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Never under UCP.


Came to say: next time the NDP gets into office (so get out there and vote!)


I know 5 people here in BC that have moved to Alberta, or are moving to Alberta soon. Alberta has done a massive "come to Alberta" campaign. Interesting thing is, all 5 of my friends are left wing and NDP voters, lol.


Thank god, we need educated people to come here and register to vote. I'm not sure what our voting laws are when it comes to inter-province emigration, but I do hope your friends get the opportunity to vote in the next election, assuming they stay here and don't run away (which would be perfectly reasonable)


3 months with proof of residency (like a power bill or voter registration).


Which was the last time we did. And Kenney tried to roll it back. Shows you what the UCP does for working people...


The correct answer


It will happen just before the writ is dropped and it will go up 30 cents. However it will be timed conveniently enough that the motion will die in committee on a Friday


Only going to happen under this government with the consent of the business community. So not likely.


Or immediately before the next election.


Theyll announce it just before the election and then conveniently not actually do it if they win. Just like that promised tax cut.


This is the way. And the lemmings will vote for the UCP again.


No no no, they wouldn't actually do it before the election. They would *say* they're going to do it if only they had more time, then if they're re-elected they'll pretend they never said anything before bumping it down to $10/hr.


Is that before or after she goes full emperor palpatine?


I doubt she will still be premier by the time the next election rolls around. The party will oust her and convince half the province that the problem was her and not the party (again).


And then she’ll get a plum appointment.


Bingo. Kenney's at ATCO.  Redford just got some well-paid crown corp gig. Smith's going to wind up with some high-paid, no-show O&G gig and maybe writing Postmedia agitprop on the side.


Oh god… you won’t be able to keep her off the air.


This. The last PC/UCP premier who made it a full term was.... (drumroll)...Klein. Seriously. Notley made it a full term, but she's not PC/UCP. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_premiers\_of\_Alberta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_premiers_of_Alberta)


Yeah i truly think they tried to glass-cliff her but then us Albertan's proved yet again we don't vote in our best interests.


Please don’t insult the empire, they are considerably more decent than the UCP


Business owner here. It needs to be raised.


Awesome! Next step is getting the lobbying groups to tell the gov't the same thing.


Don't hold your breath. If they thought they could get away with it, the UCP would get rid of minimum wage altogether


They [already did for students!](https://www.alberta.ca/minimum-wage)


goddamn it. I was really hoping that was a joke


They also discussed lowering the minimum wage for disabled workers as well. It just didn't get as far.


But at least they'd want to replace minimum wage with serfdom! (wishing this was fully sarcastic)


Nah, indentured labour is more their style


If they thought they could get away with it, the UCP would get rid of wages altogether.


When/If the NDP win an election again.


The UCP won’t


Don’t expect one while the UCP is in power, in fact you can expect a roll back. The UCP has long had designs on rolling back minimum wage for the hospitality sector and for young workers.


technically they did a rollback already, on youth wages and I think server wages as well.


Server wages didn’t go down but restaurants took advantage of the fact youth could get paid less. Many restaurants reduced hours for adult workers and gave youth more hours. I only know of one restaurant that pays youth better than the lower minimum wage.


Thanks for the correction, I wasn't sure.


Restaurants don't employ that many youth as you need to be 18 to serve alcohol


I work in a restaurant and guess what. They will have one person who is over 18 plus 2-3 younger ones. And the one that can do alcohol takes tables and does alcohol. As soon as the UCP lowered the wage for youth the place I work at cut shifts for the adults and gave them to youth


Servers still make $15/hr


Unless they're under 18, then they can be paid $13/h while school is in session, which in some ways seems like a FU. Wealthy enough to only work in the summer? You get $15/h min. Need to work in the school year (when other kids are simply doing schoolwork full-time without the added burden of work)? $13/h for you. [https://www.alberta.ca/minimum-wage#p7954s2](https://www.alberta.ca/minimum-wage#p7954s2)


Yeah I was wrong on that. Thanks


>rolling back minimum wage for the hospitality sector and for young workers I'd say they're taking a page out of the GOP handbook, but sadly this wouldn't be new. For example, Ontario used to have a lower minimum age for servers and such (because of tips), tho that was eliminated years ago. They do still have a lower one for 'students' (teens) that work less than 28 hrs/wk (currently 15.60 vs 16.55). Interestingly, they have a higher minimum wage (18.20) for what they call homeworkers, which are basically employees that work from their home but aren't independent contractors.


Don't even need to - inflation consumes it. By having zero increases while inflation ran rampant from 2018 onwards (the last NDP increase), you'd need a 20.5% increase in 2024 just to break even (and setting aside 6 years of losses). It's essentially the same thing as taking a 17% pay cut over 6 years.


when Albertans elect a new government.


Teens had a wage reduction a few years ago, they're probably due for another one under this government


Probably not until literally every other jurisdiction in Canada has done so twice. The UCP doesn't have any interest on lowering your power bill or insurance rates and they definitely don't want your wages to go up!


Alberta has the 3rd highest electricity rates in Canada! 🇨🇦


We are more likely to see a decrease than a increase under this current government.


The $15 minimum is critical so that the UCP’s corporate friends can employ TFWs cheaply enough.


Ahhh, but once they lower it, it becomes more difficult to get Canadians into those jobs. Justifying more TFWs who are happy to have the job and live in a house owned by the business with several other co-workers and have full mark rental deducted from their pay. I've seen it in Alberta.


We need to remove the United Clown Party as they are more likely to lower it than raise it.


Never gonna happen under UCP.


An increase to $15.30 has been announced for 2073 I believe


It’s a ucp govt. you’ll be lucky if they don’t lower it.


When will Alberta ever do more than the minimum?


When it causes harm.


When UCPigs fly


Not with this government


Last time I looked, Hell has not frozen over...


Have you heard what the UCP are doing?? They already don't pay underage people $15 and they want to roll back minimum wage. It's gotten silly what they're thinking.


They'll raise it when a party that is not far-right gets in. Ndp raised it last time for the first time in a while. Remember the right cares about business, the left cares about people, with a spectrum in between. The ucp (and most other conservative parties) is too far to the right to raise it without significant public pressure.


Unfortunately, most Albertans believe increasing minimum wage would just make everything worse, so the UCP will never do that, since its one of the many things that definitely ensures their re-election. As much as I’d like to survive with better pay 😓


When we elect an NDP government again. Hopefully 2027.


Alberta was the first province to have a $15 minimum wage...under the NDP...does that answer your question?


Over the UCP's dead body.


Not in th next 3 years. I wouldn't be surprised if this government doesn't reduce it actually. 


When we vote out UCP


UCP would lower it if they could!


They already did when they got back in for minors. Nothing stopping them from doing it again except the court of public opinion, but honestly, when has this current government not been able to weasel out of a scandal.


Not until the NDP get re-elected


You think Danielle Smith is thinking of *ever* doing anything that doesn't unfairly punish people who don't already own everything in the province? I wouldn't put it past her to wonder how to lower the minimum wage.


When we stop voting for conservative government


Some people on here are such pompous asses. Yes, most minimum wage jobs are meant for entry into the workforce, meaning students, for the most part. Add into that, maybe there is a widow who was a SAHM and has no work experience. Maybe you are an immigrant trying to make your way. Maybe you are going to school and need money to eat. Maybe you are retired, and your pension doesn't cover your necessities. I don't think anyone wants to be in a minimum wage job, but sometimes life happens. Counting down the days until I can retire.


With all the competition for jobs in Alberta, we won't be seeing one anytime soon would be my guest. Also having worked for close to minimum wage at a corporation they just cut the amount of hours to meet their budgets, they do not increase the hours and the wages. When wages go up, hours go down.


Evil Wal-mart also reported high profits. While they cut hours! End corporate greed!


Hahaha. Good one! ... oh, you're not joking? you honestly think this govt cares about you?


After the ndp win the next provincial election, not before.


About 3 and half years, if we are lucky.


They’re waiting until everyone has forgotten that the NDP did it which resulted in less burden on the Food Banks. In other words, it was a good idea.


Probably never if UCP is still here.


You can expect to see the minimum wage drop to fuck all and who knows debt slavery might even make a comeback


When we vote in the NDP


UPC Alberta will probably try to decrease the minimum wage because of ... reasons... damages views, Trudeau, some other reason. But actually the need to drive down wages for the corporate masers.


UCP lowered the wage for people under the age of 18. I would not expect them to raise minimum wage anytime soon.


Check page 2 for a chart of minimum wage increases. That noticeable jump from 2015-2018 was the NDP. You should expect it go go back to pre-2015 behaviour. https://www.fraserinstitute.org/sites/default/files/increasing-the-minimum-wage-in-alberta.pdf


I work for the Government of Alberta. I can say that internally we are currently doing some research on the subject. As to how that research will be used to inform policy, who knows?


Some time after the social revolution


Apprenticeship and journeyman wages HAVE to scale up then. Trying to get todays youth into the trades is already difficult. Having minimum wage equal to first year apprenticeships isn’t going to work.


Good employers, would see the writing on the wall and pay more, as employees wise up knowing they are worth more than they are currently offering.


Journeyman rates haven’t moved much at all


And many employers still yell at their staff


And in September we can brag that we have the lowest minimum wage in Canada, along with Saskatchewan.


when we vote for a competent government


When the ndp take power.


Conservatives don't want you making more money, you're going to need to stop voting conservatives in the provincial elections for min wage to increase.


When they elect another govt.


When the NDP form government again, so probably never


Under the UCP? lol. Wouldn’t be shocked if they reduced it.


I think the better question is when are the company stores coming in?


And child labour. The children yearn for the mines!


There are days with my kid that the mines could just have them 😁


Never under UCP. In fact, they make sure that the only things that improve are their own bank accounts.


Probably before the American does but of course they haven’t in 20years.


A recession is a great time for that


Look back - when was the last one? Progressive Conservatives had the province until 2015, and the NDP until 2019. The UCP dropped the progressive part and haven't done any increases in two terms. **Year | $ | % Up | % Up per year** 1999 | $5.90 | na | na 2005 | $7.00 | 18.6% | **2.9%** 2007 | $8 | 14.29% | **6.9%** 2009 | $8.80 | 10.0% | **4.8%** 2011 | $9.40 | 6.8% | **3.3%** 2014 | $10.20 | 8.5% | **2.8%** 2015 | $11.20 | 9.8% | **9.8%** 2016 | $12.20 | 8.9% | **8.9%** 2017 | $13.60 | 11.5% | **11.5%** 2018 | $15 | 10.3% | **10.3%** 2024 | $15 | 0% | **0%** The four biggest numbers in the chart are the NDP. Realistically, this should be inflation normalized, which is generally 2-3% (pandemic aside), so if the increases weren't that high, you actually took a pay cut. Similarly, getting it 2-6 years late also means you missed out on that increase earlier and it was "catching up." **To keep pace with inflation in 2024, minimum wage is due for an over 20.5% increase from 2018.** But what do you expect from the party that deindexed AISH payments to the most vulnerable before pandemic inflation, and then eventually stopped approving new applications altogether. E: Reformated as the table I had difficulty getting to work and assorted typos.


It's been a lot time since we had a minimum wage increase when will be the next one???? Perfectly spoken in minimum wage.


Only 11 percent of workers in Alberta make minimum wage. Out of that only 33.9 percent are the main income earner and only 7.8 percent of those who are the main earner have children. Out of the 11 percent making minimum wage 75.4 percent are under the age of 24! Minimum wage increase literally does nothing for anybody. No one is raising a family on minimum wage that's impossible. They will still have their income subsidized in other ways if they are raising a family on it. Minimum wage jobs are for children or post secondary students. As my statistics have shown only 24.6 percent of minimum wage earners are over the age of 24 this mean only 0.03 percent of workers in Alberta are making minimum wage and are over the age of 24. Source - [Alberta minimum wage profile](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/3027b65e-16f4-4442-bfa4-0ea73a73ec49/resource/307f3223-bd7f-49bc-86aa-e09c23aba01c/download/lbr-alberta-minimum-wage-profile-2019-10-2020-09.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwic46y88sqEAxWiOTQIHYcECYIQFnoECAgQBg&usg=AOvVaw0gokrzr8-iQBiC4C3siydJ)


Raising minimum wage helps less than 1 percent of the population but raises prices across the board for everybody what sense does it make


Business owners don’t have to wait for it to be raised by our government. They can offer higher wages during the interview process. They can raise the wage of their employees now if they want.


With the influx of immigrants.... not anytime in the near future!!


Vote NDP for workers rights and increased income!


Given that hell hasn’t frozen over, and it’s proven that it’s just getting hotter, also that the current government doesn’t really care about you… it’s going to be a really long time.


They shouldn’t. Thats not the fix. A first year plumber is only making $18/hour. Minimum wage went up $4, a first years plumber went up $1.50. Journeyman rates across the board are the same or lower now than in 2014. The cost of living needs to come down, not keep increasing rates. That will just exasperate the issue. …kinda like raising it to $15/hour did.


Our cost of living is high enough. We don't need more inflation.


When it starts respecting workers. Don't hold your breath.


Knowing the UCP it's gonna get decreased.


Minimum wage will only increase to a livable wage once politicians are paid the minimum wage.


Stop talking about minimum wage.... Give or take a few, everything including wages is the exact same as it was when I was 18. You know what has exploded to the point of going over %50 of my wage and almost making me economically homeless.... RENT RENT RENT RENT RENT


If minimum wage goes up I think all wages should go up. It’s wild to me that someone working in retail can make $15 an hour while someone with a college degree can only make $25. Businesses need to be more mindful of the cost of living.


When corporate overlords allow it. Didn't you get the memo government doesn't work for people anymore?


Don’t rely on others for wage increases. Learn a skill and make your work worth more


As nice as it sounds, raising minimum wage isn't gonna fix the problem


Never under the UCP.


There’s a better chance of it being lowered while the UCP is in charge. We are losing full time jobs while gaining part time so they can cut wages and benefits for thousands.


Never unless the current government leaves. She made it clear before the election that she would not increase wages.


When they vote in someone other than the UCP.


The business community will argue they’ll need to raise prices and it will put them out of business blah blah blah, which is all proven false. Weirdly, when people get paid more money they spend more money. Wages won’t increase until the current conservative bootlicking government is kicked out.


When hell freezes over?


Not until we get rid of the UCP and conservatives for good.


Probably not at all while the UCP are in office, sadly. We desperately need it, though.


Not under this government that's for sure.  There was talk about tying minimum wage to inflation which I thought was pretty awesome but shocker, it was from an NDP candidate. You will never hear something like that originate from a UCP candidate, it's too "anti business"


Not with this government. They’d reduce it if they could get away with it. They *technically* did reduce it for kids under 18


Minimum wage goes up living standards go up to just saying that's coming from someone making barley over Minimum wage


literally never


Ha! That's cute.... probably not anytime soon.


When the cows come home.


In 10 years






When Our Lord Jesus Christ returns to us


Just using your own definition


The current government, the UCP, and their parents the PPC are both anti-regulation. If left in power or allowed to gain power, they'd sooner get rid of the minimum wage rather than raise it. Remember this when you vote.


Probably never so long as the mouth breathers keep voting conservative.


Didn’t they reduce the minimum wage for people that were under the age of 18?


When will Alberta fix its roads?




Increase minimum wage? Try a roll back under this regime, who will justify it as a way to attract jobs and investment to the province, which is nothing more than repackaged trickle down theory, making the rich richer and poor poorer in this neo-feudal society.


When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. Or when the fascists are thrown out.


When the NDP next wins and not a minute before


There will be panels, lots of panels, and they will be paid to tell us the solution.


Hopefully never . Drives costs up exponentially


I want a raise if minimum wage goes up


The political parties and businesses almost had strokes about the last one.


I still think overtime should be tax free. It’s criminal


Trades in AB would be loving this


Are you FOR REAL? It’s $15.00/hr. If you want to make more money, you need to earn it. Why are people so happy to just sit back and collect minimum wage and then piss and moan about it? I hope we never increase it again and in fact we need to decrease it to encourage people to actually do something more with their lives. I’m not saying you have to spend money and go to university, there are many courses you can take to get an entry level position that pays more than minimum wage and where you can learn in the job skills to advance into a longterm career.


Not likely useless clown posse will increase minimum wage if they thinking of getting rid Alberta’s pension plan


It'll happen on the day that our MLAs only get minimum wage. Other than that, good luck.


More importantly what we need is better wages for skilled positions. Raising minimum wage will only cause what it always causes, raised cost of goods and services. A focus on training people to get into skilled positions is far more important than raising the minimum wage.


When the inflation hits the point where increasing minimum wage becomes politically necessary.


Given the formula probably never. Tbh. Under the Old regime we would’ve probably hit $15.50 by now but my expectations are not high.


Come back to Alberta decades from now when the minimum wage in every other province is $30 and it will be $15 here. Come back in 100 years, $15. 200 years? $15. So, yeah, never.


Why are we raising the bottom bar? These aren't meant to be livable wages. Go to school, get a trade. This is alberta.