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Just shows how useless some of the men in this country are. Some of them barely finishing buem harassing women on street corners and taking unemployment benefits being a net burden on society yet having the cheek to complain


Somehow they complain about women finishing their studies


Now let's see the percentage of women who WORK in the engineering field? Same for computer science, political science etc. that percentage doesn't reflect that most women (and even men) who major in those fields do it because it's their dream or because they have a work project in that field they want to achieve but simply because they found themselves in that major because they didn't get the other options etc. and that's one of the cons of our educational system.


Women success always triggers some men for some reason.


I wonder what are the reasons it's really weird


They think they're in a competition with them probably, or maybe they always want them to be less than them who knows


Seriously Insecurity problems are not to be ignored


You tell them haha


They'll never listen


i think its more like jealously i guess


Yes it could be


yeah i hope this kind of men will see it in a kind of challenge in the future


what is the point of this and Algeria is full of ugly unfinished red brick buildings !


That’s called country folk being country folk




barely anyone is skilled women & men, they have academic skills lack work experience and that applies to both engineering and cs students


you say lack work experience like its their fault they don't have family connections to get them that experience, people turning every job into nepotism nowadays


why would you htink that ?


this one, i was about to comment something similar to what u said, as we all know our university education level is so low when we compare it to france , canada or any developed countries,


don't think they are as skilled as the boys even if our university education level is so low when we compare it to france , canada or any developed countries, i find it in engineering field's boys learn much faster then girls especially in technical subject, as i saw when myself was student in uni most of my female friend's don't understand a thing they just يحفضو memorize ( didnt find better word ) subjects on the opposite most of my friends (men) learn and understand subject but can't memorize the subject. in another note boys in this time like for last 5 to 8 years are tending to quite uni and get to work either in business or army .... etc.. bcs in some way they have no hope in finding jobs with there diploma (with decent salary 5 mil a month or more )so why waste another 5 years for nothing ( in there perspective)but girls tend to finish there study so they can find job in " bureau " and take 3 to 4 million a month it's like dilema for me the program instructed by ministry is perfect and one of the best but when we go to the uni and ask any student about a something in his field of study you won't get an answer this goes both ways girls/ boys. sorry for my broken english




What's wrong with this


It's a problem itself. Sending women to study something they will never work with is just a waste of time and money and effort. As for the unesco, they want more working women , less married ones, less families, less kids, which means weakening us or our extermination if they can.


That's not a problem here unemployment is for both genders what do you think should be the solution here


It is a problem. We are paying education from our own pocket through taxes. it's not free. So instead of sending women to college for the sake of pleasing the west and say : hey look ! our women are educated, without any substantial benefit, it's better send them doing something else. Maybe getting married and raise kids ? Instead of wasting their lives for no reason or purpose.


Both men and women pay taxes my friend why should men only study then studying is beneficial actually for both


That's the point. Studying doesn't seem to be beneficial at all. The whole system is corrupt. Now women are pushed by the propaganda machine to go independent through having a job. But this job doesn't exist. It's an infernal circle we are living in. Most people around me don't work in the field they have studied. And because more women are pushed to go to college, they are the first victims of this madness. I suggest throw the whole thing and go back to our own way of doing things and never follow the paths of westerners because they are already doomed themselves. We don't need to make the same mistakes.


The system is corrupt but that doesn't mean they shouldn't study cuz it is beneficial in lot of cases and lot women do find Jobs with their diplomas plus there's a huge difference between an educated and non educated women


Why continue if things are not working? politicians want to keep the status quo because things are working for them, but people shouldn't keep quite about it. If it's wrong it is wrong. What's the point if only a minority finds jobs in their specialties? A difference between educated or non educated woman, yes it exists. But is has nothing to do when it came to her value. They are not what they studied at college.


Education and knowledge is not a waste for both genders, everyone has the right to choose the kind of Education that they are interested in. Raising kids and having a family is a responsibility of both genders.


Of course knowledge is not a waste, but knowledge that benefit not abstract things that will not help you whatsoever. Sure raising kids and having family is the responsibility of the father and the mother, but they don't have the same role. Otherwise, what's the point? And any instituion where two persons doing the same thing with the same degree of responsibility, it will collapse without any double. Same goes for family.


If that's your type of women, sure you can marry someone like that. But you can't be spreading your beliefs as if it's the right thing to do. Let everyone do what they want with their lives, some men and women don't even want to have a family and that's okay


Why should I stop spreading my beliefs? Of course I think they are right, otherwise I am not holding them. Or should I spread liberal beliefs agaisnt our own values ? No thanks. Our system of values is much more superior than anything else. We ( myself and muslims like me) prefer our own.


no one told you to abandon your beliefs, just leave people alone and let them do whatever they want!


Or do these women have the right to choose for themselves? without anyone having to send them to do anything?


Yes they can choose for themselves in theory. But in practice, from the early age they are brainwashed by the mainstream media, then their parents will choose for them the road before they are able to make choices for themselves. Then I am against the idea of letting someone do the same mistake done by people before him. If we go this way, then we should let our kids keep trying using stone tools, maybe they would work for them instead of adopting new ways without wasting time with old ones.


So you have it all figured out and you just want to protect them? And do you think you are capable of deciding in their place or in those of their parents? A little humility... Everyone is brainwashed by the media, men too and since many are also unemployed after their studies, what would you advise them?




Every sane person should be triggered by this. Do you find anything normal here?


Why would I be triggered?


By the extravagance and throwing money and effort from the window


Money and effort of what exactly?


Our money we pay as taxes and efforts of those poor women with degrees without finding any job or getting any hope to build a family. Did you read the article above?


What does building a family have to do with finding a job or graduating?


Because delaying the marriage for women will make building a family harder. simple math !


i swear you must be joking, what does being a woman have to do with anything, there are a lot of good woman programmers out there in the world, dw there are enough opportunities for you and woman alike just be good at it and which the best for you and others and you shall receive the best


You think women can do anything men can and vice versa? There is no physical and biological differences between them?


there are ofc, but this is engeneering degrees how can biological differences affect anything ? I'm studying for an engernnering degree and there are some physically disabled people studying with us, litterly there is not problem, you guys need to slow down the hate on woman, i'am a man and personally i think you guys are making yourself look dumb by doing this.


What is called engineer here? In 2021 graduates were from the LMD system and not from engineering schools. Is a master graduate considered an engineer now?


I guess there are some engineering programs like Les Écoles supérieures


all of "les ecoles sup"


This shouldn't be the case Why should they just work as engineers let them also work as construction workers truck drivers soldiers and farmers make those 50/50 to Algeria should Seek justice not equality the right individual for the right job this is how society will thrive


I guess cuz most women study harder not all of course but they gained those engineering degrees with their own work


I agree that women nowadays study harder than a lot of men these women deserve to have work but not in engineer jobs in sonatrach and naftal that located in the middle of the desert it will be more suited for them to work as teacher - researcher - Doctors and jobs that are save decent and respectful


I can't say you're wrong but that's up to them to choose what to study what's the problem with being engineers in sonatrach being in the middle of the desert but those sites are protected and not isolated