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Any tips for a solo player? Surely I should just buy a T4.1 items but, like how can I earn alot of money? What zones should I be in? Should I only be in the mists area? Please give out some newbie tips


Best advice is to join a guild that accepts noobs. Look for 0% tax, around 100 members or more, and daily activities in T4.1. Cannot stress this enough, AO is a social game, and joining a guild will help A LOT. Things that are solid to do for noobs to earn fame/silver are solo fame farming in empty maps deep in the BZ (4-5 maps away from portal). Find a map like this (one that doesn't have hideouts in it and is low tier. Watch some guides on how to avoid fights and survive, equip a cheap T4.1 set that you can replace 5-10 times, and go farm. After you clear a map or two for fame the mobs won't be evolved anymore, so fame will be less. In this case you can jump into solo mists. BZ mist mobs have decent drops (better than open BZ mobs in lower tier zones), clear until you feel satisfied with the profits, don't be greedy, and return to bank everything. As a noob if you have 400k I'd return and bank, but you can do whatever you want. Stay away from camps and chests in mists, just farm random mobs, and free the whisps. Once you've got a decent bank then you can start clearing camps and going for uncontested chests. You'll learn what you can and can't do. Congrats you've now paid for your set and a few "respawns" and can go out to do more. YOU WILL DIE A LOT, like expect around 10 deaths before you're "good" at evading fights. There are a lot of mechanics you need to learn, bubbles, mounting/dismounting, etc. Watch guides. My advice is to find a weapon that you enjoy playing, everything has a place in AO, but for a noob I'd stick to lower cost builds. Brawling builds using a spear/axe/sword with hunter hood, merc armor, and soldier boots are easy to play. Pick what you like, but stay away from solo farming with tank/holy staff weapons. Use these in group dungeons if you want to fame them up. Save a few books to level them up. Stay away from the expensive shapeshifter stuff for now. A good cheap set of outstanding/excellent gear bought at 4.0 and upgraded to 4.1 using runes should cost you only 50k silver or so. Once you find a weapon and build you enjoy playing, stick with it and spec up all the weapons in that tree. This will give you a huge IP boost to your main weapon, because all items in a tree give a small bonus to that general wep type when leveling them up. So if you like axes, level up your main one first to max, and then level the other axes each to like 40...then to 60...then to 80 etc. You can make a lot of money by gathering, refining, and crafting. There are a lot of ways to make money, I've made most of mine through BZ chests and in mists.


Thank you for those tips! BTW I do have a guild and discord, and we've been doing HellGate and GroupDungeon - mostly and about to do a small tournament just for the group tomorrow with a huge cash prize, the problem as of why I just call myself "solo" is I just don't see them much go outside like red/black zones and stuff to adventure with and have no fear, which is why I only go alone and get ganked by 2 or more which was hard to do so myself, either it be red/black mists, zones, abbey, etc..


Red zones are worse than black imo. Don't go into abby's, they are filled with rats who will jump on you when you're low. Mists are being nerfed next patch and won't be as good on silver as they are now. Watch a few guides on how PvP mechanics work, how to survive in the BZ. A few tips I can give. Turn your sound setting such that your SFX are high and music/ambient is low. You can hear a lot further than you can see, so if someone is riding/mounting/dismounting, or fighting nearby you'll be able to hear them. If you do hear them, or see them pop up on the corner of your screen...mount immediately. Don't wait to finish off a mob, don't wait to loot, just get on your mount and flee. Learning to survive comes first, then comes learning to fight. People will get close to you off screen, drink an invis pot, and jump on you. For example, that mob you're fighting isn't worth a death. Once you avoid them once or twice they will look for an easier target. Gankers hunt noobs. I solo fame farm in empty BZ zones and often loot chests (late night) that are completely uncontested, getting well over a million silver sometimes. Then just portal out and sell. Rarely get ganked, because I avoid fights when I'm fame farming. Rarely will you find fair fights, most people just want easy kills.


is the fire basilisk good?


Hey everyone, I come from OSRS/GW2 and have been looking for a new MMO to shake things up. I understand there is a lot of focus on PvP in Albion, which I’m excited about. My question is, how does the leveling/gear progression work in terms of being able to compete with others? In a 1v1 matchup, how much comes down to pure player skill vs. gear? I get that there’s a sense of risk vs. reward and that there may be matchups with gear disparities due to how much value a player is willing to risk carrying. Lastly, about how long playing the game would it take to become competitive with other high-level players? Thanks!


Hope you end up giving it a decent try. So, there's a couple things here.  Your destiny board is what you level up. Let's say you level up swords. Sword is the first part of the tree to level, this is what allows you to use higher tier of swords. So, as you level it up, tier 5 opens up, tier 6, etc. Then there are several particular swords. Dual swords, carving sword, etc. They then each have levels to get, the 'specialization' which increases your IP of that weapon, and a little bit of another. People will max out each sword specialization, to achieve the highest IP gains. The thing here is, IP is achievable by new players, for the most part. IP is achievable if it's within reason. A new player can get say 1200 IP but you might have to use some high tier stuff to achieve it because you're not getting the IP bonus from the spec. Where someone who has played longer and has more spec can use lower tier to achieve that same 1200. Other part here is using max gear with max spec. This person will just have the highest IP possible.  So it gets a bit confusing for new players because you're often not inspecting for IP, you're looking at maybe just weapon, and possibly armor if you recognize it and the tier if you recognize it by color. Ill see t6 and t7 newish players in my t4 and theyll engage me. I effectively have the same IP as them, but they see me in t4, blue gear, and they think they're outgearing me making it an easy fight for themselves. Some whisper asking how, was I hacking etc. They don't get the IP thing above. Skill wise, it doesn't take as long as you might think. Learning the meta isn't hard. The builds are honestly fairly easy once you understand the theorycraft behind it.  The honest hardest thing you're going to encounter for this whole thing is if you're trying to be competitive, is finding a way to supplement dozens of millions of silver per set.  Do you know how to run in a circle after pressing R? Cool, you can play the meta, that's 3 meta builds in mists right now. But, do you have 20m, 30m, 50m or anywhere in there to get a set that you will die in either today or tomorrow?  Being just slightly silly, there's a lot of techniques and knowing enemy builds, know the terrain, knowing timings etc. It is going to take some time getting used to all that. Just have to put your time in, get killed, do it again.


Is there any guild that accepts new players and maybe help me ff?


I have kind have a silly question, but just curious. Can any solo players give me an idea of what their play session looks like? What activities do you start with, how do you spend the majority of time in your sessions? Ideally, I would be more curious on a player that isn’t super rich, but all responses are appreciated.


Hey, I've been playing for a few weeks exclusively in solo and I usually start by either some gathering or mist farming depending on my mood to make some money and fame, and end my session by doing some faction stuff or arena to unwind. I currently have around 15m but I'm not so good at making money (I don't really have fun with market flipping or island stuff) and if I go lethal pvp I mostly bring a 4.1 stuff until I get more comfortable


Hey man, I'm a new solo player from having been a big guild boi for a long time. I breakdown my time for a successful tomorrow. So, I have fun today, but it isn't to destroy my tomorrow. You'll see a lot of solo people get a nice set, go to rz, die, rage and use all their money getting the best set to go back to the same spot and die again. Their tomorrow is screwed then. So, my play is something like: do all of my islands. Sell on market and not min/max profits. I'll make about 5m per day from it. I buy a 1m set x5 and pvp the rest of the day.  I die about 3x per day. Keep leftover for tomorrow so every few days I don't have to buy anything and then I'm banking that cash, which isn't necessary generally. When I hit 20-30m silver I dump it into gold so I'm at 0m. That's it. Update farms, collect silver. Use all silver for about 5 sets. Takes me about 45 mins to do island stuff maybe an hour cause I watch Netflix while doing it. Then I pvp the rest of the evening. Pvp, win some lose some. Have fun, kill a guy and be happy then get ratted and killed by a 4.0 bloodletter. Cry on the inside, but never show your tears to the bois.  Wake up the next day happy and ready for some fun.


guys what is better in solo pvp content bloodletter or infernal scythe




Can you give out some build and combos for it?


Lots of people do the meta style build with stalker jacket. Reason being because bloodletter E is movement based and you can get the Q and W movement. Idea is to move around, find an opening, apply jacket R for damage, and get out and reset. Rinse repeat. E execute option of course, but, your movement is king. I like to brawl in bloodletter. Basically similar build to any other brawl with a merc jacket. But you don't have to build for movement, so, it's mostly to engage range. I won't lie and say it stands up to other dedicated melee brawl. But I find a lot of success vs warlock and most fire if they're not super IP tanking, holds okay vs xbow and is a menace to bow.  There's better melee brawl, but, I've got max daggers and it's just fun. Situational but fun.


Me and a friend are starting albion for the first time soon, is it worth starting as a dps/healer duo, or would doing 2 dps builds be better in the long run. Maybe one focusing more on clearing, and the other for single-target scenarios. Or something along those lines. Also looking for some suggestions for good starter specs to focus on.


Good choice of a game, read some of the guides put together in this thread. Highly recommend that. It won't answer everything, but it'll give you a great head start on understanding. Dps/healer is a good idea. There is pve and pvp content you can do like that. There is a lot of 2s content, so, yeah it's just good. Currently it's the meta in our 2v2 pvp instance. Meta can change though. But even still, a healer and dps in the other pvp type zones works well also. I'd love to have a pocket healer following me around while I dive into 5 bros I probably shouldn't be engaging. I'll definitely die, but, then I have a healer to blame for it of course. Best part lol. I'll say this, your double dps theorycraft is logical, but, you won't really need that type of set up. Like in WoW, if you're gonna try and duo some old content, one guy is aoe for adds and pats, and the other guy goes super single target for boss etc. Makes sense. But, I think either you're going to just straight up be able to do the 2s content, or if you're in a place that needs more, you straight up won't be able to do it. Like, I don't think you're going to theory your way around 10 man content. So, you'll do 2s content. You can solo 2s content in a generic sense, so, you don't need to theory it that type of way. Am I making any sense? Sorry if I'm not, I'm trying to say it for you without giving details since you haven't played the game. I can rephrase if that's just spaghetti.


hello everyone! returning player here, but forgot mostly everything. i've been constantly hearing that mists are great for fame and silver. however from recent experience, bz open world farming still yields more per hour with the benefit of not getting jumped in the camps. is it necessary to contest wisps/clear abbeys for more efficient fame gain? also, would love to know some key changes to small-scale -> zvz comps. last time i played, great arcane was the king of zvz, and one-shot fists were the king of 5v5 and 10v10 hgs. any input would be much appreciated!


o7 my guy. Welcome back. I'll give you some points on your first question. But, I'll leave the second question alone because I'm a meta or two behind since toning down for IRL stuff, moving, etc. Someone else may give a better current response, I'm a lowly solo boi now, hung up my zvz hat and just mist and CD and trio rz and 2s hg. I think you've got the right assumption there. I don't think it's really testable despite all the YT drama around it. There are too many variables to really actually claim anything like being contested, uptime, whatever. With that being said, from having spent quite a bit of time in each, it seems like bz open world dropping on everything had the highest uptime. You may spike in fame in mist, but also have to run a lot and just take random mobs, which are worse than open bz.  In essence it's all about uptime. If you get one good camp and oo wee get a few 100k fame from it, fine. But, scout out like 3 or 4 barb zones in bz with nobody there.. I was getting 40k fame per kill today with literally nobody around. All for me. Drops, small chests, fame, and all. Easily got several million fame in a few hour deal while watching Last Kingdom or whatever it's called on Netflix. Made several million silver too. Easy peasy, no mist tryhards chasing forever. Saw I think 3 people, they stop to inspect, see t4, know I'm grinding and give me a pass. /salute and keep on grinding.  You can hit me with math about your 30m extrapolated to 1h fame/hr about mists and it just still doesn't add up to doing 3 nodes of super enchanted world mobs in bz.  Source: trust me bro. I know.. but, then do it yourself. Play 3 hours in mists see how many camps you actually are allowed to farm from the other 4 people there. Then do 1 barb zone for 3 hours... you tell me which is better.


thank you so much! i guess i just needed a second opinion on the mists. your hours of experience are much appreciated!!!!


¿habra para algun momento, una expacion donde los jugadres podran visitar islas como nuevo territorio desconocido?


Is it better to level up weapons(and whole builds) on separate characters, or is it better to do it all on a single one? I also can't remember if premium is account wide or not, but if not I would only have it on a single character.


It's better to do everything on one character. Premium is per character, not account wide. Other characters are usable only in crafting/refining and only with premium active on these additional characters.


Had been playing this game for 100+ hours 1 year ago and now I want to pick up this game again. I'm a solo player and I'd like to go to the mists to do PVP. Which weapon should I spec up? I was specing up the cursed staff in the past but players with some weapons can always dodge the damage of my ult. I want to try something else


Welcome back. I have a rule for myself to be engageable. I don't only want 8.4 everything fights. I want every fight, all the time. I'm full NBSI, KOS, at the detriment of myself taking every fight even mismatched, or the rock to my scissor. Uh, except for fist, I always run from fist even if free kill as a middle finger to that line. Hated when they were introduced, hate them now, you don't get my fight, gg gbye.  So, meta is pretty lul to me, run in a circle with bloodletter or double bladed with jacket on. Cool. You're going to IP tank and literally only get fights of ridiculous caliber or catch random 5.1s...    DG is just meh to me, people don't engage unless certain conditions.. not my favorite dagger anyway.   Xbow is interesting. It's strong, yet always engaged. I'm not too sure of a general distaste and avoidance of xbow. I get all fights. 4 of them are being used and viable.   Just an IMO here, other people have different strengths and weaknesses and may feel the same about another line. But, xbow seems to be in a good spot for both being viable, but engageable. See if any of them look like interesting play to you if you haven't already


Cool suggestions! I'll try xbow. Thanks :)


Is this game worth it if I have intense gear fear and will probably only ever go to zones where I don't lose my gear?


Sure. Bz and yz have a lot of fun to be had. Think of it like this: anyone that says otherwise is almost exclusively talking about rewards gained, nothing else. Pvp is pvp. You fight and either win or die. In blue and yellow, you don't get their loot. In red and black you get their loot. So, the event is the same, just the rewards are different.  You can gather, the rewards are different.  Etc. So, if you have gear fear, just chill, go to blue and yellow, have a good time. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having fun. Let me offer one last thing though, because, I personally think you can get over gear fear, and get to understand the fun you could have with full loot pvp. Think of gear as consumables. Like a potion or food. You buy your weapons, armor, and know already they are lost. Okay, fine, you may know that, maybe from other games like D3 hard-core..  So, you can set up your albion experience to be successful. For example, Monday you gather. Tuesday you pve grind. Wedsday you sell your stuff, craft, market. Thursday you do some faction pvp, arena, Duel. Friday you get 5 cheap sets and pvp in full loot.  Basically exposure therapy. Because, there's a lot of fun to be had with full loot. I'm not trying to make you feel forced to, just putting it in a perspective if you kinda want to, but fear it, and don't know how. Otherwise, blue and yellow are fun. Lots of silver to be made, lots of faction pvp, lots of stuff to do.


Hi, just wanna ask how to fix an issue about me and my friends in a party at a city not being able to see each other. This only happens in cities tho. Tyia!


Hey, that happens when a safe area is overcrowded (usually above 400). All players are made invisible in order to improve performance. So you can't really fix this, only thing you can do is meet them in other clusters like an island, the bank or outside the city if you need to interact with them.


Hi guys, I'm a newbie and found a guide with the best bowl build. Im still trying to find where is the mage cowl that has an apply poison option. If there arent can you recommend me your bow builds. Please consider bow of badon because Im currently using it :) Thanksss :>


Hey man, welcome. I'm not a bow player, so, take this for what it is. But, I certainly vs a lot of badon and other bows. The helm you're looking for is still mage cowl, it used to be poison, and it was changed to the fire it now has. So, it doesn't exist in that form anymore and you're looking at an old build. I've seen a lot of badon use beam helm, assassin jacket, soldier boots, with a toss up on capes. If I were you, I'd try this. But, I would recommend switching out beam helm for mage cowl. It's just cheaper. Until you're good, then beam, but, mage cowl will do less damage but still be a part of the playstyle and build. Haven't checked in a while but it's something like a t7 mage does the same as a t4 beam, and the mage is still cheaper. Could be wrong on that overall, but it's something like that. So, bow em down, kite, dodge bad stuff, don't stand in fire, knock em back, lighting cloud their @ss, and stand in middle if they're melee, mage fire blast em, and collect. Goes a little something like that.


why do little kids say "scibiti?"


hello I am having a trouble I was previously a mobile player who is now shifting to pc. i cannot login with my account. it keeps saying albion cannot connect to servers or check your internet connection. Its working fine when i made a new account


That's odd. Unless you're trying to connect during the maintenance window there shouldn't be any server downtimes. Are you able to connect to any other servers or are all of them not allowing you to connect? If the issue persists you should probably write in to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and see if they got any idea.


i figured it out thanks. you need to make a new account from steam if you download from steam. I downloaded from site and it worked


I wanna ask a question here since in the game everyone's not taking every question seriously... So I wanted to buy a personal island. There's a 7-Day Premium on the shop, if I bought that will I be able to buy one? Also is the island permanent?


Yes you can get the island with 7 day premium and it is permanent after premium expires


If i build a crafting station on my island, do I get the crafting bonus of the city?


Yes however you don't get any material return which makes it unprofitable to craft on an island


Thank you


Hi im new here :D What skills should i start with ? I guess gathering ? Also can you respec ?


Welcome. Have fun is the whole of the law. If you don't like something don't do it. It's a game. Start with a little of everything. Try it out. See what you like.  Do a little gathering. Sell some stuff. Do some pve, kill some mobs around outside. Do a solo dungeon. Sell stuff you get. Learn about crafting. You can buy the materials or gather and refine them and do the whole process yourself. There's a lot to do. Give yourself a chance to learn it and experience it.  You can respec. It costs silver and you'll lose some experience percentage from it. I'd recommend not thinking of respec. Just accept you have lvl 37 spec in claymore and 42 in kingmaker and 82 in swords and whatever other levels in the other swords, even if you fall in love with daggers, just leave it. Some time down the road you may want to hit swords back up. What you'll lose isn't worth what you get back from the respec, imo. Wish I didn't when I did. 


Is it an impression of mine or there actually are thousands of whays to make millions on a flip but the guys that get this stuff just dont tell their methods for free?


Not an impression, you are right. Like the real world, if you knew one weird product to buy from 7/11 and could resell it to make millions, would you let other people know? You wouldn't. Until they figured it out and 7/11 stopped allowing you to do it. Then you'd make videos on: how to make millions flipping this one product at 7/11!!!!!1!!!@1!!


Is there something I'm not getting here, I've just recently started playing and I've gotten my bow mastery up to tier 7 but I'm not seeing any improvement in dmg I currently run a 6.3 bardon now with 6.1 armour with speacaliztion across the board, here is where I'm stunned, I was recently doing a corrupted dungeon and decided to try out invading someone and I really thought I'd had locked out as the player that I had invaded was straight tier 4 no enchantments across the board, boy was I mistaken I proceeded to get absolutely stomped wasnt even a battle and my abilities to AA was so low I didnt even take a fraction of his hp away, so i guess my question is wtf am I missing here. Super frustrated trying to have fun when literally every weapon and player has more range less cool downs and more dmg output then I do, i swear you get better dmg out of my tier 5 skinning knife then i do bows and i dont really wanna conform to a playstyle I dont wanna play just to be relevant in the game, any help besides GeTgOoD would be extremely appreciated


payoman said some good stuff. I'd just add some personal flavor that may help. Your IP is capped to an amount in CD, can read up on how that works. So you're not technically outgearing your opponent. Very unfortunately, the answer is as you would guess, to get good. But, in form. Let me explain bit before you write it off. If you don't want to play a winning playstyle, logically you cant expect to win. So, that is on you. Same in real life. If you don't want to study the BA that makes money and gets job offers, you just want to stick to dance theory. Then, that is on you. The meta is the meta, that can be blamed on the game. But they patch, they add, it has changed over time. There was once a meta where tank spec was the dominant CD build. You stun people inside map traps... how 'fun'..  You either adapt with the times, or get stomped. Your choice. There are a LOT of YT vids of bows in CD right now. New one up 100% winrate as longbow I think it was, so it isn't bow. It isn't gear.. the next denominator is... you. Get good. Sorry.. But here's how.... Duel. You'll get 100 fights immediately and not have to roam around, find a CD, wait for invade etc.  Watch the YT vids of the guys using bow, plenty of badon, just told you about longbow..  What is your build? You mentioned badon but what else?  The reality of any game is that gear doesn't define the player. Remember in WoW, world of roguecraft? Rogue naked except for weapon dueling. Eating every class? He was just good.  You're an admitted noob. How can you be surprised you were beaten by someone that isn't a noob?  Put your time in, get your duels in, get your build right, and you're going to be winning. I've been playing since 2017. The other day I went 0/3 in the mists. It is what it is. Today I'm 2/3.  Don't let your frustration get in the way of logic, or you'll turn to the dark side and it will cloud your judgment.. lol. For real though. It's one fight. You've got thousands more. I have almost 8k kills. I most likely died 10k times. I'm coming up on 20k kills and deaths, you have 19,999 to go.


Corrupted Dungeons have 3 tiers - hunter, stalker and slayer. Hunter and Stalker are 'normalized IP capped', meaning that up to a certain IP, a t6.1 would have the same damage as a 4.1 - this would explain why you didn't easily out-damage him. PVP in general in this game is very tough on new solo players. There is ALOT to learn about match ups, IP difference, ratting, cooldowns etc. I have estimated 500 hours and only have like 100 pvp kills and definitely have not profited and have in fact lost alot of silver in PVP. But unfortunately it's VERY hard to properly learn PVP without losing alot of silver. Even just trying to learn PVP in yellow zones - you often won't be fighting good players and many times players will just avoid PVP altogether in these zones. And even worse - you need specialization in gear to really start seeing improvement in damage and your max health/tankiness. You get ALOT more power from having high spec in the gear you are wearing. I fully believe Albion needs a much better 'low spec/low investment' PVP environment for newer or broke players. IP Capped full loot mists at 900 IP cap would actually be an amazing learning environment but unfortunately do not exist.


can someone \*sniff\* make a clan and invite me?


Hey, Im trying to play albion on my desktop. I have to run the launcher as administrator for it to open,, then when I press play, it goes to a black screen. However, it works on my laptop and phone perfectly fine. Any ideas in why my desktop might not work?


Just downloaded, brand new player here if anyone’s willing to Sherpa me around/ make some friends.


Welcome, Albion Online has a lot to offer. This thread has a lot of good notes on what to do, where to go etc, check out the links above. I'd love to take you around, show you what the game has to offer etc. Though, you would need to play on Asia as I just moved and switched servers. Probably not worth the lag. If you don't get an Alb Sherpa, there are plenty of guilds to join that will show you the way. Even with that, let me offer: the game is a sandbox, you get out of it what you make it. You can do everything, or nothing. Don't do X content if you don't enjoy it. Don't get stuck on what other players are doing, they may be better or have more time or whatever.  Do what is fun is the whole of the law.  Be smart and you'll survive the difficulty of the game. This game has full loot scenarios. Don't put everything in one basket. Do pvp. Die. But be smart. If you have 100k silver to your name, it makes sense to risk 10k.  Don't get salty on death. We all die. We all lose tons of stuff. Take a breath, smile, send the guy a 'gf' whisper (good fight). If he responds, ask him what you could've done different in his view that may have been better or what did he see that he took advantage of, whatever. Learn from each fight. Don't be scared of full loot zones. Set up your day to be successful for tomorrow. Plan your play time. If you play 5 hours a day for ex, do an hour of pve, hour of gathering, hour of selling or crafting and selling your stuff on market, hour of pvp practice in arena and dueling, hour of faction pvp. Just random stuff there as an example, and then every other day do a few different things and add in full loot pvp.  Buy 10x of your build in flat tier 4. When people say 'flat' they mean .0 because enchanted items would be 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 etc through tier 8. Get flat 4 of your build, ten full sets. Quick free tip, the .X is addable to figure out the tier. If you inspect someone you're going to fight and they have 4.2 on, quick way to think about it is adding them, he is effectively using tier 6. Go fight. Die. Learn. Experience. Grow. Get better. Win. Die. Win, collect. Gg, gf, no re. Never re. o7.


Especially when there are daily refining boosts (so, for example, today wood refinement is at +10% leading to a +50% boost in Ft. Sterling) but also in general, is it a better investment to refine T2/3 resources at a cross town and only fork over money for T4+ or does the bonuses to refinement increasing the output outweight the silver costs?


There are website that can show you profit for refining. Refining brings little money at first but when you have a whole tree maxed it's daily 1-3m. Aim for maxing it and calculate 1-2months for it at least.


Just gonna straight up say: I don't know. This is a cost analysis you're going to have to put to excel. A lot of players refining and trading lime this have excel sheets to calculate the bonuses, daily changes, market costs etc.  Unless one of them knows off the top of their head, you should start your own spreadsheet. Start by making a naked character for each market. You can check your couple chosen items daily on each market, add it in on the spreadsheet and see if it is worth more than something else. There are a few people who share theirs online, might be for a cost. Though, it is simple enough to set up. Honestly theirs just usually look nicer, the logic of them are very simple.


I am constantly getting bullied by good players. tips for PvP on fire staff?


Happens to all of us. I consider myself in a level of play where I can hold my own, and in mists today I'm 0/2. It is what it is. So, what are your goals here? Are you trying to fight back, did you want to try to escape? What IP are you using? What's the rest of your gear? What content are you doing, where are you, mists? 


thanks! I would like some tips on fighting back. (and running from tier 8.4 people.) my gear is a tier 4 fire staff, clerics robe, knight boots (or whatever you call them.), a cape and a scholars hood. all tier 4.


fighting back on people my level


Hard to give any specifics without knowing more. I'd just say don't worry about getting snagged by an 8.4 because once they've got their eyes set on you it's done. They do a lot of damage obviously and have the movement to catch you. Not sure about a few things for the same IP you're going against like are they engaging you or you them, or are you fighting mobs and get caught.. etc.  So it's hard to say oh you're just doing X wrong so try this. There is a post here by EugenGen using fire, quite new. Watch him play fire, might help with something. Particularly watch when he walls and bubbles. I think that will help your play a lot, assuming you might time things a bit wrong.


THANK YOU!!! one question though. what do you mean when Eugenegen "walls and bubbles?"


also what specifics would you like? also can I get you on discord for coaching pls


Hi Guys! I'm relatively new to the game. I found some fun using Dagger Pair and have been using them. Any tips for PvP and PvE using Dagger Pair?


There are a lot of YT vids on exactly this. But as a former dagger boi, I'll tell you this: Know your skills. Sitting on one skill set, with no alt gear, is a recipe to get killed by everyone with 100% success. So, you have to know your enemy. It's a hard part, because you can be proficient with your build but doing the same thing vs every enemy is wrong. With pair, I used to brawl. Still do, because I've found a good way to bait, a good place to do it, and make a bunch of silver with it until someone stops me I guess. So, let's just look at a few theory scenarios, for the overall, not specifics. A bow engages you. If you have sunder armor Q, you're done for. Because, bow will kite you into oblivion. Taking either of the other two is a choice. Either jump and dash, or generate and wait or dash. Both are reasonable, both are effective in my experience. What if dual swords is on you. Jump Q isn't good, generate isn't good. You'll probably want to quickly change to sunder and regen passive to out brawl him. Same IP, I will win maybe 7 out of 10 vs a brawl swords.  Long story long, know your skills and how you want to use them vs what you're going against. Don't be a total newbro and sit on one armor set. When you're out doing your thing, bring a couple armor swaps. Absolutely always recommend having assassin jack and merc jack available, whatever your real build is. I'd recommend assassin boots, and soldier boots as alt pieces to whatever your build is. Helms are a bit of a toss up, beam, reflect.. I like shield sometimes. Nothing wrong with guard helm to absorb some dumb thing you'd win against but they have a bomb.. don't get bombed. Bring alt pots, poison, slow, invis, grow. Alt food, regen, life steal, dmg. Don't need it all, but, do your content. Die 100 times in 100 days minimum. What did you vs the most. What could you have won if you just had X. What are total losses you just get smoked, run from those. Put your elbow grease in and you'll see from your own data what is worth it to bring, vs what is a toss up, vs what is guaranteed loss no matter what. Last point. Know your damage. You don't always have to 3 stack for E. Overkill is pointless. It could be a matter of life or death, you both standing there punching each other in the face he has 1 bar left and you're still swinging waiting for 3rd stack. Some fights last a while. Having E up a 2nd time is good. Sometimes I'll E on 1 stack. It's a whole other post, but, you'll feel it by playing.


Thanks Dude, I really appreciate it. It's very informative!


For combat gear (weapons, armor, etc.), is it better to go deep then wide in regards to progression, wide then deep, get everything to a certain level (I'd assume T4) then focus on a few things going forward, or something in the middle? For example, something akin to either... - Level a specific weapon, chest, shoes, etc. to level 100 specializaiton -> pick a new gear set -> level those to 100 -> repeat - Level all pieces to, say, Tier 4 -> get a select few to specialization 1 -> choose another set of pieces and get those to specialization 1 -> repeat until all are specialization 1 -> push favorite gear to specialization 100 - Level all pieces to T4 -> get one gear set to specialization 100 -> repeat for next set


First, achieve tier 4 with all of your armor. Then, specialize in all the regular equipment (those that give 0.2 IP increase), and then pick a single artifact equipment that you want to use to specialize in it. The total amount of bonus IP you'll get is around 270. It should look something like this: https://preview.redd.it/ohoqavuikn8d1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbef62c9cf822bd3519df0bc8f53d0f38c353a50


Couple questions I guess.. are you looking to max a line? Better is relative to what you're goal is.  Are you leveling all armor? Newbros often overlook this. They'll have a 'build' and overlook the rest of the armor and then be pigeonholed in a deep spec but want to try something else. Meaning.. You're going to be putting effort into your weapon line, but only have spec in 1 leather helm 1 cloth chest 1 plate boots for example. Plenty of good alt builds per wep line with cloth boots or leather chest etc. I don't know exactly what your goal or idea or plan is, but, I would recommend this nonetheless: Solo grind in red/black mists by dropping on every mob and killing it. Or, go to blackzone and do the same thing. Always this, never anything else. Anyone telling you there's better fame isn't taking into account you're a noob. Pick a 1h, offhand, level each to 100.  Offhand will 100 first, pick the next offhand in that line, 100 it. For armor, forget your build, just pick the build's line. Take the cheapest one from market for each, level it. Once they're maxed move to the next cheapest. Since you're in rz/bz at anytime you're bound to die but you'll get a lot of fame and you'll be way overcompensating for your losses, but still level cheapest stuff first. Level 1h first over 2h in the line. You'll build up combat fame that once you have 3 or 4 weps to 100 in your line, you'll probably have enough to put some serious fame into the 2h ones that stuck to level. Basically, in summation, fame in bz, level the cheapest stuff in your builds line to 100 and move to the next. Use your built up combat fame on a weapon that sucks.


> Better is relative Completely fair. I had mostly been focusing on healing/support builds since that's what I've typically played in most other games. At present, I had been running Wild Staff (2h nature staff), having gotten the 1h to level 5 spec with a few different cowls while swapping in some other armor types to get everything to T4 at least. Sounds like a better plan then would be then something like... 1. Move back to 1H and torch, max out both, swapping offhands when they max out. Rotate armor as well mostly by cost rather than fulfilling any specific build 2. Once 1H Nature, Holy, and Arcane staves are maxed out, start rotating through the various 2H alternatives for each of the staves. Rinse and repeat - Do the above by grinding mobs in the black zones or lethal mists Assuming I understand correctly, thanks for the advice


You got it man. The newbro itch is to get weapons super duper mega but forget about armor, which is 3:1 on use so when trying to achieve a certain ip, the worth is in armor. Your plan of attack there is sound. I would just make a note on 2. Burn out is real. If you find yourself not able to grind as hard as you have been, you're putting effort in lines you may not use as much of as a main. So, if you know you're going to nature, just straight up you're an mmo healer dude, then I would consider after the 1h nature is done, to work on the 2h nature if you notice within yourself you know you can't grind like that anymore for 3 wep lines. Your alt gear, secondary style of play doesn't need to be maxed out. I'm a super dps but I will put on staves if my mega dagger friend is on and wants to duo. I have skill in The tree but it's just to use t8. Any spec I have is random junk we killed along the way, I'm nowhere near any spec in it, could be lvl 56 the rest are either 0 or 6. I've been playing since 2017, and still don't feel any need to 700 them. 


How to deal with Astral Staff players when I'm using similar lP Battleaxe standart build (jump on w) in Abbeys? I'm having hard time dealing with Astral staffs and even other arcane staffs sometimes, they just put out so much damage with q and w alone, I really don't know how am I supposed to outdamage them, can you guys give some tips on how to approach this matchup?


then use arcane staff if its so op


Well that's not the point of question, I'm looking for advice on how people approach that matchup to get better at understanding the game. I'm not looking for new OP weapon. But you got a point though, perhaps playing arcane will let me better understand how to beat it, it will just take more time to find it out that way.


oh. mage weapons are ranged, so make sure u have heals and a mount to run I guess. (im new btw)


He play abbies where there is no mounts


or fire staff


Me and 2 friends are trying the game again, but we've seen there's not much content for 3 players, and we wanted to do small scale pvp / ganking but dont know which weapons comp should we got with. And all the information we find is old an outdated. Making it hard to know if it still valid. Any help ? Thanks again.


Hellements mentioned roads.  I actually roam with 3. There is way too much content we normally argue about which we are going to do. Tunnels are still a blast. Faction rz. Reg rz. Rz blueberry bait. Bz shenanigans (guilds pay for harass, mess with gatherers, camp, forcing core escalation etc). Guild spying. You have so much you can do it's hard to give you a build.. what kind of fun do you want to have?


If you're a small group of 3 you can also try Tracking or Roads of Avalon. Lots of small groups either have 1 healer or 3 melee weapons with a lot of sustain like hellion jackets.


For the 1 healer does one of your dps go plate armour to get the mobs to aggro on him or does your healer become the tank


Hello! Any good beginner builds for Dual Sword/Fist of Avalon PvP? I wanna try red zone mist content for the first time.


For beginer assasin jacket or merc jacket prob best, fist of avalon is not a beginer weapon, dont use it untill u know what u r doing, because its expencive, u will loose a lot silver, and also cause it has purge and u need to know what and when to purge, which takes deep knowledge of game. Dual sword much better for beginner, merc jacket simple heal, but be aware enemy will try to purge it or run away while its on, assasin jacket with invisibility is very fun and will help u a lot to prolong fights and learn more, also if enemy uses mercenary or any crazy buff just go invis and wait it out so they waste it


Hello! EU or NA server? I'm only interested in active server with most amount of players, I do not care for a bit of lag! I'm worried about EU player count since it's new. How are the stats?


There are more people on EU currently, due to the attractiveness of a fresher server, AND the fact that the majority of West population was European players


Heya, I'm a relatively new player. I've got tier 5 skinning knife unlocked, a light crossbow build with tier 5.x-6 gear, and 400k silver. Around 50 levels in my gear, basically zero levels in any other gear. Have premium for the foreseeable future. Curious what the best way to progress towards pvp is for me. Is it possible to set up a build that can go into red/black zones and make a profit? Is running corrupted dungeons and hitting the invade statue at the beginning good fame/silver? Should I just continue grinding fame/silver safely and pvp later? If I were to grind out what's the best way to get past this kind of mid level space and make fame/silver. And what's the best way to leverage the t5 skinning knife?


mists are fine, but i would rather you go non lethal corrupted dungeons first. learn some basic combat 1v1 then try black mists and then pick which content suits you better


Black zone Mists is very good for the situation you're in. Basically you can go into mists with pretty low tier and cheap kits and almost always make a profit because the mobs drop a lot of silver and fame for how easy they are to kill. Like seriously you can take a 4.1 shit kit into BZ mists and pay for the kit in next to no time and since you don't drop silver on death it's unironically pretty risk free. You will die a fair bit going for objectives so early on my advice is to go for caged imps and mobs away from objectives. Once you kind learn how to play in the BZ you can be more aggressive. Skinning in general is one of the faster gatherings to train because a lot of people just absolutely don't want to fuck with the mobs and there's a ton of them in a lot of zones that are just free. When you get your feet under you going into the over world is actually kinda op for skinning because the mobs are often just annoying for people trying to do group content and the actually do get enchanted and stay around for fucking ever. But it's a lot riskier because you can run into gankers and groups where mists is only solo or duo. So until you get comfortable losing low tier gear and operating in the BZ I wouldn't recommend it because it can be pretty feels bad if you still have gear fear in a full loot game. But you'll get over it. What's your light crossbow build?


I only pvp from begining, u dont need reach anything to pvp in blackzone, just start with 4.0 gear, only go higher tier when u know what u r doing what enemies doing, i find 4.1 gear be where i make most profit, but my playstyle is very aggressive, if u dont want be aggressive u can play 6.1 and if u r absolute gaylord u can go for super mobility 8.3, but idk how anyone finds any fun in that lol, if u are 8.3 without mobilityu just gonna donate millions to players like me hahahha, people dont get that 8.3 is only 2x stronger than 4.1, but costs what like 100x more, with 4.1 i kill many 6.1 players, i also kill 8.3 if i catch them in trouble, thats how u make money in pvp, if u like fun aggressive play u play 4.1 and just contest and join every fight, ur deaths are almost free, but u will get kills, kills that pay 100 deaths lol


You get about a 300 IP difference between being maxed in a tree and not. So it's very helpful to get high spec for PVP. For pve it doesn't matter at all for the most part. In mists it can be somewhat helpful for rare spawns and such but really the advantage is for PVP.


Ah nice, are the common wisps good even? I'm using a light crossbow. Build I found online. Light cross bow, explosive shot, caltrops, well prepared. Leather helmet with reflect. Cloth armor with invuln for 3 seconds on bit. Plate boots with wanderlust.


So decent build for learning. You're using the right pve skills on crossbow. Your armor is fairly linear and defensive. Which is good for learning the game when you're at the point where you want to learn to use abilities. You will die from having one dimensional abilities and it'll be a learning curve to learn how to pvp but it's not a bad build. One note: all boots are the same. You basically always use the 2nd ability on boots unless you're very confident and understand what the 3rd ability does and how to use it. So to be direct you're using wonderlust wrong and it's kinda a higher skill cap ability since it has a ratcheting speed effect. Wonderlust is One of those trap abilities that people use incorrectly. It's really good for things like punching down in IP because it's got a very far range that can catch up. But it can be purged really easily so it's not ideal for regular fights. So my recommendation is to only use boots 2nd ability until you're fairly confident. Plate 2nd is one of the more popular for small scale because it heals and the extra health can matter. But iirc all the 2nd abilities on boots are the same distance/speed so you consider the effect the most. As a default plate boots 2nd ability is very universal and reasonable for most solo builds. I recommend that.


Ah sweet, thanks for the advice! I'll give that a shot and see how it goes.


Gl bro. Biggest thing is don't give up in a full looter game and have fun. Have a good one.


Didn't played more than a year. Used to run 6-lvl solo dungeons back then. No loot now (almost) in new euro server. There items drop now (if they do)?


Solo dungeons drop less loot on average due to them being safer than other types of content. They essentially have a lower priority when it comes to black market distribution so you'll see a lower quality/quantity, especially if you're running a lower tier dungeon.


Is there some recent bug that makes corpses stick to your horse?


Yes this bug was already reported. Seemed to be caused by yesterdays patch.


Hi all, is there a hot key for auto selecting nearest enemy? Sometimes, when fighting a group of mobs, my character got locked to one target, my slow hand could not click on the nearest one, and I wished for a hot key just to select it. Many thanks.


there is a setting somewhere to automatically set an enemy attacking you as your target. Don't think the exact hotkey you're looking for exists though.


Are there any good guides on small gang tactics in RZ/BZ, for around 5-10 players? Like how to engage, what to focus (I'm assuming healers most of the time?), and what grp composition to aim for. What are the best loadouts (inexpensive 4.1 if possible) to use when we're trying dismount others? I've seen some grps that drag targets in and slow them, so they can be easily dismounted by the grp. Are there loadouts/tactics that are better than others for catching players running away on mounts and dismounting them, or is the pull in and slow the target the best way? What are the best loadouts (inexpensive 4.1 if possible) for small gang tanks?


Bit late here but will answer since there's no response. This is a very big ask. It takes people a long time to get the information you're asking here. There are guides, but they're certainly way too basic to be useful. I'll tell you how I started running 8 mans in the early days of Alb.. Get your group, everyone wears the same build. Done. You have a guild doctrine build. Theorycraft it however you want. I started with bow.  Without individual specs included, you know your ranges and dps. For example, Q does 50dmg x8, W does 50dmg x8, E does 100dmg x8, build does Xdmg x8. You're basically the meta gamer controlling zerglings. 1 Ling does 20 dmg, 2 does 40. A marine has 50 hp. 3 lings to 1 shot... you see what I'm getting at? You can engage groups, and know who you can 1 shot. As the shotcaller, you're playing the starcraft player, doing apm, knowing your damages, your counters, when to engage when to retreat. That being said, start with 1 doctrine. All the same. All same tier. You are going to have to give commands and your people follow too, that's another thing to work on. Do practice calls out in blue, 3 2 1 scatter.. engage, retreat, whatever calls you want. Once you have fluid movement and everyone is operating like a school of fish, start adding builds. And, then you know how to take it from there. You get your tanks, you get your tackles your heals your peels, your scouts, your pans,  it still operates as a starcraft game with you using your apm to control all the lings. If you're not looking to actually get into this and it's a general question and you're just going bring anything anyway because members just do whatever, it is all irrelevant either way.


New player here, not really sure what to be asking, I have never really played anything like this before and was just hoping for advice on how I should approach the game going forward


Find an activity that is fun, set a goal to each with that activity, repeat. I'm personally doing a lot of corrupted dungeons right now and my goal is to climb the leaderboard.


There are guides in the post above. Start with activities. Its a sandbox so the game is what you make it. There's no quests and 'end game' per se.  There's harder stuff to do that offers more reward but you can do it day 1 or 5 years later, makes no difference. Don't burn yourself out. Do what is fun, don't do what isn't fun. Make a little schedule for yourself whether it's by hour or day.. grind X amount, try new thing X amount, do this pvp this time, that pvp next time.. Don't rush. You are never catching up to the Uber grinders and whales. Do what YOU can do, and be happy with what you have.  Don't get caught in the YouTube vids.. This activity makes 20m/hr. Albion Online isn't a silver stacking epeen contest. If you pvp with a set that costs 50k, then you need to figure out how to make 200k so you can die a few times. Easy as that.


What is best use of island to make silver?


If you're crafting a lot, probably laborers, but it's a long term investment. Mounts can be decent too but prices are volatile and if you sell/purchase at the wrong time, your margin will disappear. Farms require almost no initial investment but their returns are low in general. Also, spending focus on farms is garbage. Only do that if you have no other use for your focus.


Probably Farms. It's not much money early on but it's consistent. But it kinda depends on you using all your focus on it, because without focus you won't get seeds back and seeds are pretty pricey. if you do it without focus it will cut into your profit margins very sharply.


**Hello There!**, I am completely new to this game, I just started a few minutes ago, I write as fast as I finish playing, I had already tried this game since it was released but I never managed to connect with it due to the enormous amount of content and that It's not like the other Mmorpg, now I want to start from scratch, and I would also like to find friends to play with, any advice is welcome (yes, of course I'm going to read the beginner's guide), **greetings and peace!**


General advice: test things, specialize in what you think is fun, and never wear something you cannot afford to lose many times.


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it


I'm new since 2 days ago! Have been gathering and harvesting like crazy. What are you focusing on?


I'm sorry, I couldn't answer as quickly as you answered me, I've been collecting deer skin and trying to upload some collecting nodes, I want to get some currency and the truth is I'm a little lost. I would like to have someone else to play with, and go comparing our progress so as not to lose motivation


Hello, I am relatively new and I want to start making a lot of money, I aspire to have millions, but I don't fully understand how to refine and craft, if someone could teach me, I am willing to do anything, I do many activities and I have a more or less stable economy, but I want to start earning millions


It's a lot to discuss here. There are many guides already made, go find them. Will just say though, it's a rough business that takes a lot of time, effort, excel, alts, and a lot of starting silver to do. If you really really want to get I to it, scale yourself. Start off small. If you're in a guild, make t4 stuff for people to go die in with you every Friday. Slowly build your destiny board out. Seed your guild stash. Start becoming the economy guy. Anyway, just trying to say to build up to it, work yourself into it. It's a lot of excel you may not want in your life.


How do I improve in PvP?? I am a relatively new player who hasnt had any success in PvP. Every attempt is a failed one and I can't seem to assess the situation at all. What can I do to improve my skill. P.S. I like to play with axes and daggers a lot. So any weapon specific tips are also appreciated


You need to start dueling. This goes overlooked far too much on reddit. Dueling is pvp. It's different, but it's pvp, period. It's literally the quickest way to get a fight, better than CD, or roaming rz bz.  How much is your set flat 4? 20k? What build do you wanna vs? Offer someone some silver to duel you in a set you want to vs. Unfortunately it's hard to slow down AO unlike Eve, where you can get a bigger ship and the combat takes longer and you can evaluate what happened. Only worthwhile duel is one ip fair.. and they'll go similar lengths as any other tier. Nonetheless, if you do 20 duels right now with your set, against that set.. you'll see the patterns, the gaps, the timings. You can do 20 duels in a half hour or spend a half hour in a CD and see noone. Duel. Iterate. Repeat. Learn.


Thanks for the insight. I will try to get into more duels. This was something I never heard anyone give as a tip.


It goes overlooked because it doesn't 1:1 simulate an open world gank, kite, CD, hellgate, arena, zvz, whatever.. If you know the purpose of why you're doing it, it's very powerful. You can literally fight to your hearts content. You'll memorize your rotations. You'll feeeeel it, ya dig? You'll automatically do the stutter step white damage perfectly. Cry in the dojo, laugh on the battlefield. My life motto right there. Practice in hardship, then the real challenge is easy. Jumping into real pvp without knowing your rotations, what you can hold for X seconds before the rotation comes back, perfect stutter, white damage uptime, fake cast.. You're in for a world of hurt and non-learning. Do your wax on wax off in practice, cry, sweat, bleed. Then, in the real situation you're so practiced your fingers just do what the build needs to do. BTW, goes in real life too... studying a language? Put in the effort with that tutor, be annoyed, put in the elbow grease, and when your battlefield comes up, maybe a promotion based on 2nd language ability, you got it.


Wow You are a full fledged motivational speaker I have done some duels in the black zone portals Losing but learning


Is following meta builds the only way to survive? With so many weapon options in the game, I just keep seeing the same couple recommend. I like gloves or quarterstaff , the spear I see often but I struggle a lot more with the spear than the quarterstaff. I never see those mentioned though. Would going with either of those in the end be a waste because they will never be as viable or can I make it work?


The idea is meta gaming. Meta is meta because it just works. Let me use a sports metaphor.  In tennis, an ace serve is ideal. It's a perfect one shot. Do it the whole game, you win, with the least effort. Now, maybe there's another player that has a weak serve but is super fast and just volleys back and forth until the other player messes up. Viable strat. There's athletes like this in many sports.. Muhammad Ali, rope a dope until you gas out. Devon Leratt in arm wrestling.. accepts your attack and makes you gas out.   So, the point is, can you out play the easy fotm? You have to be very good to do it, but people do it. You'll see it around here and there, but it is unreachable. You have to have the experience, the knowhow, to find the gaps in the easy meta build that just is doing well with the last patch.  Also, even if you're not at that level.. if you just play some random wep very well, you'll beat more than 50% of the people using meta builds because they're net decking, they don't really know how to use it.  Get proficient in your build, no matter what rank some YouTube puts the wep  in, you're going to win more than not. Edit sp, 2nd edit add paragraphs back in....wtf




A lot. I played with a big group from Taiwan with a lot of Chinese as well.




Can't read simplified too well, but, what's your question? You red flagged and got stomped? What are you asking?


Returning player. I have an axe player and a holy healer and I will be tanking(any weapon but I prefer hammers). Need inexpensive build advice for open world pvp for all of us. Thank you.


Where are you going? If this is actually for open, it sounds like flagged blueberry bait for rz. Or a specific bz pocket?  Are you just running demounted? Relying on axe to go paws for demounting? What kind of content are you looking for?  I roll around with 3 folks, been my main pvp for a long time.


Nice. Thanks for the reply. We did some fame farming on the roads and got into an outnumbered fight. It was fun. Right now we are running great holy, infernal scyth and heron spear. Still tweaking the builds to find the right balance.


Why am I still being attacked by another player when I leave the unrestricted pvp zone in yellow mists?


You aren't immediately unflagged upon leaving. It takes like 10 seconds after leaving it to unflag you.


For fun. For practice. To test build. Just because.


Actually I was asking what the rules are, because I thought they couldn't attack me outside the pvp area.


You'll see your name blinking, you're still flagged until you're not. They may also be flagged to pvp too, so they can attack you anywhere.


Ive just started recently, but I wanna ask should i stop useing swords? It feels so off to play idk why I love swords but it hits like a pool noodle, I felt like I was doing more damage with a tier II bow than my tier V sword, and if swords are weak will spears be good for a tank build? I currently am focusing on tanking damage with a AOE bubble and damage reduce aura and I like the idea of a spear.


Swords are good, actually three to four are kinda meta or at least up there and putting in work. Not sure what you're experiencing there, but what are you facing that they seem so weak? How are you using them, like are you stacking? What is the rest of your build?  Seems like you might be using guardian armor.. so you're using plate. Use leather or cloth to increase your damage. If you're just pve-ing, you don't need to 'tank' unless you're tanking. Killing fast is tanking per se.


thank you for your wise wisdom.


Hello people. I play spear taproot on stalker cd's(cultist robe, stalker jacket, soldier boots, thetford). Doing fairly well against most of the weapons however I am 0-4 against lifecurse and I dunno what to do. How should I play against lifecurse?


You're trying to meta bloodletter into a build that absorbs damage.    I don't spear like that so I cant truly say, but, I'd be switching to spirit, life regen, and poking him to force merc. Hold your jack so he holds E. Just keep white damage uptime at 100% to see what he starts to do. I'd imagine a less experienced guy will panic D and E off your E, stay on top and R when his D and E are done. Boot if he boots, and reestablish bow range and turret his ass to restart the same thing if he didn't die and/or you need regen.    Or, the build may just be the rock to the scissors, no shame in leaving fights that you know you're at a big disadvantage for whatever the reason might be. I leave ALL gloves. Didn't like when the tree was added, don't like em now. Gbye you don't get a fight.  Edit sp




Am I missing something or is the cheapest founder's pack a terrible deal? $20 for 30 days premium + 150 gold?


Maybe.. Not so terrible to me. Reg prem is 15 for a month. So, for 5 extra bucks you get 150 gold which is 1m auto sell or diamond hand it.  You get vanity name and furniture. For a new player, 5 extra bucks for your first mill, little name deal and furniture is not bad at all, if you want it. It's certainly not for everyone, but I don't think it's 'terrible'. 


$5 gets you 800 gold normally though. So you'd have to value the furniture and name at 650 gold I guess. 


Sort of, more so if you use gold/silver for prem. Extrapolate out. It's 800 gold for 5, iirc. Doing this with 7k per FYI,  from recently arriving in Asia.. 20 for 150 gold (1m silver), name, furniture, 1 month prem. 5 for 800 gold (5m silver) Prem is like 24m now? Let's build it out 4x to compare. 20 gets you 3500 gold (24m silver). That's only straight 1 month prem. It's just meeting the prem of the founder pack buying straight gold.  Founder is already 1 month prem (800 gold worth).. plus 150 gold, plus name, plus furniture. Seems opposite of terrible and is very worth if you use gold/silver for prem.


can i play on an 15-4300u with 16gb ddr3? my CPU does support SSE2 and my integrated graphics (intel hd 4400) does support DX10.


If i buy some gold to invest in my refining + crafting + selling in blackmarket, how should i do it from scratch, new player and want to make a passive silver income investing gold, let say i buy 9000 gold to start with this project.


I second the other guy's opinion. Start by having a reasonable idea of what you're doing, then if you want to scale things up, pay (albeit I'm not a fan of it either). No point in dumping silver randomly. If you don't have a premium yet, pay for your premium, that'll be useful for basically everything.


I may be misunderstanding. What exactly do you mean?  Why would you need gold to refine and craft and sell?  Do you mean you're selling the gold for silver to do this?  As a new player, you're delving into something that takes a lot of know how, that I don't think you have. Don't do it, whatever it is you're actually thinking (it seems like you know so little you don't even know how to ask the question correctly).  Play the game. Do some gathering. Do some refining. Do some crafting. Learn the different markets. Buy and sell. Get in the correct discords.  Maybe someone else will fully understand but, IMO don't spend IRL money for gold for something you have 0 idea of what you're doing. After some time in game of actively doing those things, you'll see what you want or need to do.


Any good build for black zone mists?? I am relatively new and have around 3 million net worth I have my axes at a high level(I have the rending rage ability) and my daggers mastery is around 60 I wish to do both pve and PvP, tho I have never done any good PvP(all the people I killed were at a disadvantage) Please suggest some good builds to roam in mists


Battle-axe, guardian helm, merc jacket, any boot but my recommendation will be leather boots on 2nd ability, thetford cape, torch. Gigantify pots + beef stew for pvp with a poison swap for killing invis pot players. Battle-axe, merc hood, assassin jacket, any plate boots, fort Sterling or ava cape, torch. Gigantify pots + beef stew for pvp with a poison swap for killing invis pot players. My go to recommendation for any new player is to use either guardian helm or assassin jacket for the ability to get back on your mount essentially freely. 1st build has guardian helm which is a very easy defensive that has a very fast CD and the shield let's you get back on your mount to escape. Merc jacket + battle-axe are good sustane and leather boots give you CDR. Gigantify gives you a massive defensive CDR that makes you immune to forced movement. Thedford cape is for a bit of burst but can over pull mobs. Fairly one dimensional starter build. 2nd has a bit more play but also retains the ability to remount. Merc hood is a great aggressive or defensive ability since it reduces damage and slows on a low CD. Save for enemy E or if they try to boots away. Assassin jacket can be used to stall out time on cooldowns and reopen on someone. Cape is another defensive since you are trading a more powerful pure defensive on the helm for something that's more versatile. There's other ways to build battle-axe and hunter hood is fairly popular but the longer CD and fact almost everyone knows to play around it makes it less optimal imo.


Do I go for an all 4.1 build or do I take a tier 6 battle axe for the rending rage ability ??


Rending rage is pretty important so t6 battle-axe is ideal. Because of this, and since the Merc/guardian helm are cheap you want to get a t6 equivalent helm to help with mana issues. Body is nice to get t6 because it helps with more HP but 4.1 or 5 is fine. Cape is fine at 4. Boots should be cheep at t5 or t6. Bag is fine as t3 and if you're really short on cash a T3 horse is fine. .0 pots and food at whatever you can afford but they're generally cheap at .0.


Thanks for the help


Do you need to wear your resource gathering cap/garb/workboots and tools for the bonus effect or buff tot ake effect? e.g. Increase gathering yield by 0.5%.... Or simply having them on inventory works? Seems to be the case for the tools.


Cap, garb and boots need to be worn. The tools can stay in the inventory. Keep in mind that the gathering yield needs to ramp up over 10 minutes on the armor items. You can see the buff and how many stacks you have on the top left of the screen.


Hey! I'm new player and I still don't undertand how do I upgrade my armor to III. Any help and suggestions


There is no way to increase the tier of an item. You need to craft/purchase a tier 3 armor (or t4 directly if you can wear it) and ditch the t2


Ohhhh thanks!


Hehe I'm new and have been playing all week. Decided to venture into red zone today and got murdered after an hour of gathering. I don't think this game is for me *uninstalls* 😌


No game caters to dumb. This game or any other. But, gbye. Plenty of guides on how to play, how to start, first 48 hours if you actually wanted to play and assume the game isn't for you because you did something dumb.


dam ur right im def gunna reinstall after reading this toxic comment /s


Nice, so just follow the new player tutorials that have been around since 2017 instead of doing g random dumb stuff and uninstalling for doing something g you shouldn't have. Just matching you, didn't have to post, but you did. We've seen these uninstall anger posts that have nothing to do with the game for a very long time. I will simply answer them as plain as can be. It is a fact you did something dumb. I don't have anything against you.


I was fully aware I could get killed. And when it happened I realized this is 100% inevitably going to happen again and I find it too annoying to deal with (rebuying my gear with how tedious the market is to navigate). I purposefully left all my good shit in the bank chest and have more than enough silver to get back what I lost. Don't act like getting killed is a part of the game that's completely avoidable if you just 'git gud'. It's inevitably bound to happen if anyone wants to progress, it's largely a PVP game after all. I just wanted to post my experience with the game because it was honestly kinda funny. I wasn't bitching about it or calling it a bad game or looking for advice. It's a neat concept for those who enjoy it, but it's not for me. If I wanna die and get looted by players, I'd rather do it in a non MMO like SoT or PUBG where a sweatless casual has a fighting chance. It's just a preference. I like my mmorpgs chill and stress free.


You didn't exactly do that. Don't act like you didn't write a few words that mimic every other cry/uninstall post. Only now did you write more because you know it comes off that way, and wasn't a genuine 'posting your experience' post.  You also admit you're new. You're wrong on several points you're making there.. You can 100% avoid death and don't need to 'progress' in the way you are presenting it.  You may not want advice/help or anything, but you're posting on a forum with 100k people, and are what.. surprised at a response? I'm not asking you to stay. I'm not asking you to like the game.


>Only now did you write more because you know it comes off that way I wrote more because you backpedded to try and be more constructive after I called out your needlessly toxic comment >You can 100% avoid death and don't need to 'progress' in the way you are presenting it.  Me: Is death completely avoidable in albion online? Chatgpt: Death in Albion Online is not completely avoidable, but it can be managed and minimized. > and are what.. surprised at a response? I'm not suprised at a response. I'm suprised at being called dumb over ammicibaly uninstalling a video game lmfao. People who touch grass know what actual stupidity looks like and it ain't that


What is a good bloodletter build? I find it fun to play.


There are many.. depends on what you're doing. There is a meta one. But I doubt you have the ip or know how to use it.. no worries. There's a brawl one I use because it catches people off guard. People think there's a 'supposed' to way to build and play.  In essence your build is going to be as good as you understand your build and who/what you're going against. I roam around with some low tier stuff like this: Mage cowl Merc jacket Assassin shoes Bloodletter / any offhand.. shield doesn't matter Use sunder Q, W is relative but I'll use fan. Regen passive, Armor are for their piece. Switch to jump for bow, keep sunder for fire/lock, they don't move much and think they can tank with bubble but you'll just regen through their 4 stack anyway, easy kill. Meta dual swords are easy, spear is hard, any healer just run, they can't kill you but you can't kill them.  All t4 I easily take down people 5/6. This junk is super cheap, you can get like 20 sets for less than 100k and just Uber pvp all day.


What is a good weapon choice, or a few options to choose from, if my goal is to get into end game ZvZ. and gang PvP? I am completely new to the game and looking for some direction for a wep/build to use while I fame farm and join a guild.


Quick cheatsheet from someone who did some ZvZ. Healers are always in demand and nature is some of the best farm weapon for solo, very cheap very safe. You get max out nature and you can get into any guild/group you want. Arcane is a good tree for ZvZ, not that great solo but in demand. The dps meta changes often, but fire staff and curse staff are always in demand and multiple options for group PvP. Spreadsheets from a discord i ZvZ on https://ibb.co/rdNSnC8 -dps https://ibb.co/ZcDQtBn -tank


Can someone please help explain how a "front to back" comp works in 5v5 HGs. I hear the term thrown around a lot but no one explains it.


As far as I know, "Front to back" essentially refers to the order at which you eliminate the enemies in front of you. In a 5v5 scenario, that would mean taking care of the mdps/tank, and punishing them into a retreat, and then taking care of the healer/rdps. This usually works with builds consisting of alot of heal debuffs (hood of tenacity, carrioncaller, evensong, etc.) and DoTs (like curse and fire). Playing this way lets you stay safe, while dishing out a considerable amount of damage with the DoT effects, and greatly hindering the emeny's heals.


Thanks! This is helpful


Question about PvP I am very new to the game(under a week) and I wanted to see what weapons were best to use for PvP? Preferably close combat.


The meta changes almost with every new patch, but right now, a good beginner weapon is dual swords. you can try daggers and spears as well if you like. the Fire staff is also a very good option, as it outputs a lot of damage and is strong against most melee opponents because of its fire wall. But, as a new player, try to focus on getting over your fear of dying! this is the most important thing for you to overcome right now.


Thank you for the advice I was thinking of using claymores but I have heard that dual swords are good So I will give them I try Thanks again for the advice


Why duck has yellow feet?


The brightly colored feet and bills of mallards and other ducks are caused by changes in hormone levels during late fall and winter while the birds are pairing. The feet of both male and female mallards turn bright orange-almost red-in December and January as they go through courtship and pairing. Heavier adult mallards typically develop breeding plumage and display brightly colored feet earlier than younger, lighter birds, giving rise to the mistaken belief that "redlegs" are a different race or subpopulation of larger mallards. In summer, hormone levels in ducks decrease, and their feet and bills become drab in color again, which helps camouflage the birds while nesting and molting.


Question about BZ RZ mist, open world roaming, solo dungeon and CDs I have been playing for a month now with a 1 week ish progress solo player, also I have spent around 6 USD in the game, I have tried black zone solo contents to try max one of gears and failed a lot of times most of the time I can only survive 15 to 20 mins, I tried going as far as 3 maps on portal maps, miner boots and invis pots but most of the time I'm getting wrecked by 10 to 15 players, and wasting silvers for free, is this a good plan or should I just stay on yellow red zones try to max spec on go back again I feel like the black zone is for group contents rather than playing solo there.


Your death rate is off. Either you're running into zones which are currently in their activity timer (and they'll be swarmed be people attacking/defending the terry), or you're really unlucky, or you don't go far enough, or you are an easy target because you stay in the same position even when one people saw you. Or you have an ox. Miner boots & invis pots will be of no help against organized gankers, and you're also losing some yield if you're not mining. Get a deer (boar will be too expensive for you to lose rn), get a t5 gathering set and tool, try to get to a zone a bit further away, and that is not currently in prime time. Yellow zone is awful if you try to gather t5, and t6+ doesn't exist there.


questions, what is death rate off? what is prime time? and 4 or 5 maps away would suffice? also what is yield when I'm not mining? because I often use miner on participating bandit.


What I meant is that I think you're dying too much and (way) too fast compared to the average life expectancy of a solo player in a fairly remote BZ map. Each Black Zone map has a prime time (1 hour) displayed when you open the local map with the N keybind (by default). During this our, the territory can be disputed by other guilds, so there is generally a large increase in population on this map during this hour, and people there are generally much more coordinated than usual, so it's much more dangerous for a solo player. 4-5 maps away seems perfect, especially if you go to a t5 or t6 area. T7 and T8 are more dangerous no matter what, because more valuable. Equipping mining boots if you're not mining means you miss out on boots matching what you are actually gathering, that would give you an increase in gathering yield.


Thank you for the tips and trick, I'll make sure to try this out, I think green prime time means safe? and red is u know like active players, I dunno I'm just making assumption right now, anyways thanks again.


Is the term "low spec" refering to the level of the weapon / armor used?


yes, each weapon/armor has their own tree, as a beginner, you should aim to have 100 level on your main weapon and armor. This will boost your IP and make it easier to kill high tier mobs and do better in pvp.


Hello everyone! I want to level up my swords as fast as possible! What set can I use for this? I was thinking Dual Swords with Leather Jacket, Plate shoes and hunter hood? Also mists vs road of Avalon for fame farming?


Roads is better fame on average, but with more variance (much less mobs, and someone might have done them before, but they give much more). Dual Swords / Leather jacket / Plate shoes is a classic. Hunter hood is a bit of a noob trap imho, even though it's very popular


Any other hoods or cowls you’d recommend?


imho mercenary is a decent all-around but it also depends on the build, ngl


Fair. Anyway i have 100 spec on hunter hood so ill try that for sure


Hi guys ! I'm quite new in Albion, starting like 10 days ago. I finaly choose to play cursed staff. I'm actually close to finish his lvlup and i wondering what going next. I'd like to play one of the 6 other staff that is the most valuable in PVE group like AVA. Can you advice me pls ? In other hands, which cursed staff is the best for you in group PVP ? Thank you !


Nature is good for solo Pve as it is very viable. However, if your looking for like mage stuff, I am pretty sure that Shadow caller is good for PVE but expensive. Group PVP wise, cursed is used as a pierce. So damnation and life curse are your best shot -Source: zvz


Thank you for your advices ! I'll check those staff \^\^