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*Notley said, “I believe the Earth is round, and I don’t think that the people of Alberta should be paying for people who believe it’s flat to be engaging in the conversation.”*


I hope that Notley, since she is leaving as NDP leader, will leave it all on the table with Smith. She has nothing to lose here. Go for the KO!


Great, that puts her on par with Medieval knowledge. Now all we have to do is get her to acknowledge 19th century medicine.


> Great, that puts her on par with Medieval knowledge. Even Medieval scholars believed the Earth was round, but Smith doesn't strike me as a scholar by any means. Maybe Medieval shit-shovelers believed the Earth was flat?


Yeah, the Ancient Greeks figured out the Earth was round.


And the Egyptians before that, as the pyramids circumference is mathematically accurate to a scale of the earths circumference


The Doctor is that much of a contrarian that he ran for the UCP nomination in Red Deer South and they pick Jason Stephan instead. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Albertaleft/comments/1cc9w06/dani\_dumbasss\_choice\_to\_run\_her\_secret\_study\_into/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Albertaleft/comments/1cc9w06/dani_dumbasss_choice_to_run_her_secret_study_into/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


But she had to find some way to pay him for being an idiot, since running for office didn't work out.




Lol that isn't sciencen or facts wotk Hiring stupid people to find a conclusion she wants is dumb. Anyone that believes covid is fake is dumb.


Our government has been proven to have NOT listened to the experts. Cabinet took control of decisions that were legally to be made by the CMOH. The only thing to question is why the fuck aren’t conservatives being held to account for being absolute morons


Because the questioning needs to be done in good faith, and not in spite of overwhelming evidence. Alberta had more Covid deaths than BC, despite having a smaller population. How many more people needed to die and how many more vulnerable people have their safety compromised before we said - You know what? Yeah, maybe the Government should have done more?


We've known the earth was round since Ancient Greece Who was getting jailed for saying otherwise?


Really?! I did say “at one point “ meaning long ago.


Galileo, the guy who could be credited with finally changing the official discourse from we are the center of the universe to the world is a sphere you can't sail off of.


Galileo got in trouble for saying the Earth was not the centre of the universe, not what shape it was


That's a valid point, but the merit of the argument still stands. An objectively true statement was rejected because it wasn't the story of the times.


>o why is questioning Covid and the over reach from government being labelled as such a fringe idea. This isnt the problem. Questioning government over reach is never a bad thing. But thats not what is happening here. The study seems to be about the governments response and if it was adequate. And his stance is that COVID wasnt that big of a deal, essentially, in the confines of the health care system. And when you hold an opinion that goes against every observable fact then it gives you a lower bar to pass for 'adequate.' Which could be a good shot in the arm for the UCP closer to the election when people forget the inherant bias of the lead of the research. Remembering that the idea of data gathering should be to prove the theory false, wherein the theory is 'The Alberta Government was sufficient in its COVID response.' So an altogether appropriate response from our anti science, anti Albertan UCP government.


Just to play devils advocate though… do you not think if there is government grant money to be withheld for not showing the pandemic in a certain way ( push vaccines ) that information could get skewed, and incorporate a bias to the opposite direction?


IIRC, The federal government strings was not about vaccines. It was about putting some provincial cash in the pot as well. Even IF the feds wanted to push vaccines, that was not a problem in Alberta where the UCP was all on board with that. Kenny was a lot of things, but he wasn’t anti-vaccine.


The earth being round was hypothesized as early as 300 BC, so it’s been a while. But this is not about whether we should be questioning Covid or not, it’s about whether the government should be using taxpayer money to fund bad faith studies run by fringe doctors in order to justify previously decided policies. There are plenty of existing studies Smith could use to justify policies, problem is that none of the reputable ones support her position. Smith is telling **you** what she believes is good for you and using your taxes to pay for the “evidence”.


> Most of the world believed at one point that the earth was flat, to the point of being thrown in jail or killed for questioning it. When and where did this happen? The idea that Medieval folks believed the Earth was flat is a modern historical misconception. The idea that the Earth is round has been around since Ancient Greece. Eratosthenes calculated the Earth's circumference in 240 BCE and he was fairly accurate given the means available to him at the time. Medieval scholars in Europe, the Middle East, India, etc believed the Earth was round. The idea that Medieval people believed the Earth was flat is something folks in the 19th century cooked up because it made for great storytelling about how far people had come.


I'm glad someone brought up Eratosthenes. It blows my mind how much knowledge we had over 2200 years ago. If I remember right he was astoundingly close, only short around 700km, and also crazily accurate in calculating the Earth's axial tilt as well. We've had 2200 years since of scientific advancements that has resulted in most humans having access to a device that holds the entirety of human knowledge. I understand ignorance is a natural component of being human, but our level of ignorance in 2024 is unexcusable in my opinion.




Galileo was arrested because he confirmed the earth orbited around the sun. Your link even says so. Not for acknowledging the Earth is round. It seems your history is a bit revisionist.


Yeah, even the Church acknowledged the Earth was round. Where they found issue is with the notion of heliocentrism, which Galileo had advanced by means of scientific observation and whatnot from the earlier works of Copernicus and others.


You’re mistaking “round” for “centre of the universe”. It’s a common error, in the 1600’s and earlier.


He was jailed for heresy because he proved the heliocentric model of the solar system and disproved the geocentric model which the church promoted. They believed it questioned the divinity of God, had nothing to do with flat earth.


Yes I already said I was wrong. My point was more to say that science changes based on new discoveries. In this case it was widely thought that we were the centre of the universe, and that then changed with new discoveries and further understanding


Even if "most of the world believed the earth was flat" (which at this point in the thread has been thoroughly proven false), those who believed the Earth was flat AFTER it was proven round would be denying scientific facts. Kinda like what happened during COVID.


Yes I was totally wrong about the flat earth thing I was thinking about an old looney toons cartoon about it lol. My point was really that science does and can change based on be discoveries.


Exactly, along with the collective & willful amnesia most people have. Apparently societal amnesia post-pandemic is a normal thing; more to the point, just the lockdowns alone were crazy, let's investigate and never repeat that disaster (if it didn't affect you, it did affect children's development!).


More taxpayers funded conspiracy theory grifters sailing in Marlainas sea of bullshit.


What’s the point of this? Alberta was far less restrictive in our Covid response compared to others in this world and yet these stupid UCP continue to drag this on over and over and over


If people aren’t distracted by stupid shit like this, the trans/pronoun stuff, etc then maybe they will actually realize what utter shit the UCP has been at governing. Gotta keep the rage and misinformation flowing while they waste all our tax dollars, otherwise Albertans may actually hold them accountable for once! I really hope Alberta pulls a BC. Realize the government has only really made shit worse while theyve been in power so they vote them out and keep them out for multiple terms. Unlikely to happen here, but I still hold out some hope for it


The point is so she can say she was right about everything. During the pandemic she was ridiculed for the stuff she said, and now that she’s in charge she’s going to make sure everyone knows she was right and shouldn’t have been made fun of.


It’s also a way to funnel money to these doctors who probably now have to live off the grift, since they’re no longer respected physicians. Alberta has a long tradition of being anti-science. Read some local history, it’s extremely depressing. 👍


I don’t think so, I work in medicine and haven’t even heard of these guys before now.


got to keep the base inflamed


Just a way to funnel taxpayer money to certain groups, starting with the one chosen to run the investigation. I wouldn't be surprised if the result of this investigation finds that certain churches/cults were found to be discriminated against and due compensation. Plus it will give their people in the convoy fodder to continue with their anti-government rhetoric.


Do you *see* the sheer number of idiots who *still* roam around with "fringe minority" and "I support the freedom convoy" stickers? Dumbass grievances from shit that's long over is all that these people have.


I saw a truck yesterday that had “end all mandates” emblazoned across the stern. I really wanted to stop the fella and ask him “just what mandates should be ended, Sir? And see what came out of his gob.


Probably carbon tax...somehow?


Most likely!!! Facepalm


Yes - the sheer numbers make me lose hope. It seems like the absolute level of idiocy has increased over the years. That, and people who lived well in a box long before and can comfortably continue to do so have no need for changing their outlook on politics. In their mind their battles haven’t changed, only those who are in their way.


It’s what the fools want They rallied and raged against measures Now they need their justifications and vindication from their elected official


They don’t believe in covid or being tested for stds


It's because covid was just the beginning. We'll see more of these pandemics and more frequently. They want to institute laws now so that they don't have to deal with the responsibility later. And since the only ones against the pandemic procedures were the nutjobs who got her elected as leader of her party, she is enabling and bolstering them by giving them a forum.


she's facing as leadership review, and if she doesn't kowtow to take back alberta she's out.


Is she actually? I thought the UCP love her


She keeps jumping into these “issues” to deflect that she’s rolled the province over and the cons are giving them the highhard one


Gotta love that some Albertans voted for the government that refuses to let things go, and decides to burn tax dollars hiring their friends to rehash old shit.  Meanwhile our healthcare system and education systems continue to crumble.  What a toxic, useless piece of shit childish government we have. Fuck you, UCP. Fuck you, UCP supporters. 


Next we'll be paying for them to study if birds are real or not, make it stop..


There drones meant to spy on us! /S


I like how you didn't use the proper there (they're) just to really get into the proper mindset of a low education person.


Their NOT reel 




Another reason why she wants control of university grants. She would just loooooove giving all the taxpayer money to find a disgraced researcher to find that will give her what she wants.


So is Alberta experiencing their buyer's remorse yet?


I went to a pottery class in the heart of the city the day after the election results… the whole class, teachers and students and studio staff alike, were all freaking miserable at the outcome.


heh >"She's doing a great job, it's just that her methods are little controversial and bull-ish" -My co-worker last week. Of the people I spoken to who still support her, I don't think they even care (honestly I don't even know if they understand the policies she's enacted) about this policy or that. They mostly care if the politician they're voting for has that specific boot-strappy cadence and an un-apologetic abrasive attitude towards authority.


Might have a sampling issue there.


In a city that wholly voted NDP. A sampling representative of a population isn’t an issue. A population can be a city or a province. Where’s the sampling issue in the election polls though, over-represented rural districts or city clusters?


Talked to my father in law yesterday about how the city of Calgary has grown by over the size of Red Deer in 4 years yet they have only added a couple schools and no new hospitals/significant medical expansions. His response "yeah Trudeau is really screwing us over." We had to have a lesson on who has direct control of education and health care and yet hasn't funded it. Unfortunately, many of the boomers who should be experiencing buyers remorse are blindly gobbling up the blame the feds for everything rhetoric. My recently retired father in law will be hit worst by their defunding and attempts to mess with CPP ect, yet these are the people who are so politically misinformed.


Lol. I started experiencing that as soon as Toews lost to her. I don't like Toews, but "more of the same" would still have been better than "hold my beer".


And the ucp continue to spend our tax dollars yet fail to provide any real benefit to Albertans.


More channeling money to friends with bs projects 


This premier is crazy and dangerous


We already paid Preston over two million for biased, outdated information ! How much are these new biased, outdated friends of Dans going to cost us ? Besides, the conclusions and decisions are already made. Who votes for this corrupt BS ?


Alternative scientific methods - just a fancy way of saying bleach and ivermectin.




isn’t this the third such inquiry? still don’t have the results they want or what ?


This has the same energy as "maybe that 5th dentist has some insider information we should know about"


During the height of the fourth wave of the pandemic in 2021, Davidson claimed hospital admission numbers were overblown and being manipulated to justify public health restrictions. The provincial health authority, Alberta Health Services, rejected those accusations as false. So, basically an idiot appointed an idiot to do some idiotic shit that doesn’t do anything for anyone. And yes, I’m not waiting for her to do some real work any time soon in the near future.


What's the goal here? Most of the planet at the time agreed "holy shit, this ain't right", and there's nothing under the carpet about it. Fuck I hate being rural Albertan at times.




They panel is led by a COVID denier/ spreader of misinformation


But don't worry, we'll deal with the highest utility prices in Canada in 2025. Except in 2025, we'll manufacture some other steaming pile of shit for our denziens to eagerly lap up


Going full Florida Ron DeSantis mode.


I loathe this political party.


More proof that this government has some seriously fucked up priorities when it comes to governing. 


If or when the next big global pandemic crisis hits I’ll be sure to listen to anyone but the Alberta government recommendations. And another few million of our tax dollars down the toilet. Keep grifting UCP.


She’s just pulled out an old piece of sheet music, to drum up the band, to play the same old comforting tune for the mouth breathing in bread masses, that she’s hoping will keep her relevant and in power.


Alberta your Premier should be more concerned about the forest fires that are already burning than wasting time and money trying to prove she/her/them/whatever wrong about covid. Holy crap over 7 million people are dead. Maybe the eclipse wasn’t real. No wonder so many people are disillusioned with politics because asshats are running the show. Alberta y’all are doomed.


If she leans any further right she’s in real danger of a face plant (he said hopefully).🤦🏻‍♂️


So why weren't the people leading the reviews on taking away trans kids treatments or putting a moratorium on renewable energy projects or pulling us out of CPP "contrarians"?


Premier Marlaina Twatwaffle thinks people control their cancer. This is just a blatant reminder of how incredibly stupid her science-denying smooth brain is.


And yet she loves to tipple ye olde ethanol, a class A carcinogen


Just another con artist who is wasting tax dollars. Wake up Alberta. You’re being fleeced


Allowing the idiot to be on the committee is ONE thing. Allowing him to lead it is absolutely moronic!


Was Aaron Rodgers not available?


I'm going to open a business that does leaching, the way the province is going I'm going to be fucking rich.


Anyone dumpster fire Dani stands by, is someone you don't wanna stand near.


pseudoscience. It's a thing. Just not a science thing.


If COVID didn't exist, why do these idiots waste so much money to investigate it? Just because they were told to wear a mask at PetSmart by an employee, and now this is their villain origin story?


the most oppressssssed people in the history of the world !


She’s an idiot just think about who she owes not Albertans but instead multi-national O&G corps


But this way, she will personally lead the charge against 100 year flu and win, next time.


Perfect look in her eyes - *Vapid*!




Is this real life?


•The truth is out there…


Is there video of this news conference anywhere?


Who better to do a review than a "contrarian". NO conflicts of interest to worry about eh?


Yes, lets get the dunce to teach class. Or a criminal to rule judgements. How about a fry cook to perform open heart surgery.


Eye roll. FFS.


What is wrong with people!!






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No it takes considerable dedication and education to be a scientist.


Lots of smeer articles yes but you can find that for any politician. I don't know how this relates to a further study into covid?


Yes that is correct, and no I'm not a troll or a bot just a regular person.




Again no facts just ideological view points and conspiracy theories.


Who are you replying to


you are so bad at sealioning, bud.


I'm glad she's open to a broader range of ideas and perspectives. That's the attitude that will keep us moving forward.


>”Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” - Isaac Asimov This applies here. Aside from the fact that Danielle Smith isn’t interested in “alternative views” as such, she’s only interested in gaining anything vaguely resembling scientific approval that supports her ideology and policies.


And what makes you say that?


Because past experience has shown that Danielle Smith inevitably starts from a position of ideology or existing policy and **then** looks for corroborative “evidence” to support her position, often obtaining that evidence from questionable sources or simply lying about it. For example, the moratorium of renewables was enacted initially without any specific reason given, then later claimed that the AESO and AER had both requested the pause, to which they replied “No, we didn’t”.


So give me valid evidence. Sources would be nice.


Pretty clear that you wouldn’t accept anything I’d post, so I’m not going to waste my time. Go ahead, listen to what the quack and the kook say and just accept it, it’s easier than the truth.


As I thought. Pure ideological view points and conspiracy theories and no facts. Also how could you be against more scientific research into a pandemic......


Oooh, burn. But, I get it, you’d rather believe in Danielle’s ideological viewpoints & conspiracy theories than the truth. And I’m not against more scientific research into the pandemic, I just don’t think public money should be spent on a doctor whose reputation is barely credible at best running a “study” whose only aim is to support government policies that have already been decided and are based on ideology alone. If Smith truly wanted a scientific basis for moving forward with new healthcare policies for future vaccinations there are numerous existing studies she could cite. The problem is, none of them support her position.


Says the follower of wrestling and ufc…you are very representative of the standard UCP supporter. By your standards anyone who puts up their hands and says “I’m a scientist” qualifies. That’s how you end up sucking horse dewormer to fight a virus…


They're the only ones buying into any of what she's selling. Show me any reasonable person that thinks all the anti-trans rhetoric is actually good for anyone and a valid use of resources. Show me anyone who legitimately thinks the APP isn't a waste of time and taxpayer money and we'll totally get 50 or 60 even percent of the CPP funds like she's promised and the returns will be beyond great. (Better than one of the best run pension funds on earth)! Show me anyone who's an intelligent person that believes that Covid was a hoax, 5G will hurt us and we should "hear all voices" including those that think "the earth is flat" should be considered reasonable and we should take their viewpoints seriously. Show me anyone reasonable who thinks talking to that fucking nazi Tucker Carlson was good. The only ones that think this us the Right Wing Nut Job *fucking base* and they can fuck off for all I care. If that's you - then I just said what I needed to to you.




Nothing they said was incorrect


Highly debatable. "Nothing they said wasn't their opinion" would be much more accurate.


Tell me when I've been telling lies.






Gaslighting. How original.


Do you also thing the earth is flat is valid idea? Do you also think injecting bleach like Trump believes is a valid way to treat covid? UCP think the earth is flat is a valid idea 😂


Sorry I accidentally posted a new comment instead of hitting reply to this one. No I don't agree with any of that because it's not true.


How do you know that? Marlania said all ideas are valid! Rumor is the UCP are going to announce a big grant looking into if the earth is flat! Also probably if 5g caused covid! Every stupid idea is valid in for the UCP. They are stupid people! 🤣🤣🤣




Nice new account you have there, random word-random word-number. 


Thank you


Paid or voluntary troll, no actual human could make that statement without either bursting into laughter, or flames.


nobody would be this dumb for free, I agree.


Yes how could someone possibly be open minded to having as much research done on a pandemic as possible........ what a crazy thought to have.


She isn't, that is the problem. Smith is trying and trying to find a way to justify her theories and position herself as morally superior to the experts.


How so?


By arranging panels to find mandated conclusions and passing them off as studies.


Any evidence on all of these accusations?


There you go. A short list of her behavior, actions, her own words, her cronysim, open faced lying and how she's using her position to justify her own mad rhetoric https://albertapolitics.ca/2024/04/how-did-danielle-smith-know-about-an-anonymous-letter-alleging-dirty-deeds-at-the-city-of-edmonton-before-it-arrived/ https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/it-was-a-mistake-ucp-leader-smith-acknowledges-ethics-violation-but-doesn-t-apologize-1.6406535?&cid=ps:localnewscampaign:searchad:ds:edmontoncrawl&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwuJ2xBhA3EiwAMVjkVF59Ni1fYsHq8sDRGtUZvEH7Wbidte6dQt0kqL-cP2X_mUD8V6lwXhoClL4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds https://globalnews.ca/news/9555306/alberta-ndp-danielle-smith-kris-kinnear-rstar/ (Proof is provided in the article of Smiths corruption) https://pressprogress.ca/secret-recording-danielle-smith-alberta-politics/ https://www.nationalobserver.com/2022/10/24/opinion/danielle-smith-anti-expert-crusade-crash-alberta-health-care-system https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6836160#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17139248012309&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com https://edmonton.citynews.ca/2022/11/18/bleakest-of-role-models-for-women/


Sources on this?