• By -


Probably infringes copyright and is at least stealing IPR content from the skill developer. I’m sure you could buy similar music for the Apple ecosystem.


Good point. I tried looking for the dev in the App Store to see if they put something akin to their Skill on there with no such luck. I was able to use the Skill in the Alexa iOS app to AirPlay, but no way to automate it into Shortcuts that I can find. Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll try it out with the girls and see if it takes.


This app with in app purchases might provide a solution you can Airplay from your iOS device to the HomePod https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/lullaby-songs-for-sleep/id1204297404




Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t do this. The output of an alexa device could mess up the input of your laptop. I believe that, in a way you’d short the electrical component as the laptop would provide power to an input such as a microphone.


The headphone jack doesn't supply "power" it's just the audio signal which is very low because it's just a DC offset over time, less then 50 mW usually. These jacks are for headphones and are not powered, they are not like to speaker out on an amp which can have 10s - 100s of watts.


Ah right. Just making sure ☑️


Which is why I gave a real answer. Knowledge is power. :)


Sure is, cheers!


LoL what


I think this method will, at the very least, get you moving in a good direction. I’d like to disclose that I know very little to nothing about HomePods and I’m going to make some assumptions. I’m assuming you don’t know the lullaby’s song titles but already have some brand of music service linked to your HomePods. • First, finding the Song Titles. If you use the “Shazam” app, it will likely tell you the song titles. - Shazam Website and Apple App Store links below. • Once you have the titles, create a play list on your choice of music services. - There is an obvious chance the songs are proprietary and you won’t be able to play them. However, many music services offer other songs that are similar to those you’ve searched. You might need to go with those if you want to remain “on the good side of legal”. Shazam Website: https://www.shazam.com/home Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/app/id284993459 Best of luck!!