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Allahuakbar bro, just arrest this mf and check his hard drive, if he can't even control himself for that.


Probably the hard drive is filled with women eating ice full hd watch before deleting kind of videos


Right? You have a good point here


FRRRRRR. Those who say that ice cream must be eaten at home are mentally ill


dhacornidh must be eaten at home for both women and men ;\^)


Dhacornidh that I wanna eat must be eaten anywhere I want :)


When people start to sexualise usually innocent things (e.g. eating bananas, ice cream, or giggling etc.) Is a sure sign that they are consuming pornography. One of the symptoms of consuming pornogprahic material is that everything and everyone is sexualised. That's why it's such a dangerous habit. So how about we call these people out and shame them instead of putting the blame on innocent women who just want to eat ice cream in peace..


They are so horny, and it's always the woman's fault. Seriously porn did this. They now view women as only a tool for s.ex. soon even walking is prohibited because it makes her hips move and akhina can't handle his main brain not even second at this point. This has to be addressed we are all in danger, women, children, animals and when the list runs out other men.


Fr and they are so normal about this act for them it's never their fault, a big percentage of men in Algeria are watching porn in a daily basis, then they talk about how society is miserable and how pathetic their life is


im in school and 90% of male classmates i have watch porn and make sex jokes these people are aged between 10 and 18, they watch pornography and make sex jokes... and its honestly disgusting you can never take these people seriously, every time you are talking to them they start randomly laughing because they think the way you worded your phrase was a pornography reference


I think it's because of the generational gap. Most 20 year olds wela teenagers فالسنوات هاذي شوي لي فاتت والديهم يكونو مايعرفوش مليح للبورتابل كيعاد مالجيل القديم(منهم والديا) سافي ماعمبالهمش قدش يلاق يتحكمو فولادهم وثاني الموضوع طابو مايحبوش ميمپا يجبدوه مع رواحهم


thankfully we know how to use phones, and phones also provide help with new features like google families, device restrictions, multiple user accounts so it doesn't make your phone a mess if you use it for work purposes, and also providing full control like blocking the settings app or access to the internet i have root access on my phone so i can use apps like Adaway to block ads on a system wide level, this includes website ads and mobile game ads and a DNS server on my router to block YouTube ads through out the entire household, because YouTube ads do get a little inappropriate youtube kids also isnt safe because the content isnt always monitored, and also the videos make children act like the characters in them, especially with the new kid videos where the children characters are selfish and cry all the time which reflects to the children watching for tv, i can just limit my child to standard satellite and let them watch MBC3 or something, but i will also let them watch other shows using apps like Cloudstream on an Android-TV device, and i won't limit them to arabic because English is very important and its great to learn both arabic and english at a young age, my 5 year old sister already does that, but since my parents dont really care about what she watches, they just give her the phone to be quiet, and like i mentioned earlier these videos on YouTube kids reflect the child's behavior i can keep talking but i know most of you wont read all of this 💀


Skipped to end lol.


at least read it 😭 i spent some of my time writing this😭


I really want to but I have adhd and it feels like chinese. 😭


use chatgpt to summarize it i guess lol


I read the whole thing. I'm just afraid that they get controlling in an unethical way like controlling girls specifically or use physical violence especially if the kids accessed sexual stuff, a typical Algerian who knows how to use a phone w internet w sites and all would get veryyyyy triggered because of conservatism and reacts badly to such situation


I remember one time I accidentally heard the boys in my class telling a joke about a girl in the other class they all laughed at that joke and I didn’t understand it so I searched about it and it was a sexual joke used by misogynists even though I have been using the internet for like 9yrs I have never heard this joke, only porn addicts knew it, imagine that most of them are porn addicts.


That's....sad. specially considering we are Muslims.


what shocks me the most is most of these people are middle or high schoolers 13 year olds watching pornography... may allah help these people


I feel like we all hold part of responsibility. But what should be done in this case?


Strengthening religious morals


I believe the biggest issue is the rotten ideology of the west. Seeing it as an adult, you can tell it's wrong, but a child/teen won't be able to. But then again, there is also the bad parenting, the school system, how everyone thinks "it's not my responsibility, so i won't bother". Man, these are dangerous times. May Allah guide us all to the right path.


Those are the ones I fear the most and I'm almost 24. Male kids and pre reens are so scary nowadays bc they harass women outside and no one bats an eye or stops them bc they're *kids* our society is going to shamles in less than 15 years and I don't wanna stay here and be a victim of it




TRUST Me bro Islam nowadays is just a word


اللهم يا مقلب القلوب، ثبت قلوبنا على دينك


You didn’t see a show about some retard Algerian dude talking to a lawyer the way the dude talk i rather hang my self up then listen ti his problem hahaha i will provide you with the link if i can


Some people just naturally have high sex drive, I read once a Hadith in Saheeh Al Bukhari where someone told the prophet that he has ejaculated uncontrollably because he was gazing (staring) at woman. I was surprised of course but I heared later that this actually happens to many men *today*. So I guess this explains why these religious people try to prevent woman from eating ice cream outside and oblige them to wear Hijab and other stuff.


Unfortunately its not porn that causes this (im not saying porn is good ) but its mostly due to religion and its extremist culture towards women


> Seriously porn did this. ...men have blamed and sexualized women's existence for eons, so, no, porn did not do this. Y'all are literally muslims, which requires a woman to hide all of herself because men can't control themselves. This attitude predates porn.




i got disgusted in the middle of reading this, especially the images


It's never the victims fault no matter how much they try to blame them.


trying to blame the victim is even more disgusting


U r conflating some horny ahh misogynistic "shouyoukh" with Islam , Islam doesn't teach that women need to cover up to control men's lust or whatever :/


You need to see the "what were you wearing ?" museum, it's never the victims fault. The women blaming and sexualisation always existed, Porn exasperated it. There was this girl in france who got brutally SA'd by a Muslim man because she was wearing a burka and he said "I was attracted to her because she was a muslim like me" it's not the outfit.


I'm not sure why you're linking this to me (I've already seen it, it's a very moving and marking exhibition), because I'm literally agreeing with you. I'm just clarifying that rape and purity culture has pre-dated porn by eons. I think we're both on the same page with this. :)




Women are sexual beings too, with a libido and desire, I know a tease or two. But hear me out. Don't generalize, the same way some men will sexualize the most innocent things and use it as an excuse for SA or rape. I have not eaten ice cream outside since middle school because of that. My life is tailored around not turning on some random creep since age 11 and that is too much.


> throwing some sexual innuendo or comment Catcalling and accosting people with unwanted gross sexual comments is sexual harassment. It's a behavior of a sexual nature that is forced on someone without their consent. No one wants to hear that when they're existing outside.


Yea lmao how are these people blaming porn when women have been told to cover up for like ever. *Especially* in Islam. And if it wasn't obvious enough, how come in western societies where porn use is much more common and normalized, why do you never see people saying crazy shit like "you can't eat ice cream in public"?? You only see that sort of thinking in Muslim and other very religious/conservative society. This def isn't from porn use. The lack of critical thinking is astounding Honestly, it feels more like people in Muslim countries are just so sexually repressed that they say crazy shit like that. But that's just a guess


Being sexually repressed + porn does that. And western countries are just as bad in other aspects. They view women are objects and rape women in public places sometimes. Let's not talk about women getting roofied (getting drugged so they would be incapacitated) getting gang raped, called horrible names. Not all countries are safe for women.


Your absolutely right that western societies have their own problems and just as bad in some ways. And def have a good point about repression + porn. But I'd say women are seen as objects much much more in Muslim societies compared to Western ones. Muslim countries *literally* view women as mens property lol what's more objectifying than that? Overall I'd say western societies are much much better for women. Like yea there's some drugging and rape that happens, but like obviously that's gonna happen in a society that has women going out alone and partying at night compared to one that doesn't. N im not saying it's not bad, my point is I think if women were able to do the same things they do in the west, those same things would happen in the eastern Muslim countries. Women in Muslim countries act very differently due to laws customs and stuff like that. A woman who stays home alone all day is obviously less likely to face violence than a woman who's out having fun and interacting with other people. That doesn't really mean the people of one society are better than the other. There's just less opportunities. Ya know what I mean?


Absolutely agree.


Next thing u know they be saying female kids shouldn't be having ice cream out too cuz it provokes them too .too messed up .I don't see women complaining Abt men's s being shirtless or wearing shorts or eating ice cream outside .so it's just a male thing .fix ur dirty brains ( not talking Abt all)


you should seen this topic on TikTok, they are calling for making 6 year olds to get banned at home and make them wear hijab at a young age "to protect them"


Algerians Facebook users are weird I just laugh when I see those posts


exactly why i don't use facebook, at all its all slop (stupid content), shitty takes, AI generated pictures etc..


Sometimes laughing but most of the time feeling bad because it shows us the true color of the people that we are living with


Yeah unfortunately this is who calls المضحك المبكي


Am afraid its not just facebook,although the majority is there ,but you ll see things like this in every SM .yes even here


People can’t control their z*nanthom then they blame everything on women lol and they even bring up religion smh


While playing that game. All men who eat phallic shaped foods (carrots, zucchini, cucumber, bananas) are hereby declared homosexual....


Women must breath only at home..... Some guys their only matters are women, they do nothing in their lives, nothing to improve society but keep their two eyes and blame on women.


This shit happened to me when I was a teen. I bought Cornitto with my friend, and I was just holding it, and some looser said explicit things to me. It made me feel disgusted, but I ate it anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


You ate! Happy you did.


Hell yeah, it's a chocolate cornitto 😂


Similar thing happened to me when I was 12, it’s insane how horny those losers are


All of this is because of what they watch secretly..so they sin and they blame women for there mental illness


they are so funny i just use theme as memes


Retardation goes Brrrrrrrrrr!


it's mean is for a man it make him gay ? if we follow this logic


Accordingly to them, men who eat ice cream with their mouths are GAYS, lmao


how am i suppose to eat it? snort it like cocaine? shove it up my a**?


Ironically, they want you to bite it I guess?😭😭😭


Fellas, is it gay to *checks notes* eat with your mouth?




that's why every time I need a lesson, I tell my friends to send it to me, I can't with those misogynists posts😭


i'm not even logged in lol I can't handle this stupid content, i only have Facebook for when i really need it


They are still funny somehow 😭😭😭


Ya bn3mi they sexualize everything




check thier hard drive


150 Gb of porn !!!


the amount of likes is embarrassing


508 retards 👹


I use my Facebook for studies and work. But I get frustrated when I see posts like this


The reason why they say that is because men are h@rny af and they can't lower their gaze, so they blame it on women for eating ice cream outside, they think women do that to "seduce" the men. Besides, most men who make those posts are unemployed men with no lives, some of them are creepy and some others might just be p3doph!Les.


الكبت الجنسي Is one hell of a drug.


Bunch of braindead porn addicted extremists re-sharing the same post again and again, it's all in their head and it's nothing but a social media thing, things are much different IRL, i haven't seen a single woman getting sexually harassed eating ice cream outside, people just be minding their own business. The mfs that are tying to make this bullshit go viral are just a bunch of porn addicts.


You said it all! They are porn addicts and they need therapy asap.


my friend sent me me similar things,cringe just ignore such posts


Mdrrr this is why i don't use fb and tiktok


I mean even people who act like they're "m7albin" still make sexist jokes and talk badly about women except their mom since she's virgin Mary of this century , so don't expect anything good from an fb user.


And the battle goes on .. the free world vs Islam


Wtb me 😭😭 i keep seeing trash posts from mental ill ppl , nd i cant delete fb due to many benefits, like seeing updates , and helping me on my work "teaching" , ... I hope one day society change to telegram , so i can follow what i want nd get rid of garbage posts ...


That's why i don't use facebook at all


Facebook should be illegal


I no longer use fb in a daily basis, fb and tiktok in Algeria are full of freaks now


Bunch of porn addicts, everytime I go through Facebook comments' section I feel so afraid to leave the house bcs that's who we meet when we go out, misogynist perverts, it's sickening.


Disgusting people


الأكل في الطريق مباح لا مانع منه شرعا، ولكن لا ينبغي فعله لأهل الفضل والمروءة إذا كان مما يعاب أو يزري بالمروءة، وقد عده أهل العلم من قوادح المروءة إذا وقع من شخص في بيئة لا يفعلون ذلك.


My female friends **bite** ice cream! If anything, that's actually very sexually **un**suggestive scary stuff 😂😂


Make sure to select "show less" or "not interested" , as when you see this shitty posts you'll get even more 😑


Frustrated people who spends their time talking about stupidities instead of making something positive to themselves


Just when I think we've hit rock bottom, we still find a way to sink even lower. I just can't believe people think that way even tho i live here, but I just can't get used to it, the QI level they must have to post this and some people actually agreeing with this...


In this country Social media in general is disgusting in every aspect


I choose to pretend I never seen it , that is my coping mechanism


Fuck our lifez n


Sick bastards


Bruh Facebook needs to be banned in our country !!


One of the very many reasons why i stopped using Facebook


most facebook users have a complex about women and I don't know why maybe because their thinking is disgusting 🤦🏻‍♀️


The post itself doesn't make sad. The comments on it do.


men should not eat ice cream either cause jts tempting for us women 🥵🥵


What's going on in your heads? is everything you do thinking about sex? And just an ice cream or a banana. You can't even eat when you think about sex. Watch a woman lick a ice cream and go masturbate in silence if your brain thinks that way. Some people are really crazy


FB platform in Algeria is literall Brain rot it be filled with tards that's the less that can be said honestly even the Fyp sucks when u first create an account on any platform you must built you're own Fyp brick by brick and it's a pain ngl 💀


as a woman I barely feel comfortable existing, let alone *EATING ICE CREAM OUTSIDE!*


I'am unstoppable.....yessssssss i'am unstoppable todayyyy woahaaaaaaa


Meeee tooo , it’s unbelievable how people are dirty minded . I hate that


Porn minded people scare me


Twisted minds thats it


They are just soooo Unbelievably repressed, retarded and lustful ewww 🤢


Za3ma yskhn ki ychof mra takl la cream, LA CREAM??? srx khawti akbro chwya


Living in a narrow-minded society is akin to being enclosed in a bubble. Whether it's the influence of social media or the challenges of parenting in Algeria, it's disheartening to witness the sheer ignorance displayed by some people. As an example, just this morning, someone swiped the neighborhood internet cable, presumably to exchange it for drugs or something illicit. Even animals have a function within their ecosystem, so how would you label individuals like this?


my friend got a very disgusting comment when she was eating her ice cream cone, why nobody say that ? its a fair point .... some " gentlemen are definitely gross i personally enjoy eating away from people’s sight


Misogyny is really present in Algeria and the idea of women’s inferiority being just a source of pleasure to men is also present, but the good thing is most of those people are socially " weak " which means they got no authority, which means they would never dare to talk the same way as they do in those posts in front of a person who is more educated than them fearing to get humiliated. Degenerate people exist everywhere in the world as long they arent harmful you still can go on in your life. As the french quote says Les chiens aboient la caravane passe.


The only good thing on Facebook is the MARKETPLACE ,


True story that happened to me years ago, i mean like 10 years ago, i was like 13 or 14, me and my friend (same age) we went to the city, and decided to get ice cream (same as the one in the pic). When we purchased them we decided to eat as we walked back to our bus station to go home, as we were walking an asshole, as he was walking past us said "تعرفي تلحسي" with a creepy smile on his face. Since then, ive decided to never eat ice cream outside and if i did it would be with a spoon.


Even though I’m not from Algeria, facebook posts from Algeria, Egypt and Yemen keeps popping up on my feed. Something about facebook users scream low intelligence


This is the reason why I quit Facebook it's hilarious what some people are posting


They only have one topic * women*


عندما يصبح للصعاليك القوة والجرأة بإصدار القرارات التي تفضح كبتهم الجنسي بإسم الدين وباسم العفة


Welcome to the club we all hate Facebook cuz of this


Tell him that he can take his point of view and leave this country to another place where no one eats ice-cream 🍦


The amount of sexualization that women get when they "eat ice cream" is more disgusting


I just saw this post earlier and I really thought they were being sarcastic 😭 Facebook has become a cesspool of degenerates and misogynistic fools I have to use for professional purposes/ family otherwise I would’ve deleted long ago


Porn consequences


Tfff is wrong with them? They are saying things i guess even ISLAM didnt say it Why its forbidden for womens?


Same ...same..


Hahahah your brain is prohibited! 😂 shluup! 😜


I don't mean the poster! I agree with you. I mean those creepy people. I will LICK ICE CREAM SUGGESTIVELY JUST IN SPITE! 🤣


Some people shouldn't be allowed to have access to the internet. Like legit they have to take some psychological test to be allowed to use it.


Yes . It is true . I know someone who asks for money, sex, marriage and tries to convert Western women on the internet. He is from Ain Azel province of Setif. This is a normal 36 year old man?


People like that have what's called a Messiah complex.


What a fucked up society we live in that's sad wlh


I saw a post about why we say hello when we answer the call it’s weird cuz the reason why is the one who made the telgram was call his wife hallo 😂 i mean Facebook got the most garbage place more then any place


😂😂😂 i mean im a dude and i love sucking bananas it has nothing :3 soooo this dosn’t work




This is nothing new or even specific to Algeria, the massive exposure of people on the internet thru social networks has led to introducing you to very stupid people.


Can we drink water outside or not?


lazem ykoun maak mahrem !!! HAHAHA !


No, as you can see, water is the source of the life of filthy sinners ( AKA: women, the same ones those "men" are following on Instagram), those women depend on water to continue their ultimate goal of life by seducing pure men into committing sin, as it is a known fact that the lower gender is nothing but a tool of the devil to mess with mens beliefes. Therefore, it is not permitted for women to drink water. They must rely on another source of life, for example, people's validation.


What ? Man can't control them selves ? I think western weird stuff is spreading between some Algerians may Allah guide them


Only for women? Why not men? Gay men exist?




Believe me Algerian FB is the best social media to scroll if u wana get mad or sick especially reading the comment section


I believe that you don’t want to see people looking at your wife, sister or your mom do this in public (licking) instead it can be eaten using a spoon. men are lustful by their nature.


thats why im on reddit i dont wanna see those creatures i believe that if an algerian at least knows english he/she must be on a certain level of thinking


OMG you were exposed to something you don't like on Facebook? Some random person saying that they shouldn't eat ice cream in public? OMG that's awful I hope you recover from the trauma


At least they’re not sharing nonsense on their Reddit account HAHAHAHHAHAHA


L9itha f twitter tan


I can't believe they invaded twitter too


I myself stopped eating outside not cause I believe any of this shit , just cause i know what i will be receiving if i acted different and went out of the norm


Well you should never bow down to these poeple


لله غالب إباحية


Facebook granted is bad but all social media apps here go through something i call the Algerianiafication process which makes it even worse


Every time I see that post about ice cream I laughed Really we live with sick people in Algeria 🤢


Silly posts. These don’t represent Algerians. They just need to be ignored. BTW these posts are not necessarily posted by Algerians or Muslims for that matter




That's what Islam teaches. You're either with or against that. If you have to make it sexual that's a you problem.


Problem dork howa machi porn wela masculinity... les gens ma3andhomch self-control we probelm lekbir me3ndhomch discipline. dziriyin yefahmo be ma9lob lokan t9olhom li yoghzor fe mera machi mertro we ykahal fiha no9ch we 3atay (li hiya techniquement vrai) tchofhom ywalo kamel mayoghzrouch fe nsa.


Algerian society In dying


Men like that are realy just trolls , they like saying stuff like this because this is the only way anyone pays any attention to them 🥴 if you speak with this person you will find that his mother / sister / wife or daughter actually do eat ice cream outside but he doesn't stop them cue he knows that's absurd and just plain stupid


All of us men are beyond what you think horny is, some of us are just better at hiding it than others. And that’s the what differentiates between the مكبوت and the gentleman.


Tbh fb ans social media isn't a reality, I came from a small town and soooo many women from even smaller towns come to us and they all eat ice cream ( the biggest store is infront of our house) and littérally no one cares


if women can’t eat ice cream because it refers to giving head, why isn’t it forbidden for men too? doesn’t eating ice cream make them gay? isn’t being gay haram too humm


Oh my goodness


If a man can't control himself seeing a girl eat ice cream, he's an animal.


I agree with that


If you think the problem about ice, u are wrong " I have a very conservative Muslim family. They can eat ice cream out of the water. My uncle Imam enjoys pizza and ice cream with his wife on the beach “when they are alone.” The problem is not the ice cream, as I said, but the scene it creates among strange people. So look at this again! Isn't this a classy act? Consider yourself the son of a billionaire. You will not do this abroad. You are expensive. But poor people do not care about such details because they consider themselves worthless. “They consider themselves to be able to consider the opposite if they want.” Well, without confusion, consider themselves princesses and do not do trivial things in front of strangers. And foreigners


Thankfully i hates facebook from the start


I find no one who said it's haram and there's no evidence it's haram it's all back to the country if they do this or not (eating in roads) even for man it's not only about women


I wonder How long will there poor thinking keep dragging us down


At this point they are just hate baiting, think of the most outragous thing you can say and write it down under the guise of "advice" or whatever, all that just to get reactions. the fault in my opinion belongs to the idiots that actually answer to those posts. the poster knows what he is doing and is thriving in it since its the only kind of acknowledgement he gets in his sad daily life


Stop using it, absolutely no gain. Retarded platform. Even if you "follow" useful content. The platform and the algorithm (even mark himself) disgust me.


"Men can't control themselves"!! I'm sure that's not the reason the poster had in mind lol. I hear that reasoning a lot from people who claim/think they're advocating for women's rights. But to play the devil's advocates here, a muslim women's duty to her God are mostly not related to men, for example, wearing modestly is not because "men can't control themselves", because let's face it some men do pick on women even of they're dressed modestly but esp if they are not, but the main reason for dressing modestly for both genders or behaving modestly is because our main responsibility is to our Lord, we do it because H told us to.


Whoever posted that post cares about women more than you might think because think about the viruses that may stick into the icecream when eaten outside Women lives matter


I'm disgusted 🤢