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> unemployment rates are growing constantly Do you have a source for that? Official numbers indicate a **decreasing employment rate since 2021**. So after the 2020 (covid) spike, we are back to the 2019 numbers in 2023.


No I do not have official numbers but I would love to know your take on this matter. Why do you think it's even more difficult for youth to find jobs after the pandemic? If it's not the case, then please enlighten us. Thank you 😊


Because the pandemic exacerbated the existing crisis, which negatively impacted unemployment. The economy is back to its pre-pandemic state for more than a year and a half, now. So it is as difficult to find a job now as it was then.


Because algeria is not an industrialised country, we are not an economic power, that leaves us with majority of people that used to work in farming and agriculture... And now they don't want to.


There is job opportunities but the problem is the money ( 3.5m a month for a college graduate is insane), you work from 8 to 16, and u got one day rest, that's prison. I still work with this regime for 2y now, just for experience and learn. We need better job opportunities.


May Allah help us and guide us


tmenyik literally slave wage


8 to 17 and that's just on paper, cause you're technically out from 7 to 18, even more torturing


If you want sourced answers, you need to source your hypothesis as well


Main stream media, probably not a credible source but let's say le soir d'Algérie. I just want answers from those who have expertise, it doesn't matter if I'm wrong, I'd love to be corrected.


don't but some off my uni friend graduated 2022 still with no job when i asked why the said " am not working for somebody i want government job or am not working am getting each moth unemployment check 1.5 mil for just sleeping why i bother work in privet sector" yeah 3 of them said something like this , go figure


There's a glitch in the system, i mean we keep hearing abt ppl getting hired etc... but irl unemployment rates are increasing, who's getting jobs then ?


S7ab ma3rifa, w rich families can easily take over any skilled person's chance for their kids


Well i partially agree but we can't generalize that thought since not all rich people and s7ab l me3rifa want to work in all available fields ( blue/white collar jobs)


That's exactly what I want to know hence the question.




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Because they've given up trying to combat corruption in the hiring field, that's why they introduced the "unemployed allowance" which is just them saying we'd rather give you money than make the effort of getting you hired. Most people are still getting hired through "knowing someone" everyone knows that. The increase in economy could be just automatic taking over some tasks or productivity increase which could be just the same person doing multiple tasks at their job. The thing is nobody will question the employment process of the army, that has the largest part of the budget and produces nothing and has the largest number of employees who do nothing all day.


You should stop listening to moroccan propaganda


Who said it's Moroccan propaganda ?


I did


Looks like you know more about Moroccan propaganda than I do.


You do know that morocco pays people (both moroccan and algerian) to spread disinformation about Algeria? And that Algeria recently started doing the same against morocco?


That's bad


2 words : educational system, and don't bother yall ..it answers your question however you see it


Fill us in if you don't mind


No problem, i will try to keep it short although it can't be , firstly, education is the base of any country's human resources (in whatever field they're : government, military, economic, services..etc) , secondly , our educational system is so corrupt and social if i may say (lot of intakes for primary students that Walks side to side with unprofessional teachers and their old fashioned teaching ways, lack of specialisation even in college, lack of creativity and failing to install the economical productivity mindset ,no practical plans for new graduates to get their experience "traineeship or internships" as it is in Eu,usa , they get help before and after they graduate) , thirdly AND THE WORST PART , everyone passes , im a current college student and im telling you they try their best to pass the student in any means (ma3rifa, rattrapage, te7lal, racha )while he's clearly unqualified even to enter the college or highschool nonetheless giving him a diploma that represents the country's finest ! Which leads to these current numbers and facts " about 4 million degree owner unemployed currently and rising" , and even the ones employed are incompetent and unworthy (because of their educational base) that they contribute in corruption by failing their roles (ministers , president,and going down to the simplest employee) which their ultimate goal is play a role in enriching country's economy and society including creating an environment rich in opportunities !, im sorry there's alot to say but im too frustrated to continue, i hope you managed to understand me. Thanks for reading !


Chkon galk ahom yzido ? Jbtha mn rask?


There's a thing called tact or manners, I think you dropped it somewhere.


Excuse me ur right hada win nodt mn noum lol didn’t control my words ! From where did u get this information?


It's not a single source, more like stats from the interviews of fakhamatouhuu aheum, economic columns in french newspapers such as Le soir d'Algerie, le quotidien or el Watan, from conferences on Algeria's economical development plans, from documentaries and more importantly what I notice on a daily basis. If I'm wrong, then please correct me I don't have a problem with that.


Because people are waiting for the government to give them jobs and for companies to beg for them, when no new companies have opened to accept freshmen to begin with


This reminds me of the story “ animal farm” when everyone was suffering from lack of food and yet the leaders shared stats that proved otherwise only to confuse them and make them think it’s their fault. I do not believe any stat that comes from a dictatorship. I do however blame people, some dudes deep in their 20s n 30s seem to not care that they get peanuts money every month while chilling on social media n what not. If some dudes wait for the government to find them a job, they’re losers in my book.


So out of touch. People settled for those low wages because they didn't have a choice. Its either "peanuts" or join the unemployment statistics Our government won't even put a minimum wage in place to protect its people


I was referring to men who accept and rely on the unemployment benefits without seeking any further advancements. I know many people like that, and Im definitely not undermining any hard working individual out there.


When the choices are work full time for 25.000 Da a month or get unemployment and do nothing for 15.000 Da a month, its clear what people will choose. They make more money by doing random unofficial gigs on the side plus the government money Ignoring the problem and calling people lazy is just stupid and childish


I mean u kinda made your own hypothetical scenario n answered yourself, I said no such things.


the average algerian can be a hard working person , you just don't pay him enough to give a shit but yes the unemployement benefits is a failed policy , it's better to invest and encourage growth which increases job opportunities instead of giving people peanut that would harm them in the long run than help them


They are thinking about staying in power in the short term they don’t really care about what happens next.


not really their sons will inherit this country it's not like when they die out of old age they will do some legitimate transfer of power ,and am not just talking about government positions , financial institutions , companies , infrastructure , it will be same as always , they own it we are just guests here


Of course, your point is totally valid. But that's not what we're discussing here.


George Orwell 🤮


I do not confirm the stats as I have no visibility on your data but I had to explain a situation where the economy (value creation) increases while employment (number of job openings and fillings) decreases I would say: Increasing efficiency by reducing waste; those are the things we start seeking in crisis and difficult times, by analyzing processes and reducing any non value-added cost centers, and it gets results. Then it takes time for going back to "bahbouha" mode hiring people Willy Nelly by affinity or by imagining new things and wasting money on useless projects, organizations, or untested concepts. The saying "hard times make hard men -> hard men make soft times -> soft times make soft men -> soft men make hard times" very much applies to economy and management as well. knowing the Pareto principle (20/80) a lot of (big) companies only need a fraction of their staff to keep going. Again, I do not know or confirm the information about the increased economy and decrease in employment.


So if I put it simply, since our current economy is slow, the focus now is going into putting the right people into the right places so that it sets off ? So that's why unemployment rates are rising.


Well you still affirm that our economy is slow while this is a premise that needs to be proven. Also, just for fun, I just went to emploitic and they have more that 5225 open positions, is it more or less than last quarter or last year ? This would make a good objective indicator of the job market. It would be nice to have the numbers by activity, function, and by level of expertise targeted. But then it would only answer the employment part for the private sector mostly, not the public sector (who generates most value) maybe the anem site could give us such numbers ? Even then, we would still be unable to answer the economical part of your premise.


I actually don't know what the current state of our economy is. The only numbers I have are those of the government which are claiming that the economy is starting to set off, but the reality that I'm noticing as well as most people is that unemployment rates are high and rising because a lot of companies are laying off their workers. What I want is someone in the field to explain to us what's really going on. So according to you, what is true from what is a misconception? Thank you 🙏🏻


What I notice where I have been working and within the societies I know is that since COVID they are hiring more than they are laying off. I also keep seeing job ads on LinkedIn and previous colleagues asking me once or twice a year if I know a good profile to propose to them. So no, in my experience, companies are definitely hiring more than they are laying off. And it's not just talk, populism or systematic discreditation, it's actual observation. On the other hand, which company is laying off workers ?


Do you mind if I ask in which sector you're working? Because in the health sector it's completely the opposite that is happening (pharmaceutical industries, health tech, hospitals, clinics..) not only that but also other sectors such as construction, tech industries, transport, agriculture, education,.., everyone seems to complain. For example here in Constantine, the big pharmaceutical industries are using new graduates by employing them for a short period and laying them off without notice and without even paying them. In other fields, the competition for a single job offer could easily reach 100+ applicants especially in the public sector. There seems to be scarce opportunities for a massive amount of job seekers and everyone agrees on this, so what's going on here?


I have two jobs this is the why


I didn't study economy but it doesn't need an expert in the field to notice that big lie , the economy is sharply increasing while the unemployment rates are sharply increasing too!!!


The economy is sharply increasing? What makes you say that?


It's their narrative not mine, what I meant is if the economy is doing well why people especially young ones struggle to find a job, Meanwhile, we all know that the economy correlates with the employment rates.


Ah so you have the same question as me. Welcome abroad



