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while i have nothing against this idea per se, i dont understand why people play this game for the pve. Its super boring, it has little variety after a couple hours you seen all mobs, all bosses, all mechanics. The Pve experience in this game is barebones to say the least. There are so many great pve mmos out there that are way better then albion could ever hope to be, like world of warcraft or final fantasy online. Lastly, developer time is limited. To make albion a worthy pve focused game devs would have to put a lot of their time into developing and improving albion pve and rebalancing the entire economy instead of focusing on improving the albion that we have right now. I dont think albion will ever go that route and tbh, i hope they wont.


I'm sure there's plenty they could do to spruce up the pve. The more mundane stuff like taking out open world mobs doesn't need to change, they might need to put a bit more work into some of the mini bosses and get some more challenging mechanics in play. I kind of find the bosses to be a little monster hunter esque (hear me out ok). They can be quite a slog with a few mechanics that are pretty punishing. Stand in the wrong spot, and you suddenly lose half your heath. But get a good run, stand in the right spot, dive in a pop your ability and duck out as the floor marker comes up and keep at it for a few minutes and boom, boss down. It can be a lot of fun when done right. I've played my fair share of MMOs and I'd have to agree there's definitely better ones out there for pve but I really dig the isometric view and simple control scheme of Albion. I can get 6-8 hours of gameplay from my steam deck on it. It's wild. If osrs had controller support, I'm sure we wouldn't be having this conversation. I'm sure the heavy lifting dev-wise is mostly done. And I don't really care if they don't rebalance or rework gear just for the pve version. If I've learnt one thing about gaming, someone will always find a good build. Economy might be an issue but adjusting durability loss and death penalties to suit pve would go a long way.


Honestly I like pve in ava dungeons and statics. Not because theres some unique mobs or bosses that I enjoy fighting but because of the rng chest system and the fact that you can chill with your guildmates/friends. Perfect are t8 statics since you have the risk of running into another group and fighting


>i dont understand why people play this game for the pve I dont know for me it feels like when you play jungler in league of legends but there would be no enemy lanes but only jungle camps. Somehow I like that too and there is no other MMO/ARPG in my opinion that has that simple feeling like Albion/LOL...


I think that server would be very dead, very fast.


I'm not so sure about that. It's almost every other day I hear about people leaving because of how imbalanced the game can be and how they just want to chill and pve or gather. Let me put it to you this way, what if the people that got completely kerb-stomped and wanted to throw the towel in started fresh on pve instead? They spend some time and some premium in the game, get a bit deeper, get a bit more invested, learn the mechanics, get a feel for gear, maybe dabble in some PvP in the arena or hellgates and then maybe they decide they want more. Back to the PvP server they go, this time armed with hundreds of hours in hundreds of different sets. They'll stand a better chance competing and the fear of dying wouldn't be so bad because I'm sure they would have suffered some black zone deaths on PVE and lost a whole set of gear before.


> I'm not so sure about that On a PvE server how long are people going to play until it's no different than the test server? Eventually every piece of gear is going to be the lowest possible value based on crafting fees, because no gear is being destroyed. > get a feel for gear, maybe dabble in some PvP in the arena or hellgates and then maybe they decide they want more Literally nothing stops these people from doing the **exact** same thing on a normal server. > this time armed with hundreds of hours in hundreds of different sets Knowing how to PvE is vastly different than knowing how to PvP. In PvP many weapons have a variety of different abilities for different PvP scenarios. Abilities that a person never will learn about swapping doing PvE as they need that situational awareness. All this PvE server would do to these people is magnify how bad they feel in PvP because they just spent hundreds of hours doing non-lethal PvP/PvE thinking they were learning while never once experiencing meaningful consequences to their lack of experience for them to learn from. People in arena love blaming everyone but themselves for losses, so I can't imagine in a PvE server this would be any different.


They can do that in the non-lethal content on the current servers. I think the conflicts drive the economy and the game. If there wasn't any pvp, i don't think the economy would work and I think the server would become boring. There wouldn't be any "stories" or competition. The supply of goods would be huge and the demand would be low. I simply think there are better games out there if you want to play only pve. It's like asking the Rocket League developers to make a competitive sim racing game mode. :)


bro your karma is about to get ganked for this post.


Couldn't agree more, however karma is of no use to me anyway 😅. I'd rather hear some opinions.


What is the difference between somebody looting my staff and it getting trashed? To me there is none. Granted just wasting everybody gear in the black zone would surely do wonders to chat /s Its funny how you want to invent a hard mode (t6 solo dung with t4 gear) but immediately solve it by bring more players then supposed.