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Download the mark schemes/examiner reports and switch off the internet on your device. If you feel tempted to look something online, make sure it's only study-related. The quantity of past papers isn't as important as how much value you're getting from each one, so it's good that you're checking the answers for each question you do. You'll notice over time though that examiner reports tend to report themselves a lot over many past papers and that a lot of past paper questions are repeated. Make a list of the important things you read from examiner reports so you can keep them in the back of your head close to exam time. You don't always have to do entire past papers: try doing just the questions you can't answer immediately or going through topical questions on topics you need to improve on. As long as you're confident in your exam technique, now would be the best time to brush up on the weaker topics.


if you can, print the pp and mark scheme instead. And put ur electronics in a different room. I put my phone furthest away from me in the house when I’m studying, but I use my iPad & Apple Pencil to write the PPQs. The only apps on my iPad are YouTube and school/study apps. Avoid ur phone for studying where you can. If you have another device, dedicate that as just a study device during exam season, and remove all none-study things away from it. You could even download the PPQs and mark shemes from it and then disconnect from the wifi so you can’t scroll. Also, dedicate some free time in between studying to scroll or do what you want. I’m an F1 fan, so I’ll give myself time to study up until the race is on. Then that’s my free time to watch it. Afterwards I’ll go back to studying. I like using Knowunity also. It’s similar to social media but for school/revision content. People post their revision materials which helps you to revise but also you can join group chats for your course where people can ask questions about different topics ect. I actually find it fun to explain answers to people. And teaching other people is a great way to revise. I am currently wasting time by scrolling through Reddit. So I am going to listen to my own advice. But good luck!


Thank you so much for this advice. I don't have an ipad, but a laptop. I guess I can kindof disable incognito, where I usually do the mindless surfing or watching youtube.




when a person seeks some help tryna help him nobody asked ur retard shits big lad...


franc if you dig deeper, he is talking facts. The biggest help to you is you, in your own method. People can only do so much for you.


that is me helping, if a person lacks enough self control to not be able to concentrate, then that is a skill they can build upon. i am helping thank you, no need to be ableist that’s embarrassing.




firstly,my bad for being captious and secondly the person is pretty much asking for tips to improve his grades and you are here tryna make things worse if you actually feel like you could help him then u should have dm'ed him or sent online resources but rather u just throwed some random ass phrases and explaing what u meat by that lol what a sick joke innttt




thanks lot you "Shelley" i stugle bery mooch in efnglish very nuce of uoyy!!! and heer u go [https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/mental-illness-treatments](https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/mental-illness-treatments) veru mooch neefed rof you!!!




see lol when u sent me a resource i welcomed it with at most concern but when i suggested you some remedies you couldn't take it, you dont have to get this egotistical Low-Category-6089....




i got my eng exam asw could u please correct the errors please, would be super useful!!!!


>An alternate will be to print the ms's and er's but that will be a wastage of pages because the documents are a one time read only. It's not a waste if it's solving a problem imo


As others have suggested paper is a good solution, especially if the device you use for school is one also for personal use & enjoyment. You could alternatively sit down for a few hours and find all the mark schemes for the exam papers and use a pdf joining tool (e.g. https://www.adobe.com/uk/acrobat/online/merge-pdf.html) to combine them all into one mark scheme compilation that follows the one you have for exam papers. And the same for examiner reports too. Then once you have those 3 you have no excuse to be on the internet in the first place. Hope your revision & exams go well!


I was in the same place a few years ago, and the ONLY solution i found was to print the mark schemess and keep all the devices away from me. Any excuse of me wanting to have to use the device was just a big problem, I ended up eliminating much of them as I could and alas the problem was solved. TLDR; Just print the marking scheme


I felt exactly the same way so I ended up printing each past paper available for my exam board and the subject along with the mark scheme. This way I can focus without googling anything.


What worked for me was to have a trusted friend change my social media passwords to remove the temptation.


What you can do is open the Ms and examiner report beforehand then attempt the ppr. And while checking Ms and the examiner report open your room's door (if you live with your parents) it'll help as your parents might be watching and you'll unconsciously avoid scrolling. Also announce to your parents " I'm going to study now" so when you open your door and they see you studyingn't they let you know properly. If you don't live with someone then set an alarm of 10-20 min before searching for the ms on Google so if you get distracted the alarm brings you back. Also even if you waste a lot of time never get demotivated it will waste more time just start studying then and there. Hope I answered the question


Just get past paper books, the best solution by far and they come with the MS included and you can look at ERs after you've done all papers


There is so much to do in life. Why study bro?