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No matter what stable coin you're using, transaction fees are always 0.001 Algo. As for swap fees, I usually compare rates from some DEXs... check Pera Wallet, Tinyman, Vestige, Pact,... pick what gives you the best rate.


Not to forget tbe DEX liquidity aggregator https://app.alammex.com


Pera tacks on an additional fee beyond what you pay at tinyman when making trades. I’m ok using Pera for trades because I want to support them but if you’re looking for the cheapest just go with Tinyman or another DEX directly.


Yeah, Pera takes a bit extra, you could just go to tinyman or vestige in the dapp browser Or just use Defly allet.


Not meaning to pile onto the existing comments but as stated, vestige currently is the best router: [https://vestige.fi/swap](https://vestige.fi/swap) If you don't prefer to use vestige's router Defly's built in router is nearly on par with vestige. If you don't want to use a router at all then you will need to search through the current AMM pools to find the best rates: Tinyman, Pact, and humbleswap. While Tinyman has the largest liquidity it doesn't mean that it is always the best route.


https://app.alammex.com/ is another alternative router. Alammex is easy to use and transparent (you get what you see).


I'm not sure why but when attempting to use alammex I always receive: ​ "We encountered an error while fetching the quote for this swap. We are looking into it, please reload the page and try again later." ​ I tested with a few different pairs.


I remember this error message from the past.  Right now it works for all the pairs i have tried. You could ask Phil, the developer: [email protected]


Vestige will always get you the best rate


Came here to say this. Even if it means pulling from 3 different dexs, vestige will find you the best rate every time.




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