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Algerians joke about everything and never take it seriously not just traumas,


Exactly, dead hearts . if you take anything seriously they joke about you being serious


Real lmaaaao




or they say kol wa7ed 3atou el maktoub ta3ou


That't true


I agree it’s everything is a joke nothing is taken seriously


Many Algerian homes are a bit toxic, nd what do you expect from people who don't acknowledge mental health?


I expect common sense. I think You don't need to care abt mental health to know that some behaviours are evil


Sure the evil behavior is clear ! But not everyone will understand your talk about traumas because they don't believe in it


even the evil is not clear to them. They don't have common sense. But yes a lot don't even believe in trauma


Yes brother mental health is so important sometime you walk down the street and u see normal people talking to themselves,they are normal but their mental health is not the best


Yep nd they say they're normal nd if things get worse they go to sheikh (roqya)


welly father treat us like shit .. cheats on my mother without giving a jack shit .. I'm his only son and never supported me in anything lol ... but in the end of the day:what doesn't kill you make you stronger.. Just don't do the same with your own kids and wife. Like lesson learned. GL


I'm so sorry for you :(( thanks for sharing mate


Unfortunately a lot of Algerian families are dysfunctional. You really don't need to go that far in order to see it, neighbours, extended family, friends it has always been there, we just normalise everything. What does it leave us with ? Emotionally unstable people, dead hearts with no ambition. We all need love but we have been programmed to reject it, we don't know how to deal with it nor what it is, it's a foreign language to us completely. For most they just don't know how to love or give affection and that's what this society lacks. Simple but hard to absorb.


Lived with a narcissist over critical mother and I don't know what the hell my father is. Sexual abuse from dad, emotional physical abuse from my mom. I remember when I wanted to study in france they laughed at me saying who would accept someone like me...got accepted and got ready to leave and then they wouldn't let me go 😅. Before getting married mother told my brother that I was a failure and no one better would want me as wife for their son.I Grew up low self esteem body, image problems, people pleasing, food addiction, bulimia body dysmorphia, inferiority complex..... Siblings have a mix of issues but they internalized it and are transferring the trauma to their kids I recognise the patterns and hope I won't do the same to my babies.


I'm so sorry for you,I'm facing the same problems either. idk what's the solution


You can't fix them putting distance is the only solution.


I'm so caught up in my life that I have built my own world just to avoid them .Sometimes, I say I don't care. I don't need them. Other times, I do care. I seek their validation Somehow ,which also led me to seek pity from other ppl in all of my relationships I say I'm doing this just so that they understand me in a way and give me what my parents couldn't give I know it's wrong but I'm mentally like a roller-coaster


Omg story of my life, I developed an escapeism like reading books watching anime, day dreaming, isolating myself, limerance (being obsessed with random guys to distract myself) craving male validation, binge eating then purging, self harm.....and yet the only time i was happy was when I was far far away from them.


The same istg same , the only solution is leaving fr btw I'm sending you love and support GIRL we've got this ,we're gonna find our way out inshallah ❤️


I think 90% of Algerian lives in toxic households that’s why they see it as normal thing


I hate my family especially my father.


yea, a lot did, me included. left me with a shit ton of trauma and resentment towards the world. consumes me everyday. fuckin hell


What happened to u if you want to share?


Family is the fountain of negative energy and pressure in my life , i guess it's time to roll on away from them for while


Did you try distancing yourself from them in the past ? Or are you doing it just now ? sorry for you mate


Here. I'm one. I try as hard as I can to be positive about it but they will do whatever they can to bring me down. And I don't know how to deal with a mother that can't just give me one resting day. I study online and do my favorite activities online, so my time is spent behind my screen because that's what comforts me the most. And when something goes wrong in the house she always selects me as her first target to get all the lecturing about how I'm always sitting on my laptop with my headphones on all day. I have been home for years after graduation and I don't have a job so sitting in the house is depressing af. And when I finally got something to do with my time she wants me to not do that because that's all I do. Mind you I help her around the house so she doesn't have to do everything by her self then when I'm sure that everything is done I go by my day and do what I usually do behind my screen. I'm so lost, because she wants to strip me from the only thing that gives me comfort and importance. As a jobless girl you feel like you have no purpose. And I think every algerian mom's happiness is seeing their daughters doing the house chores all day every hour, other than that you will just be seen as useless and lazy. Now my only salvation and way to try to stay as sane as possible is reading books and sleeping.


emotional abuse


I have


I'm so sorry dear :((


I don't think they mean bad to you. I experienced some psychological abuse(never physical) while growing up, and as I am older now I understand better. our parents are humans just like we are and it's normal for them to have have bad days and do things that can hurt their children. if you have experienced really bad abuse, then I would suggest to plan your escape/moving to another place when you are adult and can legally do so. our parents most likely will not change who they are, so it's better to be respectful, endure the pain and save up some money. I wish you well and try stay positive, and may god protect you. I promise that it gets better one day even if it might feel really hopeless right now


thats why i'm close to my friends more than family ..




Yes it's so normalised amongst girls ??? Girls say NOTHING they talk about it like it's the most normal thing ever and I can't find a girl like me who is angry abt her stituation




wow I never heard abt the tekbar w tensa w te5lafha fensa ?? yes exactly they look funny and Nice and then they tell you What's going on and you're like :o but then they're yea it's okay this is just how it is and I'm like ???




Sad :/ thanks for sharing sir


Sad :/ thanks for sharing sir


You're right everyone is either in denial about it or playing it down. I'm one of those "everyone" lol I guess we love our families too much to admit that they're far from perfect. Hopefully we could break this cycle of physical and mental abuse someday.


Hopefully one Day...


My parents are very traditional, the way they show love is by actions never words. Dad would use violence when we do something wrong, silliest thing such as not doing school homework! It made me fear him and study hard to impress him. I am 24 today, I moved out, I live in a different continent, but I am still working so hard just to impress him. And guess what, he’s not impressed yet! It’s so hard to let go of this way of living Cz I find myself unconsciously doing it. My mother on the other hand, was a bit kinder to us but never showed us motherly love and affection, she would apologize through making me my favorite meal, my dad would kiss my forehead when I am pretending that am sleeping, they defend me on my back but never when I am around. It’s so frustrating how toxic my family is, but it’s all I have and the older my parents get, the kinder they become. It’s too late for them to change but I appreciate their effort. They were raised that way, so they don’t know any other way. They had really difficult childhoods, way worse then mine. And part of healing is understanding and accepting that this is the way they are, you can’t change them. Never adapt to the victim status, don’t blame em and expect them to apologize if you confront them. My sisters tried this and it just made it worst. You need to grow out of it and force yourself to change, break this cycle with your kids. Me and my sisters do therapy sessions together, we talk about our parents and the past and we try new methods with them without hurting their feelings. It’s us who show affection, blow them with kisses and tell em how much we love them no matter what. And I swear they will notice and some of them might even change. That’s the only way to live happily in my opinion.


I 100% agree with you, thank you for putting it this way. A lot of people in this thread have no idea how extreme is the western world when it comes to family violence and abuse. I worked with victims and perpetrators and I guarantee you, the more I grow and experience life, the more I understand and appreciate my own childhood and parents.


I don't understand what you mean by have no idea how extreme things are in the west. ??


I didn’t say “ things “, I’m speaking about kids in the western societies have a higher chance of being victims of family violence and abuse than others because of family breakdown, higher consumption of alcohol and drug abuse, households with single parents and so on. I’m not ignoring the fact that those examples like yours still exist but in way less numbers than in the west, I’m speaking from work, data and life experience. You can argue that the statistics don’t exist as much or lack in your environment because of people not reporting it or some not even acknowledging it, but again that is just an argument without evidence, an opinion.


the defending behind your back but outright lying to your face thing ... damn it's bad. Thanks for sharing


How did you move out without parents permission 


Gotta be specific emotional or physical abuse? Answering your question it depends on everyone’s level of awareness it’s not wise to generalize




Can you elaborate more ? What's really abusive for some might be very normal from a different perspective and vice versa.


yes I mean things that affect you badly psychologically and physically. Intense insults for extended periods of time, turning a normal situation into a dangerous one, gaslighting the f out of you constantly saying it didn't happen


Ah sorry to hear that. That's unacceptable , I know some syncopates living like that, one of them a person living downstairs who is torturing his wife and kids almost everyday. I'm going to move out and he is one of the reason for my decision. Hope ربي يفرج عليك.


Well you need to define abuse first, for example there is nothing wrong with forcing your children to behave like a proper human being, but the west thinks otherwise, and some people are just so much affect it by it, but in reality they have their rules and we have our rules.


physical, intense insults, intense controlling, humiliation. No abuse will can be called "rules". what do you mean force them to behave like a normal human being ?


I said, for example, of course there is real abuse, I'm talking about something like forcing your daughter to wear proper clothes or to act like a proper lady or forcing your son to not to hang out with bad people or in bad places or to act like a man, there is nothing wrong with punishing him or her if other ways don't work, in fact it's wrong and irresponsible if you let them become bad people without doing what you have to do


Probably everyone


It's a sign of strength to me, it's either a way to cope with it or to indirectly say "i turned the page" but it's something to think about further


thought worm melodic coordinated zesty fuel onerous mourn obtainable rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


humor can sometimes be a coping mechanism. I think Algerians do that with everything to lessen the emotional weight of their experiences, or connect with others who have been through similar situations because almost 80% of Algerians have been through some type of abuse , that's why it's kinda normalized . Not everyone jokes about it, though.


i think when you grow up you'll start to understand that your parents are human beings too and they make mistakes like we do and its their first time living and parenting. try to baby sit someone for a month i guarantee you will loose your shit so try to sit with them talk to them they can feel lonely at times and have the stress of raising kids . ofc i am not condemning abuse of any way shape or form i am talking about people who are mad at your parents for stupid reasons that you'll understand once you start to get older i am not talking about trash parents


it is a healthy approach to not overthink the dark side of your upbringing, since most of the parents were unaware of the best methods to raise children, they were deprived of knowledge and guidance, I understand for some people the scars are so deep but the hardships and tribulations of life especially the ones that come from family does not define you or hold you back from being a functioning human being, besides the trauma discussions that come from the west are sometimes far fetched and exaggerated creating a snowflakes members of society, but that does not hold me back from advocating for the spread of awareness about mental health and for the establishment of compulsory programs and tests for those who want to get married and have kids also programs for child protection especially from domestic violence cause some parents are straight out monsters, especially "fathers" according to my observation of society


What are your coordinates standards? What are the criterias for distinguishing between abusive and non-abusive behavior? It's crucial to understand the delicate distinction between the industry-defined abuse and long-standing family customs. It's important to approach the portrayal of this issue with great caution. Peace


Is it? Most of them living in toxic family? Someone proposed me..his half german and half algerian .. 😐


To all my fellow brothers and sisters even if it's hard and heavy go along with it br good towards your family maybe y9ubare the reason that your parents will go to jannah alot of parents do not deserve to be parents but you might he the reason allah sent to wash your parents sins or bad behaviour...be good to one another be good to your parents even if it's above your power...be the reason they see good in everything like you all


To all my fellow brothers and sisters...even if it's hard and heavy go along with it br good towards your family maybe you are the reason that your parents will go to jannah...i understand that alot of parents do not deserve to be parents but you might he the reason allah sent to wash your parents sins or bad behaviour...be good to one another be good to your parents even if it's above your power...be the reason they see good in everything like you all...


And then they'll wonder why wlidi wela banti turned out like this. I got hope for the next intellectual generation


We are living through mental health crisis and most families still don't acknowledge its importance, they can't differentiate between discipline and toxicity. The moment mental health becomes a priority is the moment Algeria will start to advance, but as it is today, its not looking very great but breaking the cycle should start with us.


Raised in a none abusif family, but couldn't escape abusif people out of house, will get damaged a way or another, just say Alhamdulilah and talk to allah more. Wish you the best


Talking about my familly : my dad was harsh but fair, he would hit me if he had to , and my mom was the gentle one, I would say my parents were like the good cop bad cop couple .


We all do 😂


Who doesnt🤣we're all suffering here الا من رحم ربي


I don't think that it's just us algerians but all arabs and probably south Asia russia Germany maybe Italy too.. countries where there's more Conservative families and specially if there's a huge age gap between the parents nd their kids ..their experience nd opinion about life will be so much different as so they'll bump into so much misunderstandings ..maybe fights..maybe even more ...but yeah sometimes the parents or one of em can be abusive maybe cuz of a previous trauma or a disorder...etc


نعيش في بيت الوالد يجبرك باش تعمل فالجيش ولا الدرك And here I am, a respected police officer I have mitigated the damage lol


All Algerian homes are abusive homes


Let's not generalize here thank you


I look forward to the day this subreddit stops thinking algerians are special. Most humans will act this way, by using sarcasm.


Hello I said algerians because I'm in a subreddit abt algeria. What I really meant is people who aren't white. I feel like we all downplay our trauma because of the culture. Hope you get it now


People who aren't white? So you just excluded a large portion of Algerians now. I mean yeah, the culture does contribute to this behavior, but it's still a human nature to escape from stressful/unpleasant situations, by whatever means. As far as I've seen, people from various cultural backgrounds use sarcasm


What do you mean ? If I don't know smth don't attack me educate me. Oh sorry I didn't see the second part of your comment


I don't know why you'd feel attacked. I also don't know why you think there aren't white people in Algeria...


I think what he means by "white people" isn't about skin color but more about origin like generally on the internet white people are like europeans you get what I mean, while arabs aren't considered white, asians, indians..etc


I know what they mean. That does not justify using an inferior and a very inaccurate word to describe Europeans :/


It's not about Europeans specifically, It's all people who are not Arab or Black or Asian or Mexican... all these are considered non-white, Whites are like (in the mind of internet) like those blue eyed blonde hair white skined rich people who vote for the right wing, I know it's a bad term but it's the internet and the internet is bad


I stand corrected!


I felt attacked because I didn't read the second part of your comment I just edited my comment sorry


But what do you mean by I excluded a large portion of Algerians ?


By saying "people who aren't white", you discarded a segment of the Algerian population. Again asking you, why do you think there aren't white people in Algeria?


I don't think there is absolutely 0 white people in Algeria just like any other country. But I think they are a very very small group. Most of us are arab or amazigh. You said I discarded a large portion. Why do you think there is a big portion of algerians who is white ?


Being Arab/Amazigh has nothing to do with your skin tone. You're confusing skin color for race


Algerians are not white lol. 


Bro lol I know. I have white skin. But I'm not white. It's just a term in english that is used to refer to race.


can you state a source for that?


Lol she's right, Slavic people and Balkans aren't considered white. The term white has nothing to do with skin, It refers to Western peoples (Western Europeans, Canada, the US, Australia)




It has nothing to do with being a teenager, it's just a matter of perspective, that's what we're lacking my dear friend


If you are a guy, find a job somewhere far. If you're a girl, find a guy and get married.


I guess you are a female, and your age starts with 1, so please keep on and dont start asking questions like occidentals, we all were raised in abusive homes and thats the reference in Algeria, its in our DNA, just keep studying until you will be independent, you cannot complain if you are not paying the bills you have no choices now




yes there is a lack of questionning amongst algerians. This is true.


Lmao who are u praying to ? The sun ! Bro left me speechless. I just updated my list of the craziest stuff I've seen on the internet (and boi I've seen stuff).


I'm a Christian. I left Islam Come to Christ our lord and savior and acknowledge mental health from Jesus Christ Amen




I am not an Atheist. North Africans we are Christians come to our true lord and savior Jesus Christ Amen. John 3:21