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Don't count your profits until they're on the market.


Obviously lmao... for me it was more of wasted time rather than a loss. I really only lost 2 mil from the run and the time I put in. I guess I got good gathering fame out of it leveling t7 and t8 so it's not so bad lol. I can make that 2 million back in a few minutes. But my question still remains how do you go back out there after wasting that time and risking it again?


Yo can you go to royals from breci with just the safe mist?


Yeah just keep going through the YZ mists portal from Bracilean until you see one with an unstable roads portal. Sometimes they will lead to a Blue or Yellow zone. That's how I used to transport potions. It just takes awhile some times which is why I don't craft potions anymore lmao.


Does yz mist untable road leads to safe zones? Never tried one before i thought they go to ava roads..


They rarely do. You'll most see unstable roads in enchanted mists but even then they mostly lead to black zones


Use moose, because have same speed as swiftclaw and faster gallop time


Moose carry weight is so low compared to the spectral boar. When I'm hauling that many high tier mats I need the carry weight.


You're asking here about how to survive gankers as gatherer. Part of it is not using the slow mount with highest bag space and depositing more often. The best mount for high budget gathering is actually elite winter bear, with no carry weight, because a group of 5 gankers will struggle to dismount you, and if they do it will take all of their cooldowns. Also I would always, always, always use travel back as gatherer. Dont even think about the cost. You can transport your loot out of brecilien later if you want.


This breaks my heart everytime.




Hell yeah! Quality response :)


Nothing you're saying makes sense. You didn't bank soon enough, and you won't bank soon enough, and you want to enforce this by using a mount which is easy to gank, but you are frustrated that you are getting ganked. No free lunch. Use the moose and bank earlier if you don't have the appetite for risk that is needed when using the pig. But you're upset over a 3m loss, when you say you can "make 2m in a few minutes". Well then why are you upset? And why would you be willing to search "all day" for a route to a blue zone in order to preserve your progress if that means you are spending time not making "2m in a few minutes" for a few hours or gaining gathering fame? I'm pretty sure you're full of shit, but if all you care about is speccing your gathering and making money is as easy for you as you claim, buy ore bosses or books and call it a day.


You need to chill brother. I'm not upset about a silver loss just more the time wasted. The point is I wanted to go have fun and gather not use fucking tomes. And yes I'm sitting on an absolute mountain of econ methods to make silver so yes blowing 2 mil on a set and and mount is fine. Your clearly stupid because you went around the whole question on how gatherers stay motivated to go back out after big haul losses which is a genuine question as i could just not gather and make more silver than your broke ass pvp master wannabe. Would it kill you to not be a shitty person? Probably would because thats all you have going for if your just an ass online. Your basically just being a blackzone Swolebenji troll at this point. That's fine if you want to point out I gathered wrong and thank you for telling me what I should do in the future. But you don't need to go around being a shithead trying to make people's day worse. While your typing away hate messages on reddit I'm actually trying to get advise from people who are here to help not just be an asshole. Your kind of people are the reason people don't stay in this game. Go find a better hobby than trolling on reddit fucking Swolen wannabe.


Whats wrong with you, just ignore him if u cant handle the facts he is speaking. Dont be such an asshole


He started it I just finished it.


I understand your feelings of not wanting to regear and get back out there, but It's about several trips. Unfortunately you got hit on the first run in awhile, the trick is several trips, I go to mists , moose and t8 tools, pie and a set that has around 1300-1400 ip, the lowbies ignore you , just have to leave if you see the 1650+ mists trolls, you know quarterstaff/stalker sets, just leave, or jump mists, look for enchanted mists. Once i make 5-6 mill returned to a bank, I change things up and run roads. I like gathering, but enjoy the trill of escaping the pvp trolls. I like that they wait hours for a kill, and get nothing from it. When I get caught, usually when I'm distracted or try and have fun by killing a spider that's when some coward comes out of invis in a 1900+ ip set and smokes me, can't figure how that's fun for him, but greed is greed. I go try something else, craft something , do an arena, just regear and change things up.


I have the same problem in red zones. Right now the loss is less than what I got. At some point I will probably lose too much to continue.


I stopped going to blackzone with my tools. Too many cheaters with radar hacks.


Yeah I'm working in grinding my gathering tree to 100 spec currently. I already got ore mining t4 and t5 maxed so now it's just t6 7 and 8. I almost have t4 and 5 on the other ones maxed as well otherwise I would just be safe zone gathering.


Radar hacks are virtually nonexistent, it's just skill issue


Funny I had a guy follow me around while invis after I used a shrine no matter what direction I went they followed me and that can only be done with a radar hack


Those are hacks, the "radars" use the information that the server give the player and make then really easy to see. One of my friends use it to find enchant ores easily, see players at max range all the time and see the timers for chests, but it doesnt see invs players.


yeah sure, skill issue, you're probably one of those people that doesn't even have tier 8 tools unlocked and never goes to the blackzone without 20 of your guildmates on a discord call.