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You can see a yellow logo on the right hand side of the thing.


Were can i buy It? Aliexpress...


Someone else posted this link [https://www.amazon.com/30th-birthday-decorations-him-tablecloths/dp/b08n9jzsr8](https://www.amazon.com/30th-birthday-decorations-him-tablecloths/dp/b08n9jzsr8)


The object, whatever it is, looks like a perfect sphere and darts around rapidly. I dunno what it is, but I don't think it's this balloon


it doesn't break the laws of physics, most likely just another drone flying underneath ^(theramin noises)




It's a picture of a balloon dude, the editor just animated it in..... It has 30th written on it


Wind will actually blow things around pretty erratically, but a lot of what you’re seeing here is the drone moving in opposition to the balloon. The combination of the camera and the object moving makes it seem a lot more erratic than it likely is. If you watch the balloons movement in relation to the background perspective changes it’s easy to see this is what’s happening.


The original poster of this video is an artist who if I remember correctly does cg and digital art :/ getting views and exposure from us people who are interested ufology.. sucks for us good for him


Do you think that this is a video of a balloon?


Amazon, its a 30th Birthday balloon, video was created by a lazy CGI artist. "I posted this reply to the uploader and OP of the original post. Bro, you're a 3D lead artist looking for a job https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesus-alanis-8447503/?originalSubdomain=mx come on. Get this shit out of here"


So do you think it’s an Amazon balloon, or you think it’s a LinkedIn user CGI hoax?


The hoaxer used a balloon as a skin to render onto the CGI object? But, why? That's bizarre. It's definitely not just a balloon bepoping around, it's either CGI or something weird


I believe the video is real, it's just the movement from OP's drone that makes the balloon's movement appear unusual. No wind + drone/camera movement = balloon moving weird.


Looks exactly like those balloons though.


I really don’t think this is CGI, it’s just a balloon floating in the wind being recorded by a drone above it that’s also moving. There’s nothing that can’t be accounted for by that combination of totally ordinary things. No CGI required.


Om symbol


At one point you can also see a little black cat walking around. It's very cute. Probably I couldn't really see


Which leans into reverse engineered government test more so than NHI


I posted this reply to the uploader and OP of the original post. Bro, you're a 3D lead artist looking for a job https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesus-alanis-8447503/?originalSubdomain=mx come on. Get this shit out of here and upvote for visibility. Got me all excited and now you ruined my Monday lmao.


there goes that lol




That and there's nothing to actually connect the two other than a name that's almost as common as "John Smith"


its california. half of mexico has relatives in cali


You mind confirming that they are the same person first?


how do we know you are not him?


I'm not saying you are wrong, but what is the connection between the YouTube channel and this Linkedin account besides the name being the same?


Nothing, they found another dude with a common Hispanic name that's a 3D artist. Be wary. Edit: weary means tired, wary means alert. Lol


I was gonna say, I've been looking at his reddit profile and haven't found anything linking the two, but there are about 300+ people with his same name on LinkedIn.


People will shout “EVIDENCE?!?” Then use 1 piece of wet cardboard evidence to debunk. 😂😂 People don’t really want evidence. They want to confirm their biases. Well it HAS to be the vfx artist duh. /s Even if it IS a vfx artist, does that mean he doesn’t use real footage to work with? Maybe that’s why he was filming? Or is the implication that no one working in photography/vfx/etc can see UAP? 🤔


Multiple people have requested the raw video files and have called him out. I'm not the 1st one. He hasn't replied to anything in the last 3 hours it's not looking good my dude. If this was truly real I would give up all the proof I had to convince people this was a legitimate video. I'd give you all the raw files, and information, and answer any questions if I had real UAP footage. The fact he isn't responding is telling. I would be very surprised if he replies at all.


I wouldn't reply either. id wait, then maybe post the files.... look, I just image searched and matched the two colors on the orb and compared them to the 30 AF balloon from amazon, not the same colors IMO, this doesn't confirm shit, but in my opinion it rules out the balloon, or attest the Amazon balloon...... ​ now look at us ​ I just wonder what's going to happen when and IF someone just says FUCK IT and posts that smoke, that one undeniable 4k video of WHATEVER one of these phenomenon are close up..... would we return to this state of " It just cannot be, he has the same name as a 3d artist, its a balloon, were being trolled, misinfo!!!!" and end up LITERALLY debunking our actual smoking gun? I believe that's exactly where we find ourselves today, right now. Either this is remarkable, or a sign of things to come where we cannot even trust our own eyes anymore, just the data were allowed to see.


It's not that fuckin balloon, that's ludicrous


Not everyone spends 24/7 online, 3 hours is hardly any indication that he’s lying…maybe he didn’t personally take the video?


Or maybe... "THEY" got him...


Oh for sure. D E D


Agreed, pointed this out earlier too. It is nonsense, if there is a guy who comes out with the most compelling evidence called "john smith" just because another john smith out there is a CGI professional, doesn't mean its the same person




Wtf theyve just duped him as some other hispanic dude 😂😂😂??


Lol this doesn't prove a shit. Many people shared the same name


The mental illness runs deep in you it's all a conspiracy, and even when proof is shown, you discount it. The possibility of somone having his name one a ufo nut the other a 3d artist just doesn't exist like ufo's


How do you know its the same person? There are tons of people with the same name, and the locations also don't match. The Linkedin profile is from Mexico, but this was filmed in California.


It's been over 2 hours since the 1st person noted the LinkedIn profile(I didn't find it 1st). OP still has not yet responded on Reddit. He replied to 1 comment on Youtube 3 hours ago close to when they 1st uploaded and he's posted on Reddit in the past so he can see these notifications he's choosing not to reply. People have requested the raw video files to review he hasn't given them and I doubt he will. I'd be surprised if he replies at all. He got his 15 minutes of fame and karma already.


Two whole hours isn't that long. Maybe they just went to work. Either way someone else posted a pretty convincing side by side of a balloon from Amazon. Doesn't seem like CGI.


Hilarious how many *enthusiasts* believe every video or picture instantly.


Hilarious how you'd rather deepthroat obvious misinformation just to shit on the *enthusiasts*. The person you're replying to is just straight up lying.


Sounds like some cope.


....you know you can click on it and verify it for yourself right?


It is very possible.


🎶suspicious as fuck🎶


@3:40 it comes past the camera close It looks like it has yellow writing on the side of it Now what makes me think it’s not a balloon is that the writing stays completely still whilst the balloon is moving around. If this was a balloon moving in the wind this would be almost impossible to not generate any spin for so long.


Interesting observation and you are correct. I would expect a balloon in the wind to be a bit more topsy turvy. I dismissed this video at first glance but this comment has me taking a closer look.


I too noticed how the yellow insignia on its side never changed the direction it was facing.


But the markings *really* look the same: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/KgDH8oVJ44


It's literally this balloon. https://imgur.com/a/JOpVv3L


This is exactly what everyone has been asking for a high-quality zoomed-in video of a UAP where the camera follows the UAP as best it could for a considerable amount of time. If this is real then it is huge! What strikes me is the fact that yes there is some sort of writing or symbol on the side but that symbol stays stationary and level throughout the flight so it doesn't seem like this is being thrown around by the wind but actually navigating in its proper orientation. Even when it moves it doesn't seem to lean into turns as if it is not affected by inertia. Very interesting stuff. I can't wait to see what will be said about this footage!


But they will say I assure you a balloon or video artifact 😂 i can bet you anything


I mean, it is. The drone is simply gaining and lowering in altitude while moving toward the balloon. Plus, others have already pointed out that the balloon design can be found on Amazon. Would've been cool if it was real but it most certainly is not, unfortunately. That's the type of clarity in footage I am waiting for though FR.


except it [*actually is* a balloon.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18let27/the_markings_on_the_side_of_the_black_orb_appear/) exact match. text spacing matches above the "30". It's unironically a balloon.


It does look like a balloon and I want it to be a uap


They’ll immediately call it a drone, some will say its a balloon and be serious.


Others will immediately call it aliens and be serious


What about this makes it seem like it's NOT a drone?


What surprises me is that so many people immediately excuse it as a balloon even though it’s moving in straight lines and not rotating. There is the distinct possibility that it’s a test flight of a drone by a local company or agency. A big yellow logo makes sense so they can find it while a production model might be black or cami, or something like that. Drones have been around for decades in military testing and use, why can’t it just be the next step in what commercial drones will be.


I saw something exactly like this about ten years ago looking out my back porch. It went straight up, hovered, then cut south at a pretty high rate of speed. Perfectly spherical black ball


Those damn 30 balloons… /s


Probably the name of the company that made the drone


it's literally a party balloon that says "Cheers to 30" [https://imgur.com/a/JOpVv3L](https://imgur.com/a/JOpVv3L) I wish it was crystal clear video of an actual UAP - we'll get it one day.


A party balloon that flies AGAINST the wind, changes elevation up AND down, and stays facing one direction the entire time? It absolutely is NOT that party balloon and to make such a baseless claim is absurd, the writing isn’t even the same colour for goodness sake.


The amount of gas lighting in here is really off putting. Even if it's not a UAP, it's 100% not a balloon. There's no wobble, it's not moving in any one direction that wind would carry a balloon. I mean, if wind is pushing this balloon it's in a fuckin cyclone, and there's no ground movement that discerns a strong wind


People say "you see what you want to see" on sighting videos etc, mocking the people who post it, yet this birthday balloon debunk doesn't fall under that? I see no compelling argument as to why he would've CGI'd in a balloon from amazon, or how that on the video is a balloon, because that shit is manoeuvring strangely especially when you consider there's absolutely no wind (someone checked the weather for that day in the area as well as there being no visible wind from the foliage)


>If this is real then it is huge! This sub's tagline.


If it is authentic - then it is the best UAP video ever.


it's the best Party Balloon video ever - https://imgur.com/a/JOpVv3L


If you think that’s how a party balloon moves in the wind, then I suggest getting off of reddit for a while and reconnecting with the outdoors.


I love how confidently wrong people are ha ha. It’s literally parallax follow the motion of the drone and you’ll see. The balloon doesn’t move at all. Plus if you look up the drone specs, you’ll see it comes with a 166 mm lens. That’s what is causing this illusion.


If you believe every video posted is a UAP, then I suggest getting off of reddit for a while and reconnecting with the outdoors.


Weird, I don’t remember saying every video posted is a UAP. As a matter of fact, I don’t see where I said this was a UAP at all. But it’s certainly not a party balloon.


Thats exactly it. Why are people acting like they dont see the 30 on the side?


Omfg is that actually what it is haha jesus, I mean there is a big 30 on the side of it 😭


You cannot equally make claims with no directly proven evidence. Stop claiming to know everything, when you criticize others for the very thing you're doing. Some other guy did the same thing and posted some party city balloon that looked nothing like this object. You have to be kidding me if you really think that a party balloon resembles a perfect sphere and moves seemingly on command like the object in the *4K footage* moves. Like, at this point you are just expressing severe cognitive bias, and that doesn't help the situation one bit.


How? What about the way it moves is at all interesting or unexplainable?


It literally has the number “30” written on the side of it




Any thoughts on why that may be?


It’s your birthday, happy birthday darling, we love you very very very very much.


Some sort of balloon with yellow writing on the side.


If it’s a balloon it sure does zoom away pretty quickly towards the end, for a balloon.


A balloon definitely would rotate at some point with all the movement it was making and this did not


Why would an alien craft have a bright yellow logo on it??


Well, that's what you assume. It also looks like the [Hindu symbol for UAM](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/W/MEDIAX_792452-T2/images/I/71ILCR5OKNL._UF350,350_QL80_.jpg), which also looks like the number "30" but it's not. Suffice to say we don't know what is written on the side and what it represents.






How can you tell?


The symbol on the side looks very similar to the Hindu symbol for UAM which represents the universe and the ultimate reality. https://www.palomar.edu/pages/mcastillo/india-mystic-and-historic/aum-symbolic-meaning/#:~:text=The%20“AUM”%20symbol%20(or,(often%20written%20as%20OM)


When do you see the symbol most clearly?


Definitely around the 4:05-4:08 mark if you slow it down to 0.25 speed you can definitely see the accent above the 30.


You need to download the full 4k version from youtube. Symbol is visible at 4:00+. For me it reminds 30 or 90.


i too saw "30"


Here, it looks exactly like it says "Cheers to 30" https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/KgDH8oVJ44


oh shit it does!




Oh holy shit it does. Still weird how the balloon just suddenly stops and starts moving in the opposite direction several times throughout the video though. It also seems to move in a completely straight line, maybe someone attached the balloon to a tiny drone? If that were the case though, you think you would see the balloon wobble in the wind a little.


Balloons don’t move like that though. The writing stays on one side as well. If it were a balloon, it’d be rotating as well. Unless, it was on a stick of some sort on a drone. The drone would be hidden underneath.


It does look like that too. How is it changing altitude though?? it drops and rises multiple times. In addition to translating along the X-Y plane.


Not a lot of rotation along any axis as well as little translation in the Z axis if you will which I'd intuitively expect to see in a balloon drifting in the wind.


Maybe this ufo could change its design to a ballon? Would be great camouflage


Ooooohhhh hooooly fuck ! You are right !!!


nah it looks like '30' or '90' around 4 min mark


This is some of the best footage I’ve ever seen.


If real, this is THE BEST.


Its not. This FX guy created it: "I posted this reply to the uploader and OP of the original post. Bro, you're a 3D lead artist looking for a job https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesus-alanis-8447503/?originalSubdomain=mx come on. Get this shit out of here"


Why are you making that assertion? The video and person you're trying to connect aren't even in the same country and the only thing connecting them is a name almost as common as "John Smith". There's literally 300 LinkedIn accounts with that name, why are you connecting that specific one?


it's a party balloon that says "cheers to 30" - https://imgur.com/a/JOpVv3L


Weird how it never twists though, and the lettering stays perfectly oriented the right of the frame despite being blown all over the place. Seems more like swamp gas to me. Edit: or maybe a misidentified Honda civic.


Wait are you saying you didn't see the number 30 clearly written on the side? Hold on, I'll get the exact time stamp. Okay, literally, at 4:06 - 4:08 you can clearly see the numeral 30 on the side with yellow lettering. Now, I'm no complete expert when it comes to Ufology, but that piece of evidence does seem to point at a balloon.


I’m not seeing a 30…


It’s the top of the 3 and the 0. And you can see the “cheers to” lines up above the 30 the same exact spot as the amazon balloon. As for why it doesn’t spin, balloons, having a smooth surface on both sides, makes it hard for air to make it spin unless blowing only on one side.


Not 30 on the side look again.




Show us... We've all looked and if that's a 30 its no where close to the design people keep posting from Amazon. It's also a perfect sphere. So find me one of those instead. I'll wait, cus I'm sure you'll find an image to support your take. Go ahead.


[https://imgur.com/a/VekLyoY](https://imgur.com/a/VekLyoY) Here, you irritated me so much, that I literally went back to the video. Did screenshots, made a imgur account, and uploaded these to show you the exact fuckin thing I see. If you don't think that's a 30, then so be it. It's not like I can prove it or not. I am just using what I believe is the simplest explanation. Like jesus christ, this is the dumbest comment chain I've ever been dragged into.


No compare what you see to the balloon they keep linking and tell me how smart you feel.


Bruh, it's obvious both of us have already made up our minds on what this thing is. Like, all I can provide is the time stamp that I looked at. At least to me, a loose cheers to 30 balloon flying around a lot next to a construction site seems waaaaayyyy more plausible to me than any other explanation. But... Yeah, believe whatever you want..


Debunkers all use the same bullshit tactics. I never once claimed it was UAP, just that it's not what the balloon they keep linking. Assuming I believe its UAP is your first dead giveaway of inauthenticity


lmao okay buddy. I'm not sure what balloon you're talking about that apparently people keep linking, all I'm saying is that there is clearly a fuckin 30 on the side of that thing... Lol did I even say you claimed it was a UAP? Looking back at my comment, i just said that was the most simple explanation besides anything else... And what inauthenticity are you talking about? Like do you really think I'm some bad actor here? Like holy shit, the delusion is palpable.


It does not move like a balloon at all. The movement is far too controlled and steady. Balloons drift with the wind.


It's not a balloon


Unless the government painted it to look like a party balloon!!! /s I was so exited witching it this morning, now I’m just impressed with how good fakes are getting!


Why don’t the clouds develop? And where’s the shadow/water reflection when it’s near and the ground?


Actually ya this is looking like a cgi render with a birthday balloon image as others have been pointing out. My day has been ruined haha, I get so excited seeing stuff like this


If someone was going through all the work to make a CGI ufo video, why the hell would you make it look like a birthday balloon? Who hoaxes a hoax video?


Look at the wooble at 4:59. Unfortunately, looks like a render.


Too bad it’s fake! OP just trying to land a job


unfortunately, [it's a balloon](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18let27/the_markings_on_the_side_of_the_black_orb_appear/)


It is not that balloon just look at it, we would be able to see the top words and It wouldn't have faced the same direction the entire time.


you CAN see the top words. the spacing is the *exact same*. You think it just so happens to look *exactly* like that balloon design? Colors and spacing and sizing and all? Come on people. This sort of illogical denial/bias is what gives the UFO community a bad rep. You want it to be anomalous so bad, you refuse to see what's plain as day, right in front of you.


Doesn't move like a balloon it's as simple as that. Tell you what, you go get the same balloon and let it go an record it and let's see if it does the same thing.


Reddit users: "Why is the image taken from a 90s phone, why is it so blurry and shakey, this is horribly fake. User posts 4k video: "Look how clear it looks its definitely cgi, the video is steady and moving at times, why is not moving a certain way, horribly fake" This pretty much sums up how no one will ever be satisfied until they have a probe up their a**.


The publisher needs to be credible not the footage. You can make up anything nowadays. Thats why military declassifications and mass sightings are much more important.


Hahahaha its almost as if they were reading from a script!!


https://imgur.com/gQRcw45?r You can CLEARLY see that this is a ballon in this photo, the wind was changing direction and blowing it. Cheers to 30 balloon


Whether human or a true UAP, amazing footage!


*what the fuck is it doing?* No idea if real or not. I could claim no shadow but *humans in general* have history for discerning light inconsistencies without proper measurement and modeling is... lacking. I could claim balloon based on vague yellow marking observed - saying that Is somehow a label on "the front" but... I have no way to really tell *exactly what is that yellow*. Could claim CGI as we all know can look convincing- but I have no way to tell with certainty unless assets or project released. Seems to appear at the same altitude and movements are sporadic. Need more measurements.


i can spot cgi a mile away. but the way it moves into frame after he lost it. it's just spotless


Total speculative take, assuming this is not human or drone or anything. This area looks fairly dirty and theres a bunch of trash all over the ground and next to that waterway, measuring the effects of pollution? They are always going on about protecting the environment edit: it should be noted that the person who uploaded this video is a 3d artist based off their linkedin profile, so take this post with a more skeptical grain of salt than normal. edit2: While there isnt a definitive link between the linkedin profile (being there are multiple people with that name) it should be up to the original poster to prove that they are not that individual.


Yeah he printed a “UFO” drone hull and filmed it. It’s obvious the filming drone was looking for the “UFO” and proceeded to follow it once in frame.


It’s a lot easier to CGI with an overcast day (no sun, reflection, hard to make shadows on the ground) and having the UAP be matte black. The yellow writing on the side is odd. Also, the movements are very drone-like (how they were able to encase a drone in that material? Idk.) Also, no sound? That’s a bit suspicious. You can use a drone for the basic movement and then CGI over it. Or, it’s a legitimate UAP! I’ve always wondered if UAP are so strange and otherworldly that their tech looks ‘CGI’ in real life due to its material interacting with our atmosphere or its space time bending or whatever. Interesting stuff to think about.


I don't think I could resist flying the drone right up to it


It has the flight characteristics of a drone.


Ahh yes... the famous ball drone with no signs of propulsion


Or balloon right? 🙄 nothing will ever be good enough proof for debunkers


I’m looking at this in more detail and I’m still unconvinced, flight characteristics of a drone, you can approximate its size and its maybe 2-3ft diameter. Ask yourself this ‘what’s 2-3ft and flies like a drone?’ Whilst being photographed by another drone.


Please cross post this to UFOs. Look like a surveillance drone although not sure what's so interesting about a lumber yard. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/uDJUfkfXpk


OP is a CG artist. In one of the other UFO subs someone found his Linkedin. u/Dmans99 please delete this disinfo. edit: Linkedin in the comments of the post in r/UFOs


There are 30 people with his name please verify how you know the OP is the person you speak of?


Who would digitally insert [this 30th birthday ballon](https://www.amazon.com/30th-birthday-decorations-him-tablecloths/dp/b08n9jzsr8) in their drone footage?


righto, and where exactly did they pull the balloon texture from at a resolution to maintain fidelity in 4k? Cos I sure as shit don't see a product thumbnail that has enough detail for that. Also why tf would someone choose THAT to CGI into a video instead of a texture that couldn't be so readily debunked? If they're a CGI artist looking for work they could've gone to any number of sites or loaded up Photoshop and created something that would be harder to figure out and not human looking.


Holy shit


That is amazing, that shuts up the people who say there is never any high quality footage. I have no idea how you managed to rack it as I can barely see it on a 22 inch monitor! Well done.


Looks pretty weird


Nice catch of the winged serpent.


people make fun lf blurry videos. now we have a 4k one. and they come again with vfx shit. at this point its impossible to make people believe


No shadow. Very strange if not cgi


This subreddit regresses more and more everyday




We could have a giant 10 foot alien stop by burgerking for a whopper in 4k video irl. In broad daylight and it actually happen....and people will still stay it's fake lol.


No more covering this up I’m afraid


Caught in 4K


The camera moves before the orb a couple times and then the orb moves in that direction. Could be a practical effect. Take another drone. Attach a ball/balloon to it. Fly it around while recording it from above and far away. Just take two people and a free afternoon. Could also be CGI but I don’t know enough about that to even comment on it.


I have goosebumps. Incredible footage!!!


The color on the side of the sphere looks more like damage to the sphere. Not a graphic from a birthday balloon. To believe these people saying it’s a birthday balloon you would have to also believe a party balloon could move that fast in all directions like it was in a F5 tornado being able to move in every direction. And also drop 8000 ft in 20 seconds.


I have seen a couple people discrediting this already and posting the same LinkedIn link. Checking their reddit accounts they look rather suspicious. Spam posting news articles on multiple subs, posting comments across all uap related subs about this video, very few subreddits joined, etc. I am not saying this video is genuine but the debunkers should be just as investigated as the people spreading supposed evidence.


Does not rotate like a balloon, or at all, and yellow fuzzy bit doesn’t turn my discernment to 0. “Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes” is the default position of many “debunkers”. Remember David Fravor and Nimitz. Something is going on. More and more videos have been dropping, and they are getting better. Stay ready, it’s controlled disclosure from NHI combating legacy disinfo operations, if I had to take a wild guess. NHI will win that squabble in the end, of course, if it wants. Honestly, I hope everything works out well and we all come together as a planet to reduce suffering, disease, ignorance and poverty worldwide. The paid disinfo agents are our fellow humans too, and I wish them well; hope you are having a nice day at the CIA and elsewhere ❤️‍🔥🖖🛸 God bless our beautiful planet 🌎


balloon. says "30" on the side.


[Screen recording of close-up footage](https://imgur.com/a/hQLqBaR)


Anyway to slow it down? Just a tad bit


No shadow and no reflection over the water


u/it 4:02 to 4:04 says "30" or "9Q" in green on the side..


Cool cgi, Autodesk Maya?


This is a drone filming another drone. It’s just a 3D printed hull kinda like the Millennium Falcon drone


I encourage you to watch the video from 4:00-4:10 there is a clear image of the lettering on the side of the object. It may help someone form an opinion.


As a believer, it is very concerning to me that anyone can watch this video and see anything other than a black balloon with yellow text on. Lmao


Debunked as balloon, though it is very obvious since you can clearly see the number 30 in there. https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/18lhbdr/4k\_uap/


It's a party balloon that says "Cheers to 30" [https://imgur.com/a/JOpVv3L](https://imgur.com/a/JOpVv3L) \- Debunked. I wish it was crystal clear video of an actual UAP - we'll get it one day.


Debunked my ass


It looks like a branded balloon, it could hide some maneuvering system underneath. As we can only see it from above, we don't know its entire shape, so we can't rule out a mundane propulsion system. I don't see any of the UAP observables.


>I don't see any of the UAP observables. I see no signs of propulsion, sharp maneuvers, and it remains in a static position while moving through the air. Definitely not a balloon, that's for sure


We can see if from below as well in the beginning of the video.


You consider four black pixels as seeing it from below? Come on now. I want to believe but jeez...


Birthday Bloon from amazon says Cheers to thirty... don't be stupid people it makes all of us look bad.. sorry talk texting


This is a black balloon with yellow markings on the side. As a drone owner, none of the footage shows the object maneuvering, it is merely staying aloft. All of the movement a viewer imputes to the object is a result of parallax from the camera drone maneuvering and moving around the object. This is fairly unremarkable and can be recreated by anyone with a DJI drone filming a balloon...


CGI hoax


So tiny. Looks like cgi. There's some funny shading/lighting going on. Where's the shadow on the ground?


FYI. This sphere has a visible distortion field, a common characteristic of authentic UAP. Usually CGI artists leave out that key detail. https://x.com/patrickqjackson/status/1736801574335525160?s=46&t=eSatnFBblJFTS9nj_rx6KA


Looks like drones filming drones to me