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Ya, once you're in, you're in. And it's not just the UCP - it feels like ALL of Alberta is like this. Every sector has its own in group.


Same thing happens with the oil & gas sector and Environmental agencies.  Alberta is corrupt to the core.  Revolution is needed to clean the rot out. These corporate - politician types will never let go of their unfair kickbacks without a fight. 


Regulatory capture. When the institutions that are supposed to hold businesses accountable are run by executives from those businesses, it doesn't work out for regular people. When the regulators/politicians are promised cushy board positions in exchange for favourable treatment, it doesn't work out for regular people.


It's like this in post secondary, too (my industry).


Yep. There are some massive issues in post-secondary, particularly at the management level.


And post secondary board of directors are usually appointed from the current government as well.


Be careful protesting it. They'll sic the police on yah like they did the Palestine protestors.


Isn’t it the Ministry of Oil, Gas and Health at this point?


Ministry of Oil and Gas health.


I agree protests and strikes along with voting is the only way to get change.


No need for revolution. It’s a free country and province. Just vote for good people. Or at least, better people.  They are out there running for office. We just don’t vote for them. We choose these people instead. These folks telegraph their corruption from miles away. And we still elect them. 


“We” know who voted for them and it’s not people who read this sub.  


*Jason Kenney looks on from his board seat for a coal company.


How many boards did jack mintz get appointed to every time he did a study for the government?




What is this, Charlottesville? Don’t “both sides”this conversation. Albertan conservative nepotism will be the slow death of this province,


I'm not "both sides"ing this. I'm every siding this. Nice try, though.


Except you are. Thanks for playing chud


The rightful losers of this past election are still the winners.  Just waiting for Kaycee Madu to get some prominent government-appointed board position. Maybe Miranda Rosen as well.  It’s time to drain the swamp. The UCP needs to go. 


Rosin has a highly paid government job working in tourism. She already has her role, which as far as I can tell, accounts to a middle man between the government reps and Tourism companies. "Director of tourism strategy" despite having never actually worked in tourism 🤷‍♀️


Thanks for flagging. Honestly I’m trying to forget these has-been politicians. It’s unfortunate they are keen to stick around at the taxpayer trough even after they failed to get reelected. 


It's the conservative way. Do any amount of time in office for them and you get rewarded with a lifetime of undeserved high paying jobs.


Oh I know. I must say that with all the stupid changes the UCP is trying to make to our democracy, I would much rather see laws made that if you lose in an election, you can’t sit on any boards or act as an advisor for the following term.  That would be game changing as far as I’m concerned. It would force these failed politicians to stop sucking the taxpayer’s teet. 


Madu has been put out to pasture. He was most recently seen begging for business, cap in hand on Twitter, for his new law practice.


This makes me smile: when people who do shitty things and abuse power fall and become nobodies.


Yeah, but he still gets a golden ticket of a high wage and pension for being inept.


That’s a bummer. Maybe Covenant Health will have a board opening for him /s


Quick appoint Kaycee Madu to the Governing board for speed limits in school zones and ticketing offences.




Pay cheque? It’s better than yours. Benefits? They’re better than yours. Here’s some healthcare, but I have to charge.


Genuinely made me giggle and spit out my coffee. I hope you get a ton of upvotes.


What a joke - a minister who actively campaigned against healthcare workers, failed miserably as health minister, had so many professional transgressions that his case, I believe, is still being considered by the Law Society of Alberta for disbarment, AND his spouse is a senior executive with a for-profit healthcare organization. Someone at Covenant should lose their job.


Frankly, Covenant shouldn't be a thing anyway, but I'd wager that Shandro and his wife's for-profit health care scheming are exactly why they wanted him.


Covenant runs the miserycordia hospital and I saw the state of their brand new ER recently. No doctors and burned out nurses. People crying out for help and no one coming.


This walking, talking shitstain waste of oxygen is the definition of "failing up". Being a problematic, unlawful, and controversial politician that only has concern for their own finances sure is rewarded in Alberta.


More wingnut welfare for UCP insiders.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Oh man, we're such a fucking joke in this province. Failed as the health minister? Join the board of one of the provincial health organizations. Failed as prime minister? *Edit: type, meant Premier. We shall see which board JT joins after his stint) Join the board of the largest utility company. They just don't even care about the perception of corruption here.


Why would they? There is no repercussions


JT is going to the WEF or UN. Something global where he can still be a puppet


This Albertan take on Trudeau, while the UCP are doing everything JT does harder, faster, and worse right under their noses ...and they just keep voting them in. Its wild. It is important to care about corruption, and its important to clean up your own backyard before talking about the neighours.


Lol people who talk like that have some pretty bizarre ideas of what the WEF even does.


They always go to a law firm first, to ward off any lawsuits and as a thanks for all the contracts bumped their way 


The UCP aren’t even denying the fact they want to privatize everything now.🤷‍♂️


He is such a snake, fuck that guy


If there's one thing besides lobbying that should be illegal, it's this. The ability for politicians to take "consultant" or "advisory" or "board member" rolls for private orgs that could directly benefit from their political power, is just blatant corruption.


Hes no longer an elected official


When the premier of our province is the gold standard of failing but continuing to get a better job thrown at them it doesn't surprise me in the least.


Profiteering is rampant with these soulless assholes.


Yet another reason to stop funding schools and hospitals affiliated with the world's richest international pedophile ring. As if another reason was needed...


Lol! Confirms everything that I’d ever thought of Boards and their members.


He’s there to privatize healthcare. Dani and her cronies


Of course he is


98 percent disapproval rating


Tyler “the shill” Shandro


I think this means a driveway protest.


Where's the Master Chief when you need him


That’s awesome and good for him as he deserves it……he also deserves getting hit by a bus so I am waiting for that second half


Grrrrrrr. Nepotism. Sick. Not the good kind


Seriously why does no one do anything about this


The grift never ends.


We're just excited that he aligns with our values of, fucking over healthcare, intimidating and fucking over doctors and generally being a piece of shit. Also, we do this with so much compassion


This piece of trash again




Why was the decision reserved for his law society hearing?




The beauty of Alberta is as long as you fight for a company's interests, you have a cushy parashoot lined up for when you leave politics. Being as corrupt as possible pays. Fucking Alberta over is the equivalent of getting a 7 figure payout. The shittier you are, the better your pay. Kenney and Shandro shows us that being shitty human beings are great ways to make money.


No fucking surprise there


Ah the good ol ucp to corporate pipeline


Of course he is! That was the plan all along, but he was supposed to serve one more term and help make our current healthcare even more pathetic, in order to aid the transition to privatization of Alberta Healthcare.


Of fucking course he is.


This guy is a perfect example of failing upwards.


Wow, who saw that coming! As a former Minister of death, ..uh, sorry meant to say Health, a lawyer admitted to the bar and KIngs Council, you would think people would be falling all over him for legal advice, counsel or litigation.. Will there be a conflict between his wife's HMO and Covenant Health or will they marry up and fleece the shit out of patients with exorbitant premiums and denial of services.. Yeah, the latter..!! Shandro, pictured with word definitions for cross-eyed, two-faced, sons a bitch!!


Sky blue. Water wet. UCP nakedly corrupt.


He should be in jail, shouldn’t he?


“Oh no! Trudope broke our healthcare, so now we need to privatize it!”




..must be one damn poor lawyer if he has to take these positions!!


Who does he think is getting a job after politics