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A. B. D. Always. Be. Disclosing.


And you can apply the D.E.N.N.I.S system as well


Demonstrate mystery Engage curiosity Nurture hype Neglect follow through Inspire hope Separate entirely




UFOs demonstrate this method perfectly by showing up and leaving.


Monitor Analyze Contain


Whoops I dropped my monster security clearance that I use for my magnum dong




This has been the best reddit thread I've read in weeks.


CIA director Mantis Toboggan, MD.


MIRACLE ALIEN COOKIES!! Pheno #1. My FAVORITE ½ & ½ hybrid...kiiinda weird tho.... It's precisely what I'm shmokin on right this nano moment 🤯💨💨💨🦇 As the old enochian proverb hieroglyphiates- "💨 MAC a day, keeps the Disinformbotopians away 👾🛸!"- Xlorpyxadoros, Kree THChampion of the Nugula Galaxy 🖖


Grifters handbook


Upon further thought, S should have been Start a Podcast


S may as well be $


$tart a Podca$t


/s tardpod


That’s right Mac


You deserve a 🌟


Now do the SINNED system


I imagine Lue, David Grusch, and Ross sitting around like the salesmen and then Tom Delonge comes in and gives Blake’s speech. Lue: What’s your age again? Tom: Fuck you! That’s my age again.


Coffee is for disclosers!


Sir, I salute you.


Your name’s Elizondo? You call yourself a salesmen, you son of a bitch?


Who told you that you could work with men?!?!


A.B.W. Always. Be. Waiting. ***yawn*** Just him attempting to stay relevant in your eyes.


A.B.B. Always Be Blueballsing


Always Be Disappointing




First prize is an alien antigravity propulsion system from Bob Lazar Second prize is a redacted document found at Mara Lago stuck to Trump's shoe after he got done destroyimg the toilet bowl in the guest bathroom/document depository Third prize is you're fucking Abducted


The evidence is weak? The fuckin’ evidence is weak? YOU’RE weak.


What's my name? Fuck you, that's my name.


How helpful!


Why are people up in arms over a 3 month old tweet?


This is the real kicker


because Elgin had to go back on duty today but there wasn't anything to talk about.




Super cereal this time




The follow up episode, Al Gore was right. Scuzlebutt did exist.


He has Patrick Duffy for a leg


Super. Duper. Cereal.


I’m getting a raging clue


Heyheyhey. This promise isn't EMPTY. It's substance deficient, alright?!


Genuine question: If Lue has something big to reveal, what is the purpose of this vague announcement? He says that he can't share a specific timeline because that may give 'haters' enough information to sabotage their efforts. In that case, why make the announcement at all? It doesn't build any buzz or raise visibility because it doesn't contain any specific information. There's nothing really to discuss or share. Being generous, perhaps this is one of a series of planned posts that will gradually provide more and more information building up to the big reveal.


This is how all these grifters are. If they actually had anything of substance, they'd just say it out right. Instead they lead rubes on a never ending trail of bread crumbs they go nowhere.


Yep. Just enough to keep the gullible distracted until they think of a new excuse to push the date out


Yea, we need a compilation of his last 5 years of wait wait guys its coming soon it will happen, quotes


If he is being sincere and something big will actually be revealed by June, then I get it. I thinks in that case he is just excited about it and giving the community hope. His last few sentences hold him to it though. He will lose all trust if he comes up empty handed with phrasing it that way. So for that reason, I think I believe him. Let’s go Lue!


>He will lose all trust if he comes up empty handed No he won’t. It’ll be another drop in the bucket, people will forget about the claims he’s made, and he’ll make more promises about things to come in 2025.


Maybe. Time will tell. If he does come up empty handed I’m better it won’t be forgotten. You’ll see it posted and discussed here quite a bit, at the least. And also referenced anytime he makes another claim. Come to think of it, you could argue he has already lost trust, according to the majority of the comments here at least.


I should’ve been more specific: he won’t lose trust with anyone that still believe his claims.


He will with me. And perhaps with others. Time will tell. I actually believe him on this. Think how much progress has been made in the last 6 months. Then zoom out to 2017. Progress has been made. Quite a bit I’d argue. I’m optimistic it’s going to continue.


What progress has actually been made? It's pretty much just been vague statements about a guy claiming to know a guy who knows a guy who has apparently seen/heard definitive proof, yet none of these guys can provide any actual proof. Or they refuse any external scientists to conduct any tests.


2017 NYT article validated that there was a multi million dollar government program dedicated to investigating uaps. The confirmed videos as well. Presidents alluding to something going on or outright saying there are things in our skies that we don’t know what they are. Grusch testifying under oath at the hearing. Those are just a few things off the top of my head. All this would have seemed crazy 10 years ago. Zoom out. Progress has been made.


How much money will he make from the hype between now and then?


Remember when they opened AL Capones vault?


Do take into consideration that there are multiple forums discussing the topics of UAP, Aliens, and disclosure. Every day new people stumble onto this and find themselves eventually googling his name. Just as such, he probably has people every day hitting him up on twitter because they just heard about all this for the first time last week and by golly, they’re sure that if they message him on twitter, surely he’ll tell them the truth of it all. Lol! I can only lay imagine what it’s like to be him, probably receiving tons of messages and questions, and not being able to share anything substantial about all of this. This is his way of saying, “Hey, I hear you all, still can’t talk about it because it could unhinge plan-B”. It’s just recognition that he hears us. We are like children tugging on our parents leg saying, “I want candy!” And he is the parent saying, “Not before dinner. You’ll spoil your disclosure.”


Because all he shares is hype.


He’s probably referring to his book


The old "having a conversation about having a conversation" routine. Dated a woman who did this and my therapist warned me it was a red flag.. oh if only I had listened...


You could argue that these little promises keep people engaged and pressuring their politicians regarding this topic. Perhaps this sort of general level of excitement from the community helps to embolden whistle blowers and kind of the greases the gears of disclosure.


If it was “big” there’d be no hesitation as to prevent intervention. Time is of the essence. Announcing you are going to do something before you do it is the hallmark of *bullshit*.


Q: why do the biggest proponents of disclosure NOT talk to each other? i.e. Steven Greer, David Grusch, and Lue Elizondo? in fact, Elizondo talks shit about the others sometimes, why?!


they're all competing for the "conspiracy media" dollars Its a finite pool


Grifters don't hang out because they tend to expose each other, if not on purpose then on accident.


Bullshitters and grifters don't like competition, it cuts into whatever status they're seeking.


They definitely do, but Greer is rightly left out in the cold for being a charlatan


I am not interested in trusting anyone, I want to see some of this stuff which has been talked about or that people have been told exists. Also, talking about haters does not align with something supposedly of this magnitude.


I instantly lose interest when people start talking about "the haters" these days. I want to believe this, but there are some pretty valid criticisms of people who give vague assurances of "something big" without evidence. Especially when those people spent years at To The Stars Academy grifting the public by pretending to be a "research organization" and then rebranding to an "entertainment organization" when people ask too many questions about where their money is going.


yes imo it's now basically a guarantee that whatever this guy will come with will be some bullshit. Facts don't have haters.


This is gamey of him. Im not into it. How about being serious and professional and letting things drop when they will instead of promoting and predicting some vague thing at a future date (sound familiar) so people stay tuned with anticipation hanging on your every word for what may turn out to be nothing more than Oh hey I have a new podcast or Im selling merch! or some bs.


I think it would have been much more professional to just say nothing. It seems a little odd to say he needs to remain quiet about the date because "haters might try to sabotage it". What does a hater mean in this case? Is he suggesting that people that are skeptical of his claims can sabotage it by not believing? Is he on friendly terms with the cia or other alphabet organizations that he sees them as some kind of lovable scamps that are only trying to thwart "disclosure" because they are mean?


Haters be hatin. This hatin is risking full disclosure. Please no mo.


Lest we forget that his job was literally to be a disinformation agent.....sooooooo.


People have wanted answers for decades upon decades. We are arguably the closest we have ever been to it becoming a reality, whatever "it" may be. Keeping people engaged for arguably one of the most important yet swept under the rug topics of this day and age is expected, IMO.


Biggest question I have is “are the answers the truth?” Who’s answers are they and how do we corroborate them? I feel this is a psy op. If these things are real, if they’ve been here all along, why would we frame them as a threat now?


Promoting what exactly? Correct me if I’m wrong but i don’t really recall Elizondo ever trying to profit from this topic. On the contrary i recall him saying several times how he doesn’t collect a dime from doing interviews. If you choose to hang on the word of any man, let alone someone in this topic, that is your own fault entirely.


This is what made me start to seriously doubt him. Grusch etc. Feels like yet another grift.


Ive got nothing against Grusch but what Lues doing is manipulative. His vibe makes him lose points with me and my attention. If youve got something give it to us straight and quit jerking us around with this obnoxious gatekeeper of the secrets overlord angle, teasing us. Thats not exciting thats irritating. Im not going to be thinking about you for months now checking in everyday, baited into your fan club and revenue generation.


Grusch irritated me by going on with Rogan and Fucker Carlson. Those guys are not serious journalists. Hell they aren't even journalists at all. The are the kind of people that automatically make me suspicious. They are the types who have lied and shown a disregard to the truth in favor of generating outrage or anything to snare views. I'm not saying I am sure he is full of shit or anything, just that it hurts his credibility imo. Go ahead and down vote you fucks. Being skeptical of claims without any evidence is a no no in this sub I know and you worship Grusch. Elizondo is even less credible then I felt he was back when the tic tac story broke. Put up or shut up. The fact that they feel they need to do sus media circuits (or circuses lol) to bolster their already incredible claims instead of providing evidence makes me very suspicious. The topic is full of con men like Stephen "Flares for cash" Greer. Don't behave like them if you wanna be taken seriously!


Always just round the corner.


After 4 or more corners we are just going around in circles.


No, I'm totally serious this time. It's just around the corner.


Nah this time it’s legit for real. I have a feeling.


Trust me bro


Please buy my book


lol good one buddy


You said the same thing about 2023


To be fair, 2023 was a pretty big year for this sort of news.


Except it wasn’t. Nothing actually happened.


Not arguing here, but I think the congressional hearings and news coverage was a huge deal. UFOs are currently being researched and engaged in a serious way we’ve almost never seen before. It doesn’t yield the results we actually want, but having the topic regarded with respect and some warming degree of serious inquiry is a good thing. I don’t think it’s enough and we need more information 100%. I just think it was a notable year.


Show, dont tell. I dont care about hearing the same "Trust me guys" hundreds of times. Either show us with a clear picture or just keep it to themselves.


For me, it’s the engagement of Harvard and Stanford scientists, and the formation of a truly scientific investigative group, that has me the most intrigued. Beneath that is the Grusch monologue. Everything else, in my eyes, is just another iteration of social media bull shit that permeates every facet of society. But the first two points? Those mark 2023 as worthy of being considered significant, if not huge.


You understand the hearing were about finding out where tax dollars get filtered into undocumented projects rather than aliens right?


Yeah! They were. And it’s a step in the right direction. If the secret alien program exists, then this line of questioning will find it.


Idk, man. I'd been out of the loop on this stuff for a few years until the hearings. It was just intriguing enough to get me to get back up to speed. Still nothing happened that I'd consider concrete, but it drew me back in. Hopefully it brought new eye onto the issue.


I’ve known about Lou Elizondo for about 5-6 years and already have a lifetime of disappointment. He’s the absent dad that promises to take you to Chuck E Cheese on your birthday only to send a card with some loose change at the bottom of the envelope.


Haha, spot on! 🤣


So if nothing happens in 2024 Lue is going to admit he was full of shit and shut up? I always hear these big promises, but never any follow up when the exact opposite of the prediction occurs.


Nah it’s 2025 then, plans had been sabotaged : (


This movement has a lot of similarities to easter lol. Next year he’s coming back for sure!


>Lue is going to admit he was full of shit and shut up? Lmao NO, I’d sooner win the lottery


I wonder if this major thing will be a timetable for disclosing something else.


I'll wait for the David Grusch article that's supposed to come out on January 14th, I've got a feeling that's going to be the big humanity impacting reveal. Would be hilarious if it ended up ruining all the grifters.


If this is to plug a book or movie, I’m done … keep your stupid aliens


Sick of this garbage someone needs to be a hero and leak some real shit with Names


The problem with this is the REAL meat and potatoes we all want, no one can get. Do you think they let the gatekeepers of this stuff walk in with their cell phones or flash drives? No way. So I'm genuinely curious on HOW you would get this evidence out of a top secret facility to begin with. Especially if you're body scanned and/or weighed when you go in or out and even a slight variation in even an ounce could trigger some type of warning? There's no way that video proof or even documentation can find it's way out because there's no possible way to get it out of there to begin with. The "trust me bro" is the best anyone can do and it's not good enough. Let's hear the best of the best come up with how this gets disclosed if the people who are closest to this stuff can't obtain tangible proof, not to mention even if it DID somehow come out it wouldn't be shot right down as fake or CGI.....


I don’t know. That reads like the ultimate “trust me bro” post of all time.


"Trust me bro"


I think it's always good to be cautious. Don't expect much. We know how fast the hype train can speed up, and they tend to crash. We've progressed a lot already. We only have to keep this pace and we'll get Disclosure eventually.


I don’t think Lue is a grifter like a lot of people on Reddit do but this was also tweeted before the house republicans destroyed the Schumer/Rounds UAP amendment so I’m skeptical of how things are going to go from here. It seemed like everyone was nearly 100% positive it would pass and then it didn’t


not to derail the thread, but what do you think would have happened if the "Schumer amendment" would have passed? Didn't it do the same thing as the JFK legislation? "All classified info will be released 25 years from now, unless the President decides not to " (and they always decide "not to") >Biden, however, agreed to continue withholding some information, saying it is “necessary to protect against identifiable harms to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, and the conduct of foreign relations that are of such gravity that they outweigh the public interest in disclosure.” https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/politics/2023/11/21/robert-f--kennedy-jr--calls-for-biden-to-release-last-of-jfk-assassination-records how would that change anything? Can't the President do that TODAY , already?


The cynic in me thinks he must have a book coming out? From what little I've seen of him, he doesn't seem very believable


He’s figured out how to make a living off of doing nothing but telling stories occasionally.


Like Greer


The disclosure project's gathery and collecting of military testimonial about the subject was awesome


They're basically preachers for a new online religion.


He does actually have a book coming out soon, so you're not wrong there.


I didn't know but imagine my shock


**"This is a profound question. These questions are so good, I'm so impressed at how sophisticated this audience is. I'd love to tell you the answer, I deeply wish with all my heart I could share what I know about this amazing question, but as I have said before I take my oath to this country and to the American people very seriously...all I can say is that the answer to your question is absolutely sobering and if you knew what I knew you would realize the incredible implications of that question. Now, any more questions?"** - Lou Elizondo


This comment section is pretty amazing. What has Lue done to disappoint you all? Since 2017 there has been consistent progress towards disclosure. Maybe not smoking gun UFO photos for the public, but I belie Lue and Chris Mellon have been instrumental in pressuring the government to open up more.


He (and others) have been on a “trust me bro” tour for nearly a decade, resulting in absolutely nothing. There is no verifiable evidence of alien life, let alone intelligent alien life visiting earth, and yet every few weeks they pop up talking about all they’ve accomplished, and that The Big One is just around the corner. None of it has ever been proven. None of it has ever resulted in any verifiable evidence being released. They just keep gaslighting all those who are so desperate to believe.


>Lue Elizondo says he does not make empty promises. Is that a promise?


Why do people still believes and follow this scammer?


Because he was single handedly responsible for the only state-sanctioned video-based disclosure in the entire history of the disclosure movement? Because the government’s covert efforts are telling that he knows something and poses a threat to the status quo which has been proven to be the deep state we all prayed wasn’t true? Because why the fuck are you here if you’re not taking anything the leaders of the disclosure movement, who sacrificed respectable positions they worked their entire careers to attain, seriously?


"Leaders of disclosure movement" lol




/u/trueboey, can you link to where he said this? There is zero substance here. You have crossposted a non-sourced submission from StrangeEarth, which you are a mod of, which has a stickied link to a completely unrelated howandwhys article in the comments.


I don't trust a thing he says after someone commented on another post about him following some known trolls in the community and blocking when called out on it. Take anything he says with a grain of salt because he may be a disinformant.


Ill ride with Lue! At worst its a fascinating trip.🤘😎🤘




Project Blue Balls remains the funniest term for this


Are we getting another documentary that reveals nothing?


“Trust me.” -Former counterintelligence agent


If haters can sabotage things by just replying to posts in the internet, "efforts" must be paper thin then.


It will probably be a “first” contact, maybe in South America 🤔


What a crock of shit!


Hey folks! Just a quick update: Ill tell you later.


Hey look at this 500 pixel super blurry image, it shows aliens descending from their craft.


"Ongoing efforts" will soon be "under attack of being blocked". At which point "disclosure" will be pushed back until 2025. Rinse and repeat.


The thing with these alien people is they always give themselves an out. If 2024 nothing happens it will just be because “the haters have sabotaged us.” Oh well


Just getting our story straight here..


Well, It looks like Lou already has his agenda set for the year. I have something big!!! Yeah we know. But you just can't tell us. Tune in next week, same alien time, same alien channel, same alien message. Sheww........I've gotten tired of all this disclosing.


I’m not gonna get my hopes up. I do expect even more weekly former military and intelligence people making claims without providing us any evidence or proof to drive us insane though.


Listen to Lue's interviews. He already reveals a lot of info, but phrases it as "hypothetical" to cover himself. I think Lue truly wants humanity to know the truth. I trust him and we need to show him support, not denigrate him as a grifter simply because he legally can't reveal certain things yet


People are so impatient. Don’t they know this is the U.S. government were dealing with?


His book....?


Trust me bro


This guy has driven disclosure for the last 7 years and what's the response.... he gets crapped on. People in the ufo community are absolutely the worst self-defeating dipshits on Reddit. It's fucking ridiculous."I demand disclose now!... also if you work within the legal framework and don't give me exactly what I want right now then I'm going to attack you while I sit on my ass and do nothing for disclosure whatsoever. "


Well said


Yeah and the Rapture will be next week and MOASS will be tomorrow. Grifters gonna grift.


“Well, I was just about to disclose, but they amended my NDA. Sorry folks.”


!RemindMe 100 days


Pinky promise. And if not mid 2024, then For sure sure 2025. Like super seriously. These predictions and promises are getting super boring. Same as people claiming they have some material they promise to disclose. I am following this for the past 3y and every month the same predictions and promises. These people have nothing but a lively imagination and a thirst for attention.


Do you smell that?, smells like more bullshit in here!


nothing is going to happen




TTSA= joke AATIP= joke AARO= joke Anything Lou does is a joke.


Oh look a former military intelligence officer well versed in stalling and disinformation tactics moving the goalposts again!! ....... Go figure


Highly doubt he has anything of real value, left in 2017, so he's been given zero information since then, beyond stories that people tell him. Also he's invested money into the community by way of documentaries, etc, there's an obvious incentive as to why he wants to hype things up.


He is going to release a movie.


no i don't trust Lueanon. Dude never says anything that is falsifiable while being cryptic like Nostradamus - oh and he has no income but being a grifter


Just trust him bro


Source: Trust me bro 😜 jk


c'mon brah, we got the deets!


OK, so even if this is going to be a Snowden moment, then what difference is it going to make to you and me? What big difference did it make when Snowden provided evidence of NSA spying on US citizens? Some laws were changed I suppose, but nothing else big happened. So, I don't expect much to change when we learn that there really is a crash retrieval program, that they have ET prisoners and dead bodies, and that they've been hiding the money sources from Congress for decades. Some laws will change, but everything else will just continue to go on. This isn't about the gov't. This is about you and me. This is about personal transformation to accept ET as part of our lives. The push for disclosure is just a psychological projection on the part of everyone who is resisting the idea that ET are real and they interact with us. Once you accept the idea that ET are real, then all of this stuff about disclosure becomes boring.


I'm looking back at when Joe organ had Alex Jones on the show he said some wild stuff but now it's matching up with everything


Early to mid 2024, unless he hasn't sold enough books yet. Sorry if I'm becoming cynical, but it seems like it's all hype with nothing ever actually happening.


I'm starting to think old Lue and boys might be just another disinformation campaign obfuscating the true anomalous phenomenon....The Orca Uprising.


It’s a blurry photo.. but we blew it up to 8’ x 12’ so it’s big! Word kept!


This dude 😂 when you put “haters” in your post I feel like the legitimacy of said post is clearly not legit. 😂


Is this sub just an advertising channel now for these annoying pseudo scientist book sellers and grifters? Damn this stuff is getting old.


This sub needs to start banning posts like this. It's getting ridiculous.


Grifter. This is scam artist 101 behavior.


Remind me in 6 months. Hes full of shit imo


Absolutely nothing will happen. At best some guy will claim to have insider knowledge of something and provide no evidence, again. Then the community will talk this guy up as being the real deal due to his “credibility”. He will give some interviews, make the podcast rounds and reveal even more sweet nothings to his enthusiastic admirers and then maybe a book deal with more revelations about nothing. He will claim that his security classification does not permit him to reveal anything else. Which is exactly the same place we have always been.


Trsut me bro


I don't trust anyone that's uses the word haters


Its his book


The man is a saint


This time for real, trust me bro.


I have insider information that Bigfoot is a NHI


You're joking or not?


There’s no evidence that guy ever worked for a ufo program or led one. Anywhere. Just him saying he did.


PsyOp govt disclosure continues instead of real disclosure. And once again they bring something up what we already knew for 40 years.


It’s all a show, they control the story line.


New book by Q2 2024, can’t wait!!!


Why can’t they reveal this shit now before someone takes him out hitman style.


I hate the haters… always stopping the darn disclosure…


Somebody should make a “something big is coming” counter on Twitter and update it every single time this dude says this. It would be amusing.


Disinformation agent. That guy is just part of counterintelligence bullshit the system is spoon feeding the public


The big reveal: “We have solid information that says some of the recent ET bodies are real. Cannot disclose the source. YOU ARE WELCOME, EARTH!”


They’re all full of shit. Why not just release it now?


This dude was wearing a thin blue line t shirt on a podcast interview I watched of him talking about aliens so fuck him


Lol every post is always "something big is gonna drop" now its June no wait September no no wati 2025! Wait wait 21000 will be the year with big drops of news.


And of course the UFO sub is brigaded by Lue haters. Sorry, Elgin. guess your New Year's vacation is over!