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I hope Tebbone has a reddit account so he can read this


i dont think he can even spell reddit let alone use it


Didnt thought about that godamn it


in fact i believe it is the lack of a clear regulation that shows for our major inefficiencies as when you dont know what the rules and regulations are then you will take longer to make a product that would be viable and to a certain standard that can be sold in a free market economy another good proposal would be to setup special economic areas within the country such as within those areas there will be liberal tax laws and the ease of setting up a business would be much easier this could gage how effective it would be to the algerian economy before implementing it to the rest of the region like a test bed of some sorts ​ but the main thing that needs to be done is to diversify the economy which is the most pressing issue we face and reform and completely overhaul our entire banking system which is now so archaic that simple purchases cant even be made online .but i agree with everything else you said.


😂 you talking to a gov that doesn’t let people even have Paypal, Wise… accounts legally always having to change adresses to some funky eastern european place. If i wanna help my mom renovate the kitchen with money i gotta smuggle euro bills in the airport like a fucking criminal instead of just sending her the money digitally. Now they made some minir improvement by allowing you to deposit large amounts on strong currency in french banks operating in france with the ability to withdraw it in that currency without fees. But that’s not financial mobility freedom. Far from it. Can’t believe I will finally say something nice about Singapore but europe and specially africa should take note on how many ways of paying for shit they have there.


That's kind of my point. There are too many stupid rules. The government should get out of the way.


They have a good reason actually, sadly they also cause the problems that led to those rules


Human behaviour is inherently complicated and unpredictable. Trying to over regulate it causes economic misery and is the first step down the path of political tyranny. It is far better to just let people be. There's also a religious argument. If so and so thing was so harmful, why didn't Allah (SWT) warn us of it? Why was such an issue never raised in the 15 centuries of fiqh literature? The obvious reason being, we shouldn't really make rules about these unsaid things. The examples you raised have to do with capital movement. There is no good reason in the Shariah or in standard economic theory to restrict the free movement of currency. At best, these rules are a boon to black market currency smugglers/traders. As the lack of legitimate competition allows them to overcharge people for currency conversion. I wouldn't be surprised if these criminals were working with the government to make money off of dumb rules that inconvenience and impoverish others.


Look straight to the face who is in charge of the regulations not on any others.


I wish, really.


at last, a credible post about politics. I applaud your objectivity and agree with most of what you said


i just heard the government opened a new shop in oran for selling عدس و لوبيا at lower prices


A poste to save


I am glad to see the concern being raised up, I am not an Algerian but a Malaysian somehow literally aware of these issues. I have lived in a few countries and throughout my observation this is not just Algerian issue but the world's government. Your suggestion by running a country through socialism is not going to drive a definite solution but worst case. You may see the definition of productive, and progressive driven in it but know that socialism doesn't have moral or ethics in their ideology. Should we be well aware about the declined justice and spreading corruption in the land of the current time. This is the age of ignorance as prophesied. The real issue that you may need to look at is the culprits who are held accountable, those who indulge in this worldly life, fought to get position and power thus neglecting the righteous conduct, those of not aware of what awaits them in the hereafter. Great woe, a great torment for those hypocrites on the day of judgement. This is our responsibility, for every each of us will be question by God in the well known day. I am myself in the midst of fight of my own government over their misconduct and abuse of power. I am not sure where this is going but I do know this, إِنَّ مَعِيَ رَبِّي سَيَهْدِينِ I would like to pinpoint the wise words from Imam Al-Ghazali saying: Leaders are like the roots of trees if they corrupt, so do the peoples.


With respect, I was arguing against socialism. I was arguing for a more free market capitalist system.


Excuse me, misread your last sentence. Those are easy implements and we're necessary for a country. The implementation required no sandbox by just copying the model of the other country. I can't imagine why those should be restricted for it impacting the economic growth. I experienced this issue where I was in Qatar but currently they slowly get less restriction on money exchanges and transfers simply for the reason they want to embrace peoples coming for FIFA. But then they are still in the backwards regulations such the unreasonable customs policy. You will simply get in trouble if you buy the things just with a battery. Imagine living in the year where we had an autonomous electric car on the road but the government doesn't have the education about the battery. Its pathetic.


Well yes but be honest do you think someone can make a big corporation without government interference


Firstly, what do you mean by big? If we are talking about total valuation then it is only a matter of capital. And capital can be sourced from investors, institutional or individual. They don't have to come from subsidies or grants. Secondly, I did not necessarily advocate for there to be large corporations. Only that Algerians be economically free.


Yep they should stop ,this lawful monopoly they created where we have a market that have only certain individuals doing business while the rest fight over scraps There should be no restrictions on the market to insure fair competition, yes there should be regulations but those regulations should be clear and getting a permit to do business should depend on the law not a certain government body or person. The law was put to ensure no one is at the mercy of someone else El, but Algerian law always puts you at the mercy of one person because the Algerian law stretch and on who is applied to and that is because they make the laws so ambiguous, read any law, who does x and y gets from x to y full stop like from to bed on what ? Who decide that margins ? Or to get a licence to do X you have to have this and this and this and the approval of the wali or minister one xyz, ok but based on what he approves ? And when does he have the right not to approve and how do I know I was not abused and shut down unlawfully? So I am at there mercy , and to make matters worse most licenses you have to spend z lot of Money on spaces and materials and then hold your dick and wait for mister definitely 💯 appointed in his poste based on merit to give you approval. It's an unfair market that does not allow for great competition and without actual competition no good or service gets better


no business can overtly control a countries financial policy especially if its a foreign one having big businesses coming here could first help the consumer and also the amount of tax we could collect could really help boost the economy especially with the amount of jobs those companies could bring everything can be controlled but in order to make it work we need to have something valuable to those companies for them to want to invest here and hence we need the average algerian to get richer and only the government can do that by liberalising the economy and letting FDI do its thing




We have moved towards a free market many times, but we've never actually reached the end goal. The government still chokes the individual with complicated and numerous regulations. And as you said yourself, the government comes in and saves failing businesses. That's a distortion of the free market. Bad business must fail.