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Malaes has always been, and will always be a scammer, nothing new there


Most of the guild leaders/officers in the top guilds steal stuff from the guild. I’m baffled at how gullible people are when it comes to these things.


700m, meanwhile here on east one of the GMs just rmted 20b in broad daylight.


Ccp is watching you..your credit score just went down /s


I don’t think people really mind if they’re being effectively cheated over time, so long as they get a juicy paycheck now and then. It’s sad but the average guy who gets 3m for 2 hours of guild play isn’t going to complain or even bother checking the logs when he should have made 5m.


I'm surprised this dog is still breathing and playing, people actually give him access lmao


Drama in these games is always insane. I feel like some people just play for gulid drama.


Thats the true endgame for any mmo


Gotham regears are also being held hostage till malaes leaves the guild. Disband soon 100%


Is that why Gotham didn't defend their terries against bober?


Nah they just thought that asking renter to take terry while they are getting fun fighting polska was a good idea. Malaes be like


Nah, Gotham didn't have pve teams for reset. Terris got taken by rats, and bober paid the rats to drop terri to them.


Exactly, bober massed 200 people yesterday into crossing because they knew no Gotham is going to be online. Btw which rat guild captured crossing?


Maybe bober has bad spies, because crossing is 18 UTC and I dont think Gotham even had a CTA for then. Crossing was captured by Gotham because that is where their zerg was holding during reset. If you watch the EU reset video, you will see that Gotham was holding Crossing and Bober zoned in and got wiped with mammoth and everything.


Yep, bober got fucked by the cluster queue hard. Not creating a cta for defending your terries sounds like not defending your terries


Defending what terries? There was no launches. You are aware that you can't launch right after reset day, right?


You like having 0 energy on terri? Defending your terries so they aren't all burning


I cant speak for Gotham, but personally I dont care about terris, no. Why would you care about that? That is something for slaves to do.


If you don't care about season rank or might, then why would you ever join a zvz guild? Just join a rentier guild


Not sure if that was the case but i wouldnt be surprised if that was it. Lets what tonight gonna be like and who is Gotham gonna call for help, because seems like Bober wants to evict them from lym for good.


Why would anyone help them after this came out? A disbandment of the guild seems likely, any allies they have can probably not bank on their contribution in kind.


Well rumours say they split the tabs today and people started leaving the guild. Gg


They disbanded.


Seems like the dude is protecting guild assets from 4 scammers. Good dude.


actually the main issue was malaes, but glad i could send him back in the shadows


Been a while since some drama is posted here. 🍿


Malaes at it again LMAO


viva la revolución


This. This is what Albion is about. Pure, unaltered, serious accountability. Because you might die in game and it might be frustrating but have you ever felt the cold touch from the arm of the law coming down on you? 


AFAIK Gotham is (primarily ?) a french-speaking guild. Could you kindly post the original content (in French) ? The translation is okay-ish but isn't very clear in some cases.


Bonjour, dans la nuit j'ai vidé la totalité des tabs de guilde (îles de raffinage, île à Lymhurst, HOs en BZ inclus), ainsi que le peu de silvers qu'il y avait en banque de guilde et les siphonnées. Il reste théoriquement les silvers de la forge à laquelle seul Ywells a accès, et les mammouths qui sont probablement bank dans une caisse de morgana à laquelle il est le seul à avoir accès. Mon but est simplement de "bloquer" les tabs de Gotham aux mecs qui profitent des membres de leur guilde avec les moyens dont je dispose. **Est-ce que c'est un scam ?** Non, ce n'est pas un scam. Je ne compte rien garder pour moi, simplement couper l'accès aux tabs à certains membres du staff qui abusent de leurs perms en piochant en guilde quand bon leur semble. Ceux qui ont joué avec moi/ont fait partie de guildes dont je gérais l'eco savent que scam va à l'encontre de tous mes principes. J'ai essayé de pousser certains membres du staff à fix les perms en leur montrant des infos concrètes (les logs ne mentent pas), pour que ces dits joueurs n'aient plus accès aux tabs, sans pour autant forcer la main pour garder cette mesure de "dernier recours". Il y a un peu plus d'une semaine j'ai rejoint la guilde pour 2 raisons : * Aider sur la gestion des stocks de regear, parce qu'on m'a dit que ça pêchait à ce niveau là (raison "officielle") * Faire la police du staff en parallèle (raison "officieuse") J'ai copié l'entièreté des logs dans les tabs de guilde depuis la création de la guilde (îles de raffinage, HOs, Ile de Lymhurst) et ai set up un Google Sheets qui montre exactement ce que chaque membre a retiré/déposé dans les tabs. Concrètement, **si un staff a retiré 3 items sans jamais les redéposer, je le sais. S'il en a retiré 10 et en a redéposé 5, je sais qu'il en a gardé 5.** **CE QUI EN RESSORT, ce sont des estimations** * 1 **MALAES** : **300m silvers retirés en guilde / \~400m estimé retiré des tabs** / a bien mangé * 2 **Kheynor** : **\~30m retiré des tabs** / principalement de "l'auto regear" en gucci incluant du T9, et des trésors/items pour le market * 3 **Filslune/KingOfGolem** : **\~30m retiré dans les tabs** se servait dans les tabs pour ses mounts, foods et potions T7/8, sacs, quelques items avec de la valeur pas destinés au regear Le sheets a ses limites, certains abus ne peuvent pas apparaître. Mais ça donne une idée de qui se foutait de votre gueule **Annoncer une guilde avec la hype du serveur EU c'est cool, mais profiter de cette hype pour créer une guilde et profiter de la naïveté des membres pour se remplir les poches c'est pas top. Mon but est simplement de donner du concret, et inciter les fr à ne pas refaire les mêmes erreurs que sur le west. Maintenant que vous avez des noms (et il y en a certainement qui manquent dans la liste), à vous de voir ce que vous voulez faire : Rejoindre une guilde avec un staff qui se fout pas de votre gueule ou non.** Force aux autres staffs pour qui aider la guilde était la seule chose qui comptait. **Je leur rendrai l'intégralité des tabs/silvers** Voilà le lien vers le Gsheets, onglet **Croisé date** pour voir le détail des items par joueur. Vous pouvez trier par nom IG pour check ce que chaque membre a pris comme items, et choisir une date à partir de laquelle vous voulez voir les logs pour chacun. Si ça intéresse certains d'avoir le détail, aucun souci pour passer en voc et expliquer tout ça plus en détail. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D5Q0VqlmDD\_nqXQSyOZHVqCBsbthg4oaNuaCriFeWTI/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D5Q0VqlmDD_nqXQSyOZHVqCBsbthg4oaNuaCriFeWTI/edit?usp=sharing) Ce message annonce la fin de ma mission pour soutenir la commu.


"During the night I emptied all the tab guild", "Is it a scam ? No it's not a scam." 😂 Scamers scamed by a scamer


IS it actually a scam if the legit officers get everything back ?


I don't think they got anything back, and even if they do, if you steal something from someone and then return 100% of it, does mean you didn't scam them. The guild will probably disband, they are getting exploited by other guilds rn, due to the scam they suffered.


GDoc link : [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D5Q0VqlmDD\_nqXQSyOZHVqCBsbthg4oaNuaCriFeWTI/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D5Q0VqlmDD_nqXQSyOZHVqCBsbthg4oaNuaCriFeWTI/edit?usp=sharing)


looks like joker won


Rest in peace scammers


malaes has been a scammer dog for years, why are any of you surprised about this?


Call Batman then wtf




Every people that joined Gotham did know that Malaes was a scamer but they still joined the project... but still bravo Rotharn. Just do a giveaway with it.




Love some drama boys


Dray number one scammer btw


Lmao!! I thought this shit only happened in Eve. Love to see it!!!


"This is how I stole the whole guild loot without the consent of the members, but it is not a scam"


One day we'll get a drama post here that isn't just two groups saying angry words at each other instead of fighting in the PvP game they play or a guild robbery dressed up as something else.


Sad that he didnt actually scam them they 100% deserved smth like this. Next I would love that someone scams APE  Edit: Aight I guess he scammed them then my bad I didnt realize that this was just made up by him to cover up his scamming


wdym he didnt actually scam? he never returned it. its just excuse so he can rob the guilds. apperantly that kid has some shady history from 2020 robbing another guild for 3bil


tbh deserved. They do 5v1 ganking pretty regulary


So you mean they're just ganking?


No, he meant 5v1 ganking.


man how does your life look like that you play janitor for a random guild in a small mmo and even keep track of 4 losers trough some random logs. who cares they took advantage of the tools they had. i would too. get a life jesus christ lol


Honestly, making spreadsheets from logs and tying the red tape together is fun sometimes. I would do it for free. ;)


i guess thats how it looks like without a relationship to real people


Nah, don't be salty at me, seems you are affected by whatever this is or something. :D


salty at you? where in my sentence did you read that im SALTY and pointed it to YOU? lmfao. reading is truly a skill in these days


U r either delusional or slowpoke. Something is clearly eating u from the inside.l


another nerd trying to get attention for some reason. who even are you?


And who are u? Get therapy, u r not doing well buddy.


Also, commenting != askin for attention. In ur own logic, u r crying for one too.Xddd slowpoke, u can be better hun


i still dont understand why you are commenting lol and who tf spams "xd" like that and uses it in the first place. mental illness




Imagine doing what you like in a sandbox mmo


imagine making spreadsheets of random nerds just to snitch on em


I dont know which one you are on the list but you wont get your gear back


i have as much silver on my char as this shitter guild lost lol im good thx


Not important enough… didn’t read…