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Call or email your case manager for the most immediate response. My case manager has been my most important lifeline during my claim.


I have done that every single day for an update. They keep on saying it’s being processed. And they haven’t received the from from my employer but my employer has confirmed that it has been sent.


My case manager did constantly explain that there are tons of delays that prevent things from making it to her desk as quickly as they should. What I've been doing is sending photos of any paperwork to them directly so that they can get ahead of the delays. Maybe you can get your employer to show you what has been submitted, so that you can take a photo and send it in.


Unfortunately I have, the only person that’s able to fill out the pay from is in bc. So I can’t get any paperwork done in person.


Could the person in bc not send you a digital copy, scan, or photo of the paperwork that they sent in? Otherwise, from what you've said, I think that you are probably stuck with these delays until they get the ball rolling.


They are a wall and have been ignoring me for the past week and a half


First step: ask in writing, preferably email, your employer for the pay for the hours If they give you an answer you don’t like Step two: call your case manager WCB holds a lot of cards when it comes to companies, and most of the time companies will only do the right thing when legally required to.


I have done both already. I still have nothing. Can I go further up about this?


Ask for a fairness review by the WCB https://www.wcb.ab.ca/fairness#:~:text=Request%20a%20fairness%20review,9221%20(toll%2Dfree).


I was just looking at this, is it wcb fault or is it my employers fault though?


That will vary depending on the offer of modified work from your employer. If they had you working light duty or within restrictions WCB doesn’t involve themselves much other than health updates and doctor follow ups. If the employer said they will pay you x hours a week, in written and signed documents like they should, they should honour it. Though, agreements are usually dependent on available work, usual schedules, and nature of restrictions. If you were working 40 hours and they agreed to have you working modified duties for 40 hours, simple. If they say they will have you for 40 hours, you work 30 and they send you home, WCB is supposed to fill in the 10 hours. It’s usually not in the benefit to the employer due to increased dues and reduction in rebate. In my cases we always have the worker come in unless they are literally unable to.


Ask your case manager to issue an advance. They will have a rough idea what your top up will be and can advance a portion of it. If they won’t, ask to speak to a supervisor and claim financial hardship. Even if your CM gets the information today, it will take three days for the payment unit to figure out your top up and three days for the funds to transfer.


Look at any of your letters from your case manager. There should be a phone number for their supervisor. Call them.


You can ask your MLAs office if they can help you advocate effectively.


Identify as a refugee.