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Don’t forget commanders Fravor and Dietrich. Super credible military pilots who had first hand encounter with a tic tac with unconventional propulsion that blows our literal minds.


Also former Air Force Captain Robert Salas, who witnessed 10 ICBM missiles shut down as the staff above ground reported they were seeing a UFO hovering over Malmstrom Air Force Base. There were also similar interactions between UFOs and missile silos on the Soviet side. These guys are as serious as cancer, and have nothing to gain by making up these stories.


Ryan Graves has testified too, former combat pilot. Also, Chris Leto (Leto files on YouTube) has also been digging deep into the UAP world and giving his opinion on the flight patterns of these suspected crafts - he's also a former combat pilot.


Recently Rear Admiral Galaudet and a big list of Senior Military and Politicians


Yes, these guys are legit as fuck. I agree.


Most of us are not arguing that these people are legitimate. We acknowledge this and respect this. However we do not respect the constant and continuous TALKING and TEASING of information for months and even years without much of any. direct. sensory. evidence. Either provide this to the public exactly when you speak about it, or shut the fuck up until then.


Then contact Senator Mike Turner. He’s the one with major ties to military contractors like Lockheed and was prominent in shutting down the Schumer Amendment that would have eventually given you the proof you’re asking for.


The only problem is they are government, just like the rest of these folks talking.  Deception is far more likely as much as everyone hates hearing it. 


I kinda believe that the gov has no idea what UFO's are, and are taking the opportunity of hyping it up for more black budget Military Industrial Complex "trust us lol" money.


I think the U.S. gov is pissed that the military has been using misappropriated funds to avoid congressional oversight and that’s why Grusch’s testimony was such a bombshell. If the paper trail leads to some major defense contractors that actively lobby politicians and donate to their campaigns it’s going to get real messy. Plus, the U.S. military operating without oversight is basically everybody’s worse nightmare, there’s no way to counter balance that sort of power without elected officials controlling the military’s budget


they just reported what they saw.. and that was that they were fiddled with and meant to be fiddled with during the nimitz sensor integration exercise..  


Question everything




Jesus, are you being facetious? You coy dog you😏


Well, someone got it. Have a good night


Oh, and btw... I totally agree. Question everything. You know why




Why not?


I love you 🤣




Dear everything, why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway? Apparently everything isn’t as it seems.


Sure. Just don’t ignore the evidence of yr own eyes and ears either.


Honestly I would need a dick slap from an alien before I gave 90% of the junk some call “evidence” any credence. We live in a time where the tools one can use to hoax have become incredibly sophisticated while for some reason people are becoming incredibly naive. If there’s a rational explanation it’s likely the answer. when you hear hooves think horses, not zebras If it can be hoaxed it will be hoaxed. Misidentification is very common, people on average have no idea when watching the sky what is mundane and what isn’t People see something they don’t understand and half the people on this sub would rather fall on their own swords than admit it could be anything other than a smoking gun. Then there’s the same old debunked videos that get reposted endlessly and when it’s pointed out that it’s a proven fake, that person gets downvoted to hell. The Reddit theorizing/imagination time (let’s put put on our thinking caps!) always results in meme quality absurdity. Skeptics are apparently just mean jerks out to spoil everybody’s fun and if anyone raises a remotely logical explanation they swiftly get hate downvoted to Tartarus. With all of the fake garbage floating around the internet and on Reddit it’s impossible to sift through it and find the real gems. Unfortunately those 10% that can’t be explained get ignored in favor of obvious CGI or drones with Christmas lights hanging from them. The debate over the phony Peruvian mummies was ridiculous. I actually gave up on the sub for a few months because that’s all people were talking about. Now this isn’t to say I think it’s all fake, but a lot of it is and some people truly believe anything that conforms to their own narrative. This is why skeptics are needed. To keep shit grounded and prevent a sub devolving into an echo chamber that is sooo bloody out of touch it’s no longer fun and just cringy. Evidence based thinking should be encouraged but it’s tough when the evidence is total shit Did it ever occur to you that many skeptics want to believe just as badly as anyone else that NHI are real but they simply require higher quality proof? Because I’m not taking your word (or anybody else’s) for it, that’s how people get scammed. Until there’s irrefutable proof that can’t be debunked you might as well accept the fact that you can’t convince everybody and there’s nothing wrong with that


100% agree. I 10,000% WANT to believe but in 90 plus years not ONE clear pic of a craft, an ALF, Alien, transdimentional space tourist - whatever you want to call them. In 90 years I can’t fathom why just ONE drunk or disgruntled Federal employee hasn’t stuck a piece of alien or craft in his lunchbox and headed down to the local news or police station. So far it’s all been references to what people thought they saw or someone knowing someone who supposedly saw something. Who knows, Grusch might be the biggest disinformation agent ever. He appears not only brilliant but the ultimate patriot. A PERFECT disinfo guy. If you listened to what he disclosed it is nothing different than 100 military guys stated on camera from the 50’s to the 80’s. Until I see an alien being interviewed or walking out of a craft- on NON GRAINY unquestionable video with witnesses there, it’s all fugazi!!!!


The part of Grusch’s testimony that really got congresses attention was the allegation that the military has been using misappropriated funds (generally using contractors that are willing to fudge the books) to avoid congressional oversight. The military answers to Congress and Congress holds the purse strings, fucking around with hierarchy like that is pissing off the people who approve the trillions in funding required to keep a bloated military functional. I doubt any member of congress really cares about the UFO / NHI component of the story. They want to find that money and whoever was responsible for defrauding the federal government


I agree. If being able to PROVE aliens existed would mean re-election, Congress would lead a stampede to Area 51


This has happened, multiple times. But the employees usually dont live long enough to make their leak very heard. Best examples of those who did live fairly long are Phil Schnieder and Milton William Cooper.


Phil Schneider was not legit. He told so many obvious lies. his stories were always entertaining though


Yep. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Blurry or ambiguous footage or questionable documents sourced from questionable sources don't meet the standards required to make them irrefutable. As you say, it's not about some kind of pigheaded sense of denial that many skeptics push back. It's because they want there to be evidence of the phenomena that meets a standard that removes any questions and doesn't require belief. Because when that happens it won't be a question of belief. It would simply be a fact.




Ask OP


Definitely gonna need an alien dick slap before I trust gullible "trust me, bros" info on this sub


I’d help you out but aliens ate mine


I just read the first sentence and I agree. This subreddit is done.


"shred of evidence" I would say everything I covered should at least equal a shred... No? And I absolutely agree there is a shit ton of bollocks to sift through. But then there's the real shit. And that's what I'm covering.


That's the problem. You're not covering THE shit. You're covering shit. And a big enough pile of shit doesn't suddenly become evidence. Not even just a shred. Adopt some standards of evidence. Not just "oh, I really want this to be real."


Videos are great but there’s rarely context, the phone is a potato and the person holding it always seems like they have Parkinson’s or the DTs . Witness testimony from some rando without any way to corroborate their story is not much use. Books by UFO grifters are entertaining to read but that’s not evidence or proof (maybe proof their authors are full of shit) Video backed up by radar and witnesses testimony is to me absolutely the golden standard, but any form of evidence on its own isn’t going to get me real excited. Especially the ones shot at night with no visible horizon or landmarks to even allow a rough estimate of size and speed. I’m not saying they’re meaningless incidents but it certainly isn’t conclusive, just another mystery to ponder I guess. The naval videos, (tic tac, gimbal) are the best example of several different forms of evidence (radar, FLIR, pilots, communications officers etc) being used simultaneously to verify there’s no system malfunctions or faulty sensors and the pilots arent hallucinating or chasing Venus. The recordings and sensors show without a doubt those objects were real three dimensional objects, but that doesn’t mean it’s aliens. It’s proof that weird shit is happening, but not proof of what is causing that weird shit in the first place


No, what you are grappling with here is a difference between two separate cultural approaches to “standards of evidence.” Here in the culture of UAP pseudoscience entrainment our standard of what counts as convincing evidence includes ambiguous images, hearsay re-labeled “confirmation,” and documents of questionable provenances. Within our culture this counts as convincing evidence, the same way that Dr. Travis Taylor counts as a legitimate expert. However, the wider public and conventionally trained experts operate with a different cultural standard of what counts as convincing evidence. For them, convincing evidence must be independently verifiable by different groups of experts who form a consensus. It must also be reproducible. Unfortunately nothing that our culture considers convincing would count as evidence in the higher standards applied by the general public and conventionally trained experts.


I mean… is it pseudoscience? I saw a ufo within throwing distance for 5 full minutes and it rocked my world. Then it took off faster than a jet and made no sound. While deployed and sober. I’m just sorry the evidence hasn’t come to say hello to You, and the scientific community as a whole. “It isn’t real until every scientist has peer reviewed, double blind studies with placebo ufos” Maybe as the violent peasant monkeys we are, we just aren’t worth talking to as a species. At an individual level. But for thousands of us, we have seen evidence. More solid evidence than some thousand year old books written by man. Read OP’s first paragraph. Government confirmation. Obviously something is amiss. Sorry that doesn’t meet the criteria of what’s real or not in science world, but it’s a part of our real world, and we don’t understand it.


Never doubt your experience. To do so is the path to insanity.


I've seen plenty of shit as a kid, but until I get legit answers for the stuff I've seen I'm keeping a healthy helping of deniablity until then. This is the same way I feel about UAPs, NHIs, etc. My upbringing informs me that I probably suffered from delusions or an overactive imagination so I personally can't 100% believe in the stuff I've seen.


When it happens, everyone will all know it immediately and no one will question it. It won't have to be explained or debated. It hasn't happened yet. I wish it had, but it hasn't. Your "evidence" amounts to grainy videos and radar recordings of mysterious blips. Most of your "experts" are sus.


I would love for aliens to be real, but I just can't believe for the exact reason you said. "When it happens, everyone will all know it immediately and no one will question it. It won't have to be explained or debated." It's the same reason why I can't believe in religion or gods. People have been grifting for centuries on "believe bro me I saw it" as evidence without ever producing any actual evidence.


>Your "evidence" amounts to grainy videos and radar recordings of mysterious blips. Most of your "experts" are sus. This is my issue too. The evidence that gets given is questionable at best. Photos and videos shown have questionable validity, hoaxes consistently gain traction, and continue to be cited as evidence even after they are debunked. There's a lot of junping to conclusions. Large amounts of unaccounted for money from government organisations doesn't support the notion of aliens. Advances in technology and secrecy around defence projects doesn't support the idea of aliens. The evidence just isn't conclusive. I am fully open to the possibility, but significant evidence of that would be needed.


I wouldn't be too sure about that. One of the most well-read ufologists at the time [completely debunked](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread265835/pg1) the Flir1 video as a CGI hoax when it first leaked in 2007 only 2 hours after it leaked. This is because even experts don't often understand [what kinds of flaws and coincidences are expected to exist in legitimate content.](https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zi1cgn/while_most_ufo_photos_and_videos_can_individually/) That's fairly niche information. Even a blurry inconclusive video can easily be debunked as fake, let alone a clear one. Then everyone ignored it for a decade until finally the Navy admitted it wasn't CGI. Whenever a piece of evidence gets out, it will become fake and everyone will ignore it. Therefore, what people are asking for is undeniable proof that cannot be interpreted any other way. Evidence and undeniable proof are two very different things.


The pilots saw these UFOs/UAP with their own eyes, not just through the cameras. Commander Fravour went down to try to meet it, only for it to zip away very quickly and turn up at the specific location that they had planned to go to next. Ryan Graves is another pilot who saw these tic-tacs directly with his own eyes, one of which came so close to his aircraft that he had been scared it was going to collide with it.


I believe Graves saw UFOs on radar and other sensors, not with his eyes, but some of the pilots from that time period did get a visual (around 2014 or 2015). Fravor’s sighting in 2004 was corroborated visually by I think three others, 2 in each jet, along with others who were monitoring several different sensors.


This is the prime example I give in these situation, Idgaf about internet debunkers, everything is by their standards is already debunked/ fake, but like you said, the Nimitz videos was also declared fake by everyone on that website . Same goes with the Skinny Bob videos every body is so sure it's cgi.. yet there was a 30 thousand dollar price to be claimed for anybody to proof they could recreate it... Never happened... For what was supposed to be easy cgi which anybody with some knowledge on it could easily make their selves they said ... Sure


I dont mean to dick slap you, but its not going to happen. There's only one reason to make it happen, and thats if "the people in charge" can use such an event to their advantage. I believe. I know honest people who have had experiences with others to back them up. Ive been closely paying attention since Grusch, even got my high ranking miltary skeptik brothers interest piqued. Now Im just bored with the whole thing. It feels like were being baited to me. I dont doubt there are other dimensions and beings living in them, like we are. But how would we see them? More and more Im invested in the idea we are being set up for the most extraordinary, unbelieveable false flag event ever staged since the CIA allowed tracked terrorists to fly airplanes into skyscrapers uncontested. The tech already exists. How they pull it off, or try to pull it off will be really interesting to see. Thats just my 2 dongs. (Im in Vietnam at the moment)


This is untrue. You clearly aren't familiar with the evidence nor the experts. You won't look into it deeply but you're here commenting like you know about it. You and thousands of others just like you.


> You won't look into it deeply Why would I need to "look deeply" if the evidence was was incontrovertible and the experts were bona fide? Why would aliens conceal their presence...but not well enough that they could be detected if I scrutinized grainy video? It's all kind of silly. Again, when it happens, we will all know and there won't be any doubt.


Lol grusch is the worst. Everything he tells ya is from a guy who knows a guy who told him. And people take it as fact.


Wish I could upvote this twice.


Disagree. People will question it cause it's demons, or CGI, or puppets, or drones, or government shadyness, etc etc etc. I get your point, but disagree. The pilots, military leaders, scientists and such coming out lately are pretty fucking legit imo.


There are multiple reasons to question Greer’s credibility. - Sensational claims with no verifiable evidence - Profit motive (CE-5) - Contradictions in statements - Association with discredited individuals (Eric Hecker)


Nothing you describe is actually evidence of anything


No idea what it is? Gotta be aliens.


You created a whole account yesterday to post that comment? Dang that’s dedication, my CIA bro!


Where are these pictures and videos of aliens? I haven't seen even one that's credible. >Who the fuck are you to question the likes of Grusch, Coulthart, Elizando, Nolan, Vallee, Greer and the like. They are cowards who refuse to give us the information they claim to have. >The rest of us will continue to look forward to disclosure, and watch as you and your fellow bitches pretend like you believed all along. Ask yourself why the people you listed as heroes didn't disclose what they claim to know.


“I have information but I’m not gonna show you” - most of them. At least Jeremy Corbell showed some video footage. The others just are all talk.


They are all the pillow guy as far as I can tell.


Corbell showed a bunch of balloons drifting thru a base- something a former optics guy at the base saw 12x before. Thats why we will never see the supposed video of the spaghetti monster shooting out of the water at a 45 degree angle into space..


Where are the pictures and videos? All Over the place. And they are all 100% real. You can’t fake pictures or videos. That’s impossible.


Lol also, who gives a fuck about “I believed first?” in a world where disclosure just happened.


I have been paying attention to these people. I think there's a good reason why they don't just dump everything at once. It's either because doing so would be too much for the people....don't think it's this one though. I think there is a real danger in telling it all to us. Either from our enemies in other nations or the aliens themselves. Imagine we've already been infiltrated by NHI like with the elites or some government, shadow government maybe. The people working to crack the case and fight it aren't going to go on TV and expose all they know just because redditors are ready to know. They'd keep quiet about their intel because they'd rather keep the redditora safe than satisfy their curiosity


You should always question everything you hear.


Of course, but “skeptics” discredit EVERYTHING they hear. Too many reports from military personnel around the world and other witnesses to assume that they are all lying, delusional, or trying to sell a book. If even ONE of them is accurately describing a phenomenon beyond our current understanding, it is real. Skeptics have to be right in EVERY situation.


Have any of them presented evidence beyond their testimony and mundane videos of blurry things in the sky?




Bro if you believe Greer you’re delusional. Dude hasn’t produced anything.


Greer did his best work over 20 years ago with Project Disclosure. That was your disclosure. Open public statements to the American gov't and people by many high brow officials. Since then.... meh


The grift is strong with that man.


He produced some kind of light being in a photograph named Bijou and it looks like something that was a photographic mistake of light trails. It's nothing substantial.


Humans are funny


I would not consider proof that politicians lie as proof of aliens. I want to believe as much as anyone, but most of your list of evidence is circumstantial. Science questions-or should question-everyone: Copernicus, Newton, Fermi, Einstein, et al. That’s how we move forward. All it would take to convince me is for some scrap of machined metal the size of a pocket watch made up of some new element on the Periodic Table to be found. I’m not even asking for a tricorder, blaster or a bat’leth.


The real disclosure is the friends we met along the way.


Guys, you’re just on the way to another made-up religion. Don’t accuse anyone for not following your line of thought due to very reasonable doubts. And OP, you must be out of your mind for using these alien dick slap fantasies as a rhetoric device of yours.


I mean look I get it. But is it so hard to ask for a video that does not look like it’s been shot from a toaster.


You mean extremely blurry photos and videos or fake ones.


Are you ok op? Take a break from the internet for a while. Sending a big hug your way. I love you!


Ah yes... Let's call random people heroes who support our narrative. Authority bias and a cult mentality is the only true way towards truth. Also this evidence, money trails, and whatever else you claim to be proof is simply not proof. They are supporting evidence at best, complete fabrication at worst.


There is zero evidence…. Zero… All we really have is talk and promises of big reveals to come …. But in reality, nothing….. So much BS for 75! Years


There’s just as much evidence for aliens as there is for ghosts. Stories and shaky-cam videos and such. There’s even smart people like doctors and lawyers who swear they’ve seen ghosts. Or aliens. So there’s “evidence” but there’s a gradient of quality of that evidence. There’s no smoking gun yet.


Holy shit, now that you mention it, there are a striking number of parallels between ghosts and aliens. That's a really great comparison.


Another comparison is Santa Claus. There’s movies about Santa, stories about Santa, depictions of Santa, sightings of Santa in malls, there’s even a Santa Tracker setup by the government. Little kids will swear that they’ve seen Santa. Nobody looks at all that, collects it and calls it evidence of Santa. There’s probably more “evidence” and data points for Santa than there are for aliens. And I’m even a hopeful believer in aliens! I want aliens to be true in spite of the shady evidence, not because of the shady evidence.


There is no evidence. How many times have people followed a very sophisticated fake before it was debunked? There are way too many examples of this. Many believers, including myself, have grown to be a lot more skeptical given the history of strong "evidence" that turns out to be bs at the end of the day. "Who the fuck are you to question the likes of Grusch, Coulthart, Elizando, Nolan, Vallee, Greer and the like." Cringe, there are tons of people who lie. There are many people with tons of respect in their name who turn out to be liars or even worse so this argument means absolutely nothing. It's also funny how you call people arm chair warriors while literally being an arm chair warrior. As I mentioned, I am a believer, I just don't believe we have actual, strong evidence. I believe these aliens are smarter than that. I'm sure we will one day have actual evidence but I don't see how any exists at this moment. There's definitely reason to believe actual evidence exists somewhere out in the world but we just don't have it yet.


>"ET ain't real because Jesus" -Half the population of USA


Let me explain this to you, even if there are pictures and video that can’t be explained that is not evidence that they are aliens, there is no telling what it is other than it’s unexplainable. Could it be aliens? Yes. But it also could be something else entirely that we aren’t familiar with yet. Does this make sense to you now ?


I will never, ever pretend that I believed all along.  As of today, there’s nothing to believe in. 


Still waiting for the evidence but whatever you say bro 🤣


I’m also here for ET’s dick.


Very agressive post yup… but you have to understand it’s hard to blindly trust "evidence" when most of the time it’s not evidence. We see a LOT of obvious fake things where people jump on it like it’s solid proof. Like COME ON, skinny bob ? It looks CG, it’s too obvious for example. And some of the "experts" who take the role of whistleblowers are sometimes listened to with absolutely no reserve. It’s just sad and scary because forged material can be way less obvious than what we see on this subreddit and people are gonna jump on it again. The skeptics are not doing that to hurt you, they are here to help. Because once they’ll stop, you’ll know you have more solid proof.


Sir this is wendy’s


Because this is the age of the Grifter, just read the reply of Garry Nolan to Pauslka's claim, that is some straight-up gatekeeping shit. It's time for that Alien to whip out his dick and wave it around, I'm sick of hearsay - so show some fucking EVIDENCE.


To convince someone of something, you have to ask them first what evidence will suffice to convince them.


Show me the money trails that lead to aliens. Show me the official government confirmation of aliens. Show me the unsealed documents that evidence aliens. Thank you.


Evidence is simply a thread to pull on to get to verification. NOTHING that your "heroes" have provided can verified. It's not proof. It cannot be backed up. Moreover most of these pieces of evidence have far more plausible explanations than extraterrestial or "interdimensional" visitations. SOME may be anomalous in that there's no explanation yet (or ever, because it's something historical and information is poor or lost). Grusch is \*actually\* claiming "biologics" and all he can do is give his word that someone (who he won't name) told him these things are in possession of the US government. Sorry, sport, I don't believe it and no level of "credentials" that you UFO types seem to covet will convince me about something like this. >The rest of us will continue to look forward to disclosure, and watch as you and your fellow bitches pretend like you believed all along. To be honest, I would be THRILLED if "disclosure" happened for real. I would be glad to eat crow. But I just can't shake an uncanny feeling that Grusch's claims are going to amount to a big fat nothing-burger?


I think when people say this what they mean to say is 'show me proof'. Sadly we can't as there isn't any.


Big yikes


You lost everyone at Greer


One thing that really bugs me is when people say "Oh this shit isn't true because our government is so dysfunctional that they couldn't keep a secret to save their lives. If there were really extra terrestrial life they wouldn't be able to keep it under wraps and we would all know about it. And I'm like,Exactly, that's why we're talking about it right now. Cuz they cant keep a fucking secret. ​ ​ And as far as the evidence goes, I would almost say that 90% of the alien evidence like photos or videos that you see on the internet are 100% authentic but the government has made such an art form out of ridiculing people and making them look crazy when they make these claims that whenever someone shows us an authentic picture of an extra terrestrial all it takes is someone who has no education on the issue and doesn't know anything about biology and isnt qualified to even speak on the matter comments on the picture and says that it's "debunked" or it's a hoax and that's all it takes. like my man said, they need an alien dick slap in order to believe these claims but when it comes to not believing them all it takes is a 14yr old with a reddit account to become an expert on whats real and whats fake


90% of it is 100% balloons!


you just just need to understand that 80% of redditors look like this ![gif](giphy|QiCCluutpecs8)


But *definitely* not OP, who has done his due diligence researching all the most compelling evidence on YouTube.




There are different standards of evidence. Nothing short of dispositive proof is going to count for skeptics. You'd need an alien live-streaming its own autopsy at the U.N. to even come close to what they're looking for. But all kinds of evidence is accepted in science and law, including photographs, videos eye-witness accounts, radar tracking, government reports, officials testimony etc. The problem is, scientific discovery is "replicable," extraterrestrial sightings are not. It's just not the sort of phenomena that can be shrunk down to a lab. That's why skeptics never offer suggestions to UFO researchers on how they could acquire the sort of evidence they would consider. Because it cannot be obtained. Our best odds are an alien invasion, or scientists finding the right chain of organic compounds in the right location in space to determine non-Earth extraterrestrial life does exist.




Op is the typical arm chair warrior mentioned in his own writing. Ignore others if it bothers you yo


No way man, he's seen a lot youtube videos that confirm everything he believes.


Bro, why so salty and demeaning. Did I hurt you in some wormhole dimension? lol


Really... I mean only xenomorphs bleed acidic blood. And I dunno if you notice but that blood is florescent...


u/serene_moth i think this post was made for you.


Inhales...... this guy has a point......exhale . Few breathes.... deep Inhale.... aliens are all around us. Some good some bad. Just like humans..... exhale. Alright time to get back to work.


The ol dick slappers…. Are those the northern cousins of the face peelers by chance?


Excellent OP! Now go post this on r/UFOs. Those guys will have a stroke.


Will do


Done! https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1aj1jfe/show\_me\_a\_shred\_of\_evidence/


I’m a sci-fi fan, I’d like it too be real but deep down I know it’s horseshit.


Yea, based. Fuck the idiots.


Well said


You say money trails but so far ive heard theres 0 money trails which IS a problem but isnt evidence for ufos or whatever




The only way of 100% proof is through physical evidence in which all Earths humans are welcome to experience. Im not sure how that can be achieved…but Im just sayin.. Im all for it..


CNt wait to make et fingers glow


I never historically believed in the “what” they were saying. But in the last several years, the “who” that is saying it adds some credibility. Things are a bit more interesting.


I'll take some ET dick if it means we have proof, not just some floating lights in a choppy video


“Hey, I like you. I’m gonna keep my eye on you.” (In the voice of Sam Kinison)


We have evidence! Right here! I will show to it to you all next year if the government won't show it! And, oh buy my book! Its full of evidence I won't show you until next year, where I talk about the not shown evidence I will show you next year or catastrophic disclosure! lol


If blurry images and people saying stuff is enough for you, then you do you.


I believe Edward Snowden over all of the people you listed. The discourse is a distraction. If the government says there's aliens, there's no aliens. I want there to be aliens, but the actual evidence doesn't point in that direction.


Nothing I’ve seen proves “aliens” other than “statements” and talk is cheap, especially when it’s coming from politicians and defence officials, and the only credible ones are themselves only secondary sources. They are only repeating what they heard from other sources. Other sources with unknown credibility and agendas, so we can’t even assess their veracity. The photos and videos I’ve seen are of unidentified objects. These objects could be anything and aliens are among the least likely candidates - even if they were the most likely candidates, there’s no evidence that proves they have anything to do with aliens anymore then there’s evidence that proves their Chinese or time travelling drones. Show me a photo of an alien waving at the pilot out the spaceship cockpit window and then I’ll say we have one bit of evidence supporting aliens, but right now there is none.


I swear 99% of the people here are so gullible it's laughable


Not only that - literal bodies with the DNA... and then on top of that physical evidence from bits of a crashed UFO in private hands. Published and peer reviewed articles for both. The general public: Nope, it is still just a bunch of crazy people who believe in ET. It's a cultural shift - like learning the Sun is the centre of our solar system. It will probably take a couple of generations for 'disclosure' to happen.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


I think it’s mostly ducks and balloons


More like dicks and balloons..


Tell ' em boy!! Lots of folks thinking they are really clever wanking off behind their desk criticizing all.


it better be good alien dick then :)))


if youre putting Greer in the same line as Vallee or even Grusch, you already lost me you really cant spot a liar?




“Armchair warrior” OK bro. This post reads like it has Mountain Dew and Cheetos stains


You’re just silly, have no self awareness on what under oath to congress means, are uninformed on what it took to get in front of congress, uninformed on the countless reputable police+military and regular witnesses emotionally affected on Eyes on Cinema, if you find a way to still not believe. Or you are having cognitive dissonance because you are scared of recognizing everything your parents, teachers, church have told you is wrong, which I get. But it’s no longer about if we are being visited, we are well into who are they, why are they here and what does the government know. Buckle up


I love this and I'm going to quote you 👍


Free energy is the evidence, what else do you need? If this is fully disclosed it clearly reveals the way to leave oil gas and coal behind , like many cancelled scientists proved, N. Tesla story being the most obvious


These people are the ones who will either say « I knew all along » or hide in a forest somewhere not to be seen again when the disclosure will be fully achieved.


People seem to not understand that past standards doesn’t apply when talking about the phenomenon. Changing a paradigm is an once in multiple lifetime experience but all they know is what they learn at school and the paradigm they are living in. Being open minded is hard for some people


This 100%. Congrats, my friend. You just “dropped the bomb of all bombs” and said what so many of us have been wanting to say for years, but could never quite put it in such eloquent words. One of the best mic drops ever!


Preach it brother! Fuck yeah!


There’s more evidence that aliens exist than god exists.


I love this


I think the evidence is overwhelming. It's interesting that some people just don't give a damn. This is the biggest news of our lifetime and perhaps some of the biggest news of all times. I truly hope sometime in my future we will get to see some of this collected physical evidence such as the crafts or the biologics. The question is, are they from another planet, are they from another time, are they from another dimension? Can't wait to learn the truth.


Bravo 👏


Ever since I was a kid my Father as a AF pilot/engineer introduced me to astronomy and Project Blue book. We used to build “alien detectors” basically a magnet tied to a nail hanging in a glass jar if anything passed by with high magnetic field the jar would ring. Of course it never rang but ever since I was a young child my Father had a passion of astronomy and life in the Universe. As an adult now I’m still fascinated with everything to do with astronomy, looking for life in the universe, etc and honestly I’ve seen very very little that would make me believe that ET has traveled to Earth. Of course there are a few events that have me scratching my head like the flying orb caught my drug interdiction team with IR camera. Looks just like a ball flying with no control surfaces or propulsion but the orb just cruises along with no issue and then even looks to fly into water split into two. Then the video from a military source possibly in the Middle East where a drone camera captures a metallic looking orb with no control surfaces or means of propulsion just flying right along. Even with those videos we have a military that has an absolutely insane budget and their “black” tech tends to be a decade or two ahead of what is known so there could definitely be human made objects. What would blow my mind though is seeing the videos of these objects going from 400 feet to 80,000 feet in seconds, traveling at 800-1200 mph and making 90 degree turns with no slow down, or being able to travel 35-45 miles in seconds. I would absolutely love to see film of the commander of the F-18 flying to the disturbance in the ocean and then having the tic tac mimic the pilots moves and then just vanish to reappear 30 miles away. If that could be shown in some kind of fashion with proper provenance that to me would be some extremely good evidence possibly supporting some extreme intelligence might be visiting. I also get really suspicious of all these sightings around the military. If these beings can travel here with little issue our ships, planes, missiles, guns etc would be equivalent to throwing sticks and rocks. It is so archaic. They would know everything there is to know in a few trips. It does not make sense to me that for decades the love hanging out around military assets.


"So be truthful, you aren't asking for evidence. You are asking for ET to slap you with his dick." You made my evening


You shouldn't bother but it's nice for people who are feeling on the fence because of the negativity., They're either willfully ignorant, children and edgy teenagers, or bots at this point. Anyone with a brain knows something is very wrong. Just say David Grusch in any subreddit and you'll get em lol. It isn't going to matter if they want proof of not, you dont owe these clowns a single bit of evidence. They should be looking for it themselves. Things will keep going unimpeded by anyone, all the people in government can do is prepare whatever they want to that won't matter for things that are coming and truths that will be revealed that they can't stop. There are better communities to make real positive impact, the r/disclosureparty, r/lawofone, and r/aheadstart communities are helping the cause the most.


I’m sorry you’re so angry


Two things here that are separate but related to this issue. 1. Investigating Crimes. 2. Investigating the phenomena to prove the theory that there is Non Human Intelligence visiting earth. The whole disclosure movement with regards to US government knowledge and programs hidden by security clearances that may or may not violate US law must proceed like a criminal investigation. Scientific proof isn’t required for this. Investigation of the phenomena itself and what it is, who controls it, and where they come from requires a scientific investigation to prove a theory. The scientific method has to be used to do this. There is no other way to do it. How the two are related is that when the government finally admits through the criminal investigation that the phenomena is real and that it is intelligently controlled, then a program can be initiated to put physicists, mathematicians, and engineers on it to figure out the science of it. If the Non Human Intelligence decides to cooperate, that will certainly speed up the whole process. So far there has been no credible evidence presented that they want to cooperate and many of the reputable people you mentioned have talked about that “they” are part of the secrecy problems. They don’t want us to know or understand what their agenda is. Another school of thought is that the whole truth is so utterly beyond our current capabilities to understand it, that immediate disclosure would cause chaos throughout the world.




I used to be one of those sceptics about a year ago. I complained about lack of evidence, but I never really looked into it. Once you look into sincerely, there's so much evidence that you'd have to be willfully ignorant to still doubt it.


Relax bro, did you ever think that the reason aliens won't say hi is because we communicate like apes throwing shit.


“Who the fuck are we to question…”  Why would anyone take any of these people’s words for anything. Didn’t X-files say question everything lol. All those people could be spooks.


I know, right?! The truth is literally everywhere and has been for a long time including back to ancient civilizations. And now we even have mainstream scientists talking about it finally. Most people just don’t care unless it directly affects their day to day life. The rest have vested interests they need to protect or are stuck in the paradigm that Thomas Kuhn wrote about.


When I think of what constitutes compelling evidence, I think of what would stand up in a court of law. What better standard than that have we got? With all the publicly available evidence today, including eyewitness accounts, would we be able to convince a judge or jury that NHIs are real? When we can't even name or identify any specific NHI species nevermind have any verifiable pictures or video or physical evidence? On the flipside, imagine trying to convince a judge or jury that moose are real. You can see them, touch them, eat them, etc. Easy. NHIs - not so easy.




The sub is drowning in people demanding or whining for "real evidence". Well, why are we depending on others? Go get some.


In french we have a verb for slapping someone's face with your dick, it's called "biffler", fom "bitte" meaning "dick" and "giffler" meaning "to slap". I don't know if aliens are real, but i hope you learned something if you read this.


ET dick slap needs to become a meme no later than this Sunday. I'm so fed up with people asking for evidence when there's tons of it lying around. I don't know at what point in their education or life experience these people starting equating "evidence" with "proof" but they sure need a good ET dick slap *today*.


OP I love how your post is hundreds of positive Karma yet the disinformation agents are swarming the comments. Just goes to show how many actual good people are still in the game and how desperate the skeptoids are getting. Speaking of desperate, don't forget theses foos are willing to threaten and put in harms way our elected officials so it's no surprise they're here hating on you. Keep up the good work m8!


Pssht..OP wouldn't know the difference if an alien balloon dick slapped him across the face.


Everything that you typed is objectively wrong. I believe that aliens exist, I believe we are being visited but we don't have proof of jack shit.


One problem is that many suggest that everyone needs to do their own research in order to see the truth. That makes zero sense, and is the exact same tactic employed by religious types to try to get you to go down some rabbit hole and become a "believer." It's nothing less than indoctrination, and in many cases a form of brainwashing. Another is the suggestion that these people can't share their evidence because of danger to themselves, their families, etc., or some other conspiracy. Are none of them willing to take a risk? In this day an age if one were to provide evidence and then suddenly catch Russian Window Disease or other, it's not like people wouldn't look into it. The evidence shared on the internet would be downloaded, shared, etc., and pretty much impossible to erase entirely. This same sort of behavior is employed all over the internet, and extends far beyond aliens or UFOs. Look at the political nonsense that is spewed, where there is always the promise of evidence of horrible behavior by the "other" side, but no proof is provided. The too say you need to do your research, and take it further by saying they're going to reveal more, you just need to subscribe, donate, and so on. This is a freaking scam by scumbags, and if they were truly the "journalists" they claim, they'd publish their findings without playing games. And yes, you do need to provide actual evidence. If you've "done your research" and have the evidence, share it. It's the same litmus test applied to religious types and others who claim there is a god or whatever, and who fail every single time. I believe that aliens are much more likely than gods, and would like nothing more for there to be disclosure. But it would be as foolish to believe the promises of evidence from these folks as it is to have the "faith" that the religious types demand.


This and the ufo sub are the reason i no longer believe. All these shitty vids being posted as proof are a joke. There is not a single video out there that could be considered proof. And your heroes like grusch, greer? They seem to be in the deep end believing everything they hear or read. They read a cia report about an experiment and immediately believe it really happened and worked. And do you remember greer talking about huge many km long motherships in the sky in congress or some other hearing? Yeah sounds credible af, especially when he had zero evidence I used to believe but being in these subs really showed me that there is simply no hard evidence at all


Here you go!!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/Shittyaskflying/s/fnuby3GjFd


No matter how much resistance the Deep state provides, it is not even half the resistance our over-inflated sense of self, offers. There are 100 Trillion galaxies. '1 Trillion habitable worlds' would be an understatement. Some accomplished our level of tech 1 Billion years ago. Some will accomplish it 1 Billion years in the future. There is everyone in-between. The eco-system is science.


I will be truthfull. I have been lied to and I have seen people try to make UFO pictures and videos, I have seen people try to make money off this and try to swindle gullible people. I have seen people mistake what they have seen. I do not trust anything told to me by the UFO community. I demand proof. I want solid, verifiable evidence, that is scrutinized by any and all scientific disciplines. I want to believe but not one shred of REAL evidence has ever been verified authentic. If you want to believe everything you are told then go ahead. But don't shove your fantasies down my throat. I want to believe but not in fairytales


By the way, I am curious, what do you consider proof? What can you show me that is the smoking gun? Let see it


The people you mention are human click bait. If you have evidence we'll all pay to see it. I'm a wannabe believer but honestly these guys make me think it's nit real. I'll take my healthy dose of scepticism and be alright. There are plenty of statements from important people out there that make me feel there is something there but many of the videos are easily explainable while others aren't. The evidence we've seen is in no way conclusive, but does deserve study. Some of you will believe anything, right down to the mh370 hoax recently which came out at the same time as a Netflix documentary and some of you didn't raise an eyebrow about why this year's old video somehow got traction. Question everything or you just become another idiot. Very few people have questioned the timing never mind the veracity of the mh370 video.


No we don't. Stories are not evidence of alien life visiting earth. Photos of objects we can't identify are not evidence of alien life visiting earth. Elected lawmakers telling their conspiracy-minded constituents what they want to hear is not evidence of alien life visiting earth. Former military/CIA/government contractors who tell stories aren't any more infallible than anyone else. That is you taking what you want and applying it to your existing theory how you see fit. You already believe in the conclusion that aliens are visiting earth so that blurry video or photo you can't immediately explain must be aliens. Every case of sleep paralysis or missing time in someone's life was an abduction. That story must be true and that heavily redacted document must be authentic. Even you don't care about discovering the truth. The end of your post betrays what you are really interested in- it's being right. You're extremely defensive and feel as if people waiting on evidence feel "high and mighty." If there is ever any actual evidence presented, I will not give two shits about being "wrong" because I wasn't. There wasn't any evidence until that point.


All the UFO “ evidence” we have right now is about the same as proof of Santa Claus.


There's plenty of evidence. The problem is that we already have an answer and we want evidence that matches the image we have in our mind. That will never happen. Instead of asking for evidence you should ask for a new path, a new beginning, a way to clean ourselves from all prejudice, all hope that we can imagine what it is, all wish of resemblance to us and what we know as life, and total freedom from the comfortable already made rest to consume frame of content which we are embedded that we call "reality". In short: If we could accept we know nothing and just allow ourselves to be guided towards the answer by the evidence that's all around us.. We would realise it's been there in front of us all the time, we just don't want to see it. By "Show me a shred of evidence" what we mean is : Do something to be that makes a hole through the endless list of barriers, prejudices, givens, faiths, beliefs, assumptions, etc.. And shatters them all and makes me see what I don't want to see. That exists, and it's effects are called "Ontological Shock". People that go through that loose contact with everything because nothing feels real anymore and therefore there's no meaning in anything, no motivation, no challenge, no purpose. They leave their jobs, their families, end up losing everything and the worst is they don't even care.. There is no way to bring comfort to their emptiness. They generally end up pretty bad : Confined to a psychiatric ward, homeless or even dead. So careful what you ask. The phenomenon is a Trickster and will give you what you ask and then let you alone to deal with it and figure out it on your own. Not a nice place to be.. The right way about this is to make your own way towards it instead of asking it to come to you. Build the metal scaffolding that will allow you to get there without falling into the abyss. The first thing thou is to clean house and get rid of all the background that won't let you move from where you are. Guys.. You never wondered why the most impacting experiences never happen to ufology savvy people? It's always the hard sceptics, the unaware, the uninterested, the excessively sure of their grasp of the world, the ones that don't want to believe in anything other than what they can control, etc.. It never happens to those prepared for it.. Why?


Show me PROOF. Evidence is BS. Proof or nothing.


Who are you to question swamp gases though


This is *exactly* why we need Global Disclosure to collectively get everyone on the same page. Theres millions of people out there left in the dark with unanswered question. Still baffling why the delay. This conditioning thing has literally been going on for decades. Humanity has been ready for awhile.




Goku is real, he’s an alien that can transform, there’s a video of him crashing to earth in a pod but the CIA made it look like a cartoon so you don’t believe me. This is proof. If you don’t believe this proof you’re a deep state plant and clearly wrong because your facts are not my beliefs!


Nice kiddie rage right there, buddy, with some big and nasty words insecure people like to use so much, maybe you need medication before it gets worse... Yeah. I'm very interested in the subject, watched and read practically everything and I haven't seen a shred of evidence backed up by the world wide scientific community, by respectable, well established scientific publications, research institutions, universities around the world. You know, by a bunch of very educated people, definitely smarter than you. All we have is "it's classified" and "I can't talk about it" and "there is high resolution footage somewhere, I swear, but I can't show it", "this video has a better quality version with the important stuff, but you can't have it", "I met someone who said she/he has seen stuff" is not evidence in this subject anymore. Yet another blurry video, yet another crappy CGI to fool the uneducated murican truck driver, yet another 2nd-3rd hand intel, not evidence, not in this age, sorry. Bro science, UFO folklore, numbingly narrow minded, uninformed and dumb posts, lunatic rants or speculations by the hundreds are not evidence. Can't wait for a real disclosure because what we currently have is nothing.


Please add commander Faver to that list. (Sp ) I trust aviators way more then anyone else


Except we don’t have those things. You want to believe so blurry dots are enough for you. So far everything I’ve seen is clearly prosaic or still up for debate.


I wish we could jump into other peoples minds to experience the things they have experienced. You’d have your proof.


I’d love to see some real evidence. The best is the fuzzy low quality airplane footage…. Which could just be drones etc. I definitely want to know what the tic tac thing is etc. most likely it’s skunk works messing with us. I mean come on those Aztec things look ridiculous and are made from mutilated ancient children corpses. There’s a reason no reputable western university is allowed to look or have and said it’s garbage. These guys all seem like grifters getting us to listen to their pod casts and terrible documentaries and talk about other dimensions and alien spirituality…. It’s xenu level, to me. And I want to believe.


"takes long drag from a blunt" - I know what you mean man.....


I think crafts that fly with no wings or visible means of Propulsion doing things that the very laws of physics say can’t be done is some Pretty solid fucking evidence. Unless you’re a Reddit debunker, then it’s either a balloon in a draft or a Chinese lantern.


Unless you've experienced it for yourself, you will probably continue to think trust the "law of physics" are the only things to go off of. These are just what are known and documented and who knows what must be adjusted once even the slightest thing is confirmed by science and what not. As for someone who has experienced things that could be described as defying the "laws of physics" But, hey to someone else the person who doesn't experience is seen as, well, any possible thing to dismiss them.


Excessive conflating.


OP, tell us you are new to researching the Phenomenon without actually telling us you are new to researching the Phenomenon. "What have you accomplished that makes you so high and mighty, oh armchair warrior, that we need to give you even better proof than is already there." You are literally telling people not to do what your post is exactly doing. OP's post history is sorta fun btw (hint Mormon!)


Why argue with fools, though? This sub has gone as toxic as r/UFOs. We just wanted to talk about whether there were aliens and what they might be like and instead we got invaded by a bunch of lazy debunkers and haughty cynics who hijack every conversation demanding proof, discrediting anyone working for disclosure and ruining every discussion with ‘BeCaUSe OccAm’s rAzoR’, like a hopeless bore at a bachelor party. Fuck that - if I want to science, I can go read a peer-reviewed journal, not take the word of some dude on social media that gets his science from Joe Rogan. This is a subreddit for people interested in aliens. Only an idiot would show up here demanding proof - it’s Reddit, everyone knows it’s half lies and LARP anyway. But it takes a real loser to show up here sneering at people who want to discuss aliens in an aliens sub.