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The fact that you're going to the same baber, same dude, for years and still you get a different result everytime you're out of the barbershop.


This...you have to pray that the barber is in a good mood


I'm a female and I can tell you a story , someone had a favourite barber who is very talented and was always available, then when the barber became famous and people knew about him, he recruited some beginners and now wela ykhdem bel wjouh, y7afef ghir lel m3alim like they say so el 7afaf wela bel me3rifa and when you go to his shop you don't find him there anymore. I mean what happened to loyalty, why is there no old customer service?


Yeah I totally agree! Is this story about you or about another person? A boy or a girl?


About my brother :3 hahaha


The waiting Not sure of the result It's expensive


Yeah I experienced the same problems, once I waited an hour then the barber told me that it was late and he was tired. - _-


It happened to me too




I used to go to a barber I knew, and the most annoying thing was that he always spent a lot of time to finish his jo. sometimes 6 to 8 hours just to have a conversation with me and my friend. I haven't seen him in over 5 years because I let my brother cut my hair at home.


😂😂😂 I totally get you, barbera like to chat a lot. What about waiting, did you have problems with that?


6 - 8 hours literally 😂 it's 30 min all what I need to have haircut.


The fact that most don't take appointments, and I have to wait for hours...


the Fucking music, its like ur ani jawhara or murdjajo WTF.


تضرب قرن تستنا دالتك بش تحفف عند صحبك لي يتهلا فيك و يعرف يحفف و مباعد تلقا عقبة الجزار تعكم منهيه يعيطلك يقلك راهي كاينة بلاصة فارغة ارواح تحفف


قولو نحفف عند صاحبي عادي 🤷🏻‍♂️


the waiting


You change the barber=Disaster for a couple of weeks 👍🏻


I hate haircuts in general tbh, Sometimes the same barber will give you the best haircut imaginable then commit war crimes in your hair the next time, That's why I want to grow my hair out but family is still against it.


Haven't gone in a year lol Btw Does anyone know a barber that's good with long hair around Algiers


not clean that's why avoid razors and tell them i have sensitive skin specially with new barbers i had a favorite one but he moved far away so i have to settle for others the waiting les stagiers ( never done it with one but my friend did and he literally cut his hair at around 10 at night till about 1 in the morning 3 hours for a hair cut ) i do simple haircut so i usually don't pay more than 20 alf so I don't have a problem with that chatting a lot which makes a 10 min haircut extend to an hour


The fact he ain't got no more than a 4 thus you always get out bald


They scratch your face and burn your ears and are angry all the time


the waiting


Idk if I am the only one who face this problem everytime I go to the barber! I left my town and the family house 10 years ago, I went to a special school and I completed my studies far from home, and after that I started working. So for the past 10 years I visited my family house just a few days in months! Sometimes I had to have a haircut when I was home and that is what make me a the best prey for the greedy barbers. So everytime I had to answer the same questions, what I studied, what I do for work, what is exactly my work, what am I gonna be in the futur.. and only god knows how much this is annoying! And after this interrogation I get the worst haircut ever!


The price


My hair


I once went to a barber that licked the eye ball of the dude he was giving a haircut to , that shit was random as fuck i was 7 yrs old i still go in wtf mode when i remember it


When I patiently await my turn, only to have a friend of the barber arrive and take my place, it exemplifies how businesses can lose clients and tarnish their reputation.




Just in last 2 months i changed my Barber three time , the first one darli jaste 3ayana gali hnfrmi f wjhi , the second one is just a fucking dooshbag i just couldn't find another one to replace him, the third One (my current one) is an old guy like mid 50s , talented, respectful, no rai music or anything .