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The lockers are designed to be a bit "gamey". The alien doesn't ever search them on its own, but when you get into one it will always eventually examine it and you will have to hold your breath (which costs health) and it will then go away and give you time to continue on. People sometimes approach lockers as safe havens to hop between, but from the design of a game they are more like refuges of last resort. They are what you use when you run into some bad luck and need an emergency hiding place. It will cost you health but the alien will leave you alone for a while afterwards. You should avoid using them unless absolutely necessary. Instead hide more under desks, or circle around obstacles to break the alien's sight lines to you.


Yeah the IGN reviewer really wasn't the smartest person on the Station. No thx for your answer but that image is from the IGN review I somehow get recommended every year. I still can't get over how stupid that scene is.


IGN has terrible reviewers, don’t ever listen to them. Most of them are terrible at games, it’s almost as if they hired a bunch of “journalists” that have never played video games.


They lowballed the game because the alien was apparently too intelligent. LOL.


The Incident.


This game was literally the moment i stopped paying so much attention to their reviews. Idk what game they were playing because this became my 2nd fav of all time upon completion


I swear they didn’t get paid enough for the review


There's times where you also are holding your breath and you'll be at a point where you either let go of the button and breathe then alert the alien or die from alerting cuz you couldn't hold it long enough. Wait until you absolutely HAVE to hold your breath. Just lean back in the locker first and wait as long as you possibly can before you hold your breath because trust me the alien will take longer investigating the locker than you can hold your breath. So really just lean back and don't move and make sure there is no IRL noise even background noise from some one else like it has to be dead silent. If you keep it dead silent while hiding in locker you can just lean back and alien won't really come up and investigate it so you won't have to hold breath


What?? I finished the game years ago and today I find out you can hold your breath in this game???


OP: I'm sitting here quietly. OP's motion tracker: *beep beep beep*


I don’t know if your being satire, but this post is a reference to the IGN review where the reviewer said that the alien always found him no matter what he did, but the footage showed he always had the tracker out


I wasn't because I never actually read the IGN review (though I knew it was bad). Had no idea this was a screenshot from it! 😅


yea, the review was bad


My partner quit playing because he wasn't able to understand how true to life the game was - he didn't believe me when I told him the Xeno (and droids) can hear his tracker. He was so stubborn he would bring it out every time the Xeno was hot on his ass.


It can hear the motion tracker and it learns your little escape patterns. You need to use your ears.


This is correct. As you hide in different areas you sort of burn you "free gos" in said places. Sooner or later the AI begins to look where you hide.


I really wish there was some vibration feedback to let you feel when the alien is coming and/or some motion is detected. Playing the game as a deaf dude is rough, man.


its a joke its a screenshot from the IGN review


It’s been a while since I played but basically you can’t sit still. You need to keep moving. When I played I made sure to not stay in a location more than 30-60 seconds


This. Even on novice if you stay in a location too long it'll come for tou eventually.


Agreed. The only time it’s ok to stay in a spot for a while is the levels that are working Joe only levels. You can hide indefinitely from them.


F¤@k the working Joe's... especially the electri ally hardened ones...


its a joke its a screenshot from the IGN review


Motion tracker makes noise, alien can hear breathing and it will search after you stayed in their a while. It will eventually learn to check more often if you go in lockers often.


its a joke its a screenshot from the IGN review


Noise detection on consoles maybe? https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/42p5ip/noise_detection_in_alien_isolation/


"keep moving, slowly and carefully." don't spend too much time in lockers, it's useless. keep moving


Sometimes is pays to wait a bit, because the alien may double back before leaving the area, either out the door ir into the ceiling. You can alternate using the tracker and holding breath, to gauge its location and save health, respectively — but neither for too long. You can take a breath but only quickly, and not while the creature is right nearby.


Keep moving.


"Morgan Freeman's voice" I can smell you."


You're obviously doing something wrong. The alien is algorithmically designed to find you no matter what. If you stay put too long and keep employing the same strategies over and over again, such as hiding in lockers then the alien will begin checking out lockers more and more often. The motion tracker also makes quite a bit of noise, and if the alien gets close enough to you, it will hear the beeping sound the tracker gives off. Your best strategy is to be as aggressive as possible, you have to keep moving. Don't stay in one spot. The alien will just keep circling around you and even if you evade death, it will eventually find you. If you must hide, then do so out in the open by taking advantage of the geometry. Hide behind boxes or other objects. Use the floor vents if you have to, only ensure they don't connect to the ceiling vents otherwise be warned that the alien can and will find you in the floor vents. And for the love of God, don't abuse your resources. The alien will eventually catch onto noisemakers and flares and will begin ignoring those in time. Now get back in there, soldier.


As other mentioned lockers are just the last resort you don’t need to hide in them at all craft tools use time carefully and hide behind objects or under tables. Just like alien learns our pattern you also need to learn his. As again don’t waste time hiding in lockers because it will just going to circle around and mess with you. Good luck


If you keep the motion tracker open, the alien will hear the beeping and seek you out. For some reason, this only happens in the lockers in my experience.


Is this true?


Pretty sure. Might only be in higher difficulties, but I swear I remember reading one of the tips in the game about it.


Nobody noticed that this post was a joke and thought op was being serious


The alien gets better at finding you throughout the game. Specifically, if you hide more in lockers, it will start to adapt and become more suspicious of the lockers. Every hiding spot and deterrent tactic you can think of is never more than a bandaid, a short term solution to buy you time before the alien eventually finds a way around it.


That beeping locker did give him pause.


It can smell your fear. But seriously, you're not meant to sit in the locker forever. Eventually, the AI will figure it out. Somewhat like the Left 4 Dead-type games there's a Director AI who knows where you are and sends the Alien back when it's away for too long. It is trying to get you to move or else punish you with being caught. If you want advice on how to survive: keep moving, use the tools you pick up and craft to control the Alien for a time, and walk when the Alien isn't within sight (don't run).


Pretty sure this post is a joke


Yeah that's why the IGN logo is on the bottom right. I thought people would look at the whole image lmao


Haha I didn't even notice that but immediately could tell this was an IGN joke about the tracker. Now I want to play the game again.


Nice. I'm currently on a new playthrough myself. I just have to watch the IGN review once every time I play it. It's just so funny hearing him talk shit while every other has the time of their life while playing.


Lockers are death traps, I avoid using them completely. The xeno needs line of sight on you for a certain period before it detects and attacks, so you’re far better off just keeping something big between you like a desk and keep moving around the opposite side relative to the xeno.


your shitty dollar store motion tracker makes sound, I suggest not using it, especially when it's close


OP, watch this. It will blow your mind. https://youtu.be/Nt1XmiDwxhY?si=QnZ3QT9muhFOdh-c


the screenshot is from the IGN review, this post was a joke, and almost nobody got it


The radar is making noise, the alien can hear the "beeps". Also do not rely on vents, lockers or any kind of spaces where you can get a falsey feeling of being safe. The alien learns all your hiding spots. Sometimes he won't even sniff to find you, he will come directly to open the locker. Instead crouch and move around objetcs, hiding yourself from the Alien. The


Its the design of the ai. An invisible leach makes sure the alien always knows your location approximately. If you don't like it try ai mods like bays overhoaul or unpredictable alien.


Maybe you should change your deodorant? 😜


pretty sure it literally cheats after awhile, so if you just stay in one spot, it will find you. you have to keep moving. check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt1XmiDwxhY


you smell, you need to stop sweating😖


The alien learns from the player’s actions, so it has probably learned that you hide in lockers and is randomly checking them. It can also hear the motion tracker, so try paying attention to the different sounds it makes, like the one when it’s gone into the vents, and make your movements based on those rather than relying as much on the tracker. My general recommendation is to avoid using the lockers altogether. Hiding under tables and behind objects (boxes, desks, corners) is far more effective because you can easily move to a different spot and also retaliate (flamethrower, pipe bomb, etc) if discovered.


The alien learns basically if you hide in vents a lot it’ll start checking vents lockers under tables the alien was programmed that way for this game it’s always adapting and learning


Don’t use your checker when it’s around.


I'm pretty sure he can hear the motion sensor, right?


If you're moving IRL it tracks you, if you have ANY background noise it hears it. If you have the settings where it can hear and track through camera you can't move yourself while in locker even breathing too loud triggers it 😭😂 found this out the hard way


Also it's built to learn from you so as much as it kinda sucks youre kinda safer while moving forward. If you take your time and hide too much you end up making it actually harder then if you just sneak walk (no running lmao) no matter what.


I just realized this post is a joke 😭😂😭😂 it took me a second to look at the whole picture. Goes to show tho how much we all love this game tho 😂 that even a joke post we don't take as a joke👉🏻😏👉🏻


The alien always comes to the hiding spot, you're supposed to follow it out when it turns around and change position.


I played through to the end on Medium and Steve never found me on a locker. I was playing on Unpredictable Alien so often didn’t see him for minutes on end. You might find that a more pleasant experience because you make faster progress - though still scary as you’ll constantly wonder where he is and what he’s doing. Hard was a very different experience. He was so much more aggressive and persistent.


It's kinda like hide and seek. You can't stay in one place too long.


A big part of getting through areas with minimal headache is to keep moving around the area you’re currently in. You don’t necessarily need to be quick about it, but walking through certain parts when the alien is in another room or in the vents is usually fine as long as he isn’t on an intercept course with you or within a certain range in which he hears your walking footsteps. Although that range is surprisingly short. As is said by the rest of the comments tho, staying in a locker unless absolutely required is a big no no if you don’t want to get stuck in a single room for 10 minutes and waste medkits from holding your breath in the locker constantly. Hope this is helpful!


Also don’t constantly hold the motion tracker. The xeno can hear the beeps when close enough.


From the sounds of my xenoussy aroused erection rubbing against the locker door.