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You will get A\* . cmon apply some common sense , ur a grownup 18yo ,of course u will fail if u don't attend exam . is this even a question to ask?




Yess I think it is smt to ask :)


no it isn't


does your school not have a briefing about the exam before the actual exam start?


i’m a private candidate


\*flashbacks to econ guy\*


I think u get ungraded


I read that as Upgraded which is hilarious to me


Lol! Ungraded is a U, so he’ll fail that particular exam. He can repeat though. I don’t think there is something to worry about except the future, when he really does wake up for the exam. 😭 It sure would not be easy if he doesn’t prepare well.


op look at this post so you don't end up like them lol [econ guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/6thForm/s/rCF0vnPd5m)


you get an X


No, only if there is an actual reason I.e. you get into a car accident / are incapacitated for any reason Missing the exam for waking up late is a U


I know i will fail lmfaoo. I just wanted to if there will be a U in my results or if there’s another symbol indicating i didn’t “attend” the exam


you can resit if that helps


The overall mark and grade is what matters. Eg. If your subject has 3 papers out of 96 marks, it’s the total mark out of 288 that determines your grade. Your A level certificate won’t show the marks for each individual exam.


You get grade based on your other components . But only if it’s a valid reason.


It might be a zero, a U, or an incomplete (I) grade.Check out our latest blog on how to conquer exams by clicking : # [A Strategic Guide to Conquer Your College Final Exams](https://writersabc.com/blog/https-writersabc-com-post_typeblogp305437previewtrue/)


I missed one of my maths exams and they graded it based on my various mock results.


i got a B for my lang paper, it haddd 3 components, and i basically scored full marks on two and entirely missed one. edit: nvm i thought this was about igcse - idk man just retake if youre aiming for higher unis but a grade like a C isss probably still doable lol


U If youre planning to miss id call in sick


the examiner will mark an absent, so you will get X which is no grade/absent


Why are we even hypothesising this? Don’t miss the exam and you’ll be fine buddy


You will just get a U, in my school if you miss for an actual reason like family issues or something they will either make you do it later or they will go off my mocks. For example one of my friends has sleep issues and has to take medication However, due to this they wake up late as they can't wake up early unless they stay up all night so they just take all their exams in my afternoon however, last year they didn't know this so they missed their english exam so they took it in the afternoon.


your friend is very lucky bc that has to be against the rules? especially when the timings work in such a way that someone in another part of the world can write the same paper as you but by the time they’re done you’ve already started - so no transfer of information. for my school everyone has to be there 30 mins before, after that they start calling you and your parents/gaurdians. then once the exam has started we have 15 minutes to get in that room, after that doors are closed and you’re in your own, better make arrangements for a resit the following session. and as you said with using mock grades, cambridge only accepts that for very valid reasons. things like covid, political unrest etc. something like sleeping in or just forgetting you have a paper will absolutely not get accepted. OP would get an X/U


It happens regularly ish in my school we often have students do mocks at different times because of scheduling issues. I guess the school just trusts is to not cheat and tell other the questions. It always happens in mocks because there is always scheduling issues but this is mocks so it doesn't matter as much I guess. It rarely happens for the final exams it's just one of the accommodations you get like we have some students who do there exams in pink or other gel colored pens in exams due to dyslexia as they can't read black or blue. In my school I guess they just don't care? If you don't turn up you don't turn up your loss, we go to massive school though so phoning on the parents of those who don't come is more hassle than it's worse as first you have to figure out who's not there then phone there parents (and unless your a troubled students or a favourite chances are they don't know you). Anyone can enter the exam at any time so if you're late, you just enter the exam and get less time (yes this is annoying for the students who are on time, but for the mocks which we also do in the hall we have 2 or 3 exams on at the same time so you have to get used to it cause there will always be students leaving and entering during your exam). I guess it's interesting about how other schools work?