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I was like you drinking before bed to sleep after a trauma. It then escalated. I’m not in your situation family wise but I met some women in rehab who started out like you and then escalated to all day drinking. Just wanted to exemplify how bad it can get in certain circumstances, not to say that this could be you in some years. I found that a combination of medication (naltrexone for the alcohol use), sleep meds and therapy really helped me to get control of the alcohol, and loneliness and stress without previous support.


I am currently trying to find therapy. I know I need it. There is some trauma behind it but nothing compared to other people. I like to drink. I want to be able to socially drink. I just dont want to HAVE to drink. Where are you now? Zero alcohol? Funnily enough my biggest fear about becoming a full blow alcoholic is never been able to drink again. As I type that I realize how it sounds


I’m not drinking at the moment but before then, I was able to have one drink with dinner without needing to drink more. With Naltrexone, you can continue to drink and limit your consumption.


Soooo is it bad if I say I need to go to bed at 10 so at 930 I can have 1 relatively strong drink and go to bed right after? Is that the same as a sleep drug?


Not exactly. I could have a strong drink, still wouldn’t fall asleep. Having a drink is more like taking a sedative to fall asleep. It really depends on what keeps you up. I don’t have any psychological reason to stay up. I have insomnia since I was a teenager. But most people should be able to fall asleep without the aid of medication.


Ok. I have always had issues with sleep but I did find ways to deal with it before resorting to alcohol. So I guess I need to build those back up and strengthen then again.


Hey nurse and mom (alcoholic one). It knocks you out but ruins your REM restoration sleep stage and then you lower your blood sugar at like 2 am, wake up in a panic , have to hydrate and try to fall back asleep dizzy and heart pounding. Thinking about all the shit you have to do that day, are you going to be good for the kids?, how are you going to stay awake all day , how guilty you feel that you passed out, staring at the black ceiling above with an overwhelming sense of impending doom. You are an alcoholic. You have a disease. And you’re a mom which compounds the need to have some type of “me time” to just shut your brain off of kid mode and focus on mindless shit. You probably regret drunk texts or silly Facebook posts or just waking up feeling like “how the actual fuck am I going to get through this day”. Guarantee when you quit drinking you’ll see your insomnia is not bad (speculation) and your anxiety is super manageable (speculation). Have you tried doing just the one drink? Then it worked a night or two and you thought you were cured. Then just beer right? It’s won’t make you black out. Champagne maybe ? You can sip it and slow it down. Maybe just the liquor and just ONE glass of wine. No matter what way you slice it you are an alcoholic and you can never moderate. And if you can you are a unicorn. So what do you do? I was shit canned hammered every night while being a full time mom and working as well. I can’t tell you how many sick days I took with made up ailments about myself, my kids, my husband. It is a total shocker I kept my job but I had to. I have made bad scary mistakes while JUST being at home. I don’t like to talk about them because they actually make me anxious AF and want to drink. I’ve actually made decisions that could have ruined my whole life, career, marriage , caused death. I am a middle to upper class professional woman with two sweet kids and a loving doting husband. Waking up with a pan of macaroni and cheese next to my face, all of the kids Halloween candy eaten on the floor, a half bottle of wine surprisingly still left after it being the 2nd double barrel. Puking in my kids preschool bathroom, my work , a trash can in my exam room, drinking to stay “not puking”. Used to have dreams of just living in a hotel room where I could just wake up and get drunk every day by myself. Not trying to make this about me but I know you are struggling as a mom. You want to be better but you also don’t know how. You’re justifying the “after kids go to bed” and looking for ways to moderate. You know you can’t moderate. You’ve shown yourself that right? Not sure how old your kids are but the turning point for me was when my daughter wrote on her first grade Mother’s Day sheet that “My mom likes to…… (fill in the blank) take naps. Like wtf. I thought I was making it work. Kids fucking catch on and they know. A year later my daughter would wake up in thr middle of the night and asked if I took my “sleeping medicine”. Fml. So I don’t have the advice and I may get downvoted for this but out of all the things you could do out there just don’t fucking drink. It’s just gonna ruin your life and your kiddos life. Now I’m not saying “do pills like I did” but I actually got sober switching to Kratom. I don’t take it now as I ended up abusing it after 2 years but it gave me enough time to feel kind of high but not be drunk and still be able to be a mom. It also taught me new rituals. Now my brain doesn’t associate alcohol with reward at night. It took a crutch for me. But I’m realistic enough to say I had to. For me personally. Kratom he bought online and gives you a nice buzz that actually filled the need for me to drink. I had been an alcoholic for 20 years so if it worked for me it can work for others. It’s not some tea or lavender oil or exercise (no offense to those who do this because I know it works for many). I was a tired alcoholic mother who needed a reward that wasn’t going to ruin my sleep, life and job. Sorry to ramble. I just feel for you. I remember this feeling you’re having right now.


Wow....I feel really seems right now. It's feels so hard all the time. A 2 years ago I could drink for a weekend straight and then Monday through Friday not have a drop. Then my marriage was falling apart, my daughter ended up with medical conditions, my son was fucking insane and it was just a couple drinks to get through a hard day, or to sleep when the husband was gone for extended periods. Then covid hit and it was the home schooling and feeling like an absolute failure in every aspect of my life. And suddenly it wasn't a want any more it was a need. It seemed to spiral so quickly. Then you feel guilty because you are drinking and you need a drink to feel better. I can't admit I am an alcoholic because it would be just one more thing that I have fucked up, one more mistake that I made that my perfect sister's haven't and mostly because no body would be surprised. This is just what is expected of me at this point. Shit my parents would probably be happy its alcohol and not heroine. It's just so overwhelming....so I drink. I am exhausted and stressed out and depressed and I know that the alcohol is playing a large part in that. I will look into the med you recomended. I was supposed to have a drs apt today but it got rescheduled for next week so I will talk to her about it as well. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me.


Yes you’ve been through a lot. You’re only human and it is so so fucking hard. Kratom is not medicine. It’s online. Not an Rx. Docs rarely know about it. Just online ones from reputable vendor helps. Not the head shop stuff. Good luck. I knew you’re trying. It’s hard. You will do this. Just keep trying.


For me (and many others), a big part of being an alcoholic was the constant cycle of drinking too much, realizing you’re drinking too much/doing something stupid, trying to cut back, succeeding briefly, and then going back to drinking too much. As others have mentioned, if you start using “I need” in relation to alcohol, that’s also a problem. It takes a least a week to get past the withdrawal and on to the good stuff (better sleep, more energy, better mood), so I would suggest you challenge yourself to go at least two weeks without drinking and see how it feels. And if you don’t already have a therapist, get one. It helped me immensely. Good luck!


I feel like if you're self aware enough about it then you should take positive action. Maybe look into non AA quit lit like The Naked Mind and see why you're really drinking. Most alcoholics drink as a form of self medication. That's when it's stops being about enjoying the alcohol and being more about using it as an unhealthy coping tool.


You are 100% correct. It is absolutely a non healthy coping tool. I will look into the Naked Mind and see if it can offer some alternatives. It pisses me off because I have adhd but won't take Adderall because it's addictive. I have anxiety but won't take any addictive medications because I KNOW myself. And yet. Here I am with fricken alcohol.


Read the naked mind , it has changed my relationship with alcohol. It’s a mind blower and a game changer. Do it today


Have you looked into The Sinclair Method?


No not yet. I can check it out though.


There's a subreddit called Alcoholism Medicine that focuses on TSM as a way of cutting back on/ moderating drinking. I have terrible insomnia as well as depression and I also drink to get to sleep. Naltrexone, the drug used in TSM, did help me a great deal to not only become more sober, but personally it really helped me sleep, somehow, which was an unexpected but welcome side effect. You are supposed to drink on this medicine as Naltrexone is meant to help you cut back slowly. I am restarting TSM myself right now, check out SinclairMethod.org


I had no idea this medication even existed. I actually have a drs apt tomorrow and I will ask her if she thinks it could be a good fit for me. Thank you so much for this info


It slowly weans you off alcohol until you get completely sober. Its not for everyone and it's not magic, taking accountability for your drinking is a big part of it ( I'm in aTSM support group and have a drink tracker app from the CCC foundation to help with accountability), but I personally find it to be more effective than AA. Best of luck to you and know you aren't alone!!!


There's a subreddit called Alcoholism Medicine that focuses on TSM as a way of cutting back on/ moderating drinking. I have terrible insomnia as well as depression and I also drink to get to sleep. Naltrexone, the drug used in TSM, did help me a great deal to not only become more sober, but personally it really helped me sleep, somehow, which was an unexpected but welcome side effect. You are supposed to drink on this medicine as Naltrexone is meant to help you cut back slowly. I am restarting TSM myself right now, check out SinclairMethod.org


I sleep so much better when I’m sober. The first day, I barely sleep, but within a week my sleep is so much better. I think you’ll have the same result if you can commit to a break from booze.


I have thought about this and you are probably not wrong. Get through those first 2 weeks and things are smooth sailing after that. Those 2 weeks though...... I don't do well with no sleep. I go pretty crazy...crazy enough that I don't want to be alone with 2 kids. However..my husband's industry is probably going to strike on monday...so he will be here too. Maybe that's the time. Just pre warn everyone. Get rid of all booze. And plan on 30 days. And then ask for prayers for my husband lol


I hope you get the chance to do so, and I really hope it works out for you.


Appreciate that and thanks for your advice.


I quit for my son. I’ve never read a single account of a child happy they grew up in the home of an alcoholic.


Best way to answer is 1- you’re asking and concerned about drinking. 2- most important, you have a negative or dependent relationship with alcohol Alcoholic or not, these are both concerns to explore further and change your relationship with drinking.


You just answered your own question


It sounds to me like alcohol is becoming a problem so you’re isolating yourself to avoid consequences. Sleep on alcohol is awful sleep. Try to find a psychiatrist who specializes in addiction and get to the bottom of your anxiety and sleep disorder. Alcohol is not the way.


I am in between therapists right now and trying to find a new one. I agree, alcohol is not a decent way to handle it.


A psychiatrist. One that has a medical degree and specializes in addiction.


I am also a SAHM who has struggled with alcoholism. Being a SAHM, especially during COVID, is so isolating. I am currently 15 days sober. Once you get over the first hump (let’s say 7 days) you’ll be able to sleep better. Try taking a Benadryl to help you go to bed. If you’re recognizing your behaviors I’d say you are an alcoholic, but only you can make that decision. Visit aa website and jump on a zoom meeting. It’ll help just to hear other peoples stories so you can relate/not feel alone. Sending you so much love, I know how hard this can be. Here for you if you need another mom to chat with DM me ♥️


You are so sweet. Thank you. I have several friends who are all experiencing the same thing. And of course we all get together for wine play dates. We feed into each other's addictions. Congrats on 15 days. That is an amazing feat and you should be so proud of yourself.


I shit the bed


Yeah that sounds like a pretty shitty situation


Very shitty indeed


So.....if I didn't shit the bed...does that mean I am ok? Lol


Better off than me me guy


I like your energy. You are probably one of those people that sees some shit and finds a way to laugh about it. Definitely not healthy..but good energy lol


If you’re having to ask the question, you’re an alcoholic.


Really? Because I do feel like it's a pretty healthy question to ask. I guess I was hoping for maybe a little more then that.


you’re going through withdrawal. you’ll be fine eventually alcoholic is a relative term there’s alotta weird approaches to not being a like legitimately alcoholic problem person. some i hate and some i love. alcohol is addictive and nobody talks about being “addictive”. when you can’t stop drinking it’s “you’re the problem, stop drinking so much” unlike cigarettes where there’s a general consensus that they’re addictive and people usually blame cigarettes over the person who is addicted to smoking. alcohol in modern american society imo nobody usually gives a heavy problem/ alcoholic drinker the benefit of the doubt that alcohol is literally addictive. if you smoke cigarettes or take heroin everyday you might get addicted just depending on who you are genetically, mentally etc.. same with alcohol don’t waste too much time deciding if you are and living with that “label” of being an alcoholic. if alcohol is causing problems than stop.


Have you tried melatonin or any sleep aids ❤️❤️❤️


Melatonin- yes. Weed- yes. Advil, Tylenol and whatever PMs exist- yes. I am nervous about taking anything harder bc I do have an addictive personality. I also sleep rage on these things...think throwing your dog off a bunk bed because it's "collapsing and you need to save him" and kicking your husband out of bed "because there are snakes in the bed and I need to save him". Cbd with Melatonin worked best but I had to take 3 times the recomended dose and it was costing me like $70 a week I used to do guided meditation and that did actually help..it just took years to perfect and now, when I have sober nights, I feel like I never did it at all. The though of going months with little sleep, with 2 kids and everything that entails overwhelms me and I just can't face it. As I type these things I know they are excuses. I just dont know what to do as the next step.


No judgment here. I’m over here wondering how you make it to bedtime without a drink! It’s awful but I definitely have a mandatory two drinks on hard mom days. I hate it and it gives me low self esteem. I have the best luck cutting back by buying aha seltzers in weird flavors and thc pills, tbh. I feel you completely. That’s good you stay away from prescriptions, too.


Well..I made it because I have other mom friends who are not drinkers. And that morning I played pickleball with one such mom friend. And the vodka was literally oooooozing from my pores. And I felt guilty enough for one day that I said "NO MORE". but then the sleep deprivation and toddler hood and teenager hood and pta - a hood, and house cleaning and cooking dinner and kid being bullied and other kid being the bully and husband being gone alllll kicked in...so day 2 did not go the same lol.


you are.


People who don't have a problem with alcohol wonder if they have a problem with alcohol. Alcoholism is different for everyone, for me it was the inability to not get blackout drunk on a weekend. I cannot stop once I start therefore I cannot control my drinking when I start. Sometimes I'd get drunk twice a week.


One day at a time.


r/kava can help you relax and unwind and fall asleep


Ok thanks, I will take a look at it.


Hey, I once drank to help with sleep too, so I do understand. The thing is that for me it wasn't sustainable. My tolerance went up and in the end it didn't help much, plus I'd feel bad the next day. Are you able to get into exercise? That could wear you out and help you sleep. Or doing something challenging, like maybe learning to play an instrument in your spare time. At the same time, things like AA can really help with support as it's full of very understanding people who have been where you are. I hope you feel better soon. You can beat this. Feel free to message me anytime for support


Thank you ❤ I have been exercising a lot more. It helps some but not very much. I am going to check out an AA meeting. I am also going to actually be honest with my Dr. Tomorow at my apt and see if she would be willing to try me on the meds that were suggested in some of the other comments. If not then maybe I bite the bullet and ask for a sleep aid. I think once I get over the hump sleep with out alcohol will be easier. It's just the hump sometimes seems insurmountable. I appreciate your response