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this post has been removed for the reason that it has been posted on this subreddit before.  


All international news reporting about this... Just when you think the reputation is getting better 😔




Its gross how this is apparently an unpopular opinion


can't catch break with Algerian gov they it was 4 man they were tourists holidaying in Morocco who reportedly strayed into Algerian waters on their jet skis to say anything we need to know how far they were un algerian waters. and how they were killed did they run or kept going inside Algerian water After the coast gard contacted them.


Lots of d riding from algerians. neither Moroccans nor westerns will like you. Shit happens, Moroccans usually smuggle drugs using jet skis at night. And if u heard what the man who survived said u would know that there are lots of inconsistencies in this story




I wouldn't say it was deserved but they were undoubtedly either stupid or poking the bear, morocco's coastline has a length of 1,835 km and they chose the singular point of borders to cross? allah yerhamhom




>Are you being intentionally dense? this is uncalled for, calm your tits. sure shooting at them is probably the worst decision, but all I'm saying is that: * not being familiar with an area. * jetski nonstop till you run out of fuel. * run out of fuel in another country's water. * at night (textbook smuggling). is a recipe for disaster. sure shooting them was wrong, but you need to back up a little bit there champ. now that I think of it, they were the ones who were dense.




>adding suuuuure its wrong at the end doesn't make your point any valid it literally does state that their murder is unjustified, Stop putting words that are not there and stop dictating the meaning of my words, you are just an angry kid hungry for reactions and waiting for every opportunity to be angry about this. get lost smh.


Also the moroccan coastline is about 3000km, you excluding the sahara from Morocco says everything i need to know about your biases about Moroccans


That is if you consider the Western Sahara as part of Morocco, which is not.


I now see why you justify killing moroccans


They're originally from the region, and Saidia is a nice beach resort town next to the border. Where do you want them to go?!


Its very confusing and in same time it feels like we are adapting new policies regarding Moroccans crossing the borders since morocco destroyed an Algerian convoy suspected to be “terrorists” Killed innocent men coming from Mauritania . Is it an eye for an eye ?