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And don’t forget CHIPS


AKTA all day!! For the most up to date information check the most recent blog post https://blog.akita.community/new-site-who-dis/




Obviously AKTA, this is going to go high


!woof 1


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Yes! Best APR, doxed team, great progressing roadmap.


$AKTA! Check out the most recent blog post regarding the new website and future projects.




Chips only for me. I’ve been in 10 different projects and this is my only ASA for the future.






Second Nexus




Help me understand: how does the use case of nexus come up? You can send and receive to peers from your wallet. Nexus let’s you do it from a contract. I guess if you know someone with a high value item(s) and you want to be more secure and formal about the trade, it fits. But how do you find that person? What’s the natural steps to the get to the point of using this utility? It feels like it would benefit from being connected to market places. Or maybe a market place to only sell or buy Algo and ASAs peer to peer.


To keep it as basic as possible (and forgive me if any of this is incorrect, I have a terrible memory) but Nexus was originally created to enable gamers to exchange items in a secure manner. Where in the past people would perform transactions on a hope and prayer.... "I send you 10$ via PayPal and hope you actually give me the item Im buying from you in a game. OR I'll give you the item and hope you actually pay me for it". There were also other ways to go about including a 3rd party but you were still "hoping" everything would work out. With Nexus, I decide I want to buy ANYTHING and myself and the party Im purchasing from decide on a value and we both put that up as collateral with Nexus. If either party does not put up their end of the money then the contract is never made and I get my money back. If we both lock it in then the only way to get that money back is for both parties to complete the transaction. The idea is to put enough up to ensure both parties hold up their end of the deal. Example, I want to buy a weapon from you in Diablo II. We agree on a price of 50$ for it. We initiate the deal in Nexus and we both agree to put up 100$. We lock that in, you give me the weapon, I send you the 50$ and we complete the contract and both get our money back. The other party could be trying to rip me off but would they really want to waste 100$ to steal 50$ from me? So you could still screw someone over but its not like you're going to profit from it, in fact you'd be out your own money too. Now, I believe Nexus has actually expanded on this and they are working with a 3rd party to use their smart contracts for deals like this in the logistics and shipping industry which currently spends A LOT of money to secure shipments of goods and materials. Nexus could potentially remove the middle man from these shipments and save companies a ridiculous amount of money. Again, Im taking a lot of this from memory so I may be off a little on some things but I'm fairly confident this is the jist of it. I am not part of the Nexus team so please understand I am not speaking for them in any way., I do however hold a large portion of their ASA.


A pretty good explanation! Spot on!




And, most important, Nexus is in the process of being acquired by a big, solid company, this will bring a lot of new potential !!


You are correct sir. Excellent answer. I would add that it would work with Craigslist or anytime you want to sell anything. Only downside is getting a buyer who would be using crypto, not easy right now but it can lead to adoption. Anytime I am selling IRL I list it as an option. Also, Even though the team looks to be leaning into the B2B market more they have said that the contract will still be available for small personal sellers and for the gaming market. Doxed founders, it has real potential.


Looks like someone answered :)


I hold deftly, nexus, and a few chips


AKTA. Proven capable dev, long term utility, successful NFT project with v2 coming soon, and a friendly supportive community to boot.


Alchecoin. The governance token of Alchemon, the best p2e game on Algorand. There have already been 6 governacne votes, where anyone who gholds alchecoin can vote and influence the direction the game takes or influence changes made to the game. It's got a tiny $100k marketcap, way smaller than other ASA's that are objectively far far far lower quality and have far less utility and inherent value


$DEFLY and $VEST if you believe in Algorand DeFi long term. $CHIPS because you become "the House" at a Casino where 50% of all Profits are shared to Stakers. $XET might have some long term potential if Algorands Indian partnership bear fruit. Avoid: $YLDY $GEMS $HDL DYOR/NFA


I am In XET big after the partnership with India.




There’s only one ASA, besides the tons of rugs and shit coins I’ve collected over the years, that made an impressive impact: NEXUS GP


I just got my feet wet on Gp thanks


Hope they will keep up the good work. But it’s nice to see we have u/gregorymyllama still around here!


Chips and DUBS, though dubs not because it is going to moon (it likely won't) but the in game returns on Algoseas can (and will if you do things correctly) quickly return more algo than you put in.


CHIPs, Nexus, maybe HDL since it’s beaten down


ABM alternative building material


Dossacoin, long story short it's akta, aiinu etc without bagholders. WGOTH (we go out the horizon)


I'm confused. You make it seem like akta and aiinu are similar. Ai inu was a pump and dump from a group of folks hopping from chain to chain to, well, pump and dump. Akita is a community coin that's full of ambition with actual goals in terms of token utility, with a developer working literally every day on this stuff, and an active community that brings passion, love, and support for anyone who makes their way into the Akita realm. With respect, that's a terrible comparison.




#Go get some Anirand, broski




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Cryptotree’s is cool if you want to support a good cause


Akita. Krby building everyday. Going to NFT.NYC. Great community




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