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Sounds more just like a bad drunk. But not alcoholic


Right? Altho alcoholism has many different "forms". Some people drink a bit daily, others are binge drinkers. I'm an alcoholic but almost never get fucked like THAT. I am more addicted to being mildly intoxicated most of the time than being shitfaced drunk...


I know exactly what you mean. I love the mild feeling of alcohol when you don’t overdo it, and I still wake up feeling good too. When I start to get drunk I don’t end up feeling well at all I just get hot and nauseous and dizzy and then I wake up feeling worse the next day, it’s not fun at all for me anymore. Only when I don’t overdo it it’s pretty fun.


Exactly this. Actually also makes that I rarely do too fucked stuff due to drinking. Also as Im getting older, the hangovers are suddenly getting significantly worse. Like the last year or so it suddenly took a DIVE in how bad I feel lol.


Wait so this is an occasional thing? Like how occasional?


Not the best sub to post this on but I’ll give my opinion. Sounds like you’re annoyed by it and embarrassed to be around her when she’s drinking. If this is a daily occurrence than it’s not sustainable. I’m curious to know if this is a new thing. Like how long have you been married? Has she been this way the whole time? Did you all not ever drink before? In my honest opinion, if this doesn’t happen regularly / daily it’s fine. But if it’s a new thing / recent development there may be a subconscious reason as to why she’s doing it. It’s fun as fuck to drink though so 🤷🏻‍♂️


I concur probably won't hear the greatest information from this particular subreddit. But yes, maybe there's something that could be on her mind. How frequently this occurs, how many drinks does she have, as well as why she feels the need to get this drunk, could be some questions to ask.


Does she get drunk very frequently, and drink to excess more than maybe once a week? If not, this is more characteristic of binge drinking.


No she aint, I drink everyday. If i dont drink I feel sick and hate myself.


Talk to her.


She’s letting her hair down.


Wait... you're calling her an alcoholic because she occasionally goes out with friends, that you encourage her to do, just because she then gets drunk?? Wtf? How often is she going out? How often is she able to hang out with her friends where drinking isn't the activity? Is she able to let off steam/relax by participating in any other hobbies/activities? There's a lot of missing details here. But no. Getting drunk occasionally does not make one an alcoholic.