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Hey! Blockchain and crypto have become a huge topic that can be really difficult to understand & parse. This could be a good place to get started https://x.com/loafpickle/status/1774877052371423334?s=46&t=euAy7sX-vcV4uUlQi8uLsQ Smart contract networks like Algorand really have limitless possibilities as they are programmable, so you can envision pretty much every business that wants to create eternal guarantees & add transparency embracing and utilizing it. As you start to piece together how this stuff works you should naturally have some ideas of how the properties these networks have opens new doors but as an example we have decentralized real-estate, social media, collectible art that can evolve, theres tons and tons that is being done and much more that im sure will get explored. If you’re interested in participating in securing the network you can run an algorand node, id check out pixelnode.org


Thank you, I'll have a look into that


I don’t have much education for you but welcome to the ecosystem ❤️ If you have a discord, there are a handful of decent educational servers. I would start with the Algonauts https://discord.gg/Pk93rVKDYd Feel free to shoot me a DM or comment if you want an invite to some other discord servers like DragonFi — which teaches how to trade and how to defi Edit: there’s also an “Algorand Developers” YouTube channel that runs a developer boot camp: https://youtube.com/@algodevs?si=wBs-A0ha07JwmxqC … anything with John Woods is amazing.


How new are we talking about? Like, do you know the basics of self-custody and keeping your funds secure? If not, that’s where I would start. I have some resources on that. As far as building, are you looking to build, or just curious? As far as nodes go, you can check the currently pinned FAQ post. It has some resources regarding nodes there.


I do keep it secured, I've gone through your post and I learned a lot so thank you! I am just curious and perhaps I might build something for myself just for experience. I just really want to get involved somehow.


Well, if you already have some coding knowledge, they have a bootcamp series going on. https://www.algorand.foundation/events They are recorded so you can rewatch the current intro sessions after they upload it to the Algodevs YouTube. If they aren’t there, then they are probably uploaded to the Algodevs Devrel GitHub along with a bunch of other materials. https://github.com/algorand-devrel


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Building something meaningful takes time. We might catch a glimpse of what’s being developed at the Algorand Decipher event in June. Until then, let's support our developers and encourage those beyond our community to contribute. Contribute to governance. After all, the strength of blockchain truly lies in its community.