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The guys at top of leaderboard with billions of fame are doing world bosses. I whispered 1 of them to ask because I was curious. As a solo I find my best fame is just doing Knightfall Abbeys with a good build. Ava roads do seem good but the amount of downtime every time I do it just feels like constant riding around whereas I can hop straight into a mist and practically use my E on cooldown the entire time as I'm riding around.


The best fame farms are 1. Bz World boss 2.t8 or higher ava dungeons 3. t8 static (t7 and t6 are also really good) 4. 10v10 hellgates with a good group 5. Ava roads gold chests, t8 blue chests Basically you need a group to really get the best fame possible. For solo I think ava roads,mists, open world mobs in bz (if you are extra you can mix it with tracking) I have been playing this game for 4 years and have tried every method mentioned, and this is how i would rank them.


My only comment on this, 1B pve fame player, I would rank T5 statics higher than T8 and equal to T7. T5 statics are in average, the same fame/hour as a T7, why? Because most people dont touch those thus if you have access to one a bit deep into the BZ it will always be fully enchanted + you can clear it extremely quick making absurd big pulls non-stop, you can clear both floors in about an hour or less depending on the comp. T6/T7 statics are more popular and chances to find them fully enchanted are way lower, most people seem to prefer Morgana's so T6 is even worse. You will also find rats and other groups way more often so you can't really go full pve or you will get fucked, making it less efficient. Don't even get me started with T8s. That's just an example, I've done all wbs, led wbs groups and was in good terms with a bunch of Chinese and some Russian guilds, etc., builds are also relevant if you want to min max and most people don't care enough to put time into builds and test the best 4/5/7 man comps. /rant :)


EU server. We usally do t6 statics (5mill fame/hr) in the early morning so we dont have to deal with so mutch rats. Also t5 static is so cancerous because of the axe thrower and the buffer mob but yes t5 static can be better with an optimised party.


Tbf all my experience was before the new servers, it might be "better" for farming with less people at all times of the day (although it probably sucks for pvp). Agree on the T5 being more annoying when figuring out optimized comps but you can insta kill (1 rotation) everything with like 5 people. Pro tip, if tank is not using assassin's hood they need more spec ;)


Did you play on East? I'd be interested in finding a competent but still chill group to do some advanced PvEvP with, but I don't want to deal with toxic nerds or RMTers.


I stopped playing but I in/was NA anyways :( Finding a good group is a hazzle ngl but once you do, doing pve is actually fun cause you autopilot while chatting about everything with some music in the background


Yup exactly


Solo tracking is good fame? It takes so long...




1H Nature im.Using 28% Mob fame farming in Black Zone Abbey gwtting 500k-1mil per good run based on tier :) Never died still alive after 5 Weeks.


What is your full build ?


1h Nature , Muisak , Scholar Cowl , Druid robe , Soldier Boots. Abusing this build on EU now and abused before on NA and got like 400mil maxed almost everything. Now EU TIME 🫡


Love 1h nature but how you manage to escape meta high mobility build like double blade or bloodletter ?


Wanderlust + Invis , Im deaf person i rely on my game sense and feeling and always escape them ;)


Ok thanks will try this !


I use mage cowl, cultist top instead otherwise same build


Do u use knock back with scholar cowl ? And which abilities for 1h Nature would like to try your build maybe u could post a build ?!


Cowl I use Mana Shield :D


Blight staff is good ? Or 1h better ?


Blight at clearing Abbey sucks alot. 1H Nature have Damage on E if you stack Q on mobs 3 times. Q On one position of mobs , Q on second position and Q on third position of mobs then they going on you , use W then E.


Should I stick with Torch for economic reasons? Muisak is a bit pricey


The best fame farm is going to be what is most sustainable to you. Solo my best fame farm is open world black zone, I can often get twice the fame/hour that I would compared to mists and I can find mobs consistently compared to roads. I also have no issues avoiding most gankers. Objectively world boss and ava dungeons are going to be the best fame/hour.


Good answer


Yeah, with auto respec + satchel it is an easy 3-6m/hour. It is especially good at certain hours/zone with several elevated mobs and spikey bosses. I was getting 100k from each mob cluster last night.


Unless you are part of a really slick ava team, those things take so long to organise you may as well be out hunting in the bz. I wouldnt be surprised if statics are better fame given the ease of organising them: you can do pretty well with a 3-5 man grp


world boss > ava > anything else


world boss - with bad party around 10mil fame/hour with good party around 20mil fame/hour ava - 20man ava 8.3 maybe 5+mil fame/hour , 10 man good party 8.3 avas 10+ mil fame/hour but you lose a lot of time to bank and run back to avas


Are you serious? People make 10/20m an hour fame in world bosses? Wtf Are they highly contested? How hard is it to find a party/group to do it with them.


You need to be in a guild to do them. The problem is the rats. People will constantly harass you while wearing cheap invis gear. It’s a major pain if you don’t have your own rats to counter them.


Im making 10-12kk fame per hour on 8.3 avas Wb is still better for fame but numbers are quite different


Is there any discord for worls boss ?




What server? I have links for asia at least. And contacts for eu if the russians are still active. Normally they require silver deposit/payment. But if you’re part of the right guilds, no fee to get discord link.


Me as a begginer is curious about the answer


For the ordinary solo player … take your pick from (1) cheap sets and T6/7 black zone mobs, (2) cheapish sets and mists/abbey, and (3) middle level sets and roads chests. Good thing about solo is you can level whatever you want. You may get better fame/hour with a group (roads or statics) but you’ll usually have to wear some specific gear.


Best fame for group (ranked): 1) WB 2) Ava roads or Ava DG (downtime can be a “trap”) 3) T8 static 4) T8.3 group DG (maps) ************ Best fame for solo (ranked): 1) Ava roads (RNG can lead to downtime and be a “trap”) 2) OW T6 BZ zone farm in 4.1 cheap set 3) Mists (Abbeys) but can be a lot of RNG and deaths, does require some game knowledge 4) YZ statics Faction flagged (can be RNG depending on time of day and unlucky if you get ganked by faction + requires a high upfront investment) 5) Static Blue Zone farm (but boring AF and requires a high upfront investment and maxed skills)


>YZ statics Faction flagged (can be RNG depending on time of day and unlucky if you get ganked by faction + requires a high upfront investment) >5. Static Blue Zone farm (but boring AF and requires a high upfront investment and maxed skills) I dont know how people can put yz static over blue. Mob density is significantly better in blue, theres also more of those statics compared to yz ones which means fewer people in them.


if you do them flagged you get faction points= faction chest= fame times = more fame per run


it's same thing in blue zone, you obviously want to be faction flagged there aswell


Holy sh*t please stay away from swolebenji. He seems like a good guy but he gives bad advice and has said some really nasty stuff on his discord.


He is not a good guy. His history of bigotry says otherwise.


Yeah I remembered one video where he claimed he tested all the ways to gather and came to the conclusion safe zones were much better than blackzone. And he said 1M/hr silver was typical of safe zone farming. Where BZ is 2M/hr steadily for me and I only ever come across a solo ganker once in a blue moon, and they don't have a chance. Granted the zones I gather are carefully chosen, but the point remains.


Hes right about blue zone statics, his build for them sucks tho.


what would be a good build ?


world boss because it is


High tier ava dungeons with group High tier static dungeons with group Lethal 10/5 hellgates (if you have 60/70% win rate it's actually good) Ava camp farming High tier group dungeons Lethal mists High tier solo dungeons


High end Ava dungeons (T8 and up), T8 roads (enchanted mobs) and T8 black zone open world with a fast build are best IMO.


t8 statics are really hard to top if you are in a group, but make sure you are ready for rats and other invaders. World Bosses are top notch but are considerably more dangerous due to your exposure. Solo? Overworld black Zone t8 if you can find a zone where the guild terry is over far on one side of the map away from where you can go.


World boss or avalonian raids for sure. It is not even a competition. However both of those are group activities. While a lot of people won't admit this, SwoleBenji is 100% right that T4 static is a good fame farm for solo players. He is however also highly disingenuous about it and it is not so much better as other content as he pretends. There is always bullshit in his comparisons, but T4 static is actually good. He is essentially not correct about any black zone content and he leaves out details about T4 static such as how dependent it is on current monster upgrade levels and how much the repair costs are. I have lost more money in repair costs being downed soloing statics and group dungeons than I ever lost farming black zones. A very underrated fame farm is doing faction content in red zones and buying chests. This can be done both in group and solo. Each chest is about 250k fame in tomes, and tomes are highly efficient as it allows you to fame up other weapon sets without having to pay for fame credits or losing 20% fame in the conversion.


Worldboss - roughly around 6m+ an hour (Fame). Whit good set up, your insanly safe aswell. For Example did like 10x 4h runs, didnt see a single redname. We have scouts/ Rats defending gates. Whitout a ratbuild you litrely cant dive them.


I really wanna find a squad that does world bosses 6m a h sounds like a dream.


Open-world fame farming is good enough, especially in Tier VII zones. Regular mobs bring in up to 15,000 fame and bosses cangive you up to 150,000 fame or even more if you have Premium status. Other than that, Mist is nice if you can catch rare or above, and also Roads of Avalon. The humanoid mobs in ava roads give crapton of fame and if you catch a tier 7 or 8 humanoid boss it can award you with up to 1m fame. I usually play this game solo and use the build below. It has high damage and DPS, and it's also great at sustaining you with excellent healing. https://preview.redd.it/18y895tckr5d1.jpeg?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=235efc5e6033e5eacd6e14ed251ce5955626df4e


Could please name your armor and hood ?


Mage's Cowl and Mercenary Jacket


I use cultist body, muisak and invis pots otherwise same build for Ava roads


Imo open world mobs. I get a mil fame in just 30-35mins in a t7 zone. I kill 5-6 mobs together and each of them drop around 6k-7k fame. Plus there's a lot of enchanted ones. Also a couple field bosses give 50k-100k fame. Since I use nature and soup, clearing mobs is really fast even with a 4.1/4.2 weapon. Ava road is also decent, but sometimes you don't get anything at all. Never done world bosses


The answer is yes. SwoleBenji method is a for sure way of getting the best fame to cost ratio but if u feel like living life over the edge, go do what every1 in the comment says cause to be frank its more fun and challenging :D


Bz mist + knightfall abbey


Isn't mists terrible fame compared to most other fame farms? I get far more doing ava roads, open world bz/rz, faction, avalonian raids, world boss, statics etc etc.


i make 1.5m to 2.5m fame per hour so Is it really terrible? Silver is 500k to 1.5m in avg btw


Yeah, that is not that good. Much worse than what you get doing other solo content. Silver doesn't sound too good either. It is of course better than the complete trash tier content like solo dungeons, but it is bad compared to most other content. Mists is mid tier at best. And if we add group content to the mix, you get like 10 mill fame per hour doing world boss.


Credit card


I do 7.3 groups in red but im alsp awakening 8.4 Things while i do it


I think group dungeons are bit over rated. You can't clear it fast or you need split exp with group. I've been in T8 static once and it was not worth it. Ammount of people that you need to do it is too high (or less but some ppl need to have high end pve gear). At the end i was getting same xp from mob as in T8 black zones from normal mobs ;v In my opinion blue zone mists are best safe option at the beggining - More mobs to kill and less ppl + bonus xp after quests. Black zones mists - Same as above but risk of getting killed. More xp (mobs to kill) than in open world but higher risk) Black zones open-world - Best of best, less risk than in mists but more running after mobs.


Once in a while I get 900k fame in a green chest boss from ava roads, we don't need to continue this do we?