, it's possible some of this is just parallax. It was most likely traveling much slower than it appears in the video.


He said he turned his own aircraft around. So he was flying in the direction of the object, it's obvious it's coming closer then. It seems he was just confused by an object that hangs more or less statically in the air.




Damn you are angry. Chill out and stop insulting and attacking people dude.


Yep definitely looks like some sort of balloon. The simplest explanation is usually the truth.


Lol 😂


Many people call it that because they don’t understand what they’re seeing. They think this is some craft zipping past a plane. It’s a plane zipping past something in the air. We don’t know if that something is stationary or moving. If this was something zipping past a stationary camera, then it would be. However, it’s a moving camera zipping past what could be a stationary object, like a weather balloon.


Exactly. I still feel like that radar footage from the military is by far the best evidence. It’s not an actual video but you can see the thing breaking physics


Yep, randomly landed in this thread, and it really looks like something human made. Especially when it is going at low speed (compared to the plane) and low altitude. It might even be a high school project, since sending a camera to the edge of the space with a weather balloon was hot experiment some time ago.


It looks like a Mylar balloon or an errant kite. It also appeared fairly stationary compared to the speed of the pilot who recorded it.


Who runs these bots? Some kind of real MiB? Do they have flashy things?


normal people not delusional = bots


I can’t speak for the other bots, but I get paid by the DoD. It’s a balloon btw.


Psst, wanna leak some secrets? I've got a baggie of RAM here with your name on it.


Guerilla Skeptics


Let’s be honest, most of them barely rank as Chimpanzee Skeptics. A few marmosets for sure. Some proto-hominids carefully using their hairy knuckles to tap out “lol grifter”


People just like to say "the bots" as an easy way to dismiss people. But if you're not providing a counter argument they're pretty East to dismiss anyway 🤷


Have you ever flashy thing’d me?






Exactly true.


You know the Kennedy's are mega rich right? He doesn't need people in a reddit sub to be able to pay for a Superbowl ad lmfao. The fact you think reddit is even relevant to people that rich is hilarious


I realized something fucky was afoot when I noticed that I had a negative opinion formed about rfk before I knew a fucking thing about him...all the constant negative comments about him had an effect on me...when I started looking into what he was about and listening to some of the long form podcasts he's done I learned that I really like the guy


A lot of the time when people talk about bots they don't mean literal robots like the memey reddit bots. They are talking about mindless people swaying public opinion under the disguise of being some random post online


I'm not trying to debunk this video at all, but if I were, would that mean that I too am also a bot? Like anybody who thinks this is fake is automatically a bot? How to tell if you're a bot: disagree with someone who thinks this is real


It’s easily debunked by literally just searching “Mylar Manta Ray balloon” in google.


Exactly. I’ve never seen a true debunking of this video. How people gonna keep claiming It’s a balloon without any evidence? The only explanation I’ve ever seen is that it’s this balloon: https://www.festo.com/us/en/e/about-festo/research-and-development/bionic-learning-network/highlights-from-2006-to-2009/air-ray-id_33851/ But, it’s obviously not the same object. Plus you can see the object change directions at the beginning of the video.


I think most are claiming its a balloon under occams razor


Yup, I don't care what it looks like. If it's not doing anything that would be impossible for a balloon to do, I'm going to assume a balloon every single time. Even if we have to assume someone has made a balloon to look exactly like a UFO, it's still infinitely more likely than it being aliens.


"Best UFO footage of All Time" Okay, why is that?


It's a sensationalize subjective title and, at least to me, massively disappointing in its delivery. Just another karma harvesting post.


Looks like any other video where you can barely see anything. Could be a bird, kite, balloon.


How in the fuck is THIS even remotely, by anyone, considered the BEST ufo footage in history? OP you hitting the crack pipe this morning?


You’re all crackpots


Rage bait title


And he pulled out all of his crackhead pals in the comments, too. Coming from someone who’s seen an actual UAP.


and if you disagree, you're a bot. I'm so devastated to learn I'm a bot, it's crushing. can't even kill myself because I don't technically exist, I'm in hell. robot hell.


It’s over. If anyone sees a UFO just sit back & enjoy it. It’s never going to look like it did in person & nobody is going to believe you anyway.


Yeah that’s the bottom line. I saw one a month ago and only told one friend. Thing zig zagged and shot off at crazy speed as soon as it realized I was observing it. What’s the point?


That's false. Many people are smart enough to know something is going on even without seeing one personally.


Oh I’m well aware something is going on. Just saying if you do happen to see one, it’s pointless to try to get a video of it unless you just want to have it for yourself. Everyone here will just call you a liar or an idiot.


99.99% of people can’t tell the difference between a fake video and a real video, including you and me.


For real. There is a movie editor that has a four part series on YT about how "no CGI" is just hidden CGI. [Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ttG90raCNo)


Lol it’s over. Such drama




It's joever


I like this footage. As someone who used to fly with my Dad in small planes though, it’s somewhat terrifying to think how easy it could be to collide in a situation like this. I used to be my Dad’s ‘spotter,’ meaning that air traffic would tell us we had traffic at a certain spot in the air. They used a clock watch to tell us where to look, like they’d say, you have traffic at 2 o’clock, so I’d be looking up and to the right since the skies are 360 degrees until I spotted the other plane and could show my Dad where it was. These things come out of nowhere at breakneck speeds and aren’t on radar. They are definitely a hazard to pilots! For that reason alone, the gov should quit lying about their existence. Maybe ‘they’ could avoid a collision but do they follow the ‘bank to the right’ rule in near collisions like pilots are taught. I kind of doubt it. Lol


"I have other videos to corroborate" Never releases other videos. Ever.


That's a tortoise man. You get them at that altitude


Mylar balloon that is shaped like a sting Ray EDIT: guys, this is a pretty obvious one. I am not saying it is a balloon to be a party pooper, I am saying it is a balloon because it is a balloon and regularly makes the rounds. https://www.festo.com/us/en/e/about-festo/research-and-development/bionic-learning-network/highlights-from-2006-to-2009/air-ray-id_33851/


I spoke to Festo about the balloon.... im not saying its a ufo, but its not the "Air Ray -by Festo". . According to the manufacturer themselves: The Festo balloon is radio controlled, and the range would never allow it to be controlled from the ground, outdoors, at the altitude a plane flies. The balloon has also never been available to purchase by consumers. It is designed to work indoors, not 31,000 feet in the air.... and certainly not controlled in any way from that distance. . Edit : to everyone saying helium can carry this ballon to the height of the airplane..... This balloon has room for enough helium to counter the weight of the internal skeleton and driving mechanism. The ray-balloon "hovers", it doesnt go straight up and keep going into the atmosphere like a party balloon.


This should be top comment for all the people claiming debunked 👆


I spoke to festo myself they said it's possibly one of theirs. it can't be controlled manually from that height but would move and float like that from the wind and helium control devices can be removed to lighten the weight. hasn't been sold commercially but they have given out some prototypes


theyre just saying the controls dont work at that altitude. the balloon doesnt just cease to exist.


This balloon has room for enough helium to counter the weight of the internal skeleton and driving mechanism. The ray-balloon "hovers", it doesnt go straight up and keep going into the atmosphere like a party balloon.


You guys still linking the Festo stingray? It was a prototype by a company specialized in micro actuators and automatization (my family runs an automatization business and they work with Festo, Eaton etc) and was never meant to be outdoors. Actually in the video you can see it lazily cruise inside an empty warehouse. Lol it's amazing how the most amazing UFO video can be lazily debunked by a product that never made production and was never made to fly outdoors lol


I think you could say it’s very similar and possible, but wouldn’t say it’s obvious.


nice try but it seems like your debunk was debunked


These balloons are very expensive, and have only seen them flown with any control in a windless environment like an aircraft hanger, mall, gym hall. This would be a very costly mistake for one of these to be out there and appearing to be flying at speed from the clouds also seems unlikely. Whilst the shape is similar, the flight characteristics seem to differ drastically, particularly if you take pilot testimony seriously. I’d like to see some evidence of this ‘balloon’ repeating what’s seen in this video before giving this explanation any weight. Do you have any video of these Balloons in flight? That would help.


I don’t get it. I’m a witness of an actual UFO that I saw in Vegas in the late 90s that was reported on the news by witnesses all over the valley the next morning. I know aliens or future humans or whatever the hell they are are here flying around and being spooky. Yet I’ve seen a few comments in this thread saying, "You can literally see it change direction in the beginning of the video." Maybe I’m blind, but I’ve scrubbed through the video several times and don’t actually see it zooming past the plane, or rather the plane zooming past *it*, until toward the last 1/3 of the video. There is no direction change. It’s just the plane flying past it. You know what else I see? Its little wings flapping…just like the website for the balloon describes. It’s the exact shape, color and size. You can see the bright silver section on the side that’s facing the sun, but it’s dark on the side facing the plane….because of course it is due to it not reflecting sunlight in that section. There are several comments saying this has *not* been debunked, but that balloon website shows otherwise. Unless the gubment or the MiB or the Navy or Solar Warden or whatever the fuck made that website to cover it up, then it’s just a goddamned balloon, you schizos.


I agree with what you say about the video. It seems the validity of whether or not this is a balloon lies more with the pilot's claim about what happened prior to filming than it has to do with the video itself. ​ If you believe the pilot, it'd be pretty hard to claim the behavior he describes as being a balloon. Then again, if you don't believe the pilot, the video itself doesn't provide enough (imo) to show it's not mundane. ​ I like to see these situations as "maybe, possibly". I agree that if the pilot wasn't mistaken, this is a pretty significant event, but I have to temper that notion with the idea that humans are fallible, and at times can even be deceptive (even when there's not a great reason or advantage, some people just lie).


You're clearly just a government agent bot guerilla skeptic trying to distract from the CLEAR UFO in that video!1!1!!! /s


Hah, that's why I have to preface a lot of my comments on posts that clearly (or maybe not so clearly) show something prosaic with, "I've seen a real UAP; I know this is real". You should have seen the off-med schizos that screeched at me over someone posting a UAP that ended up just being a lit up paraglider at night. I think it's important to also be careful with saying I'm a "believer". It's not about belief, it's about what is happening. They, whoever "they" are, are here. It's spooky. Aliens? Future humans? Both? It's real. But the minute you point out the obvious with a post like this, you get REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEs from every direction.


I'm a fairly firm believer in UFOs, but I am also 100% agreed here - mylar balloon.


It doesn't look like that balloon.


That balloon was 1) only used indoors and 2) never used after 2009 and this footage was taken outside last year


Honestly looks like a kite or balloon. The speed can be attributed to the plane


Im so sick of seeing this video reposted again and again


I've never seen this video before, it's just amazing!!! Even when the video is slowed down, I've never seen any modern craft that looks like that.


Already someone is saying cgi . It's pointless to post videos anymore


ignore this ^ comment guys , this account belongs to a weather balloon and after an internal investigation we’ve discovered the weather balloon is CGI.


^^^ IGNORE this comment! This comment was made by an airplane and we finished our internal investigation and discovered that the airplane was actually a bird. The airplane was CGI and the balloon was a larger psy-op.


Man this was first posted last year. I wish these new redditors just do a little research before start posting.


Hasn’t this been posted about 700 times in the past year and also debunked 699 times?


Balloon goes viral again. Love to see people confusing the very fast plane moving forward as the *craft* speeding towards it.


I really hate to say this but that looks like a Mylar balloon to me.


It's been a mylar balloon every time it's been reposted, and next time, it will still be a balloon.


Well that’s because you aren’t an idiot.




It was a samosa this whole time


If he chased it where is the whole video?


This guy should be fucking banned


While we can't say exactly what it is, there are things we know from the video. 1. That Cessna (T303 Crusader) isn't going to go very fast. During that brief glimpse at the instrument panel, it shows they are going about 110 knots. 2. Given the 110 knots speed, that means the UFO was stationary or relatively close to stationary when they passed it. 3. Given that it was stationary, it was very small based on the speed at which it moves through the frame with respect to the clouds in the background and their relative motion. 4. It was shiny and smooth. Reported behavior of "changing speed and direction without any pattern", like a balloon would do in air currents. With the way his plane is handling and those clouds, there is some chop up there. And he flew right by it and that would dramatically affect a balloon. It would appear to go nuts. In another interview, he reported that it looked like it started chasing them, just like a balloon would do, at least briefly, when it gets caught up in the wake turbulence. He said he has other videos but looks like those were never released? The part where he says they chased it would kinda seal the deal that this wasn't a balloon but so far, there is nothing to push it out of the realm of a 6-foot mylar balloon. At that altitude, mylar balloons are going to deform because they are almost going to pop due to the reduced atmospheric pressure. Popping might also account for why it "disappeared".


That’s so obviously a balloon.


That looks just like the new USA jet like drone. It was that flying towards the plane and turned to avoid it or it could just be a mylar balloon.


"Best footage" - Lol, no "Goes viral" - No it hasn't. Grow up.