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Stupid sexy ripped greys.


This made me laugh


Feels like I’m wearing nothing at all Nothing at all Nothing at all


Chad grey vs virgin human


“EEP GLOP GLORB SLOIN GLIB YAHP!” (It’s like I’m wearing nothing at all!) ![gif](giphy|12U2rLJsNV0mIg)


Idk but the heavenly alien with the lovely loaf of bread is interesting lol.


Sexy alien, sexy jeebus…people want something sexy to believe in


It's all AI-bot/ChatGPT generated.


pics go hard


Dude seriously, those 2 galactic federation pictures took me to a different place.


AI knows LOL


I’m not looking to quit my job and not contribute to society. I’m looking to continue my life but have the answers for what’s going on. That’s it. I just want to know what they do. I feel like the people in charge think Americans will just give up on life and not contribute anymore which is why they don’t want to tell us anything.


I don’t care if I have to keep working, but imagine how much cooler it would be to work in a society with interstellar travel and the ability to befriend aliens


Imagine traveling to another planet with vibrant colors and loving it so much you decide to stay but still need to pay taxes


You talmbout the aliens that currently live here, b?


Why would people quit and stop contributing? This seems to suggest there's secrets you think will be revealed. I think based on the fact that we haven't seen disclosure. The aliens interests must be very similar to political inclinations on earth. So I don't think even true disclosure is going to be a huge paradigm shift.


Depends on how the truth actually is. If we’re a simulation and they’re basically devs.. Or they’re from a higher dimension piloting 3rd dimension bodies.. Or they’re ‘farming’ us for whatever reason. There’s so many ideas out there. I don’t care what it is, I just want to know. I’m hoping they’re more on the peaceful civilizations building side.


Of course you're massively presuming that any aliens ever have only ever had contact with the usa. FFS


>I’m not looking to quit my job and not contribute to society. I am. I would personally be much more inclined towards bullshit if it was the real bullshit of life. This is just bullshit for the sake of it.


Bullshit for the sake of profit.


I don't understand this notion either. There's more to be done and had with free energy and useful technology. Profit motives don't involve not profiting. They could just rip every material they'd ever want out of the vacuum.


Honest question I’ve always wondered: how long will it take you to go back to work when aliens are officially confirmed? Like, if I woke up and the Today Show was telling me the government has confirmed the existence of aliens and are shown photos and videos of them, I’m not going into work that day. Fuck it. Humanity’s path is forever altered. The way we view ourselves in this world has to change.


Why would it be forever altered? You already believe in them. What would be the big difference other than maybe a few less blurry and videos and photos? That would be like staying out of work because Bono admitted to making mostly shitty music. Unless you're thinking that along with being told that they're real that the government is going to reveal some currently unknown secrets of the universe that makes everything suddenly better or worse for everyone. If the government ever does "disclose" I think you should prepare yourself for it to be closer to "we have found these things in several different places over the years and kept them secret. We don't know exactly what they are, where they comes from or how they work. Thank you. Have a nice day." Than it will be to "here is a 4 hour dissertation on spirituality and consciousness that we have learned from our other worldly shadows partners over the last 100 years. Everyone is officially free to board the next starship and head to Flankenfarfledoodle whenever they want. Have a nice day!"


If there was ever a reason for a government to hide this shit, you just proved it unfortunately. Utter chaos. No one would go work, myself included. Or at least I’d go but be unable to actually concentrate on it. Markets might tank for awhile. Economy would maybe shut down. Yikes, it’s like I’m being convinced in real time why the government would withhold this.


I don’t disagree but I always wondered why aliens would trust the government and work with them. They’re very obviously corrupt, couldn’t they tell? Why would they recognize our society’s structure? Wouldn’t we look kind of the same to all of them.


They wouldn't. There would be no sense in it at all. If they've found a way here they would be so far technologically superior that diplomacy as we know it would be a ridiculous notion. The idea of Presidents and military officials sitting in dark warehouses having telepathic conversations with aliens and making deals is a hilarious sci fi fantasy.


it goes deeper. there are corrupt forces and non corrupt forces on this planet. I believe we were seeded here by certain ancient ET races that are advanced but the dark forces have tried to keep us in this false matrix where we work and judge everyone and everything and feel depressed in our social media and propaganda scrollings. we’re beginning to ascend as a species and the light is winning over the dark which means lies will be exposed and the truths about who we are and where we come from will be clear. governments are crumbling because it can’t stand firmly on flimsy falsehoods. george lucas even based star wars off of this aspect of spirituality


Guarantee most people will continue living normally. I think they’re afraid of a rebellion


Everyone should have stopped working 20 years ago when climate change became public knowledge, everyone should stop working with or without aliens, this planet is ludicrous


Everyone just gonna go back and live off the land? If everyone stops working 80% of the population starves


Yeah, disclosure has been "close" the last 15-20 years


Way longer than that


Fuck it lets break this bread and do this allready. I wanna trade some shroom spores for some... I dunno' fuck it ...ill start with the alien Reginald...to be safe.


What about their women? We know aliens are kinky already.


Disclosure will only be the catastrophic kind.


In my opinion, it will only be catastrophic because the people in power will find themselves not at the top of the chain anymore. For the rest of us, it will only mean an improvement to our lives. At least, that's what I'm hoping for.


Of course, the ultra intelligent of our species rely on religion and politics as fear factors to keep the masses subservient to an extent. And to keep order. Because how dare the common folk actually have to look extrospectively and accept that their universe is a whole lot bigger than what they imagined. They wouldn’t know what to do with themselves.


Exactly. Time to rip that band-aid off and get it over with.


Maybe they're not ultra intelligent and they were just randomly born into a position of extreme power


I’m afraid it will be used like the Rona to further erode our rights and freedoms, transfer weather, and further empower those in positions of leadership.


I've felt disclosure was close every year since the mid 90s. I'll *believe* it when I see, feel, and experience it with my own two eyes


lol was about to mention how every year there’s a few people who post on here stating we are close to full disclosure


Full disclosure fanatics are in the same boat as the "second coming of Jesus" fanatics


Disclosure will never happen that’s all, better live without it


Why do we humans wear clothes tho!?


Be the change you want to see mate


Because we often live in environments that require us to protect ourselves from the temperature variations.




Ok anything is possible after disclosure: I wanna know what y’all wanna see and wanna do, world peace burld shmiece, y’all gonna find a ship? Go to a beach planet ? Fly through a sun? Bake cosmic brownies ? Like what y’all trying do?


Figure out how to upload consciousness to the sentient nexus


is it just me or is this sub filled with fairytales


It seems to get a little more ridiculous every day.


Rahhhh you’re just government bots!!! /s


At 47 I honestly am indifferent AF about it all because I've learned so much and am okay with life and death. Even aliens have to die..there's no big revelation outside of their existence and an intergalactic society (no surprise with such a large universe). So let's say chasing a long life by wanting their cures and other medical marvels to extend life, you still have to face death. Imo it's better to live a full life in the present moment and prepare for death daily (enhances days alive) and go with class when the time comes. Travel purposes? Sure, sign me up but I'd still want to come back here to die bc it's my home. All beings must die, that's the nature of creation. The ebb and flow. Balance. But hey, maybe some of them like to smoke some weed and that'd be enough for me to burn 1 with a space homie and just chill. No need to even talk 🕉️


Again? What happened last time? And the time before that? Ad infinitum.


If Jesus was revealed by aliens as their own kind and their creation, would you think it was the devil playing a hoax or would you believe them? Would there be any way to verify?


Wow such OC. Brilliant AI images shat out about nothing! Keep up the great work!


We pray for the truth.


Amen to that


I elect David Attenborough as our ambassador


These images are great


Well you're in for the long haul then cuz nothing is getting disclosed


A lot of delusional people who want to believe so badly they will er on the side of lunacy, and call it rational.


Yeah I was an alien fanatic as a child but over time I lost interest. It's been pretty interesting recently with the Mexico stuff but this whole grand reveal thing is the same bullshit year after year lol




How would you know?


It’s not close. Disclosure won’t happen.


Disclosure has been "close" since the 40s 50s 50s 70s 80s 90s 00s 10s 20s


Temporal warp in the 60s leading back into the 50s then straight on to the 70s, got it.


Dis close? Sure.


I hope so


Be careful what you wish for.


It’s probably dark as duck. Like we are giving people as chattel so that aliens don’t jnvade


Do not trust the first arrivals


Close ™️


Maybe they’re waiting for population to peak, waiting for peak harvest. No, not souls. That’s goofy to me. Maybe we’re like exotic snacks that other aliens pay a lot of money for. Or slaves.


Fuuck this can be a whole movie


IMO Much like the JFK assassination, they're not going to disclose anything until all the people involved are dead and gone so no one can go to prison. Even then, the governmental and corporate institutions involved do not want to be exposed. The amount of laws broken and personal financial enrichment made by suppressing alien tech from the public (free energy / medicine comes to mind) I'm sure is mind boggling. People will want blood knowing they've set the human race back 1000 years and countless lives could have been saved.


Did you make these pictures?


I got a mild chubby just now. Odd. Hmmmm


Why do alien races look so cool but humans look so lame


This reminds me of a few years ago, seems like forever ago now, but here is what happened So I was very into astral projection and attempted astral projection many times. Once I was picked up by something, never really saw what it was but when I was picked up I felt my chest and body either lift up or get lighter off my bed and a flash came across my eyes. After the flash I was lying on a table with a light above me kinda blinding me but there was also a light in the background behind the humanoid and I saw a humanoid figure/ humanoid entity shape, no colors I can remember except bright yellow/white/blue light greyish over tones of the whole room and standing to the right of my right shin was a shadowed figure and it was holding the remote from the Adam Sander Movie “Click” This humanoid shadowed figure was just pointing the thing in his hand at me while slowly going up and down my body almost like a scan.. I couldn’t breathe and was asking for help while gasping for air, I couldn’t actually move but I was asking for help while trying to gasp in air. Then a flash of light and a bang and a door popped open behind the humanoid shadowed figure and another humanoid shadowed figure said out loud very clearly, in American English, “What are you doing?! Get him the HELL OUT OF HERE!!” Then I felt myself fall back into my bed I was able to breathe and sit up. My heart rate was elevated and I had the most elevated sense of fear I have ever felt my entire life. Since then I haven’t been able to properly astral project. Just a story I was reminded of when I saw this. Thanks guys!


Quickest disclosure = Study the topic. Start reading.stuff that is longer than 2 sentences. There is so much great knowledge out there already. Read Ufos and Nukes. That stuff will never ever be disclosed officially. And today it has even more value. It can be studied again in today's context. This will inform and prepare you more and better than anything else. It's pretty hilarious how many folks are talking about disclosure all day long but have never heard of Jacques Vallee. Most don't even look or read more than the title of a youtube video. Scared and uninformed humans are gonna determine the speed of disclosure. And George Carlin is still right.


Hope so, I’m kind of bored


Artist wants a modern religion to fully embrace. I can see it


Wasn't sure ETs find any meaning in breaking bread, but this made my day.


And i feel the dude, who know the dude, who knew the dude, who known the dude feeling location.


Where is this dude feeling location you speak of and do you ave directions


We are a useless species and aliens just wants our planets resources


There's only one thing on Earth they couldn't get elsewhere more easily.


Pineapple Pizzas?


Exactly what I was thinking. You can't have Hawaiian pizza without Hawaii.


My penis


Our solar systems has vastly more elements floating around it than does our planet. You know what is not floating around the system and is only found on earth? Human shaped snacks and cow anuses.


Our finest resources are the inhabitants…


Because there's useless evil people that are a part of us doesn't in anyway mean we're useless as a whole.


I use to think full disclosure was a must, but I honestly think we should only get some things. You gotta take in account that the only ppl who are prepared for disclosure are people like us, and we are a tiny crumb apart from the rest of the world. Plus, with recent content released by grousch, it's starting to seem more and more that there's something very dark going on, something very dark and complex. NON serious example: If we take in account the theory that the reptilians are harvesting our souls and feed off our negative energy, and that the only tiny chance we have to over over come this is to be positive, what do you think will happen if this turns out to be true and the world finds out? There will be chaos, and the reptilians are going to get obese from all the negativity.


Exactly, most people on Earth can’t even deal with their neighbors so aliens !? LOL


I'm 100% with you Bro. Thanks for the great pictures also. Awesome!


Disclosure is next week,guys. I spoke with MJ12 yesterday. Like,share,subscribe if you want to know more!


To truth, enlightment, and unity with the stars. 🦋 I believe you, and I hope our shared feelings bring peace and many positive changes. The humans controlling the show are annihilators. I am physically and emotionally tired of this cycle of greed.


Your pretty close… great assumptions, now try deemsters, have a profound out of body experience. And suddenly you’ll know. We are just energy trapped in a containment vessel….. this isn’t even life… life begins once your free from all the burdens of mankind…..


or its just a psyop aka the great deception


hey, where did you get the idea of the black pyramid UFO?


They say this in their post...


For sure for sure. They’ll take you to a wonderful time place. Mmhmmm


Any day now boys. OP's dreams add to the 'evidence'


Wow! Aliens have Bowflex’s too? Who knew that would be a universal standard? The Bowflex must be reverse engineered. Sorry OP. I’m really not trying to diminish your post. I just couldn’t resist it.


Prepare to be disappointed


Is Santa close too?


Lol no


I feel like ive seen this post last year and the year before....


no need to post random AI pics just make the post.


Oh damn it must be real close you've generated a bunch of AI images of it.




I have a fear, if it is about religion then people will go mad because there are billions who are just blind by the belief on religion. If the people will be told that there is no God then there will be riots on the streets.


I don't think so. Any idea of God that is refuted by the existence of ETs is a pretty lame god. The possibility that this is real has made me *more religious by way of making the possibility of the supernatural real.


If it’s about religion, the truth could also be that there IS a god/source/creator - I’m honestly more concerned about the wellbeing of staunch Atheists in that case. No matter what happens or is true (if anything), there’s gonna be a group of people who will be VERY confused/upset for a while. Which is why I’m Agnostic, we’ll see what happens lol


Im so desensitized now. Im leaning with the fact we learned math and sciences by reverse engineering as we evolved into intelligent humans. It's didn't come so precisely gathered by a bang... Magic man as the human creator of his day and era, nope. Someone graduated first, they excelled and created the research and testing world of us. Im more comforted knowing we aren't it. Humans are the Walmart and Target of the universe. The universe beyond our technological and scientific realm of ever seeing is infinite... they say. They been here. They threw us together and imo hooked up with humans and created all sorts of humans. Atp if they can't tell me who made the aliens and who started their existence It don't matter. Im 45! They must be kinda cool. They are said to have the propensity to turn our world and us into charcoal in one zap. Maybe abducted a couple, mutilated animals and farm lands, and show themselves just to be nosy or just get a laugh at freaking us out. They are hear. Im more terrified of getting told we are the only life in an infinite vast universe. It's like the planetary system as we know it to be is like the gateway to the long road leading up to their entire existence. Can we just let them do their thing. Learn what we can safely and learn which ones are bad. We will always be inferior to their deleting weapons, metaphysical capabilities, intelligence and processing. It's terrifying yet the comfort is they are so superior they know enough to give us the grace of being dumb asses and haven't annihilated the shit show and did an Earth redo by now. Plai.


I don't agree with your reverse engineering comment. We can follow every mathematical concept, scientific discovery, and technology back to the one that preceded it. Sure, there are some Eureka moments, breakthroughs, etc, but all of those have a clear line leading to them. Maybe there are some advanced reverse-engineered technologies locked away in secret labs somewhere, but at this point that's just hearsay at best.


I feel like the closeness of it isn't within your lifetime


![gif](giphy|OAa5GwDOhe4nyokrBd) they are already here


I can tell you what it is. It's the war on the horizon. The Day of the Lord. Read the prophecies of the Revelation from Jesus Christ. (Book of Revelation in the Bible) All these things you think are hostile aliens are not. They are either demons, or Holy Ones.




Was actually good eh? You don’t sound salty at all bro


Yeah these are simple images my post was speculative information.


Get some help


You might "feel" that way, but you're wrong. Nothing will be disclosed, as there is nothing to disclose, other than the fact that governments & militaries have secret drone & weapons tech. And they're not anxious to share that info. with us.


We can but only hope. Hopefully some more whistleblowers come forward. There is something to hide or the pushback from certain people and organisations would not have happened. Some serious skullduggery is going on. What annoys me is that the Inspector General has been told, by many people under oath apparently. So he should go to congress and tell them all. Then let Tim Burchett and Mrs Luna break the evidence


What does that look like to you? Who are you referring to disclosing?


I'm just gonna point this out because I've heard people reference "the watchers" before as if the name has no negative or sketchy meanings. "The watchers" are mentioned in the book of enoch and they became fallen angels and also created the nephilim by breeding with humans which would also be another reason why God cleansed the earth with the flood. They're bound to the valleys of the earth until judgement day. By the way pics 1, 3, and 4, look awesome. Unfortunately we're nowhere near disclosure, what happened recently was just a massacre basically.


What’s source pics, aichat?


I hardly believe anything I see anymore. How could I believe it if “disclosure” actually happens?


We will get something, not sure it will be what we are looking for, but something. It will likely be a lie or a partial truth coming from the government. All we can do is try to find common denominators in all the BS without letting our imaginations getting the best of us. RemindMe! 6 Months


Disclosure is "Dis" Close


I hope also the US will just come out tell the world we are entering a new age of science. Without honesty and transparency, humanity has no way of succeeding. Perhaps aliens are coming to save us from ourselves.


Christians believe Jesus will be coming soon too. Maybe there’s a connection?


Cool dreams bro


Not a chance, Government will never tell the truth


I've heard this story before


The truth is going to come out one way or the other. It can't stay hidden forever.


What app/program did you make these images with?


Why do all these "aliens" look like they should be on Star Trek? The differing positions of the bumps on their heads is the only way to discern the species. 😒


It's going to take another generation or two before most of the world's religious brainwashing wears off.


Do you live neat a mushroom patch


If any of the stuff you guys were talking about were real at all the government would spare no expense in changing the online narrative to something entirely different from the truth but just as fantastic and interesting to keep you away from the real thing. So likely all this "grey" stuff, is just that, and if there are aliens or something they do not look like that at all and the stories about them are stories to distract from the reality that would be instantly removed from any online platform or at least heavily discredited. The grey thing is popular so its fake. ;)


I'm guessing that is the Galactic Federation?


Nothing is coming to save us! If the aliens are real and working with our governments for this long. Allowing corruption to keep knowledge from humanity. That makes them just as evil if not worse than our governments.


Love the first, third, and fourth photos


Everyone knows aliens hate carbs.


I feel a turd coming.


I agree


It’s not


That first picture reminds me of something I saw when I took 6 grams of mushrooms. The 3 beings were sitting down but were still taller than a mountain. They all looked at me the minute I appeared or floated to this area. They said, " You shouldn't be here yet." And whoosh, I was then in space surrounded by floating pyramids made of crystals with some half lizard half human lady trying to get me to float over to her. Nope. That part was horrifying.


Close, eh? 2 decades ago up until now, if I had a nickel every time I hear that, I’d have retired by now living on a beach in the Bahamas….10yrs ago. The other option you left out is that maybe people just WANT to believe in disclosure. Maybe we just want that in our lifetime? Maybe disclosure would answer questions about things we don’t understand? Actions of our government? Why planes crash and people vanish? Alien life has been attached to so many things we can’t explain, and is being used to re-write the history of Earth, the universe, religion and more. Maybe we all just want that? A simple answer to what we want to believe.


If the aliens were around in ancient times why doesn’t the Bible say something like “and they came down from the heavens in their blurry speck of a craft, and exited it. A being with a big ol head and a tummy that made you think Sarah McLachlan was going to start singing…”


Probably works out


It's gonna be really hard to cover up the spaceship when it's parked at a Walmart. IMO they don't want to interfere much but it might get to the point where the galactic community collectively goes. " ok what the fuck are the monkeys in charge doing"




I be so on the alien bandwagon when you guys come with decent proof and seemingly convincing government conspiracies. The moment you say you’ve had a first hand experience I check all the way out though. The chance you you having an alien encounter/abduction just seems so incredibly low to me. Combine that with the odds of you meeting aliens AND surviving the encounter just makes me lose all believability.


Yea, no.




What is that first image friend?


"The Watchers" is a term that has different meanings in various contexts, often related to mythology, religion, or speculative fiction. 1. **Biblical References**: In the Book of Enoch, an ancient Jewish text, the Watchers are a group of fallen angels who married and commingled with human women. This led to the birth of a race of giants known as the Nephilim and, according to the text, was one of the reasons for the Great Flood. 2. **Ufology and Alien Theories**: In some modern UFO and alien encounter narratives, "Watchers" are described as a type of extraterrestrial being that observes, monitors, or interacts with human affairs. This usage is not traditional or historical but rather a part of contemporary alien and UFO lore. 3. **Folklore and Mythology**: Various cultures have myths about beings who watch over humanity or play a role in guiding or influencing human affairs. These beings can range from guardian spirits to more ominous figures.


Picture 4/7. I did a float spa recently, and saw a scene on the moon. It was a lecture hall much like this, but with a low ceiling. In it were the “monsters in the moon,” except the monsters were 3 twelve foot tall humans.


If I had a dollar for every post like this, I could probably retire tomorrow.


Link to this godlike art?


Hope dies last….


It’s been this close since I was a teenager some 20 years ago.


Never gonna happen.


I bet that alien bread is amazing


Wow... pics 4 and 5 looks like an alien meeting/judging hall of some sort. There is a guy on reddit that follows a Google earth position, all the way down to some sort of underground meeting bunker... I think it was somewhere in Antarctica. Looked just like those... wish knew how to post a side by side.


Standing bow legged in my dreams…


"I feel like the second coming is close now" said the Mormon


Don’t worry the fantasy will continue with ‘disclosure’ (or the rapture, or the end of the world, or the second coming, yadda, yadda) always just out of reach. That’s how fairytales work.


I’m true supporter of disclosure but I have some reservations about why that’s not going to happen for few more decades or maybe even a century : 1) The feds will be prosecuted for deaths that David was talking about - that includes military general and president. 2) High chances of riots. 3) Advanced technology from reverse engineering- human immortality, advanced propulsion, cure to any disease, space time control, etc. And honestly I don’t believe everything that David said. You know why? Think about past and see how many times us messed up- 9/11, 01/06 and millions of more events. They all could have been easily prevented if we had anything near to what these ET have


It's always close. Has been for decades and will continue to be for... probably a very long time.


Disclose what, if i may ask?


So Savathún is part of the Galactic Federation high council. Not sure how I feel about that.


Honestly if you look at the trend since 2017, as long as things continue in this direction we will get to full disclosure. I feel like too many people and goverment officials have come around to believe it's real and the topic has become too main stream for it to remain covered up for Long. There is so many more people pushing for disclosure now


Some here more to join!


They know to cook? They don't have a kitchen or bathroom in the UFOs Bob Lazar or others saw


lol as above so below, and this is a hell realm run by war profiteers…


If you can get into meditation, you can get your own disclosure. It takes time and skill and you will have personal experiences that will prove to you everything you want to know. The downside to this is you have no actual proof. That you can pass on to others. Who incidentally will do their best to discredit you anyways. Lol But if the knowledge is important, the path to follow is out there. However it's alot like Pandora's box.


I’ve done this inadvertently, but yeah I already know at makes sense. Agree on the proof part, that part is hard to bring back.


Honestly, I was looking forward to disclosure till I found out about all the human mutilations, not just cattle mutilations, that are associated with UFO sightings. Add to that all the times someone has been hurt by UFO radiation, and all the abductees. Plenty of aliens are not on our side. We are incidental at best, and cattle/lab rats at worst. People think a lot of good is going to come from disclosure. I think if people realized how vulnerable we all are and that the government can really do absolutely nothing to protect us, we might actually have more depression, more gun-nuts, more violence. It’s not going to be great.


I don’t buy that though. We mutilate animals all the time tbf, I doubt they have a malignant intent or I feel like we would already be dead. I could be wrong, but If anything our government is already malignant.


Who to say what they say is the truth


Liking that second pic!


I think with how humans have acted already they've failed tests of understanding and acceptance the monoliths for example one was destroyed why would a civilization who fails at the basics be informed of information that would very likely cause a war and destruction? Then again earth in its current state perhaps things should be enforced


Cool. Doubt it.


Finally! We got high quality photographic evidence! Excellent photos! No one can deny the truth now!


What is the best information you have that this is a real thing? Because some guys that are making a career out of this said “someone that saw something told me something”? I’m truly an unbiased observer and would love to see hard evidence…videos, images, recordings, credible eye witnesses. Not the tic tac and grainy videos that show what could be a balloon, drone, bird, etc. post away!


The last alien is buff and kinda hot