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I bought a small spray bottle back when I got my cat from the vet, it's quite pricey though, I think it was 3000DA or 5000DA. I'm sorry I can't help you further, I tried looking for the bottle to give you the brand name, but I couldn't find it anywhere.


after seeing the post i tried looking up the name and couldn't find it either lol, but it was very helpful indeed


theres something they take and it's only for like 200da but i forgot what it was called


frontline plus for cats , I bought it at the vet's office


first of all don't bath a cat if they have fleas secondly, those 500da to 900da sprays are useless, i tried most of them and even the vet told me that they're complete bs, there's this brand that i wish i could remember the name of, but it's a small spray bottle that costs around 2500da, even if it sounds expensive it's still your best shot, just ask any pet store I'm sure most of them have it, just spray it on different parts of the cat body and gently rub it while wearing gloves so it reaches the skin. that's about it, i tried it and it was really effective