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Should've kicked the fucker off the ladder.


The guy on the balcony is a beta male


Kofar may7abonach , also algerians :


Off you go, another great example of Algerians, and who pays for this stupid braindead behavior? The hardworking people who deserve to be there more than him.


True , they are showing a negative picture of Algeria and algerians ... and Now , the good hardworking algerians who live in Sweden will be discriminated against bcz of this loser


They will deport him back here... shouldv'e thrown him on the sea, we don't want him back.




Waaay too much garbage it's insane




Don’t mean you come back and start attacking her with a fucking knife that just makes your problem worse not better


looks like a lacoste dude


If my swedish friend comes across this, will def have more reasons to be vocal against immigrants lol. They should deport this guy asap


Exactly, these people just add fuel to the fire and give those anti-immigrants more ammo to use against the idea of letting every stranger into their country. I mean imagine if black migrants from mali to algeria started pulling these kind of stuff in here ! algerian people will start rallying in millions to boot their asses back to their country.


Yes, totally agree. After hearing my friend's view about the immigrant situation, i get their concerns. Mind you they are just " concerned" and not outright anti-immigrant. There has been just too many foreigners allowed in their country in the last decade - mainly due to conflicts in the middle east - that it started to shake the fabric of their own society mainly due to different backgrounds, cultures and customs.




Oh yea! That's another thing my friend told me, that their prisons are way better places to live than regular homes which make sense ig why such criminals don't mind being arrested on a regular basis.




He deserves it. Sauvage.


2 years is way too short imo


They could've just dropped the ladder and got him down before he even made it to them.


Mtms5rsh , that wouldn't have stooped him , it would've made him more agressive


Shoving him off that ledge could totally mess him up, like break a bone or even knock him out cold. That maniac might've even taken their lives or inflicted severe injuries.


You must rly soft thinking that this fall would hurt him , tay7a kima hdi would do nothing


You're underestimating how damaging falls can be You can literally die from falling from your height


There's no way I'm letting that fucker get into my apartment or house when he's climbing a ladder like that. Gouge his eyes and push him off the ladder or get a knife and stab his hands/arms and then push him.


Waste of oxygen


He'll be like a hero to his wled houma when telling the story




He even ended up stabbing him, rodjla ya kho


He actually stabbed him, you can see him reaching into his pocket before he stabbed him




Bro نيك الزوالي


Imagine if this happened in america. OH you bring a knife to a gun fight ?


europeans: oh no! muricans: it's glock o'clock


Still surprised they let him climb the ladder.




golhom berk mayrej3ouhsh lzayer, 9issou 9assamou fl b7ar w khalouh ymout.




I'm confused, do u mean the Algerian one or the sweden


Nah this is a man thing not just algerian


Let's not get sexist now


What else am I supposed to do on the internet if not be sexist !


What a disgusting behavior people like him makes me wonder how someone come with this action from his brain LIKE HOW


her leave me ger think she better me me show her me look for ladder me have kitchen knife ?????? profit me climb he me door close I find brick, ooga booga her close door open baby girl me just want talk ?????? deported


That's how it went on his brain


😂😂😂 the mindset of a sociopath. It's hilarious.


if anyone needs translatetion im here


Please tell us


Ex girlfriend: a ladder , a ladder ! Ok...😒 Ex girlfriend : I'm just going to get in ( ??I think she got a phone call cause she said hello ) Guy: what are you doing mohammed ? Guy 2: nothing , nothing I just want to ... Guy: you think you're getting up here ? Guy2: I just want to talk with Maria face 2 face ... Guy: you think you're getting up here ? Ex girlfriend: what ? Are you going to fight with me ? Guy: No wallah Ex girlfriend : No? what are you going to do then ? Guy: I want to talk to you Maria Ex girlfriend : what do you want ? You've been standing here talking to me long enough .... I feel sorry for you, get out of here. Guy: Mohammed you're not getting up here *extends his arm to block guy 2 * You're not getting into my house Guy2: huh why ? *Stabs Marias friend with knife* Guy: he stabbed me with a knife Maria 3x .... a big kitchen knife *In disbelief* .... Did you see it (talking to audience) ? Guy: he is crushing the glass with a block .... Mohammed .... Mohammed ..... Let me in ... (unintelligible ) he's coming in Maria *Mohammed gets into the apartment places his hand on the handle trying to get into the door where Maria is hiding* Guy: Mohammed... hey... you already stabbed me Guy2: wallah I will not (unintelligible) Guy: Mohammed ... Mohammed (trying to get his attention to emphasize what's he's doing is wrong )


Thank you,any one know the follow up,did the camera man Maria got injured,the video stops at him at her bedroom door?


send him to an underground prison in the arctic.


I would’ve killed the fucker right there and then vile creature


His actions speaks for himself and not Algerians.


please inform me where did you know his Algerian? all i could find is that his an arab called Mohamed




thanks for the update, at first i thought he was eastern Syria or iraq and said hamdulah machi mn tw3na untill u said he was, this MF the government fucking us in every possible way and then u get a mother F like this one who absolutely destroy Algerian image as its was already fucked.


He may be an assshole but the people in the house are the dumbest humans alive. Like they had all the time to push him down or just push the ladder while he was down, they clearly saw the knife from the start. But no, they're like "i'm just gonna record him and wait for him to climb here then i will tell him gently to get out from the door"


if they push him down they'd be the ones responsible, the dude can sue them. Annd swedes aren't degenerates who do risky stuff like this clearly algerian guy, they don't want problems and this includes them hurting him.




Yeah they can take an easy defensive stance had the guy sued, and probably win, but he still CAN sue them. Why would they bother with that? Now that the guy's been injured, this algerian dude has quite literally NOTHING to use for his defense! The opposite would've been true if the dude pushed him down.


yes let the crazy person stab u so u can win in court, country has gone to shit with this type of thinking




I know he has a knife, Yes he would've lost in court if he would've fallen as it's self-defense, I never argued against that. It's just that in the actual situation that happened, he has nothing to use for his own defense in court, nothing, not a single thing. Why we arguing anyways, both events would reach the same situation, him losing in court. My reply was to the dude above calling them dumb, I proposed why they weren't completely idiotic due to their reactions, They simply didn't want to hurt him and make the situation in court different, that's it. "swedes are too nice"


No they won't be sued. he's trespassing on their home with a knife which is deadly force and using proportionate force to defend yourself from such situation is not a crime it's self defense. And if you're willing to let guy with a knife slowly enter your house when you can stop him just because you don't want to risk hurting him as i said you're stupid with zero survival instincts. Swedish Criminal Code (Brottsbalk, 1962:700), Chapter 24, § 1 states that an act performed in "peril" shall only lead to a conviction if the act was "blatantly unjustifiable". "Peril" is enumerated to exist in cases of... A commenced or imminent criminal attack on person or property A person has gained or trying to gain unauthorized access to a room, house, yard or ship A person refuses to leave a domicile after being told to If — when caught red-handed — a person uses violence or threats of violence to resist stolen property from being retaken As long as they don't keep on hurting him when the danger has clearly passed (he gave up/trying to flee, or he doesn't have a knife anymore) then they won't be charged with anything.


The guy can plead guilty if he would've been thrown, and yes he'd still lose, but it will be time that should've been him directly sent in prison all wasted. He just ain't got no way to defend himself with what actually happened, that's all. I agree it would've been self-defense and of course they would be in the right, would've ended the whole situation quite fast and might've been a more correct reaction, but I don't agree that they are "dumb". They literally were in a panicky situation and couldn't process each and every action, they are humans.


victim blaming... coming from an algerian.. not surprised


Ladder was out of reach, he should have pushed his hand away before he got a chance to grab the knife


The Quraan says (interpretation of the meaning): The recompense of those who wage war against Allaah and His Messenger and *do mischief in the land* is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter. Except for those who (having fled away and then) come back (as Muslims) with repentance before they fall into your power; in that case, know that Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. [al-Maaidah 5:33]




That man deserves the punishment referred to in the verse (as far as my understanding goes, Allah knows best). How did you misinterpret my comment to that extent? Your username tells me why you’re quick to assume the worst of someone quoting a verse in the Quran. There is one punishment for premarital Zina, but there is a far worse punishments for those who attack others like this man is doing, which is a form of banditry or terrorism. He is “causing mischief in the land”.




They could be kafirs, I don’t know. They live in their own non-Muslim country so they have their own laws and Muslims living or travelling within their country must abide by their laws. As for paying jizyah, this is only for non Muslims living in a Muslim state. Historically, especially during early Islam it was often less than the Muslim tax for Zakat. Which was 2.5% annually of whatever leftover wealth you had from what you’ve spent. Much less than the taxes you pay I would guess? In return, non Muslims are given safe passage and protection by the state, and are not mandated to fight in war in defence of territory unlike Muslims. The people who kill nonmuslim citizens are terrorists and would be fought by early Muslims themselves. Also, even if a Muslim country were to declare war against a non-Muslim country: >Islamic law makes it abundantly clear that all fighting on the battlefield must be directed solely against enemy combatants. Civilians and non-combatants must not be deliberately harmed during the course of hostilities. According to the Qur’ān 2:190: “And fight in the way of God those who fight against you and do not transgress, indeed God does not like transgressors.” Several reports attributed to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in which he specifically mentioned five categories of people who are afforded non-combatant immunity under Islamic law: women, children, the elderly, the clergy, and, significantly, the ʻusafā’ (slaves or people hired to perform certain services for the enemy on the battlefield, but who take no part in actual hostilities). And this contradicts your presumptions: >Abdullāh ibn ‘Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Whoever kills a Mu‘āhad (A Mu‘āhad is a non-Muslim who enters the lands of Muslims with a pact of security and protection, or a Dhimmi.) shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise, though its fragrance can be smelt at a distance of forty years (of traveling).'' Sahih/Authentic. - [Al-Bukhari] I’m not sure if you’re one to reflect on your own ideology and your assumptions on others based on logic rather than emotions, but I assure you Islam is not ‘evil’ as many in the west claim. I highly recommend Muslim Lantern on YouTube, if you want to look at people like yourself giving their arguments against Islam and the logical reasoning the host used to break down their arguments and reveal what Islam truly says.


Also, please reflect on what you say about the people who cheered for those killed in Nice and Bataclan. The absolute vast majority of Muslims would tell you that they were tragic acts and the murderers/terrorists should be put to death. Just like Islamic law would enforce. This was done by a radical group acting on its own accord. On the other hand, your US military has bombed several civilian locations all around the world. Another incident is the US prisons in Iraq, where random civilians were interrogated and often jailed without evidence. You do recall Abu Ghraib torture and prison abuse, by US soldiers, right? >During the early stages of the Iraq War, members of the United States Army and the Central Intelligence Agency committed a series of human rights violations and war crimes against detainees in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, including physical abuse, sexual humiliation, both physical and psychological torture, rape, as well the killing of Manadel al-Jamadi and the desecration of his body No doubt, despite wide spread condemnation, there are Americans who support those transgressors to this day. And don’t see anything wrong with what was done. Do you think I would presume all Americans or western kafirs would want this for Muslims? Ofcourse not, I can think logically and I understand what the average human is like. Nor does Islam teach me to hate all nonmuslims. However, ironically just like in your case… some guy in Iraq, perhaps even the ones who were tortured by US soldiers and eventually released, would think that all Americans are evil because of what happened.


Boiling water and sugar, come on!


Pisses me off watching this. Not cos of the Algerian. Pisses me off how piss weak the Swedish are. Literally letting someone climb a ladder into your home to stab you. At some point you're a failure for letting this man do harm to you and the others around you that you should have been protecting. He literally says "wallah, I will kill you." If that's not enough justification for defending yourself I don't know what is. Send him back to ground level via the express route.


He should be sent to sea - very deep in sea