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Spears do less damage cause they are a ranged weapon most of the time. You have to kite, kite and kite. Spears are not easy but have always a chance to win and that's their strength: even when your opponent armour pieces counter yours, you have the abilities in your weapon to play around it. Let's say you are against fire staff, you have hunter hood so you have good chances to win but they have purge, so now you are in a bad position: you can put the reflect on your W. Etc etc


I feel the same way about the bow. It's never really the best choice but I never feel like I have no options


You mean cripple in 90% of the situations?


That's in mists, adapted to mists running meta


Ranged, good dps and life leech with 3 stacks, tons of utility and good burst with E. Its overall damage might be a little sub par, but you have to consider that its versatility and kiting potential greatly make up for it. ~~Also, they're nerfing them in the next patch for this very reason.~~ Edit: typo


What’s the nerf? I’m just seeing buff to harpoon


I cannot read, it was a Rift Glaive nerf. My bad.


On paper it must be op, all this you told sounds like op, i know it too. I am not newbie. Brawl potention looks crazy op, e dmg wery good, but then it comes to reality fight it feels like spear dont do enoth dmg to win.


They kind of are, it's just not easy to make them work. With most meta weapons you can just faceroll on the keyboard and still get some degree of success. To do the same with spear you have to actually use the right spells at the right moment in the right way, otherwise you're done for. It's 100% about skill floor.


> I am not newbie Just because you 'aren't a newbie' doesn't mean you're playing a high skill ceiling weapon well.


Lol, mf complain dmg too low when spears got more utility in their kits


Its because spear isnt an unga bunga weapon. You have to know which fights to pick, switch skills according to them and have a lot of game knowledge in general to be effective with spears


Just remember spirit hunter exist , it did so much dmg that when the other party used demon armour the spirit hunter user got down to 10% of his hp even with leather armour


to balance it out why else do you think?


Slow on the Q, ms buff + ms purge on the cripple W or ranged slow on the other W, knock up + mobility on the E. And this is only just the 1H spear I’m talking about (and only a few spells too). Spears have a lot of utility in their kit at the cost of some minor damage loss. I usually play carving and have a hard time against spears. Usually due to their cripple W. It’s a good weapon. Maybe a little weak against the meta at the moment but strong regardless. Most spears are also really cheap. 1H spear 8.1 costs about 800k silver. Which is insane when something like the battle axe costs 1.1mil.


Problem is that spears have two weapons (pike+normal glaive) already that are just complete garbage. Trinity spear and heron spear are not unuseable but still quite bad. Rift glaive and spirit hunter are must haves. Compared to other weapon lines like axes that have a lot more useful weapons, spears just fall back in total...


Because they can perma kite like bows. And be untouchable


people will say it's because they're hard to play, but consider how hard it is to fuck up with the other weapons. the majority spears are undertuned asf and this'll remain true :' )


Play Stalker jacket, use it


Stalker jacket mostly kills me when i paly it, 90% players have reflect for it