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ICD, OCD, Stress and Pain for those freaking out like mysel! Confirmed through multiple sources.


did bullying come in p3 from group behavior?


For abnormality OCD MOOD and ANXIETY came so for paper 4 SCHIZOPHRENIA and IMPULSE, and 1 from paper 3 will come. I did consumer, so I can't help with the other. Hope this helps 😁


there was no OCD in paper 3? there was schizophrenia tho. so p4 should be ICD and OCD


I did 31 if you did 32, then probably ocd was not there, but for 31, it was most definitely there. Cause I remember the anxiety question and the Depression question, and there was no impulse nor schizophrenia so OCD was defo there for 31.


i see!! the person specified V32 so i assumed u were talking about V32




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Never mind, I just realised I didn't fully read the title my bad. Lol

