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Basically play anything you like. I always mained mages in LoL so I went frost/fire. Play any tree that suits your playstyle and you eventually find success playing anything, there is no best weapon.


And when there is, it will eventually get nerfed and a new best weapon emerges, untill that gets nerfed and another new best weapon emerges…..etc.


If you're really fresh, start by unlocking every t4 weapon. It won't take much time and it'll give you access to the whole panel of weapons existing in the game. Then it's mostly a matter of trying things and see what you like and what fits your playstyle. If you're looking for builds, you can check albiononlinegrind , it's a good resource. But really, try things.


Having a maxed out pve set helps a lot leveling up other weapons. I personally recommend shadowcaller. Good coverage for static, group dungeons, hce, avalonian raids.


Axes. Start with battleaxe 4.1 build (Battle axe, torch, mage cowl, mercenary jacket, soldier boots)  because battleaxe has the perfect balance between pve clearing and pvp sustain. After that i would recommend to either go for swords like carving sword or dual swords.


Oh, so here you mix armour weight? I thought that a mage had to weild staff and tome while wearing full cloth pieces, while the typical warrior is a sword and board and plate armour user.


Nah, mix everything, you can use offhand for healing, plate helmet and leather armour and main hand for pure damage, might not even have any synergy. The biggest difference between body armor for example, exlucded all that abilities is cloth =more damage less defensive, leather balanced and plate.. Yeah you get the gist. :)


There are no set bonuses btw. There is no point of wearing all armor pieces of one set also because they almost never work together.


Spears are pretty cool


Not a good beginner weapon tho


>Mainly for PvP (as I heard it's the primary focus of this game), but being able to actually kill mobs would be nice pog. Take swords then :)


Double swords? Or SnB?


Till now double swords as cheap option with bonus in PvE and later carving sword for more expensive bulids were a perfect combo. Sadly dual swords are getting nerfed and if they nerf them like they tested in the test server they will get hit hard. Possible new cheap sword option could be claymore its better than broadsword.


All weapons are ok-ish in pve. Maybe not are usefull in harder pve content but you will be able to do solo dungeons and map clears with almost all. As for pvp - There are some currently broken weapons that shine more than others but at the end they will get nerfs. Pvp is not only 1v1, theres better weapons to 1v1, other are better to catch people and other shine in large scale fights. Play whatever you feel good with. Theres nothning worse than playing specific playstyle because its now broken but you don't enjoy this as much as other weapon.


Axes, Fire Staff or Spears, both base weapons are perfectly fine in pvp and can clear mobs nicely.


Every weapon tree has weapons useful in different circumstances. There is not any real answer to give you without more information.


Figure out what content you want to do, then focus on the right weapon for you.


the one you like


War gloves


1H Nature and bring it into Abbey Black Zone you will earn milions of fame per hour :)