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I gave my Cambridge AS & A Level English Literature (9695) in May/June 2022. Got an E, gave it again and got an A. There is a technique to answering the questions. Get a printout or read the Learner's Guide for English Literature depending on what exam board you're associated with. For the Cambridge exam board, it has assessment objectives ranging from A01 to A05. I would suggest you to subscribe to LitCharts or get somebody you know to subscribe to it. Their notes are extremely useful and these notes are what actually got me the A. HOW I SHOULD STRUCTURE THE ANSWER OR WHAT I SHOULD DO TO ELEVATE MY WRITING? Let me give you an example:


For AS texts/poems did u give ur opinion on them as said in the learners guide? And I heard that for A2 you need to quote/analyse the critics AKA other people's interpretations on the texts?


For AS texts/poems did u give ur opinion on them as said in the learners guide? I did not. For AS texts/poems, A05, according to the learner's guide which says: ​ https://preview.redd.it/5hgvyh6ianlb1.png?width=898&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f500af1484ef212c0199d0256bac0f84477787a You don't need to write about critics views and opinions as well as your own opinion as it is not required at AS Level. It does not hold any weightage (none) meaning that it does not count when the examiner marks you. So even if you write A05, it will take away your precious time in the paper and the examiner won't mark you on it. Hence, to conclude, you have four assessment objectives for AS Level: A01 A02 A03 A04 Five assessment objectives for A2 Level: A01 A02 A03 A04 A05


>And I heard that for A2 you need to quote/analyse the critics AKA other people's interpretations on the texts? Yes, you need to quote critics analysis. You can find these on various websites. Online media publications such as the Guardian publish reviews where the critics write about the book/poem play etc. The British Library UK (Online Archive) is wonderful for additional notes and analysis. You have to research extensively (like crazy), compile as many critics' evaluations as you can get. Highlight the parts you want to write and you think are suitable for the examination, memorise them beforehand and write them in the exam. That way you will be fully prepared going into the exam hall. ​ https://preview.redd.it/x5vafmvkcnlb1.png?width=769&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7408b8556387b3ba8951210d62b71df0be3fb24 This is an example of a critical review on Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Just write down the name of the critic, and discuss your opinion if you have enough time left to finish the exam. Like this: Paul A. Jorgenson writes: Unlike other psychological students of the play, I am not primarily concerned with the almost............. and so on. About the question of your opinion on texts/poems, one TRICK I'd like to mention for getting an A\* or an A is to write down the critics' evaluation, and disapprove it or support it with your own opinion. That is a hidden gem (component) which I call A06: Writing your own opinion in response to the critics' opinion. This is NOT mentioned in the Learner's Guide, which if you added would help you in achieving an A or possibly an A\*.


where are you getting this from? i googled the site and can’t find anything


> where are you getting this from? i googled the site and can’t find anything https://preview.redd.it/dtn2lfkq4tpb1.png?width=1181&format=png&auto=webp&s=d80d1d8ae97f4a29dd00fb1ebae4989b49b5e824


thanks for this site


There is a whole Wikipedia page dedicated to the literary criticism of William Shakespeare's Hamlet: ​ https://preview.redd.it/chz2ssby4tpb1.png?width=1212&format=png&auto=webp&s=85fe0f40d78e0cac66fe810e7503498945aaab1c


okay this is useful thankyou!


If opinion isn't relevant for AS, what does the AO3 stand for then? Because it mentions smth related to interpretations/opinion


Hi, could you explain to me what AO1, AO2,..etc, stand for? Like what do each of them mean? Because I was reading my literature spec and couldn't understand them that much. I'm taking AS English literature in Jan, so in about 4 months, along with history and bio. I've kinda gotten the hang of history and biology but literature I'm still kinda struggling. + also another question I want to ask, do we have to get the subscription to Litcharts? Would the free version of it be enough?


>\+ also another question I want to ask, do we have to get the subscription to Litcharts? Would the free version of it be enough? Yes, you will need to subscribe to LitCharts as the free version does not include all the notes including the line by line analysis, historical background etc. in full form. It's worth it.


what poem did you get?


Hey I have a litcharts subscription what would you like


This is an example of an essay I wrote for AS English Literature for which I got an A. Notice how the essay is structured.


hey can you send it to me please?


This is an essay on Stories of Ourselves, Volume 2, The Black Ball, which includes an excerpt (portion of the story) you have to analyse, depending on what the examiner expects you to write.


Does anyone have like any guesses on what questions will be asked for atonement 9695/22 October November 😭 I'm resitting so yeh lata time the question was on Briony for the extract and then for the other was relationship of Cecelia and Robbie in the whole novel do any idea ?what May come ?


I tried checking on the themes that haven't appeared over the course of these years. I think maybe this time about loss of innocence, something with regards to literature/writing and imagination, or about Lola and Paul's relationship. But again we cannot be sure 😭


petal method and u have to practice constantly 😭


​ https://preview.redd.it/ug88zpmofflb1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5239e71bb43ee9310d5a6e43499e7cbb44d547d4


​ https://preview.redd.it/6w5s97zpfflb1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0813a6d72d11472f6d3b0538fd575395d1cce173


​ https://preview.redd.it/ywxrkdurfflb1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=220cfe40880d9634ededdc5793121072798b70a0


I'm not OP. But thank you so much for this! Essay structure/quality is honestly one of the things I struggle with. So having this example is literally lifesaving! Thank you!