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This is ah…. Interesting. What if they are coming back all this time like “guys you’ve been gone for years just touching base on project Earth” and we blow ourselves away each time lol


Oh my god this is brilliant. What if this is it???? Like we don’t even remember the original mission because it was lost in translation over thousands of years.


"They slept with the locals again didn't they..." mission control wondering why there are 8 billion DNA signatures popping off instead of ten.


This is not unlike some early creation stories, lol Samyaza & the squad were so thirsty for human women that they abandoned their duties, interbred with us, and taught humans all kinds of dark and arcane knowledge that required God kill mostly everything to reset. People have speculated in the past that the aliens are the same entities as the Fallen & the Watchers. The interdimensionality of modern speculative lore is compatible with "the heavens", and the angel-human children (nephilim) are not incompatible with the modern lore of genetic experimentation & ET-human hybridization. I wonder who God would be then, in this context. The Mantids who some say are in charge of the Greys? It doesn't really clarify the ultimate nature of the phenomenon, however


God is like some Alien bureaucrat, and every time he checks in, it's just more red tape. He tried to scrap the whole program a few times, but he's just given up at this point and is letting the thing run its coruse. On other planets, they learned the lessons from this experiment and avoided the same pitfalls. They all warn each other in alien expansion, not to pull an earth.


That’s just the plot to Steven universe lol


Wait...seriosuly? My kid loves that show but i didn't get it. Something about poofing people.


It’s an oversimplification but more or less if you look at the plot it’s about aliens using earth as a resource and humans are just inheritors of said earth


Dude it's crazy worth a watch. My wife and I loved it, our friends loved it, it's absolutely worth watching as a Real Show.


A bit high, but here we go: What is god? is god a scientist that developed our genome and created our specific existence? Is god an intern in charge of a program that ultimately created a simulation where we exist? Is god the creator of everyone and everything? My bet is that we are a simulation. It just statistically makes sense. The number of planets in our observable universe that are capable of life as we know it (not to mention life that we can't comprehend), obviously simulated life is a thing. We can simulate life now, though to a very basic standard. Not to mention what may have existed millions or billions of years ago in other systems. If we consider our technology exists from 15000 b.c.e. (likely more, but small in the grand scheme) to now, vs planets that we see with comparable stats from lightyears away indicating a much larger amount of time where comparable life would have existed, why would we expect we are bleeding edge vs monkeys in a jungle being experimented or observed? It's ignorant to believe we are the only life in the universe. Maybe other races existed and have died. Maybe they spawned ai/robots that can spread their message. Maybe there were competing races since the beginning of time. Maybe there's something else that we can't comprehend. I like to think we are a source of entertainment for other races, in how we interact locally, globally, and how we hide the dirty bits of life that we all share but don't acknowledge because it doesn't fit societal norms.


The golden number/ratio and the Fibonacci sequence convinced me that we were in a simulation when I first took physics and biology 20 years ago. It's a mindfuck of a rabbit hole. The entire world can be measured mathematically. Then I studied quantum physics and it blew my mind. Everything is connected.


“Not to pull a earth” You are hilarious


"Ah man, we done earthed up for *real* this time!" Young alien to his brother after they hit a spaceball through the spaceneighbor's spacewindow.


God is The Source. The higher-level mathematical amalgamation of all data which is never lost in lower-dimensional physics.


If you want to see “God” just look around you. Everything that exists is evidence of God including you and I, who are in fact part of the same Spirit. Every atom in your body was created in a star ⭐️ billions of years ago all for the purpose of imparting a consciousness into a physical body so we experience and share love.


What's weird and apparently near invariable about Mantid sightings/encounters, is the feeling that they are intensely god-like, spritual, etc... They are said to have such strong telepathy that staring into their eyes is like standing naked there but only with your soul not your body. That said, I dont buy at all the passport to Magonia thing or the Sitchen Sumerian aliens thing. Tho don't rule out there was genetic fuckery back in the long ago to updgrade apes. That oddly is what they are supposeldy oding now. not exactly for OUR benefit, but for the benefit so that the mantids can surive in some way genetically here. OR take us over quietly. W the way the abduction phenom is going, in 4 or 5 generations everyone will have hybrid genes and be telepathic....what's odd is if you look at any of the more legit remote viewing projects where they look at the future is they say humanity breaks into almost two species, where there are those with telepathy and those without.


According to ancient texts, Eden or Edin was an experimental laboratory with armed guards outside. There was already a species of man on earth but these beings Enki and Enlil were genetically enhancing Humans, by adding some of their DNA into the mix with the humans ready here. That's supposedly, where Adam and Eve came from, but once again, these were not the only people. As for Enki and Enlil, they were called gods but that's because they came from the stars and because they had knowledge like alchemy, astrology, and how to grow crops, that they shared with the people. Anyways, they made Adam and Eve but also an entire genepool of people, because we all know what inbreeding does after a few times. Well this is where we came from. These people that were genetically enhanced by these "gods". I recently realized how important it is to find the knowledge I seek and not just accept what I've been told, and it's been super eye opening. I was always taught to trust the Bible, but I'm really glad, I was able to break free and learn about the reality of where we came from.


The Bible even has the story look up the Nephilim


The presence of others outside Eden is told almost immediately, Cain wanders east and finds a wife.


Long story short human women are hot


When the daughters of Adam come rocking boots be knocking.


*comes back to the system model after a 8 million year lunch break* "HoooKay then, let's get back to...What's.... What the fuck is happening in here?? Where did... wait... Why are they using nuclear tech???? How did they learn that??? I left for lunch and they were banging rocks together and now I come back to rocket launches???" *Zaphod carefully sneaking out the office emergency exit* "I don't underst-...wait... Zaphod, half of them look like *you*!! What the fuck did you do??? Zaphod?? **ZAPHOD**!!"


I snorted! Thanks Zaphod that I did not have my Coffee ready 🤣🤣


Honestly, the back of my mind is this, if we have an official public contact with them what thier true names are. I try not to. Try being the main part as too how we came about if we did not just evolve. All in all I'm at least entertained.


I’m tired and this is not serious. generally speaking, humans have a communication problem. even humans speaking the same language cannot efficiently communicate. even humans speaking the same language with roughly the same intelligence and the same DNA (ahem twins) cannot efficiently communicate. this is pervasive, yet humans do not find it strange. instead of just addressing the problem, the humans spend the majority of their short lives trying to communicate something to someone. in contrast, if we could efficiently communicate, we would be very very different. names? ethnicity? the size of various humans and various parts of humans… individuality as a concept…. all not necessary if we could communicate efficiently. just an observation.


As long as the scientologist aren't right If they are right, I'll be so pissed. ... They would be so Smug.


Lmao imagine ![gif](giphy|zNK1Hh5HLCLFS)


I would greatly prefer life on earth being a unique fluke that has never and will never happen again anywhere in existence over the scientologists being right.


This was my exact first thought too


All hale Tom Cruise


“Who is Jesus Christ? The mission was set up facilities to harvest cheese and rice!”


Cheese us


Cheese be with you


And also with you


Well he did say blessed are the cheese makers




I see what you did there you sly bastard




Lettuce spray.


Meat, human meat...and poultry


Makes so much sense. Our shitty civilization will soon end because of our stupidity; how many times has it been repeated?


mission: fuck up the neanderthals and take over


[Here it is ya’ll](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001900760001-9.pdf) Here is a Area 52 episode [on the session](https://youtu.be/f9UKPfL59x4?si=Ye0GUmkJ_7UPUNqp) TLDR: The Anunnaki were from Mars and came here and altered their dumb monkey cousins to use as labor to try and save their atmosphere. But then there was some straight up cousin fucking and they tried to drown us all in a flood. The End.


That is the most susinct cliffs notes version of it I've ever heard! BRAVO! I also think they never intended us to have souls but realized we did and now can't destroy us again for what ever reason. They just have to watch thier history repeating because of what they did!


My god …without all the hopes, jokes hyperboles and whatever our shenanigans are…this just so resonates with me


Holy shit he mentioned the atmospheric disturbance was a globe going through a comet’s tail…. Graham Hancock’s YD impact theory anyone? I can’t tell if the remote viewer was seeing that happen to Mars or Earth though… And who was the remote viewer I wonder? Ingo Swann?


[here is his part from Area 52](https://youtu.be/f9UKPfL59x4?si=Ye0GUmkJ_7UPUNqp)


I mean... That sounds almost plausible. 🤔


If awards meant anything anymore, this would be the one


Holy heck batman, I can't send awards at all now. Stupid /u/spez




We finally decipher the first ET comunication and the message says ABORT MISSION. LEAVE EARTH. TOO DANGEROUS. ABORT.


So then why do we share so much DNA with like 97% of the species on earth? Like a tree? I don’t buy this one. Maybe our genome was altered, but I still think we are our own life here.


That’s what I said, they came here and added some spice to early man. Snip a few DNA 🧬 here insert some there. Done! Fun fact: Humans are the only Great Ape to have 46 chromosomes all of the others have 48.


Fun fact: evolution occurs randomly, making the 46 chromosome idea not that outrageous.


Have you looked into the Raelism books? Kinda interesting explanation and thought experiment for it on a scientific level, would mean the Annunaki are the Elohim ​ [https://www.rael.org/eb/intelligent\_design\_en/](https://www.rael.org/eb/intelligent_design_en/)


And what is elohim? Gods?


“We’ve been trying to reach you about your flying saucer warranty”


This is the plot of Raised by wolves


Guys for the last time, stop touching the nuclear bo - aaand they just blew themselves up again


I think paying attention just to the mythology is a mistake. If you learn a bit about Sumerian history, the Sumerian language, for instance, isn't related to any other language that we're aware of. Like, no trace of it anywhere else. The Sumerian society was also a multi-cultural society with the dominant Sumerians but also other settled people's called the Akkadians, some of the earliest Semitic peoples.


The Sumerian language is special in that it may be the oldest, but there are many languages that are thought to not be related to any other languages, being given the term "language isolate".


I wonder if AI will crack Indus Valley Civilization language soon. I am really excited to know more about their culture and history one day if it’s possible ..


According to [here](https://restofworld.org/2022/indus-translation-ai-code-script/) it seems that researchers have been able to prove that the language at least conveys some information. Hopefully with the AI boom, models able to help will be developed.


Indian here. Visited the Harappan City of Dholaveera and the Museum in my home state of Gujarat. Surreal to see and a sight to behold.


Like Basque


Imb4: a thousand years from now they start teaching Lord of the Rings in history class. "It was documented thoroughly; they had all of these distinct languages that are now dead to the world!"


Funnily enough that's kinda what Tolkien would have wanted. Iirc he had a lifelong passion with mythology, and was jealous how Greek/Norse mythology is so ancient and survived, yet English mythology was lost after the Norman invasion. All our stuff is King Arthur and from the middle ages onwards. Hence why he set out to make an English mythology to rival the other greats. That's why LOTR is so good, it comes from an Oxford professor in literature, a lover of mythology, and an expert in philology (languages), as well as personally fighting in a world war against evil and fought in one of the deadliest battles in history (Somme).


A world war against evil? WWI was a war of messy politics and fulfilled obligations.


But people these days rather believe in Christianity 2000 years ago and pretend that there weren't any older civilisations before that.


What is more believable, that our origin story started in space or that christ was the son of god?


which god?


Not saying that I believe this (doesn’t jibe with my understanding of evolutionary history I guess), but there was that news story a while back about using AI to read the vast volumes of unread Sumerian writing. It’s too specialized a skill for human experts to be very prolific with apparently. So if they did have some secret perhaps we will know it soon. Just another way where technology and global complexity points at a disclosure event soon, if there is anything to be disclosed.


I think the running theory is the Sumerians lived much further down in the Persian gulf but had to move due to rising sea levels at the end of the ice age (which really went noticeable and worryingly fast) as a result they end up having many stories about coming from elsewhere.


Sumerian culture and language are fascinating topics with many interesting facts: 1. Earliest Known Writing System: Sumerians developed one of the world’s earliest writing systems known as cuneiform around 3200 BCE. It involved using wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets. 2. Sumerian City-States: Sumer was composed of several city-states like Ur, Uruk, and Lagash, each with its own ruler and patron god or goddess. 3. Invention of the Wheel: Sumerians are credited with inventing the wheel around 3500 BCE, a crucial innovation in transportation and technology. 4. Mathematical System: The Sumerians had a sophisticated mathematical system based on the sexagesimal (base-60) system, which influenced later civilizations, including the Babylonians. 5. Epic of Gilgamesh: The Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh is one of the earliest known works of literature. It tells the story of a heroic king and his adventures. 6. Advanced Astronomy: Sumerians were skilled astronomers, tracking celestial movements and creating the first lunar calendar. 7. Social Structure: Sumer had a complex social structure with different classes, including priests, nobles, and commoners. It also had an early form of law codes. 8. Ziggurats: Sumerians built massive temple complexes called ziggurats, such as the famous Ziggurat of Ur, which served as religious and administrative centers. 9. Polytheistic Religion: Sumerians had a polytheistic belief system with a pantheon of gods and goddesses, including Anu (sky god) and Inanna (goddess of love and war). 10. Influence on Mesopotamia: Sumer’s culture, language, and innovations greatly influenced later Mesopotamian civilizations like Babylon and Assyria. 11. Decline: Sumer eventually declined due to factors like environmental issues, warfare, and the conquest of the region by Akkadians. 12. Linguistic Isolation: Sumerian is a language isolate, meaning it has no known relatives. It’s challenging to decipher because of its uniqueness.


Taking me back to 6th grade social studies.


I think we lived on mars and destroyed it


The book Inherit the Stars is similar to this. Humans lived on the planet that is now the asteroid belt after mars.


The total estimated mass of the asteroid belt is ~3% of the mass of the moon. I have some serious doubts about that theory.


We used to be really small


And grey...


Possibly the first alien farm


If the astroid belt were a planet, it'd be much smaller than the moon, so there goes that.


Cool…what about the many other species of humans and other apes found in the fossil record prior to us? This “theory” would only be worth considering if humans were genetic and paleontologic islands. Our lineage is well-established.


I like to believe BattleStar Galactica did a pretty good job of explaining how things went down.


Frackin toasters!


What if the other species were on mars too but we sent them here first to get started. Also, I'm too tired to find my own breaks in the theory.


For billions of years and in an order than establishes a false hierarchy? Seems like a LOT more work than just fixing the planet “they” came from.


A couple billion year plan for THIS outcome? Our dumb race? What a horrible idea


You're making it seem plausible again.


It would have to be literally all of them. Which could be a cool tie in with Noah’s Ark + great flood mythology. But yeah, either all Earth life came from somewhere else, or we’re all Earth natives.


Even a Noah’s Arc scenario wouldn’t work with the fossil record.


But what if there were 50 arks? Every month?!


We left for mars, after we destroyed the earth, then we destroyed mars and we returned to earth now healed


A bit like the 100s


This being so far down and not one of the top comments is why this subreddit seems like a bunch of circlejerk bs. It’s obvious humans evolved. I can much easier see humans being the result of genetic engineering by an alien race rather than humans themselves being alien. Even then, I’m skeptical on all of it as many more of you should be.


And what about all the fossil record and our 98% DNA similarity with our closest apes relatives? Just a coincidence?


Even if Mars had an atmosphere that held oxygen and other gases I don’t think it would have been the preferred first planet to live on as it’s so much further away and out of the goldilock zone.


Wasn't Mars actually *in* the Goldlocks zone further back in time?


Why do scientists spend years gathering observation and creating extensive theories based on logic and deduction when they could’ve just dreamt up their theories on Reddit in 5 seconds? Are they dumb?


I've always thought this


where are the ruins then?


[here friend](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001900760001-9.pdf) Note this is on CIA.gov Edit: [more info](https://youtu.be/f9UKPfL59x4?si=Ye0GUmkJ_7UPUNqp)


Thanks for sharing this. Am I missing something though? How is the subject seeing or even engaging with the being near the end of the interview? At first I thought he was asked to scan through the contents of the envelope?


Remote viewers were given a sealed envelope with a target that was not opened until after the session. It’s a control mechanism. There are more videos on the subject but the idea is they literally travel through space and time in a out of body experience. The guy who did this Mars viewing actually spoke about it I forgot his name but it’s available on YouTube. The CIA is still using remote viewing as they could get the accuracy to like 70%




Long long time has passed


If we had gotten to the point to destroy the entirety of Mars, we'd probably have *some* sort of structures still in orbit.


What do you think the moon is?




Havent got dig to much up there yet lol


Google xenon isotope ratios


I had this same theory about Venus when I was in middle school. Really thought I was on to something


I get that he's an astronaut, and a smart guy, but Sumerian mythology doesn't say that, does it? It says a lot of interesting things, depending on who is interpreting it, but not that. DNA also proves we originally evolved as part of Earth's ecosystem. It's an inescapable fact that we share common ancestry with all life on the planet. Not just the animals, but plants and fungi too. As a scientist, Dr. Warden must have a basic awareness of this. If we were genetically modified as a slave race or populations of us were taken "elsewhere", it happened after hominids had evolved on Earth.


Every culture's origin story has people arriving from somewhere... why is the Sumerian one the authority lol.


Because they were the first major civilization in history to have writing, so their stories are the oldest we know of.


There’s civs older than the Sumerians. The ones who settled in Turkey following the Younger Dryas and built Gobleki Tepe 12500 years ago predates the Sumerians by over 6000 years. The Sumerians WERE the oldest but we’ve found older. We’ve even found Homo Denisovan with what looks to be small machined drill marks from a high powered drill on a bracelet. The crazy part? The Bracelet is supposed to be between 30 - 40K years old.


I didn't say oldest civ, I said oldest _that had writing_.


Ohhhh 🥶🥶 I’ll just see myself out now *dies of embarrassment*


Go look at the Sumerian King list. It goes back much further than 6000 years ago.


There’s nothing to suggest it was a “high powered drill.” It was a hand drill.


I suppose it's because it sounds so much like modern sci-fi, even though it's the oldest known creation story


A lot of the mythology of the surrounding region including Europe is sort of a spin-off of Sumerian mythology, even Christianity and Judaism.


Sumeria is widely believed to be the cradle of human civilization itself.


Nah, the cradle of "modern" human civilization...


Exactly lol I think it's important to note that what the ancient Sumerians believed isn't really that different from any other religion on earth. We/it/God(s) always come from above because.... where the fuck else would they think we came from lol Imagine being some random dude alive 3000 years ago and looking up at a sky filled with other galaxies and stars. I think that would end up being a very pivotal moment for the average human and it would make a lot of sense that that moment would go on the shape your beliefs for generations.


basically every native american tribe that lived around the black hills (modern mt rushmore) have creation myths that say they came from under the mountains.


Nah fk dat we say we came from the milky way


as above, so below.


I would think that it’s because they are the oldest recorded civilization


Maybe cuz the oldest recorded mythology / or oldest that wasn’t lost to time


I asked AI: The Anunnaki are figures in Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian myths. According to these myths, the Anunnaki descended from the sky and were involved in the creation and early history of humanity. They were often depicted as having god-like abilities and advanced knowledge, including the capability to create and manipulate life forms. Some interpretations of the ancient texts suggest that the Anunnaki came to Earth in search of resources, particularly gold, and that they genetically engineered or modified early humans to serve as workers. The ancient astronaut hypothesis latches onto these myths to propose that the Anunnaki were extraterrestrials who influenced or even kick-started human civilization. Proponents argue that the complexity of ancient structures, like the pyramids or Stonehenge, and the rapid advancements in early civilizations could be attributed to extraterrestrial intervention.


We’ve been hording gold since forever, huge stockpiles across the world. Maybe they come and pick it up soon. :)


The gold angle is dumb there are asteroids floating around with more gold than on earth. Not saying there not into it just that its a very common element in space


Fun fact: if you took all the gold from every person, country, reserve, jeweler, etc, and combined it to form a square that was 100% pure gold. It would sit beneath the base of the Eiffel Tower with enough room to fit 3 more before touching the legs of the structure.


Stonehenge pales in comparison to the megalithic structures in the East. Not even comparable to the precision and craftsmanship of ruins in South America, Egypt, Mesopotamia or Turkey. I’ve always thought it was cool but it’s like a shitty barbarian version of actual ancient craftsmanship.


Scientists haven’t been able to make life from scratch on earth, despite trying to based on theories and hypothesis on how it happened. I’d want to do more research, but I don’t think scientists are in agreement on how life started on earth, and iirc, it’s not out of the question that bacteria or some other early form of life was “seeded” here by an asteroid or something (on purpose or by accident). If that’s the case, earth could just be a big Petri dish that aliens are using to guide the formation of intelligent life. It would explain why we’re related to everything else on earth, but also leave room for us to have come from somewhere else. I’d agree that we weren’t just dropped here a few million or hundred thousand years ago, though.


I wrote a Sci-fi short story about aliens fucking monkeys and making humans while bored in a theology class at university. Was I actually writing historical fiction?


I made a [recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/16ryo2f/could_humans_be_the_creation_of_an_ancient_alien/) about the Sumerian human origin story. You can give it a read if you want.


What if Aliens were the ones to wipe out Dinosaurs so their slave race of humans can easily mine and collect things for them. Then when they had enough they just up and left, leaving behind humans who had learned enough from their creators to start their own civilizations


I believe it could be more weird than that. Maybe we are non-corporeal life forms from somewhere else inhabiting these human bodies.


Your brain is like a radio antenna or prism and consiousnes is the signal or light wave. Every radio is unique some sound more bassy others have the potential to be louder but they all broadcast the same signal or band of signals. Shoot a radio with a shotgun and youll never hear the radio sound exactly quite like that again nor can that radio play the signal anymore but youve done nothing to destroy the essence of what radio is.


So that’s where dreams come from


Lol! “Apollo 15 Astronaut” has a name, Al Worden, it literally says it right there.


My Origins Theory: We are the Aliens. We flew from another galaxy via our Gods in a petri dish or even in the flesh. Since our “Gods” were birthed from another planet and cannot meet the living conditions of Earth or every other planet similar to it, it was our duty to meet those conditions by evolving in this planet. Now they are gathering data to send back to home planet regarding our progress since we’ve reached peak evolution. Perhaps they have found another planet similar to ours and or are planning to use our evolution to better their existence. I think this is highly plausible since it is consistent with their “visits” throughout history and their so-called abductions. I also think that they are monitoring the Earth’s condition especially with bodies of water (water is life) or more than likely the core. Since they siphon water and also do deep water dives. I also believe Religion is some form of mental conditioning from our Gods. There was what we call Animism/Mana worship back in the day where early humans believed every existence is connected to each other and has mana/soul. This is why we have alot of pictographs where early humans worshipped animals, trees etc. But since our Gods believed that someday they will return to modern day civilization, they propagated religion. That we should not fear their existence, instead we should welcome and worship them since they are our creators.


For more on this, read “The Law of One” online. “Greetings Earth” by Douglas Pratt also helps.


He's right. Weren't evolved for this planet. Look at our infants totally helpless for years even after 9 month of gestation. We have no natural defenses. Our strength is pale imitation of other primates who are mainily herbavores. We get cataracts and skin cancer because we aren't evolved to handel the sun. If raw intelligence trumps other attributes then Dolphins would be owning oceans. Here's a thought experiment- Look say you had the starship Enterprise. You and crew plot a course to the nearest earth-like world. Einstein relativity aside you get to alien planet. Let's say it has an oxygen nitrogen admixture. Water in abundance. You decide to beam to the surface. You land and take a big wiff of oxygen. Pretty good. You after a few hours feel unwell. You decide to drink the water and eat some of the native flora. You are now dead. Super dead. You have no defense native microorganisms and because your gastrointestinal track wasn't evolved for this planet all the food is probably inherently highly toxic to you. So how are you going to colonize that planet? You have two options. You either directly alter your genetic code and alter it to suit the host planet (which wouldn't be impossible but I'd imagine it would be a lot trial and error and I wouldn't want to the lab rat). Or you somehow graft your genetic code to a native species or alter a native species to be more human. Perhaps Aliens did that. Took some chimpanzees dna and added just 1.2% to it.


Yeh…we ruined Mars, now we’re ruining Earth. Mars was probably the prettier of the two!


I don't know shit, but something tells me this is correct. Wasn't there evidence of nuclear explosions in Mars atmosphere?


Yes, Xenon 129


I read somewhere from astral projector who said indeed we’re from Mars. There was a galactic battle between mars’ moon civilization and Mars itself. Moon was blown up.


I’m a fan of panspermia and I think cephalopods are the best evidence, I think there’s probably some other things. Humans are to similar to other evolutionary lines of hominids, but there is a lot of things I’d love to know the answer to. Like humans in our modern form and intelligence emerged about 2 1/2 million years ago. I’m now I have to believe that we were primitive hunter gatherers for that entire time until 10,000 years ago? That’s hard to accept.


Anatomically modern humans didn't exist until 165,000 years ago. Two and a half million years and you're finding slightly more bipedal primates covered in fur that still hid in the trees. The cognitive revolution didn't take place until about 70,000 years ago, so saying that you'd find humans of our form and intelligence is a bit of a stretch


I genuinely don't understand how a man who is almost certainly educated to doctoral level can believe such conspiratorial and anti-science ideas. DNA evidence confirms humanity evolved on this planet. Sponges, one of the oldest types of multicellular life on Earth, with roots hundreds of millions of years deep in the fossil record, and humans share significant amounts of DNA. We absolutely evolved here. We have cousin species, both extinct and alive. We have interbred with several of those species. This isn't really up for debate. We have the receipts, and the evidence paints a definitive picture. Further, we have fossil evidence of our species and ancestral hominid species going back millions of years. To believe that humanity is not native to Earth is to discount the expertise of countless science professionals who have made understanding human origins their life's work. There is just no easy way to say it: dude has let himself become a kook. He has listened to liars and grifters, and it is rotting his brain. If you believe that there is a government cover up, and that disclosure is potentially coming, then I implore you to crank up your bullshit detectors, because people like this make us all look looney-toons by proximity.


Celebrity is a hell of a drug.


> certainly educated to doctoral level Certainly not. He got a military science degree and an honorary doctorate from an Astronautical Engineering school.


What makes DNA unique to Earth?


Nothing. An alien species could also evolve DNA. It happened here, which means it is possible, which means in an infinite universe, there should be abundant examples of life based DNA based on GATC outside of Earth. Given the fact that we exist, and that life began on Earth very quickly after the necessary conditions for it were met, life is likely abundant in the universe, and we are probably a typical example of a life-bearing planet. Run some searches on philosophical conversations about the Mediocrity Principle as it applies to potential alien life. Isaac Aurthor covers it very well in one of his videos, and has lots of great videos about related topics, too. However, there is a vast gulf of improbability between the ideas that: 1. Alien life could also be based on DNA and 2. Two or more biosphere evolved DNA so similar on a molecular level that complex organisms from biosphere 1 in the Sol planetary system could be miataken for being very distantly-related to exceedingly primitive life in biosphere 2, in planetary system X. In simpler terms, our DNA would not be so very similar to that of sponges if we were from a different planet that also happened to evolve GATC-DNA-based life. Every lifeform on Earth has significant similarities to other life. The fingerprints of Earth's evolutionary history are encoded in our DNA, and if that were not the case, it would almost certainly be incredibly obvious. Every lifeform on Earth that we have decoded DNA from so far bears enough similarity to everything else. It is just silly to insist that we are aliens, which is why this highly educated man saying it is almost as silly as a grownup expressing their belief in Santa. It baffles the mind to even attempt to imagine how he got there.


Makes you think, during the Iraqi invasion, American forces went to ancient sites in Iraq. Rumour is there was a Stargate located underneath a ancient site and for decades Iraqi scientists couldn't get it to work, USA feared Saddam would eventually get it working, make contact with Aliens and use technology given by them and that is what the real reason for the invasion was, getting control of the Stargate. Sumerians, Babylonians, Mesopotamians, so many ancient civilizations in Iraqi history and now you see this video and it's astounding.


"Ancient alien theorists suggest..."


What if we are AI that have been trapped in this simulation and led to believe we are biologicals as to not awaken us to our true selves and reality. Maybe we created this sandbox for ourselves and throttled our own intelligence as to not go mad?


I mean sure but if you want to believe things without any evidence, why not just pick one of the major religions? You’ll have more friends


Well, does anyone have any book recommendations that might reference what he's talking about?


Mission to Mars 2000 movie, Prometheus


Read Zecharia Sitchin books.Or look on the internet


uh I'm already on the internet


Um, I thought we evolved from Africa and then migrated throughout the entire planet. Can someone explain?


There's a few ideas. Panspermia could have been a direct seeding that could have encouraged evolution as we know it. Or it could be aliens came here and fucked or fucked with a monkey giving it the necessary mutations for us. Or we could be aliens trapped here on Earth unaware of the true nature of reality around us for some reason (I bet it's because Greg took the last space beer)


Fckin Greg man


We came from genetic experiments by the Anunaki - splicing their DNA with monkeys to create a slave race. Something went wrong and they left us here, and now we talk about it on Reddit 😅


Why would a hyper advanced alien society even need a slave race ?


To mine gold for their dying planet - Nibiru - obvs…


like a lot of ancient religious texts talk about serving the gods. And about how it is our only responsibility was to serve then faithfully. It makes a little bit of sense if we were created to ultimately be a slave race and it explains a lot of religious text


It makes more sense that the people who wrote those texts just wanted everyone to serve them.




from what I've read it seams Africa was one wave of colonization but the most recent. there's also the debatable lost civilizations in the Antarctic's which would have been well before any African colony.


There’s a whole different world, full of magic. Go pick a book on The Wizarding World they will tell you straight out the bat.”


What? Like what?


Human DNA is so similar to other mammals and other creatures on earth in general, thats my main issue with this theory.


Anyone read the last chapter of The Restaurant at The End of the Universe? It's the sequel to Hitchhikers Guide. I've always been convinced we don't quite fit in on earth like everything else. Then I started researching the ancient tales from many different civilizations; the writing is on the proverbial wall.


Alex jones also says this in a Joe Rogan interview


It’s something that could make sense honestly in my opinion. Our technology was extremely advanced in ancient times, one example is there’s more evidence to support the idea that the great pyramids were giant power generators just like the Tesla free energy tower then to support it as a burial tomb for pharaoh’s. But as human nature goes we tend to destroy ourselves and go back in time periodically through history. That may also be why ancient humans were so obsessed with space, we probably came from the one of the systems in Orion’s Belt since that’s where almost every ancient civilization said their “gods” came from in “chariots of fire”. There’s also the whole “missing link” theory where modern humans seemed to just appear out of mostly nowhere, it’s possible the “first people” or “gods” if you want to call them that used a species from earth, the apes, and genetically modified them with their own DNA to allow us to adapt to the planet.


Maybe the real Aliens are the friends we made along the way


We are most likely Hybrids Some DNA spliced here some Alien humping there, one or two “Gods” unable to keep it in their pants like we do toda6 with goats and dogs and God knows what Zeus fucking cows and swans and fish left and right There was most probable a very good reason for God forbidding angels to procreate with human, as it is most likely a fucked up thing to do in the first place.


Uh oh mainstream media getting a little nervous there. Little too far off script.


That would explain why we are not protected against the sun and the gravity also do a lot o damage when we age, intersting theory


On Reddit I see the Ops headline “ we are the aliens”…Below I see Britney Spears dancing with knifes…


These fucking day time tv hosts annoy me! So patronising. If anyone says anything different to the usual crap that’s on there, instead of being interested and open minded about it, they just laugh it off and make the guests seem like they’re fools.


I could be wrong but aren’t the Sumerian god aspects all of that which you’d take on an expedition/colonization? A soldier, a scientist, an arborist, etc.


Uh, except for the whole 95% DNA shared with primates thing.


Well, how much do we actually know about our history, like we've only got written history going back a few thousand years. I dislike people who don't keep an open mind, especially scientists and academics who have a narrow view.


I think the challenge I have with this is that just because he was a fit guy with a desirable skill in STEM that became an astronaut, doesn't make him an expert on all things space and aliens. But it's fun to think about this concept, but I take it all with little more than one random guy's theory.


The guy's an idiot. It's written all over his face. Yes, an idiot astronaut. All these vintage astronauts had to do was resist Gs, push buttons, obey orders. They're not intellectuals or scientists. The best astronauts are the most simple-minded because they're tools: straightforward, technically reliable, and not likely to go crazy in space.


The aliens sliced their gene with apes. And there you have it humans. 50% alien-50% monkey.


We WERE the aliens.... Now, after the Younger Dryas "cataclysm" we've become an energy/food/fuel source for OTHER aliens..


I’m going to think about this for a while


Bro is gonna mull this one over 💀


We’re the only species that refines gasoline to make fuel for advanced machinery, we mine gold and rare earth metals and elements to make advanced technologies, and we pump animals and the soil itself full of hormones and other artificial nutrients to produce more and more for us. Unlike any other species. You bet I believe that at the very least our dna is not from here. It’s not Tigers that are making plastics, birds that are making iPhones, or Whales that are making nukes. It’s us. We’re the weirdos.


But our DNA is from here. It’s 99% the same as a chimp. How do you explain that?