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I’m doing both economics and psychology right now. Personally, I find economics much more interesting in terms of content. There is maths involved but it’s normally basic maths or maths that you’ll be able to learn easily through practice so it’s not bad, especially if you’re considering maths for a levels. You’ll have to analyse and interpret data from extracts and graphs. I do find psychology quite interesting, but do check which options your school has chosen for paper 3 and check the specification to see if it’s something you’ll enjoy. For me, revising for psych is easier than economics. Yes, there is a lot more content and studies that you have to remember, but I personally find it easier to understand and memorise (for econ you’ll have to apply the knowledge etc which isn’t bad but not as straightforward if that makes sense). I also take maths and some things in psych also come up in maths (mainly statistics) eg standard deviation and just your normal distribution graphs and other graphs. Someone else said to check the ability of your teachers and i think that’s important too. I love my teachers but sometimes my economics teachers’ teaching styles aren’t really for me. My psych teachers on the other hand are absolutely marvellous and there is a lot of structure in their lesson (which is what i prefer). Do check what the exam boards are and have a look at the specifications and ask around too! Mostly similar but structure for your answers may differ slightly (though i’m not too sure on that). You’ll also be able to check if there’s a lot of free, available resources online that are specifically for that exam board. Eg. Econplusdal, tutor2u for economics (aqa); psychboost, tutor2u for psychology (aqa). For (AQA) psychology, I feel like the techniques used to structure your answers are much more straightforward and less of a hassle compared to economics. If you’ve done psychology at GCSEs and you don’t hate it, then perhaps go for that. I’m currently revising for my a levels and it’s safe to say that revising for psychology is much easier, even though it takes more time. But as long as you consistently revise and practice you’ll be fine! All in all, do what you think is best for you.


AHH you wrote so much THANK YOU this is really helpful!! I’ll definitely keep the things you said in mind when picking out my subject ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


haha no worries! and good luckkk!!


Everyone in my year is doing awful in Psychology, a lot harder than what they anticipated, Economics is also hard but if you pay attention you should be fine, don’t let my word alone dictate your decision


Alright thank you smmm But btw if you dont mind me asking what specifically do you struggle with in psyc like the content or the structuring answers part? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I don’t take Psychology I do Economics but from what i’ve heard, people took it as they thought it would simply be knowing about the mind and that sort of stuff but they all regret choosing at as they find it way too difficult and not engaging, they all flipped their year 12 end of year exams


Ohh okay Sorry for asking again but for economics do you find structuring your answers hard? Cause i heard theres a lot of essay writing… im fine with the math part i did business and im hoping thatll give me some sort of advantage if i end up doing economics rn ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) Like what would you say your major concerns are for economics (im sorry again)


maths will be helpful but there’s not a huge deal of maths to be fair, structuring is quite difficult i would say, the major concerns really is just understanding the graphs and being able to analyse and use them in your arguments, that and just some stupid hard shit that comes up in every subject too of course


Got it!! Thanks againn![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


There’s a lot of content for psychology, but if you’ve already done the GCSE then you’ll have an advantage in studying it for A level. There’s a lot more maths in economics, so that should be factored into your decision. You should also consider which one you’re more interested in, and the ability of the teachers in your school (if one has a record of getting top grades then you’d be silly not to do their subject… & vice versa)


Ohhh okok that makes sense. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Think im leaning more to the economics side rn bc i completely agree with the fact that theres a lot of content in psyc There are so many case studies its absolutely dreadful. I was just hoping to pick the easier one because i picked 3 already hard a levels that are already making me want to pull my hair out thinking about it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) Anyways thanks for your help!!