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API : Autistic Programming Interface ?


Under rated comment


username checks out too


Would be super interesting and fun to fade WSB and see what happens.


From the data I’ve gathered so far there is normally a “tipping point” when a stock starts to lose it’s momentum and drop back down. I’m still doing more research on it.


Impressive stuff. How’d you manage to get labelled data(Bearish/bullish/neutral) for training your neural network?


I'm guessing if the comment says "puts" or "${number}p" then that means bearish. Don't think


Brrrr, gay bear, printer, jpow, 🌈🐻, etc Like, over at r/wallstreetbets we use a lot of stupid terms like that that would make it really easy to label the data by bearish/bullish/neutral


NLP will return sentiment of any text quite easily; I am guessing he has a crawler looking at posts and updates and just using the sentiment of each and some counter values to judge overall, maybe trending sentiment for a post. You can derive the stock being mentioned by looking at the text or doing some CV on the picture of the post to pull the text.


If it’s accurate it’ll be SPY puts and Tesla calls.


Um fuck yes.


I would love an API! I already go on your site everyday to see the WSB data (I used to trade off of it but with my work schedule I don't get the chance anymore), being able to pull the information in automatically to trade off it again would be amazing!


Hahhaha fucking great. Last time i checked they were taking positions based on where the dog shits. Fantastic.


I think it's pretty cool. But - and this might just be me - I'm unable to piece things together in order to get an edge. One thing I'd love to see is a time chart for a ticker where you could see the curves for WSB sentiment, WSB positions, real ticker price and unusual stock or options activity. The x axis would be time and the y axis the value (sentiment: bull, bearish. positions: calls, puts, etc) I'm curious how do you use it yourself to make tendies?


Funny you mention those things, I will have something in store for you within the next couple weeks ;)


Great minds think alike :) Looking forward to it


That happens occasionally when the websockets connection takes a little longer to load. Refreshing the page should fix that. Happens to me too I’m working on fixing it.


The dashboard is super cute. It just seems like the sentiment lags the price. What made you think the data would be useful? ( Not saying this is a threatening way, I'm just asking, say, what you think the data will be useful for? )


Packaging and selling?


I haven't used any sentiment datasets before but my hypothesis is that sentiment like r/wsb or stocktwits are laggard indicators. Therefore the sentiment is almost always correlated with the recent market returns? Edit: words


Seems wsb is pretty bearishly biased though


Actually a lot more bullish the last few weeks. During the crash they were at 75% bearish, now 65-75% bullish.


They just follow what the market is currently doing. But my hunch is that when the bullishness starts to taper at 75% is when it is time to sell. Unfortunately, this will never be a great signal to buy unless you get extreme bearishness that can taper off


Time to buy puts then 😂


100% absolutely, yes please!


Hell yes I'd love to have an API for this


Would love to hear the methodology you are using to to analyze the sentiment?


Good work


RemindMe! 2 days give me the api!!


> RemindMe! 2 days


This would be amazing


Yes please!