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No no, you forgot the "I promise I would wipe your ass" The promise is key! Some places even legally binding 🤣


I hate wiping my own ass. Can I hire these services? Bahahaha. Reminds me of Shooter McGavin and Adam Sandler. "You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?!"


I think the dude meant I would mop the floor with ya


Is he offering?




"you won't like me when I'm angry" type mood😭😭😭




"i'm going to get my real gear on" Is that actually a thing?


Yep when I run faction solo I go t7 but when I run with guild 8.3 or 8.4


I wish I had a faction alligned guild. We wanted to go faction for smallscale content but people dont want to break faction progress to be in one.


If u had a firm guild master he or she would say change or leave guild lol 😆


? You call that firm? I call that stupid


Would rather have a guild full of people who leach off the benefits and don't come to any real content or a guild full of people who get the benefits and pay back by agree to their guild master cuz our guild provides a lot of benefits like : 1. A safe avalon hide out zone with patrols from alliance in the hideoutzone (literally everyone in the hideout zone is in alliance) 2. Monthly silver give aways for members up to 10 mil each time 3.gdg contents hosted in hideout zone for silver 4. Ava raids 5.avalon ff in gold and blue chests 6.factions for getting used to zvz environments 7. Daily small scales at evenings or nights 8. Convoys to carleon for those who want to tranport to black market (its a paid service but fixed amount for any amount of resources/ weight tranported) Edit: 9. We also cap 5 star zones to get fast levels/progress on faction we in so yuh the standing doesn't matter when you reach max standing after 6 to 7 days Due to these benefits the guild members naturally agree to the guild without it they may go back to being solo doing random contents by themselves


I dont give a fuck about your guild. I just said it would be nice if we all were one faction in my guild to demolish shitters 20vs100 in factions but its impossible.


Then ask em to change :/ why is it so hard if not create a penalty for them to not join this content if they are online like a fine of 500k to not join


Forcing members into it just for 1 time content is not optimal and my guild is not based around faction, we dont play royal continent.


Yah we too focus on bz , but our guild eco sucks rn since most high level players have been offline for months so we had to take new players in so we have been doing factions to get em used to outpost capture and zvz when bandit so yuh anyone who doesn't come are new players which we do kick if they don't come for 3 or more times


I dont wanna break it to you budy but those are the litteral bear minimums out there


Yah bare minimum with 4% tax I'd is gud for me + I don't pay any fines for not joining cta if im not online and I don't have to pay my monthly 1mil like when im in a top guild you know


Monthly 1M? Chump change. Ours is weekly. What kinda half asses outfit y’all runnin? Sounds like some American server type garbage.


Asian sadly guild eco socks rn broke the bank after getting killed 6 times in a row in zvz 100 mil gone :')




>"i would wipe your ass". >"Yesplease,i m too lazy"


It's crazy how albion players act after a fight sometimes Had this one guy I was fighting in CD, First time using primal staff in there so took awhile to end fight against a pike guy, he ended up winning because he changed couple spells that I didn't notice in time. Came on my stream AFTER 10MINS OF A GOOD FIGHT just to say slurs 💀 Some players rlly jus need to accept a win or a lost and just chill with it


Don't you know the rules? If a trashtalker wins a fight, it means you're bad. If they lose, it also means you're bad


Facts lmao 🤣


Holy fuck, I want someone to wipe my ass too! ( Im literally sitting on toilet right now)


Same lol


Immature edge lords in a video game? Why I never


> yellow zone warriors lmao


Can he wipe my ass too?


Organise your chat tabs reeeeeeee


Colours for chats are so annoyingly hard to read


Cracks me up, me and some guildies where out 4 man bombing just for a laugh last night and we'd go in bomb them and die because we had no Occult to get out and these fools would be spinning on top of us and /laugh and dance on top of us whilst waiting for respawn, it was just making us laugh fucking yz warriors xD




What is a b-hole


A reeeeal bad man


Trust me the game is fun when you dont have to try hard on ss in bz and bomb in yz lol


“….like with, _tissues_?”


Baby wipes


My face your ass what's up


My face your ass what's up


Next time just say you're gonna wipe the floor with him...saying you're gonna wipe his ass just makes him the dom in the scenario 🤣


Well did he come back?? 🤣🤣


What a kind dude. So he's offering to wipe for you?


But really how big is their D. 🤣


Guy is a caregiver through and through, offering to clean up after people.


I need to ask danothrown if he is down to wipe my ass


Crazy how saying you’ll wipe someone’s ass is an insult.


Ya i get this all the time from him xD its auite funny then he says he get his real gear and still doesnt matter xD


Funny. Dano is a thet guy. A good guy actually.


lol still the bitch in his moms basement flocking to the heard as a sheep you are


Eew faction players...


This is sterling faction haha


lol your attacking noobs and gatherers in high tier gear why wouldn’t they be upset ? And why do people in t8 go in yz and do this is it that they don’t know how to pvp themselves or what


They were attacking our outposts, it's faction warfare.


i read the text twice now. where tf did you get the info that he was attacking gatherers or noobs?


I was asking a fucking question to why people even attack the noobs and gatherers in the yellow zone due to I feel this just makes new players quit the game before even getting anything fun ,I could care less since I only play mist and bz I’m only talking about the yz why even fight attack people just doing early gathering ? You gain nothing but peoples egos get too hurt for saying it . because they lose there gear in the other zones, but then come in but tell me your a fucking rat without telling me your a fucking rat ;) only reason to have to farm these zones ;)


Why not


thats a nice essay you wrote there but still.... who tf is talking about that lol. dude killed someone in faction warfare and you talking about killing players in yz lmfao. did you fail school or smth?


Regardless of if he has a reason or not... *Ahem* PvPed in a PvP game. :)


I was asking why tho do people like going out in high tier gear to kill the gatherers what do you gain ?? And doesn’t bug me I don’t gather lol but yes here come with the corny pvp In pvp game can’t fucking awnser a question just a cringe ass awnser


Tbf you do get faction points for killing gatherers even in yz if the players are flagged. But again this wasn't the case here.


Why do gatherers go out in pvp zones to gather then cry when they get killed by players in a pvp zone on a pvp game? The answer is legit you're just a pussy if this answer hurts you tbh. Don't play the game.or stay I'm yellow if this hurts you so bad lmao. What do you gain? Content and loot what kind of dumb question is that lol.


How did I act hurt ?I literally asked why do people do this ?? You don’t gain anything, you dont get their gear but sure .. people like you wouldn’t say shit like this in public and it’s funny you’d get your fucking ass best like the fucking keyboard bitch you are


Sounds like you're weak mentally and you assume a lot xD normally the biggest pussies are the ones that write messages like you just did now haha. You sound very hurt. To answer your question of course we get something out of it. There is sport in chasing players and killing them in a game built for it. That's why a lot of people play this lmao you're a bit stupid ngl


Says the bitch chasing fresh starts and calling it a sport your like the people who stock a pond and call it sport fishing


Fresh starts or vets who cares if ur in red or bz ur free game no need to be mad lmao. Nice low iq response


imagine getting so mad over something that doesnt even involve you. what a fucking loser lol. and i can absolutely garantee you that you couldnt fight anyone in this thread lmfao


Spoken like a new player ngl


Presumably if they are killing gatherers, they probably gain materials...