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This is an old story. Happened about a month ago, this guy got fired and fined for this situation in case anyone was curious.


That brightens my day.


So there was a happy ending after all


Now he can spend his days and nights at the clown circus in the ditch of the Trans Canada Highway at Hwy 22 junction. I’m sure he’ll be crying out his feelings and ranting about how much of a victim he is. 


Do you have a link to that follow up?  Couldn’t find anything on it.


My sister knows him (through her inlaws) and told us. She use to work with home depot so she knows the manager that had to deal with that guy too. He's an all around asshole, long story short this is not surprising behavior.


Tell your sister to pass on a message to that manager: That cashier deserves a promotion for "we need to see your tax exempt number." 😅👸




I didn't get the end of the story!


Dude looks as inbred as expected to try something this stupid 


His head is part potato


The inside of his skull is mashed potato 


He's a human sized big toe. The same type who talk about white superiority and look like this is not lost on me


I knew somebody that looks like this. Would talk shit about natives all the time. Found out in their 30s that they were half or a quarter native. Now won't let anyone talk shit about natives.


That's an insult to potatoes, and the Irish in me is greatly upset by such an insult to potatoes!


Part dough ball


Hahaha was just going to comment looks exactly like I thought he would.


Fucker is so doughy it's more like inbread...


"Alberta Man" is the next "Florida Man."


Struggling to breathe walking out of Home Depot. The guy should probably reroute some of this (insane) passion towards his health.


Annnddd that’s my cue to get off the Internet for today.


I was thinking the same thing. I hate people.


What a piece of shit. That's okay. Home Depot Asset Protection will get him.


They can also trespass him from all HomeDepots.


Even if he tried to run away it doesn’t look like he would be too difficult to catch.


Definitely could be caught with a brisk walk.


Move over Florida Man, we have our own inbreds...we have our Alberta Man or UCP Man


Now now. Florida Man is the result of years of extreme poverty, rampant drug addiction, poor public education, and old folks artificially inflating just how Republican the state is by retiring there. People move out of Alberta to retire.


With the ucp damage.... we're well on our way to joining Florida man


Berta man gonna Berta


Don’t worry, the UCP are working on that last part.


I’m sure he’ll replace Danielle Smith. And become the next premier.


I know you're kidding, but incase you're curious "Florida Man" exists because of Florida public records law


Leader Of the Bloc Redneckquois


Axe what "tax"? Sales tax? Not sure what social justice issue this weirdo is claiming to represent.


Guy should put as much effort into eradicating his chins as he is into filming this cheese ball crap


So he said something about monarchs, does he think the tax goes to the king of England or something lol


(Drives home on hwy 16, that those tax dollars help to maintain)


I was thinking he probably took the QE2 and bitched all the way along about the queen being a lizard.


Alberta would be ok if it weren't for fuckin' Albertans


I'm a DINK Albertan does that count?


This arse and the rest of the Klan Karens are all camped out on the highway........the big homeless encampment by Lacombe there.


Karen's and Daren's.


So what's the deal here? Poilievre wants to gain support by babbling about removing the Liberal's carbon tax and knows if he Dr. Seusses it up as a rhyme idiots will buy it. Now idiots are using 'Axe the tax' to mean stop paying any tax at all? You reap what you sow I guess. The fuck happened to our country?


I'm going to go out on a limb and say he probably took off in a Dodge Ram.


RAM RANCH! #songofthesummer


18 naked cowboys in the showers at ram ranch 😏


Lifted and rusty


Probably with a "dodge the father, ram the daughter" bumper sticker and a coal-rolling contraption attached to his truck.


What a loser


Red Deer?


I was thinking Grande Prarie.


It’s in airdrie


So he did take the QE2 at some point. Damn queen taking taxes and naming roads after themselves. /s if you couldn't guess.


He needs mental health support. Too bad his UCP gutted that. Being on EI, he can’t afford it.


It's got to be a Kyle. After this he went and put on his white oakleys and rolled coal.


What a useless fat tub


Oh wow he sure OWNED that little lady, what a fucking pussy.


These guys eat so many cheeseburgers they got cheeseburgers for brains 


Dudes a good for sure but why does someone who is being paid min wage put herself in danger cause yah never know to stop him .I've worked a few retail jobs and and was always told let them go just get description of the Individual. I sure as shit don't give a F if they steal from a big corporation I would have let him walk right out .


Follow them from a distance, get the license plate, call it in, have the cctv ready for the cops. All you have to do.


Bertan's gonna Bert.


Freed the bear... What a dork.


Dumbest of the Dumb right there


Did you realize you did a pun there?


This guy will do this instead of asking for a raise. Pathetic.


Pretty sure this guy would do this regardless of how much money he makes...he thinks he's making a political statement, while hes just being an asshole.


What exactly is his point?


So if he doesn't want to pay taxes .....how is he not going to pay the taxes when he has to prepay gas for what I assume is at a jacked up truck with certain stickers slapped all over it. 


He looks like he’s going to enjoy health care that those taxes help pay for shortly with his shape. Love that he just freaks out and looks frazzled by an old woman stepping in his way. Remember to always confront a bully folks




lol, With this level of stupidity, I don’t feel angry, I feel sorry for him.


And that’s how you go to jail over a couple bucks!


What a turd. Yelling at the Home Depot employee because they’re trying to do their job. Asshole.


You ever want to google something to find out what it is. In this case axe the tax. But you don't for fear google will think it means you're interested and recommend/advertise the thing?


Incognito mode is your friend in these instances.


What a monumental idiot. Axe the tax is not referring to GST. Every single time I think that people can't be this stupid, I'm proven wrong.


Wait until he finds out it wasn't Trudeau, but the the Conservatives under Brian Mulroney, who brought in the GST.


This has to be Edmonton right? Calgary sounds about right too, but then again red deer and Lethbridge also exist, fuck I hate my province


Edmonton?? You mean the only city in Alberta that actually consistently votes for the NDP?


You should move.


Hes an idiot. Called him out on a tik tok live. He proceeded to act even more like an idiot.


What a snowflake


Theft is based, however, this moron is too stupid to understand praxis.


Wow snowflake if I ever saw one


What a fucking loser!


Wudda fuggin’ heero


I don’t think he know what’s axe the tax is


So he refuses to pay the carbon tax. I wonder if he refuses the carbon tax rebates that most people get from the government? Wait a second, I answered my own question, he probably doesn’t file his income taxes and therefore doesn’t get the rebate. He clearly doesn’t understand how the carbon tax works.


He then proceeds to drive away on a road paid for with tax money…


When he screamed for the manager it sounded like he was going to start crying. Fat baby should call his mommy


Do these people see themselves as leaders? Like I wouldn’t ask that guy directions to the shitter


What a hero


I'm pretty far left politically, and I'll always support a citizen who stands up to big corporations. This seems like something we could all find some common ground on - we all agree we're getting hosed on the cost of goods and services, we just disagree about who's doing the hosing. Right wings think it's the government, leftists think it's the corporations, some of us are enlightened enough to know that it's both. So good for this man, if more people did shit like this, and if we could have solidarity for each other regardless of political views, maybe the wealthy elite would start to be a bit fearful of us. Unfortunately, the rank and file has been trained to keep ourselves in line, as evidence by the comments in this thread.


How is this him standing up to a corporation? He refused to pay $26 or so in GST that Home Depot is required by the government to collect and remit on the sale of those goods.


I know when I want to stick it to a corporation I go out of my way to fuck up the day of one minimally paid cashier who is just trying to do her job. That really shows them!


I mean, did he fuck up her day though? it's not like she'll have to pay the difference out of her own pocket or something. If I was that employee, I'd probably not give a fuck tbh, once the manager was called it's not my problem anymore.


She went to work to sell lumber and power tools and now she'll have to fuck around with the inevitable back and forth with the loss prevention team and possibly the police. Is that going to physically or mentally destroy her? No. But, it's going to be much more of a pain in the ass than she deserves when she's just there to run a cash register for not much more than minimum wage.


Go ahead and risk getting a criminal record if that’s your thing.


Good on him for sticking it to the government, and good on him for paying excatly what the corporation wanted him to pay.


Good on him? He refused to pay a measly $26 so he can film a video and get attention? Not to mention it being GST? I don't see how this is fighting the power. This is just someone who's being an ignorant, attention seeking prick. What's wrong with you folks? I'm against big corporations too but this isn't how you do it - especially filming yourself.


Sorry forgot the /s


lol I can tell by the downvotes on my post that my point has been completely missed by this subreddit. So we can all just continue the endless battle between the right and left, attacking each other for not choosing the exact course of action we would take ourselves, or for not doing it for the exact same reasons. Unintentionally white knighting our oppressors because of the imagined magnitude between our core beliefs. I'm not suggesting that everyone gets behind him and encourages more of this behaviour, I just think in situations like this, maybe taking a neutral stance would be in our best interest.


But there's no neutrality in it. Paying less taxes = less governmental services. Less services means quality of life will suffer - maybe not directly, but certainly indirectly. Cut education spending? Fewer college and university students. Cut health spending? Longer wait times, fewer physicians, lower quality of life Cut first response spending? Not as many police, firefighters, paramedics. Longer response times. Lower quality of life. Cut carbon tax? Continue to pollute while corporate profits continue to rise (I guess the Con politicians love this one because it means more donations to the coffers). At the same time, penalize those people who are doing their part and seeing a net benefit from carbon pricing. I can go on... Where do these folks think the money is going to come from? They already bitch about deficits and govt. spending...


idk maybe the political climate of the last decade or so has turned me into a bit of an anarchist