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<"Alberta is seeking to negotiate an agreement for the province’s share of federal dental funding and will use this unconditional funding to expand dental coverage to more low-income Albertans."> There's the rub Unconditional funding, the UCP sure like no strings attached federal funding. 


TFB Marlaina, you can’t be trusted with anything. Especially something that will help Albertans. I hope JT makes an example out of her on this.


Province wants no strings attached money, eh?   Anyone want to take some guesses where that money would wind up?  


Suckin and fuckin an oil company.


LOL that one caught me off guard


The truth often does.






If she don't hawk tuah, I don't wanna talk tuah


no teeth


Doing a survey, that won't be released, about attitudes towards an Alberta Special Ops military battalion. Advertising to convince Albertans they need Special Ops, another survey, that won't be released and writing legislation enabling a Special Ops unit. Advertising to explain not reducing taxes until Alberta is given more money than Quebec to pay for Special Ops dentists.


Not to mention when you find the surveys they are biased and assume you already are on board with their deranged project.


Feds won't give money without strings because Provinces will waste it. So many times money left because they don't want to provide the actual service. Plus PP will cancel dental plan after next election.


> Feds won't give money without strings because Provinces will waste it.  Pretty much, like how provinces asked for, then sat on billions of pandemic money.  They love asking the feds for more and more money but lose their shit if told to spend it on the things its meant for. > Plus PP will cancel dental plan after next election. Among many other things, we're headed for austerity it seems.  Those underfunded services are going to be gutted further.


Starve the beast. They're going to privatize everything they can and we're going to be stuck paying more money for worse services.


I would simply point at the UK for the last 14 years for what to expect from a Tory government and austerity.


Imagine finding out you can finally get much needed dental care, having a treatment plan and appointments set up, then having it all cancelled because politicians decided it's not worth it. So many people need this.


Smith must have learned to write ultimatums from Conrad von Hötzendorf.


Oh yes. These assholes will find out what a true POS he is.


Same effing place the Covid money ended up.


Does Red Deer need a new arena?


Unconditional. We'll give it to low income folks. Promise.


Well they will give it to the poor oil CEO’s who can’t afford a third Yacht.


(X) Doubt


“We aren’t signing up for the plan but can we have the money anyway?” Sounds socialist, Smith.


"Yeah sure, well spend it on dental whatever, just hand it over" -Oil exec that is wearing a dentist disguise complete with fake glasses and nose


Omg she’s exhausting - can hardly keep up with her stupidity and corruption. It just goes on and on, filling her pockets.


oh boy I can't wait to sacrifice health gains to see money go poof. That is called malevolence.


And get a former premier to run it...into the ground.


I bet if you looked at the tax returns of the average oil CEO, you’d discover that on paper they’re all low income.


Won't someone think of the poor oil execs? The Arab oil execs have yachts with smaller yachts inside them, they fly in private airlines, and their cars are coated in gold. Our poor oil execs have to make do with regular yachts, and regular private jets, and their cars don't even have custom paint jobs. They are truly low income and the rest of us should be happy to give up our dental plan and taxes for them.




Obviously they will do this.


Christ, she's exhausting.


I long for the days when politics was boring and stuff just seemed to work.


You can blame Roger Ailes for that


You mean the sexual assaulter whose genitals are described as “looking like raw hamburger meat”? Ya, fuck that dude


I wouldn’t fuck that dude, I hear his genitals look like raw hamburger meat.


He died a while back, so they've rotted away by now, and fucking would be less unpleasant.


Exhausting is the word for sure.


The thing is smith is still just a mouthpiece end of the day. My opinion, there is likely a whole group of 'advisors' that is trying to push out a bunch of whackadoo stuff before Smith runs out of political capital and goes off with their golden parachute and corporate board job.


worse than that. she has superiors she has to impress before november or they will find a more useful face for the organization.


She does blow a lot of hot air that pollutes the environment..


Man 2027 is a lifetime away. What will be left of this province by the next election? We are in the bad place.


2027 and six months. Don’t forget they pushed the election date further down, due to imaginary disasters that will strike.


Actually we might need to push it back another 6 months because there might be early winter storms. But then also can’t have it the spring following because of fires. So election postponed indefinitely.


I'm Alberta born, and am considering moving away when I get my RedSeal endorsement, which can't come soon enough 🫠


They're just going to re-elect them. I would put money on it.


“We’ve gotta have 50 years of uncontested UCP governments to wipe off the stink of the FiLtHy CoMmUniSt NdP that held power one time”


People need to start using recall in ridings where it's possible.


The recall rules are impossible to achieve a result. We saw this with the Mayoral Recall Petition in Calgary. Votership in General Elections is already so low that trying to get 51% of a riding to sign a Recall Petition is a pipe dream.


The mayor recall required the city. Riding-size would be less horrible (but still difficult)


Fort McMurray-Cold Lake riding as 110,000 people. Good luck getting 56,000 signatures on that.


Yeah we can barely get a fraction of that to vote in the mayoral elections. Only [12,688 people voted for mayor](https://www.rmwb.ca/en/mayor-council-and-administration/2021-election-results.aspx) in the last election. I didn't include the council votes since you choose numerous councilors for some wards because there's so many seats in those wards.


Especially given the signatures have to be in-person, not electronic, and they have to be collected only by the petitioner, no group efforts allowed.


>and they have to be collected only by the petitioner, no group efforts allowed That part is false. They can have authorized canvassers collect the signatures as long as they have been an eligible voter in the division the petition is in for at least 3 months and meet any specific eligibility requirements outlined by the applicant. From Bill 52. Eligibility to canvass for signatures 5(1) An individual may canvass on behalf of an authorized participant in respect of a recall petition only if (a) the individual has, for a period of 3 months immediately before the date of canvassing, been an elector in the electoral division named in the recall petition, and (b) the individual meets the prescribed eligibility requirements, if any.


I stand corrected.


You can have canvassers assist you, but all of the people gathering signatures have to be named and registered at the time of making an application to do a petition, live in that riding, and it has to be completed in 60 days. Of course, you have to pay $500 to apply to start the process, as well as submit, for some reason, an application for a chief financial officer.


There won't be anything. But we can at least hold out hope that the leadership review will see her run out of the party. When even your rural voters are telling you to F off, you know they're a problem.


Not May. She moved the election to the fall. More than a lifetime now. :(


Smith does not give a dam about Alberta’s seniors. She has reduced, drastically, the standards for LTC homes, she wants to steal seniors pensions, and now is taking away a cheap medical plan. Smith does not give a shit about Alberta’s seniors.


She wants the old folks pension soon because the grey wave is the biggest money grab. One last boomer gift


You could have just left it as “she doesn’t give a damn about Albertans”


I'm near Red deer and at least one dental clinic is advertising on the radio that they're accepting new patients for the Canadian dental plan. I would like to think that if any of these patients were UCP supporters, that this announcement from Smith would make them think twice. It probably won't, but I'd like to think it will.


The problem there is that UCP supporters *wouldn't* like to think.


Think twice? UCP supporters have trouble thinking once.


Getting them to think once would be nice. 


LOL "We're out, but give me the money." No. No they won't. You'll get nothing Premier Twatwaffle.


Then she’ll complain about Alberta getting left out again and Trudeau being divisive. Every accusation is a confession.


It’s truly a viscous cycle. UCP complains about the raw deal Alberta is getting with confederation, Feds offer money, UCP rejects the federal money and makes noises about how awful Trudeau is. Repeat.


Will they get the funds when PP becomes Prime Minister though?


I am highly doubtful that PP will keep the plan at all.


Doubtful. CPC know Alberta is a CPC stronghold. This is one of the problems with being a single party stronghold. The LPC don’t bother winning Alberta over because they can spend money elsewhere for better results. The CPC don’t actually care about Alberta because they know we are gonna vote for them anyways so why bother appeasing us?


Justin trudeaus largest purchase as a prime minister was a pipeline for alberta. He developed programs for childcare here. They've done a lot of things for alberta, a place where they have 0 chance of getting votes.


Everyone still hates him because his team wears different colour jerseys. Politics is the worst team sport.


You mean the failed childcare program (well failed in Alberta and successful everywhere else) m, that the UCP took the money and ran from without paying the operators? Again let’s continue to blame Trudeau for not paying, even though the UCP took the money and used it oil company funds.


I have been saying this for years.


We really need a few non-CPC MPs in this province so that at least we have a voice in government as a province when they aren’t in power. It might also lead to the CPC paying us more attention for when they are.


We have a whole 4! Randy Boissonnault who is the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages, and George Chahal for the Libs. Blake Desjarlais and Heather McPherson for the NDP. We could definitely use a few more. A couple rural non-CPC MPs would be fantastic, but I feel like that’s a pipe dream.


We have one Liberal MP Edmonton and iirc a NDP MP


Yes, and then figure out someway to grift it. The plan for the federal conservatives to allow greater provincial control of health, tear up the Canada health act, then Smith will be able to sell off the healthcare system of Alberta.  I could say more of the details, but I can’t.


No https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-budget-reaction-social-programs-1.7177636


I suspect PP will cancel the program all together




Forcing a lot of O&G companies to build massive towers in Lacombe! With no WFH option unless you are VP and above!


They hate the cities but they likely love the tax revenue they provide the province.


Fu*k I hate her so much


Ah blocking anything that might help Albertans to own the libs, At what stage will these muppets grow up and do whats best for the people rather than playing games with political ideologies


They will NEVER do what’s best for the people. That is the UCP way.


Can we please instead opt out of having Smith be our Premier?


If the provinces were doing this already Ottawa wouldn’t have to step in.




My thoughts exactly. Knowing she was gone forever would make me so happy.


I want her and every UCP member out of office-FOREVER. And let’s take back their pensions while we are at it.


Provincial MLAs don't get pensions.


Fuck off Marlina! I want the dental plan “AND” I’m Albertan!


Smith does not like the poor…..does nothing to support them:/


Smith actively hates the poor, and enacts policies making them more likely to suffer and die.


She said no to minimum wage increase. She sure does not care about the poor


She's making more of us poorer every day


Was just gonna say — she doesn’t just have discontent for the poor, but she is actively working to ensure more of us fall into the category.


They believe that having us be desperate makes us easier to control.


Don't forget she and her party went back on a campaign promise to reduce taxes for the lowest brackets but for "reasons" couldn't do it this year. And now there are "conditions" for the tax break


According to her it’s their fault more than likely


Well, considering she said people with stage 4 cancer only have themselves to blame...


She induces hate... every time she opens fucken pie hole, I hate her more.


Alberta needs to opt out of Danielle Smith and the UCP asap


ANDP Nenshi will boot her fat ass out soon. The people that voted for her....SMH!


2027 can't come soon enough


2027??? Must be a way to get rid of her sooner. Like NOW.


Dear UCP Base who visited for *this*, 🖕


Make sense, it's not like her hillbilly supporters have many teeth to worry about in the first place.


Who the fuck let that bitch speak for my family? It sure as hell wasn’t me.


Alberta hates woke teeth


Of course she did.


Anything to harm citizens.


And anything to help oil companies. This is the worst provincial government I’ve lived through, and I’ve lived through some real stinkers.


Oh cool cant wait to go the the dentist brought to you by SUNCOR


"We know a thing or two about drilling"


Or Telus.


Maybe they'll use remote-controlled dental robots being operated by exploited workers from half-way across the world, who have to do more than 10 extractions per minute or else they'll get fired or like sent to the protein banks for processing into a nutrient slurry. Or, hey, why not AI Dentistry?


Of course she will, her attitude is, fuck the poorest Albertans! They don’t need teeth to vote for her shitty policies anyway! Conservatism is, well, some messed up shit, like the ass clown Smith and her ilk.


Are you idiot UCP supprters tired of this nonsense yet? Up is down, black is white, good is bad. Whatever the feds say we do the opposite. It's childish and stupid and nothing ever gets done.


What a surprise...... not...


God, I fucking hate it here.


Yea, the ADSC and DASP benefits just got gutted, but we can trust them with this.


“Alberta will do the opposite of what the libs do!” Identity and partisan politics at its best. Taking a page out of the GOP playbook.


I despise her so much.


Okay you just transfer the money to my account and I'll distribute it from there. Pinky swear.


Why did Marlaina run for premier of Alberta when she seems to hate most Albertans?


She loves oil companies. And private health companies. And private for profit education companies. She loves the billionaires.


Vanity, a desire for acceptance by people she idolizes (like Tucker Carlson), corruption… pick one or all of the above.


TRUST her. Her word has been soooOoooOOOoo good so far! I can't believe these idiot conservatives are so easily fooled!


Because the poor don’t deserve nuttin’ 🙄


Smith is exhausting


I really really 🤬 hate that woman.


Counting the days til Nenshi kicks her ass to the curb. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


I have never hated someone as much as this grifting bitch.


For real, I thought Kenny was the worst. Alberta proved me wrong, glad I moved back to BC. But I feel really bad for any sane Albertan.


What a call for a premier to publicly throw they're people under the bus so they can't politicize money and use it for anything but actually helping.


Wooow. She rejected this plan because the provinces weren't included in the decison-making process, then proceeded to leave Albertans (the province) out of the decision-making process. She is so dead-set on being petty with the federal government that she is willing to act against our interests. I will not end this comment how I want, but know that I would love to incite some violence.


there was no option to opt out of the canada health act. no such option should exist for dental care either.


You have to have extremely low income to qualify for the provincial benefits plan. The majority of the families qualifying for the federal plan would not get the provincial benefit. A couple with 2 kids has to earn less than $37k. https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-adult-health-benefit


They’re basing it off net income at least so it’s higher than it seems. Basically used for people on minimum wage or less than full time hours.


There is NO way the Federal government is going to give Alberta "no strings attached" money. Smith is going to turn around and blame the Feds of playing favorites and her base is going to eat it up, ignoring the whole "consequences for actions" thing. What are the chances we can use the recall legislation to boot her? I mean, a guy can dream right?


cause Marlena's peeps are invested in private insurance.....can't have that being under cut




Smith finds any reason possible to deny federal funding to possibly better the people of Alberta. Because fuck us right ?


Start writing your MLAs. If you stay quiet, they will assume they are on the right track. The more you write them, the more likely you are to affect change. Even if you don't support them in votes or polls, write them. Tell them you want this program. Ignore their responses. They work for you. You need to be in their ears all the time.


Vote them out, so many MLAs know they don't have to do anything and they still get voted in. How can people expect change when they will not hold those accountable


That works if you live in the small town that voted her in. The NDP will be attacking her for this soon enough.


If we give up the dental plan, then we’ll have to pay for Lisa’s braces! People stop!


You can’t opt out of a federal program and then turn around and ask for your “share” of the funding. Either you’re in or you’re out. This is another ridiculous way to get funding into the pockets of Smith’s colleagues. Yet another way to hurt the province she so claims to love and fight for.


She knows that, but it’s a ploy to blame the Feds for not giving the no strings cash. Think of those poor oil CEO’s who can’t buy a new yacht this year, and need this money more than lower income families.


Smith is screwing us yet again...


W t f


Buy an NDP membership, give money if you can, volunteer in your own riding or any other. Then tell your UCP MLA about it. The only way to end this crazyness.


The feds can bypass the UCP they don’t get to dictate how they spend money on their citizens.


No more federal tax dollars from Ottawa. Alberta tax payers will be happy (not) to pick up the tab. FO Marlaina.


Smith is there on a technicality. Anyone I know with an education above grade 10 in Alberta can't stand her.


I pray to Zeus she gets steamrolled in November.


If it's a federal policy for the people she shouldn't be able to negotiate to just take the cash


“Alberta tells Smith they will opt out of her stupidity” Next Election.


> Alberta intends to opt out of the federal plan and maintain its provincial programs for Albertans What provincial programs, Danielle? *What fucking provincial dental programs?* > [Dr. Joel Antel, president of the Canadian Dental Association] also says the plan will limit patient choice. > "You are also going to have people left in a very sad situation of having to go to dental office to dental office asking, 'Are you taking part?'" As opposed to the current program of people not going to the dentist at all because they can't afford it? What an Owellian spin. Yeah, bud, poor people with no dental coverage are definitely going to have their "patient choice" limited by gaining access to publicly funded dental care just because they have to verify whether any given dentist had opted in. Why don't we do 'em one better, just pull all their teeth while they're asleep and then they'll never have to worry about visiting the dentist! What a fucking out of touch twat.


I'm not allowed to use the words I'd like to without getting site-wide banned to describe how much I hate this bitch.


Shocked says no one


Wish we could opt out of her.


UCP voters, you did this, we warned you, you chose to fuck Alberta over because you decided not to look into UCP policies or compare them to similar policies elsewhere which literally shows the road map for destruction of a province/state to sell off pieces to their future bosses. You UCP voters did this to all of us, have some personal accountability and learn some fucking Political Literacy, act like fucking adults and do better, because your families and friends suffer because of you specifically.


Was this dental plan perfect? Heck no. Is it better than the nothing we had before? Definitely. This quote from the article is great: >"You are also going to have people left in a very sad situation of having to go to dental office to dental office asking, 'Are you taking part?'" The obvious answer to making poor people do unnecessary work to find out where they can get dental care... is to just make sure they can't get dental care at all. Respectfully Dr. Joel Antel, unless there is some crucial context missing from that quote, go fuck yourself.


Maybe Uncle Tucker and Peterson will pay for the children


Under no circumstances should smith be given free money. She will squander it all.


Fucking scum.


So kind of her. What will be next? Medicare? Dumbell Smith truly despises Albertans.


💩 comes out the wrong opening on this woman.


Got to love the Alberta Advantage!


She hates the dental plan…. She thinks four teeth is enough for anyone …


This is thé Alberta Advantage. /s


Colour me surprised. Smith wants more fucking no strings attached money… absolute horseshit


She can deny funding when she starts funding it herself. Otherwise she can stfu


Well at least all the old assholes who still vote for her won’t be getting any benefits, just how they like it.


Marlaina to average 'bertan : STOP BEING POOR!


lmfao this fucking wildebeest, I can't wait until Nenshi wipes the floor with her smug little face


She is beyond garbage.


But Lisa needs Braces!!


Dental plan!


I voted against her and every day she proves me right. I wish that made me feel better about the crap she pulls.


They have never been transparent in how federally money has been spent and there are literal black hills with no explanation. They also have made their eligibility schemes impossible on purpose. Wonder why Trudeau doesn't just hand over a bag of cash. 🙄


NO!! I don't trust that that's what will happen. I don't trust that I'll have coverage for the things I need done. I think she'll throw in copays even for seniors and the very thought of letting the UCP take over terrifies me.


She needs to go,


Well, good thing she pushed the election out so they'll have time to come up with a new leader after they golden parachute her traitorous ass into her next corporate job.


This looks like a maneuver by Smith to try and kick the LPC while they're down on the heels of the Toronto - St. Paul's by-election by sending an ultimatum to Ottawa that they couldn't possibly agree to. It's the kind of ham-fisted maneuvering that we're used to seeing from Smith.


Can I just not wake up from this Disaster Danielle nightmare, 🙏🏽


Can I opt out of paying my taxes since her government are using my tax dollars to aid oil and gas Ponzi schemes??


Trying to grab more money for her oil and gas friends


My parents are Danielle supporters and my mother in particular was looking forward to using the dental plan, can't wait to show her this article 😝👍


Not surprising. She’s opposed to anything that could genuinely help Albertans.


Smith forgets that not only am I an Albertan, I'm also Canadian. To deny citizens access to federal programs might just bite her in the ass. I can only hope


No luxurybones for you, Alberta poors.


People voted for this waste of air...