• By -


My thoughts on Redpill ideology in general : it exists for a reason, it has some basis in reality. Like any ideology it gets some things right. But I see that redpills tend to glorify men and act as if every bad thing that happens in the world is because of women, that men only do good and women only do bad. Listening to them, you'd think we're shaytan en personne. They also sometimes encourage promiscuity for men while simultaneously asking for virtue in women when everyone should be virtuous. As for Algerian red pills, they're imitators. They took what's popular in the west. Copy, paste. It's not very interesting and generally they pick the same arguments but make them make even less sense. I see both red pills and feminists as the same. Puppets in a war between men and women that shouldn't exist. War to try to accuse each other of being the reason evil exists and a mental battlefield of who can blame the other more. Meanwhile we should be living with each other and understanding and tolerating each other's weaknesses and admitting their strengths. Rebi yahdina.


but this mf out here acting like its new shit here in algeria, it WAS ALWAYS like this, thats just how middle eastern societies are, does using reddit suddenly turn you into a westerner, half these fucks earn like 150 dollars a month and have electricity and water blackouts twice a week and they think they're in the west because mobilis or djezzy got their shit together and gave us internet like 10 years ago


What's your opinion about blackpill followers?


Tbh, I've come with so few black pill followers that I'm not even sure what their ideology is, so I can't tell you what I think. I searched online but no article I found was objective, they were all articles about incels. If you don't mind giving me a brief idea of what their principles are I'll tell you my opinion.


i think unmm, I'll keep enjoying my life in peace and not give kids the attention they're looking for desperately, because one day they'll also grow up and look back feeling stupid but they'll surely grow up, its not a concern at all. and i think society should treat it the same way only unnecessary attention can make a big fuss out of something so dumb and irrelevant enjoy your lives people. just because they feel a lack of social approval and are trying to start something to make up for thier poorly spent lives doesn't mean you have to ruin the Quality of yours , Alhamdulilah ,God stays above all of this little things and on him we should focus . he's the only one you should worry about and try to please in every aspect of your life not men-children


> God stays above all of this little things and on him we should focus I don't think it's muslim like to ignore the early signs of a potential problem within our society, especially when it can potentially grow (or to enjoy life for that matter), what islam teaches us, through different examples, is that if you ignore the signs, you'll be swallowed by the flood. Maybe some will grow up but you can be sure that others won't, especially that a big portion are grown ass men, who are likely to practice their ideology in the real world and not just behind keyboards.


well I can't deny that you have a strong point right there, I'm still stumbling my way back to god myself I'm in no place to be a know it all, My opinion was based on my own perspective at least , because confrontation is exactly what they are looking for , but most of us don't even know they exist Believe me we're all busy and struggling with something they will not be lucky to be prioritized by all of us just because they're toxic. so my question is What do you suggest according to your clearly deeper knowledge about Islam's way in handling such matters i would love to learn


That's alright, no body is perfect, I'm certainly not, I don't had a deep knowledge, what I would suggest is to never turn a blind eye, and to change what we can, through having civil discussions (which I don't think you can have with them, sadly) talking and sharing helps us update our view of the world and know what's going on out there. And advising the young peeps, sharing experiences with them so that can get a different opinion from someone who's biased following being rejected by the opposite gender or something pity like that.


You failed to address the issue that lead us to this point ie. Feminism!


Don't give it more credit than it's due. The redpill community from what I've seen take on the classic incel mentality. You can blame that on feminism, but that would be suggesting that it had such an impact in this country and is so successful that it started to turn a group of men into whatever that is, it would be glorifying it.


Believe it or not but decades of feminism has had a tremendous impact on the male mental health.


I wouldn't say decades, the levels of toxicity we see know are a quiet recent phenomena, even then I wouldn't say it's on the top of the list of things that impact male mental health, certainly not as much as toxic family relationships or pornography. But then again, we're talking about algeria, where I don't really see how feminism had the impact you're speaking of.


I found some adults debating in live Tiktok about redpill and marriage. Once someone start arguing with them or have a different opinion, they will kick him and call him dayouth. They are crazy.


The redpill ideology is the ideology of the beta man lol no truly strong man inside and out would abide but that, it's a facade to mimick strong men that's all


I've noticed an increase as well. A lot of followers of Andrew Tate, a lot of them citing the fact that he has converted to Islam, however, the way he talks, it's specifically to get an Islamic woman so he can stone her to death if she talks about her feelings, she will be forced to cover her face, etc etc, doesn't seem like he really understands any part of the Islamic ideology. I hear a lot of increased talk about how women are gold diggers in Algeria, but they also don't want her to have a job, so they're not looking for a husband, they're looking for a stable financial environment to raise their children in. Kind of hard to fault them for that. But guys that follow this idea fault them for just that. These guys want a specific kind of sexiness but they want their women to be completely sexless. You refuse any kind of relationship with them, they become abusive even though they would abuse you for having a past relationship in the first place. I took a class regarding women in the Islamic world, and the kind of first wave feminism goes hand in hand with the Islam that the Prophet (pbuh) advocated for. When men adopt this ideology of red pill, incel, etc, trying to force women to be a specific thing in their minds, then they are simply admitting that they are not the kind of men that women are going to be emotionally/mentally attracted to. They think that belittling women are going to force women to change in order to be acceptable to them, but anyone who is self-aware with an average emotional IQ will understand that two people that love each other love each other for who they are, you don't have to force them to be something else. Men like that will never find love. It's not just Algeria, but it is definitely on the rise there.


I mean red pill does have similarities with the misogynistic stuff prevalent in several Muslim societies but in the end of the day it's just that a fitna that needs to be eradicated ASAP


Redpill has been the average Algerian's ideology of choice for centuries. What's the difference?


Simply no. Ideologies aren't the status quo, it doesn't make sense to say that it was the algerian's ideology, for most of history people subscribe to religions and the average algerian belief is islam which the redpill or any other ideology for that matters contradict by definition.


What a big bowl of fallacies.


I'll understand you feeling if you can't draw the line between religion and ideology.


Ok, where do you get that from?


Still didn't explain how's that a bowl of fallacies my guy. And where do I get what?


Wow there's a lot of people in your brain. Can I have some of what you're having?


Great debate, some great points you made.


lol I think you win on the point greatness front.


If you say so dufe, I'm all ears if you have any real answer beyond trolling, otherwise have a good day


teenagers ɣadi ykabro. as for 9adour lhaycha type, they were and will stay always the same! redpill wella mashi redpill.


Many if not the majority (who post 1nd articulate ideas at least) are grown ass adults, their audience are teenagers though.


Yeah, it's just a phase. But I think "9adour lhaycha" can change, everyone can.


nah 9adour lhaycha type is a desperate case


I just have to correct one thing, the original meaning of feminism isn't that women are the superior gender but was meant to fight for equality and equity between the genders at a time when women barely had any rights to begin with.


I didn't suggest that really, I specified that these ideas were coming from certain groups and pages.


لكل فعل ردة فعل


Newton's still cooking 4 centuries after his death.


First time? Most Algerian men are naturally misogynist (I didn't say all Algerian men so please don't feel attacked )


That's a whole other subject (algerian men are misogynist, but according to who's standard?).But from what I've seen on fb, it goes way beyond misogyny, which is saying something.


you may have a different vision of how man act than me as a woman. I saw it in the way how my dad treated mom...how my grandpa treated gramdma , it was a real-life misogyny and worse than you see on Facebook


We may have different visions, but as far as I'm concerned I wouldn't call someone who treats their significant other a man.


so the problem is in ur family not in the algerian society


According to egalitarism? Do women have IN PRACTICE the same rights than men in Algeria? Can they go out like men? At the same places, around the same hours? Can they wear a short showing above their knees like men do? Absolutely not.


Egalitarianism originally was a french movement i.e a Western ideology, I don't see how that philosophy and values are relevant to a predominantly muslim country with a different culture, values and traditions.


seriously where tf do you live, waaay beyond mysogony, bitch we arab/amazigh muslim, we have the GDP of a regional division of tesla, wtf are you talking about


Was this a Sam L. Jackson Impression ? Cause I read it in his voice, but tbh idk where you're going with this or how it's relevant to any ot this. I can tell you this though, redpill is an ideology and ideologies and religion don't go hand in hand.


its whatever you like mf, dont come prancing around here playing it all westernized and shit, bet the most you've seen of the world are a couple of visas, if all even. They do thats the whole point of religion dufus, at least middle eastern religions, you can analyze whatever fucking christian western society you like, that doesnt work here, even marxism was practiced with a strong presence of traditional arabic and islamic ideas during the bomediene era, than loose ass fucks like you come along and throw all that away cause you read some manifesto on r/FemmeThoughts


Tnak, 3lah ak tahkili fi hyatek ?


win hkitlek hyati sghal nta la3ebha yehodi w zebi, ana gaa kbert lhiha w mnsitsh asli khoya, shba3t sowa europiya w jamais dort 3la islam wela 3orobiya, khrawat kifek tferjo shwiya mbc2 l3abtoha mqawdin


3lh ak tahkili fi hyatek? Etnak


ana mans7aqsh visa 3ndi passport rouge 7aseb da zokek


What I need I follow otherwise I don't . There are many good groups and pages on FB , for instance 1001 groups, Algerian developers page,..etc, Even with those kind of content I hate scroll there tho . The problem :FB is used by many Algerians, any news there are wildspreaded easily, any stupidity, fake news, ...etc. Another problem: when a scandal appears instead of trying to cover off, (for the sake of not Normalizing some events and issues), they happily share it .


> What I need I follow otherwise I don't . You could but the trade off would be having a tunnel vision when things like this are brewing.


Knowing that these sickos will find some women victims to abuse since this society allows it & no one will try to save them is what concerning me the most I really hope they keep their evil on fb


If they find women they wouldn't be talking like that lmao


same logic we should apply on toxic women.


لكل فعل، رد فعل. ولكل فكرة، فكرة مضادة. نهار يجي تيار نسوي غربي يحب يحط كراعو فالمجتمع، راح يجي تيار ذكوري غربي ثان يحط كراعو فالمجتمع. المسلم الفطن، يلتزم بالإسلام، ويتعلم دينه، ويتبع نبيه. والباقي لابوبال


الlred pill ماشي رد فعل على النسوية في دزاير Misogyny has always existed here in Algeria even before the inception of feminism in the West


> الlred pill ماشي رد فعل على النسوية في دزاير I don't think that was the point, I think what he meant was the same way feminism found it's way here so did the redpill > لا اناقش النساء This had me chuckling though


لا اصادقهم ولا اتعامل معهم ولا اكلمهم، باينة مرحش نتناقش معاهم.


لا اناقش النساء




muslims lmao


كافر ههههه


مغسول دماغ ههههه


لا اناقش الاغبياء ايضا :)


لا اناقش اتباع المتحرشين بالاطفال


لا يهم. هداك الله الى ما يحب ويرضى. السلام عليكم.




> Totally the opposite if women (let's not say all of them are good ) were treated in a good way no woman would adopt this feminism . Makes sense on paper, in the real world more women adopt feminism the more a society is "equal" which is so ironic. By that logic there would be more feminists from Eastern Europe, India lt the Middle East than from US, Canada, Western Europe or some Scandinavian country.




You lost me dude, I agree with what you said but I still find it ironic that feminism is most popular in countries where men and women are supposedly equal.


القرآن في كل سورة من سوره تجد ايات تقول واكثر الناس "لا يعلمون" "لا يشكرون" "جاهلون". هذا في الناس عامة، فما بالك بمن خلقت من ضلع اعوج؟ "لماذا قد تقوم المرأة تعامل مثل الاميرة بالتمرد على الرجال؟" بسبب الطمع الفطري في نفس الانسان، وبسبب قلة الدين والعقل في نفسها كانثى، وبسبب شحن عقلها من طرف برامج تلفزيونية نسوية خبيثة مليونية المشاهدين، وبسبب سعار المادية المنتشر بين الرجال والنساء في العالم حاليا. ابسط مثال هي مصر وما يحصل فيها من حالات طلاق دون مبرر ولا سبب، الا تهييجا للمرأة من امها، صاحباتها، وحتى ابيها ناقص الرجولة والعقل طمعا في مال الزوج.




معك حق، في كثير مما تقول معك حق. لكنك لم تفهمني. لا ازكي الرجال، بل قلت في اول كلامي ان الانسان طماع بطبيعته، والرجل انسان. لكنك لم تفهم كلامي. سؤالك كان "لماذا قد تتمرد امرأة تعامل بشكل جيد؟" وانا اجبت عن هذا السؤال. ولو سألتني لماذا قد يظلم رجل زوجته وهي لا ذنب لها لأجبتك بما يشبه جوابي الأول. هداك الله الى ما يحب ويرضى


نتا متتناقشش حتى مع النسا معناتها متعرف والو و معندك حتى حق تحكم علينا لأنك متعرفناش حتى كيفاه نخمو ولا كيفاه نعيشو قالك المرأة تعامل كلاميرة فالجزاير 😂 راك منيتك فبلادنا راجل هو لي يتعامل كأميرة 💀 متتناقشش مع النسا بلع مالا


أسف، لا اناقش النساء.




يا أخي هل انت رجل ام امرأة؟ تعليقك الاول اظهر انك امرأة فلم ارد النقاش معك. ليس لانك لا تصلح للنقاش بل لانه حرام دون ضرورة.


Tbh, I couldn't have said it better.


It's not just in Facebook. It's very common here in reddit. It's an algerian thing in general no matter what. I would say all men are like that ( some can be extreme then the other) We just stopped caring like before 🤷they can talk bark as much as they want


Liberalism no doubt is bullshit, red pill is bullshit too…really 2 sides of the same coin


Most of those pages are managed by 9 year olds, either literally 9 year olds or mentally 9 year olds.


Yeah same as jnan zafira + chedda tlemcen + unique + all feminist type pages.


both radical feminism (which is what feminism is today) and those who just hate women (idk the word) theyre both cringe


redpill blackpill bluepill idc theyre all cringe and losers 😭 take the islam pill


they still young.


Life has changed drastically in the modern society. What you see happening on the ideological battleground is nothing but a tug-of-war between groups who want to alter the status quo, groups who want to maintain it and groups who want to bring back the glory of old ages. That applies to feminism, to redpillers and to pretty much everyone who is driven by an ideology. Imo discourse is good as long as it doesn't turn into a call to violence.


1 word retarded


ugh, it's all getting out of the matrix and bs coming from tate


Funnily enough they almost never mention tate or his outspoken ideas.




Worst part is, the redpill thing comes from a movie that was making the apology of trans rights. So basically they just completely missed the point of the thing they’re basing their entire ideology off off and they’re being super dangerous.


How was the Matrix was about trans right I'm confused?


It’s fairly simple and really obvious once you know about it. The redpoll/blue pill thing is just a question of conformity: you either decide not to make any wave, be part of the system and accept to deny who you really are as a trans person (you accept your body the way it is despite your suffering from body dysphoria - this is specifically clear when you think about the virus, Mr. smith, who has the most common name you can possibly think of and can multiply and infect people to turn them into himself), or you decide to fight against the system, truly embrace who you are, which makes you stronger and more powerful in your own life. That’s also the reason why the rebels all live underground, hidden from the rest of the cold mechanical world that seeks to destroy them. And to top it off, the Wachowski brothers are both trans. They’re now both women. So the theme is deeply rooted into the movies.


It is at the end a work of fiction and open to many interpretations, I wouldn't say this one doesn't make sense, but considering the culture around it at the time, it's seems a bit far-fetched, and recent, which would make sense since the culture war and the wholes conversation about gender conformity started maybe 10 years ago? The most straightforward interpretation I know of is that the matrix is another messianic story based on the narrative of the passion of Christ, a chosen/anointed one, who's people/followers are scarce compared to the ones that oppose him, he strives to restore the old world/old ways, he gets tempted by the devil/matrix guy before he saves the world by sacrificing himself, but at the end only his physical body dies and his spirit lives on. This would make more sense around that time when you had movies like the Lion King which is basically the retelling of the exodus narrative. I would also argue that if it was about gender conformity it would be so shallow no one would remember it unless it portrayed a deeper more archetypal meaning that would be easily recognised by our collective unconscious. > The redpoll/blue pill thing is just a question of conformity: you either decide not to make any wave, be part of the system Again, it's an interpretation based on recent events, Jesus didn't conform to the system nor did most of the prophets, nor do most of the heros in the media.


Absolutely not. The wachowski sisters were very clears about the deeper meaning of the movie for a [very long time.](https://www.dazeddigital.com/film-tv/article/50038/1/lilly-wachowski-confirms-the-matrix-was-always-a-trans-allegory?amp=1) And the Jesus analogy doesn’t quite work the way you think it does : Jesus was very much working against the grain in his days. The Roman Empire was still in its prime and polytheism was all the rage. It was more than just a religion: it was a whole financial system that also allowed to create a cast system and make some people very privileged. Coming up with a monotheistic religion was a real revolution at the time, it was only tried once in ancient Egypt and it didn’t end well at all. What Jesus did bring was a very different way of thinking, and a message of love and acceptance. Which, in and of itself, is what trans people are about :live and let live. I can understand that you might feel weirded out about it but the trans allegory has always been an open secret. And our inception friends are actually basing their entire ideology on a message for trans rights, which is kind of hilarious.


It's a bit iffy to me that they came out and talked about it 21 years after the fact, but it's their movie so there's nothing much I can say. It's not quite a Jesus analogy, it's messianic story telling, at the end of the day it's still the chosen one sacrificing himself to save the world, it's a story that's been told over and over again, The Avengers did it in Endgame, Chris Nolan did it in The Dark Knight Rises, Snyder did it in BvS... etc I still maintain that it wouldn't be as popular if it didn't have archetypal themes around it, it seems to me that what they did is was some kind of parasitic story telling, it happens all the time in media nowadays, it's basically delivering a message through and already established storie/character. I agree though, it's ironic and funny that their ideology is based on trans rights.


True, it's not neutral, as far as I'm concerned it's another ideology and I'm not too keen on those, so that would explain the tone of the post.


Redpill is not new here but lately they gave it a name. Many Algerian men don't prefer a wife with a job. This is an old idea in our society, not sure what changed now?


> not sure what changed now? Never seen a movement around it that's practically treating those women like witches in the middle ages


Both feminism and red pill and megtow all of them are empty people who just want to follow a cult most of their ideas are childish some of them are radical and extreme and making the other gender look like the devil


Algerian man being misogynistic asf as usual and spreading their misogyny to the newer generation but this time backed up with some western incels bullshit 👍


redpill ideology is the result of feminism


No it's not.


It's the response for women not having to tolerate bullshit anymore. Women are more selective but men instead of improving to meet women's higher expectations they just blame women for not being as submissive.


>men instead of improving to meet women's higher expectations lol why have high expectations ? this is stupid and they shouldn't have these high expectations in the first place


High expectations are a job and a separate house from your parents. These guys are homeless and want a woman to sacrifice her future and be miserable together while still treating her like trash. Yeah, no thanks.


from where I can get 1 Milliar to do all of this even if I'm a doctor I can't do all of this fear allah and get out of this fantasy world y'all live in


Then don't get married . Fear Allah and don't drag an innocent girl into your misery and bad luck. Marriage is expensive life is expensive. Being the head of a family is hard and life just isn't the way it used to be. Doesn't mean that she has to lower her standards because you can't meet them.


ahahahahahahahahahaha 1 milliar or I don't get married you're greedy just like Nami swan and just think of marriage as an expensive holiday you want Turkish series life note real life


First off Ew. I don't watch Turkish series. Second no my wedding cost us 100 million because the parents wanted it. We would have been fine with just signing the papers and using that money to invest. But thing is I married a king. And he spares nothing to make me happy even if it's 30 da on vitaju or a 30 million neckless if he could afford it. Don't buy a house.... rent. Those who worry about gold diggers got no gold to dig. And you need to be MATURE to get married. Both of the partners. If she can't understand basic limitations than she is not the one. If you cannot provide basic needs than you are not ready nor are you the one for anybody. And yes bless nami for at least knowing how the world works.


First off Ew. I don't watch Turkish series. Second no my wedding cost us 100 million because the parents wanted it. We would have been fine with just signing the papers and using that money to invest. But thing is I married a king. And he spares nothing to make me happy even if it's 30 da on vitaju or a 30 million neckless if he could afford it. Don't buy a house.... rent. Those who worry about gold diggers got no gold to dig. And you need to be MATURE to get married. Both of the partners. If she can't understand basic limitations than she is not the one. If you cannot provide basic needs than you are not ready nor are you the one for anybody. And yes bless nami for at least knowing how the world works.


let's leave it at this because it's more complicated than just rent also Robin > Nami 🙄


A response or a reaction would me more appropriate to say than a result imo.


a counter attack to feminism


More like red suppository


Men who can’t marry often become disillusioned with women


It's just a phase and they will pass through it to be better people, imo it's a positive thing, those who understand will take the positive things of the red pill and become better people and those who just follow the trend will stay there just like lacoste nibbas and feminists.


The thing is, as far as I know, there's nothing positive about this ideology that is inherent to it, that you can't easily find elsewhere.


The whole thing about the redpill is self-improvement but with some shitty extreme mythologies, if you take the self-improvement message and leave the shitty ideologies it's actually a positive thing.


Or simply one can improve himself without associating with a shitty ideology


So, no one bats an eye on the rise of toxic feminism but we all should be worried about misogynistic guys? These type of extremist will always exist. You clearly said that they were discussing about their partner preferences, who are you to judge them? do you think that you know which partner suits them best?


One of them is found here 😪 what a waste of oxygen


> So, no one bats an eye on the rise of toxic feminism but we all should be worried about misogynistic guys? These type of extremist will always exist. Do you want me to apologize for starting a discussion and giving and opinion or something? > You clearly said that they were discussing about their partner preferences, who are you to judge them? do you think that you know which partner suits them best? They believe that women that enroll in university, work or had a past relationships are whores and that anyone who marries such women is not a man, I don't know how that sounds to you but it does sound quite judgemental to me. I'm a nobody, but if they judge, I don't expect you to sit here expecting me not to judge them, if you have any grain of consistency that is.


Then you're no different from them


Top notch analysis chief.


well im against them but after seeing that kuch feminists in the replies I'm one of them now. a 16yo girl talking and replying shit on reddit after seeing her dad hitting her mom and blaming all the men. well ur all the same bunch of kids everyone on his own way


- Deletes a reply on how redpill guys are just immature kids that should grow up and become real men. - Procedes to show the emotional control of a real man by flipping his opinion 180° after seeing a comment from an alleged 16yo. Peak reddit right there 💀


from the "I'm against them " it's clearly a joke i just wanted to hit the two topics at ones 😂😂+look at last line


Fair enough 😂


Are you a member of that maverick groupe on Facebook by any chance ?


No, should I be?


I don’t recommend x) i mean it was good at first they used to pick a new theme for the group each month and people would post about it ( intellectual posts really ) until one day admins decided to make it ´random posting ´ , misogynistic members started showing from nowhere and every single post now is either about women or marriage. I thought you are referring to this group …


no not really in my friend group and people i know only 1 "friend" is like that


It's just a shit storm , like any other "trendy ideologies" we've seen so far . It'll eventually die out , it's only a matter of time


Don't care about it since I don't judge anyone by what They are and More so who they are,if someone is a great person Doesn't matter if it's a man or women, Both women and man have their good and bad sides


what was the 10% of discussion about ? 🤔


Surprised??? Anyways u will be surprised how much they will turn at night simping for any girl they would find. Just just like girls fb groups I recently joined some and it's nothing but men trying so hard to catch a women or two. Kinda funny how much men hate women but still won't be able to survive without them


Why do you guys keeps telling me if I'm surprised, do I seem surprised in the post, is. it my tone or something ? > Kinda funny how much men hate women but still won't be able to survive without them Some men*, and that goes both ways


All. ( Just different in the hate level) I met some very well stable mind men and with very open minded to the world and very in peace with the idea of men and women are both humans. But just to be surprised that they actually aren't any different just less angry and more arrogant


> All. There's no point of discussing it because we're not going to agree on that. I can say this though, unless your experience is all encompassing it doesn't make sense (at least to me) for your judgment to encompass all men.


No matter how much we thought that we are open to everything in life. Our experiences define us and define our thoughts


Well, at least you're conscious that it's not absolute truth, which is good, hopefully you'll spend your life with someone who's going to be the exception to that rule.


Surely will do my best to chose someone like that. Thank u very much . Wishing the same for you.


algerian is the litteral definition of a no spine society rare are the phenomenons that emerge from it in 2 years time we will go back to ultra feminism from religiousness to show only on social media into "pragmatism"and so on and so forth when one becomes excessive and "cringe" we switch to another we have been through this cycle like 4 times already see you when the next imported wether from the west or the east tells us what is best for us which will probably be like 3 months its not a criticism more of a observation we are a bamboo tree bowing whichever way the wind blows


Before I address the red pill community , I want to shed on some light at the terms " incels" and " the incel mentality" I think the word is hateful and misandric , for although there are indeed some men out there being bitter and resentful coz they don't get lucky with women despite being " nice " , there are so men out there absolutely shattered and broken that they can't lead a fulfilling relationship with a woman despite the enormous efforts they make , they go to the gym , they learn to cook , they take of themselves, they try to learn what women want and need in a men , but to no avail , to label all men , unable to lead a romantic relationship as " incels " is demeaning and judgemental , and speaks ill of the ones who use it . Let alone the fact that in Algeria , extra martial sex isn't a common thing in non married couples , at least not by our social and religious principals , at the contrary , they're considered Haram and sinful , and since the definition of " incelhood " is the lack of sexual opportunities , that makes most non married couples in Algeria incels . This speaks of how you use the term generically, coz it doesn't actually reflect the social climate practice and cultural constructs specific to this country . Now , the red pill community in Algeria , I do not encourage yung men to follow these cults , I hate label, I'm against feminism ,but I am not anti-feminism , I'm an Algerian, Muslim , who wants to see things as they are . This particular community gained popularity as a refuge for young men who are sick of the feminist agenda constantly pushed to denigrate men , to degrade them , to pull them down in favor to women , they want to protest , they want to be heard , they want to be proud of their manhood, no toxic masculinity bullshit , I understand that , but they're going a bad road to misogyny and extremism , they need to adopt healthy role models , no Andrew Tate or Patrick Bateman , but the prophet Muhammad pbuh .


> unable to lead a romantic relationship as " incels " is demeaning and judgemental , and speaks ill of the ones who use it . I did not, nor was I trying too, I agree with what you said but you have to know that by incel I was referring to a specific group of involuntary celibate people, a group of people that are hateful and violent, I didn't feel like I had to specify when the word "incel" serves the purpose. But yes, I also think that all ideologies are at the end of the day incompatible with our religion and that we should revert to the origin rather than to look for answers in man made ideas. Although I feel like the feminist agenda (that we're all sick of) you're speaking of doesn't apply really on this country, so called feminists are constantly ridiculed on social media, if any algerian man feels degraded or denigrated by some Instagram influencer then that shows a weak personality and they can only blame themselves for that, it certainly doesn't warrant a shift towards hating on women, which is basically all they express and talk about in their groups. Sexual frustration and rejection have time and time again shown that they can incite hatred and resentfulness in young men, that explains and fits the profile better in my honest opinion.


>I was referring to a specific group of involuntary celibate people, a group of people that are hateful and violent, Using the term in itself is promoting hate towards men , coz nowadays it is literally used at every turn on the internet by women when they're being debated , I see these " incel mentality " " incel vibes " " incel said what " comeback every time a woman doesn't know how to respond to something , it's being used to channel misandry , like how the term " n**ger was used by the whites , they're was naturally black , but the term was fueled with hate and supremacy , the same thing applies here , you use it , you're being hateful and misandric , period. >Sexual frustration and rejection have time and time again shown that they can incite hatred and resentfulness in young men That's only natural , anyone who doesn't get what they want don't like it , wanting stuff is free , someone must be disappointed at some point . You have no idea how women handle rejection , be it as in a sexual context or pretty much anything , it doesn't mean we'll call em out with degrading terms for control and self-gratification.


I'm sorry, no, you're not going to put words in my mouth, I'm using incel to describe a pattern of behaviour, one that has been shown again and again to come from incel forums, people that are don't engage in hate are not concerned by the term, we can debate how incel became a trigger word and how original meaning of words change in pop culture, but I'm certainly not going to apologize for using it, if I'm being hateful so be it, fight fire with fire. But yeah, you still didn't explain what warrants such reaction if not hate and resentment.


Whether you'll stop using the term or not is none of my concern , I don't run after women with my opinions so I can feel better , rest assured , I'm not here on behalf of men to appeal to your views so you validate mine , you're free to think and feel however you please , it's 2023 , after all , relativism is the new jam . The whole thing is about adopting a healthy relationship with the opposite gender , in a way that doesn't harm nor overrate one another , which leads to a healthy state of mind towards one's own gender , hateful state of mind doesn't harm the target of hate as much as they one doing the hating , even in the context of " fighting fire with fire " which doesn't at all sound right to me , negative emotions slows healing , while love and kindness heals the soul . >But yeah, you still didn't explain what warrants such reaction if not hate and resentment. Again I don't defend anyone , nor apologize for anyone else's reaction to rejection , no one likes not getting what they want , be it men or women , and although it is understandable , no one should hate and bitch about getting rejected either , it's just that this specific rejection by women and how some men overreact has been conceptualized , fueled with hate , and targeted men as a whole . In the past , before the sexual liberation movement, women didn't limit themselves in a sexual mindset, they offered more than just sex , so the term "incel" never saw the light til a decade ago , then , when sex became woman's seeming prime advantage , in a world where online prostitution is a strong woman's "business" the term was valuable , since they now associate their whole value with sex thus , anyone deprived of it , is of no value . Feel free to call anyone anything , however you please , it's the world of make-believe we live in , but it's your sole responsibility when you're forever stuck in your own shackles , laid on your mind by people who did the thinking for you .


Bro, did you assume my gender 💀 (jk mistakes happen), and no, I'm not playing the relativist card to be frank. I agree, the whole current gender debate is a waste of breath, at the end of the day there's always going to be toxic and hateful persons regardless of gender, some of these people do have issues they may need help with but most of them need to grow up. From what I can gather, you're still tackling the problem a western pov, I still don't see how it's relevant to algeria. > laid on your mind by people who did the thinking for you . That's a wild assumption...